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Fantasy Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural *CLOSED*

CelticSol said:
(Maybe, rather than having someone else take control of her characters, we just elect a current teacher to take over as headmaster. It might make it easier than trying to replicate her character's behaviors.)
((We have that figured out, I think we will right up a timeskip for about a month to reset things))
(We do want to elect a current teacher or Elijah to take over as headmaster. God Snake's idea is to kill off Elizabeth and add Elijah as the new headmaster. But we also want to hear Light's oppinion )
((Yeah, soul left. I think she was feeling a bit overwhelmed by the amount of things going on and couldn't keep up with it all))
(Light won't be on until later (like 4 EST), but it would be better to just wait for him.)
TheGodSnake said:
(what do you mean ignored? I acknowledged the handover in responsibility and will take it seriously)
(Will do)

Isaac bursts into his natural form, jumping back as the beasts fly towards him, barely dodging, "what's going on Bella!" He yells as he dodges another attack, heating himself hotter and taking to the sky,

((Wait, soul is leaving? ( :( )))
The Witch mana forms into a hydra and roars at Isaac. Just like that, Witch Isabella has lost to the mana. Again.
Iris woke up in his bed. The sheets were on the floor, as were his clothes. He carefully swivelled himself to the edge of the bed, where he sat up and sighed.

"Must have been a strange night," he murmured, pulling his trousers, shirt, tie and jumper on.

Coughing, he got to his feet and walked a couple of steps. Iris immediately fell back onto his bed, writhing in pain. The wound on his body seared, it was like it was being cut open all over again with a hot machete. Iris clenched his teeth together in silent agony.

Then the pain faded, as quickly as it came. It only lasted five, maybe ten seconds, but it felt like half an hour.

Wheezing, Iris got up again, grabbing his cane, and hobbling out of the room, bookbag looped over his shoulder. It was crafted of a mahogany-coloured velour, embroidered with ornate golden patterns. His classwork utensils were packed in it, and a bottle of coke protruded out of the front pocket.

It was a chore going down the stairs. It always was. Iris' wound ached, but he made it down the stairs after about five minutes.

Iris walked down the busy corridor, grunting and 'ow'ing whenever someone bumped into him. Just as he was turning a corner, a particularly fast student he didn't know crashed into him, knocking him down onto the ground. He slammed his cane on the floor as he landed, and the air shimmered black as waves flowed through it, throwing everyone in the immediate vicinity away from him.

Iris got up, the only one who did, glanced at all the shocked/angered faces staring back at him. He brushed the dust off of his jumper, and slowly walked on.

Iris came to the corridor where his next class was, when he suddenly felt cold. Very cold. Looking around, he saw a young man with striking, icy blue eyes. As Iris walked closer to him, he felt colder and colder, and subsequently more and more irritated. Eventually he went up to the guy and asked, "Excuse me, sir, but you seem to be the source of an uncomfortably low-temperature area. Care to explain why you are slowly rendering my clothing inept?"
Light said:
The Witch mana forms into a hydra and roars at Isaac. Just like that, Witch Isabella has lost to the mana. Again.
"Oh shit!" Isaac yells as the Hydra forms, he focuses and becomes extremely hot, hot enough that the air around him becomes dry, and any moisture in the air disappears, "come attack me now!" He yells, "let's see how you like being roasted!"

ThatsAPaddling said:
Iris woke up in his bed. The sheets were on the floor, as were his clothes. He carefully swivelled himself to the edge of the bed, where he sat up and sighed.
"Must have been a strange night," he murmured, pulling his trousers, shirt, tie and jumper on.

Coughing, he got to his feet and walked a couple of steps. Iris immediately fell back onto his bed, writhing in pain. The wound on his body seared, it was like it was being cut open all over again with a hot machete. Iris clenched his teeth together in silent agony.

Then the pain faded, as quickly as it came. It only lasted five, maybe ten seconds, but it felt like half an hour.

Wheezing, Iris got up again, grabbing his cane, and hobbling out of the room, bookbag looped over his shoulder. It was crafted of a mahogany-coloured velour, embroidered with ornate golden patterns. His classwork utensils were packed in it, and a bottle of coke protruded out of the front pocket.

It was a chore going down the stairs. It always was. Iris' wound ached, but he made it down the stairs after about five minutes.

Iris walked down the busy corridor, grunting and 'ow'ing whenever someone bumped into him. Just as he was turning a corner, a particularly fast student he didn't know crashed into him, knocking him down onto the ground. He slammed his cane on the floor as he landed, and the air shimmered black as waves flowed through it, throwing everyone in the immediate vicinity away from him.

Iris got up, the only one who did, glanced at all the shocked/angered faces staring back at him. He brushed the dust off of his jumper, and slowly walked on.

Iris came to the corridor where his next class was, when he suddenly felt cold. Very cold. Looking around, he saw a young man with striking, icy blue eyes. As Iris walked closer to him, he felt colder and colder, and subsequently more and more irritated. Eventually he went up to the guy and asked, "Excuse me, sir, but you seem to be the source of an uncomfortably low-temperature area. Care to explain why you are slowly rendering my clothing inept?"
"Hm?" Nick said, not having noticed iris approach, "oh, sorry, it's kind of what I am," suddenly the room returned to a normal temperature. "There you go, hope that's better. I'm Nick by the way," he says before turning back to the piece he was creating, different shades of ice, put together, and the shape of a tree was becoming visible.
Krystal loudly groaned as she sat up in her comfortable bed. She turned to look at her pillows, debating if she should go to school or not. Ignoring her pillows' imaginary cries, she jumped out of bed and quickly showered.

She yawned as she looked in the mirror. She saw a black hoodie, brown hair tied into a ponytail with a black, floppy bow, and tired eyes looking back at her. Krystal walked into the kitchen as if she was a zombie and hungrily opened the fridge.

Her brown eyes wandered around until they spotted a raw steak. She shrugged when she sniffed the steak. "Good enough."

She gobbled down her breakfast in mere seconds and proceeded to carefully place her plate on top of the pile in the sink. She backed away slowly and as quietly as she could, knowing that even the slightest noise would make the mile-high pile topple down.

Once she was at a safe distance away, she ran out the door while grabbing her backpack on the way out, and closed the door behind her. Krystal thought out the pros and cons of turning into a wolf so, she could get to school faster but, eventually decided to walk. It wasn't a long walk but, it was enough to make her regret walking.

Krystal wandered around the halls, probably looking like a lost puppy. She had no idea where she was suppose to be or what to do. In fact, she didn't even know where the office was. "Excuse me," she timidly asked a nearby student but either they didn't hear her or they acted as if she wasn't there.

She sighed and walked around, hoping that someone would notice that she was new and help her.
TheGodSnake said:
"Oh shit!" Isaac yells as the Hydra forms, he focuses and becomes extremely hot, hot enough that the air around him becomes dry, and any moisture in the air disappears, "come attack me now!" He yells, "let's see how you like being roasted!"
"Hm?" Nick said, not having noticed iris approach, "oh, sorry, it's kind of what I am," suddenly the room returned to a normal temperature. "There you go, hope that's better. I'm Nick by the way," he says before turning back to the piece he was creating, different shades of ice, put together, and the shape of a tree was becoming visible.
Witch Isabella sways to the snake whispering orders into her ears. She walks off to Elizabeth's room as if she were ordered to.

The Hydra has one of its heads lunge at Isaac. This one breathes gusts of wind. ( Lol. ) Another lunges at him and sprays water. Another breathes fire thus making it a steamy area. The gust of wind blows the steam everywhere. With the water in the air, another hydra has electricity erupt from its head. Thus electrocuting everything around it.
Karin noticed the girl lost well like a well a puppy she was prepared to scoff and turn the other way but her sister would be mad at her for doing so. So she took the opportunity to speak to the other student at that time fixing her blouse and had before speaking in an annoyed voice "you look lost do you need assistance" she sounded like an angry flight attendant that hates her job. At the same time she moved her book to her bookbag around her shoulder.
Light said:
Witch Isabella sways to the snake whispering orders into her ears. She walks off to Elizabeth's room as if she were ordered to.
The Hydra has one of its heads lunge at Isaac. This one breathes gusts of wind. ( Lol. ) Another lunges at him and sprays water. Another breathes fire thus making it a steamy area. The gust of wind blows the steam everywhere. With the water in the air, another hydra has electricity erupt from its head. Thus electrocuting everything around it.
(( xD he's ethereal in his natural form, electricity won't affect him))

The steam around Isaac quickly disappears and he dodges the heads and goes for the body, the heat making the skin and scales of the hydra crack with dryness as he rushes past.
Krystal looked at the girl and slowly nodded, "Sure, if you don't mind but it appears that you do mind."

She was hoping for someone that was nice to help her but if that girl was what she gets then she'll accept it with a smile. So, she forced a smile onto her face.

She wanted to make a good first impression but now she wasn't so sure that would be possible.

But, it wouldn't hurt to try, she thought to herself.
TheGodSnake said:
(( xD he's ethereal in his natural form, electricity won't affect him))
The steam around Isaac quickly disappears and he dodges the heads and goes for the body, the heat making the skin and scales of the hydra crack with dryness as he rushes past.
Thr hydra turns its body into witch mana and it starts to eat and tug on his mana.
Light said:
Thr hydra turns its body into witch mana and it starts to eat and tug on his mana.
"Fuck fuck fuck," Isaac exclaims as his mama starts to slowly drain and he tries to get away, "just hold it together and get to a safe place," he tales himself as he starts to run.
"you were quite late knowing we are half way into the semester well you wont miss the dance if that's your thing" she brushed the hair back behind her shoulder as she inspected the student. "eh seems fair game" she said to herself before escorting the girl to the office that was pretty far from their location currently. (ahhhhhhhh the lag)
Aroura said:
"you were quite late knowing we are half way into the semester well you wont miss the dance if that's your thing" she brushed the hair back behind her shoulder as she inspected the student. "eh seems fair game" she said to herself before escorting the girl to the office that was pretty far from their location currently. (ahhhhhhhh the lag)
((No, it's pretty close to the beginning of the year, it's evening in universe, they are still in the first few days.))
Krystal shrugged as she followed the girl. "I'm not a big fan of dancing so, I doubt that I would go."

Krystal realized that she has yet to say her name or anything to introduce herself. "By the way, name's Krystal."

Satisfied with that, she looked at her surroundings, trying to make a mental map of the school so she wouldn't get lost again but there is no such luck for her.
TheGodSnake said:
((No, it's pretty close to the beginning of the year, it's evening in universe, they are still in the first few days.))
(changing that with my lag would be physically painful but yah that)

"I'm Karin" she said bluntly as she turned to the girl with and plain expression "but don't try to remember it I wont most likely talk to you" she said with a frown as she turned back to going the office. She then proceeded to talk to remove the awkward silence between them "what brings you to the school? Not that I care anyway" she waited for her to speak or not talk at all either one would been fine. @OriginalCookie
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"What brings me to school? I dunno what do you think," she said as she rolled her eyes. "Don't answer. I sort of promised slash was forced to but I rather be outside hunting down some innocent rabbit."

Krystal was starting to like Karin even though Karin most likey disliked her but she didn't really care.

She found it quite ironic that both their names started with a "K" even though they were quite different.

Maybe we have something in common besides the letter "K", Krystal pondered.
TheGodSnake said:
"Fuck fuck fuck," Isaac exclaims as his mama starts to slowly drain and he tries to get away, "just hold it together and get to a safe place," he tales himself as he starts to run.
The hydra splits off into 15 wolves. They run after Isaac.

Witch Isabella makes it closer to Elizabeths room. The snake makes sure she holds the flames in her sight since thats what set her off in the first place.

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