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Fantasy Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural *CLOSED*

( Well people are different. Okay I accept your apology.)

"Okay times up I'm taking you back where you came from and you're going with her Julie." Itami touched both of their shoulders and they appeared near the schools barrier. "This is goodbye for now girls but it looks like there are a lot of hunters around. I'll take care of that." He turns both of them to kittens. Isabel looking like a brown one with deep blue eyes and Julie a black one with icy blue eyes. He carries them both in one hand and holds his scythe in the other.

Itami walks up to the mass of hunters spinning his scythe. "Hello."
Erik finally arrived at his destination: Night Dale Academy. He walked through the gates and looked around. For some reason the school seemed very...normal. It was just the outer appearance though and besides, supernatural or not they were all just a bunch of teenagers at heart, so what did he expect? As he arrived at the front door he saw the announcement of the new rule enforcer. 'He can subdue any student , huh? I wonder about that...' thought to himself Erik. He entered the academy and walked through it until he found the office of the headmistress. 'Umm...Excuse me...may I enter?' he asked shyly, which was a little uncharacteristic.

@Soul OMU
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]Erik finally arrived at his destination: Night Dale Academy. He walked through the gates and looked around. For some reason the school seemed very...normal. It was just the outer appearance though and besides, supernatural or not they were all just a bunch of teenagers at heart, so what did he expect? As he arrived at the front door he saw the announcement of the new rule enforcer. 'He can subdue any student , huh? I wonder about that...' thought to himself Erik. He entered the academy and walked through it until he found the office of the headmistress. 'Umm...Excuse me...may I enter?' he asked shyly, which was a little uncharacteristic.
@Soul OMU

Elizabeth sipping her glass of wine before turning towards the door. "Come in.." she said while lacing her hands in front of her, looking at him as the doors open on their own, her blood red eyes watching him.
' I am sorry to bother you. I am a new student, Erik Schwarz. I would like to know which would be my room number. As I had no idea who to ask, I belived visiting the headmistress was the best decision' said Erik.

@Soul OMU
Itami left the area ablaze with death flame and dead hunters. Blood cleaned off his scythe he set the two kittens down at the front gates. "Well.... I'll be seeing you two again someday. Take care of each other." He kissed the two kittens goodbye and opened the gates for them to scurry inside. The kittens seemed sad to see him go but they knew it was for the best. After Itami disappeared back to the mountain to gaurd it the two kittens went off to find someone whom can turn them back. They ended up in Elizabeths room and started mewing to get her attention when Erik opened the door. They circled her legs.

( @Soul OMU )
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]' I am sorry to bother you. I am a new student, Erik Schwarz. I would like to know which would be my room number. As I have no idea who to ask, I belived visiting the headmistress would be the best decision' said Erik.
@Soul OMU

Elizabeth watching him. "Hm.. Well I would put you with one of other newest male students but... i think it would be best to keep him separate until he gets more accustom to his new ways. So you'll be on your own as well."

Elizabeth glances at the two kittens and raises a brow. "...What did you two get into to?" she said while crossing her arms, sipping from her glass, sitting at her desk with one leg drapped over the other.
Julie turns to Isabel and claws at her as if it were her fault. The two kittens start to go at it but it looked more pathetic in a cute way than fierce.

( @Soul OMU )
'Kittens? Shape-shifters?' asked himself Erik. But since the headmistress knew them and seemed to know them then...' Umm...Headmistress...are these 2 little cats perhaps...students like myself?' asked Erik. 'Nah, what the hell am I saying?' thought to himself Erik.

@Soul OMU / @Light
Elizabeth sighs and rubs her temples before slamming her hands on her desk. "Enough! Save your sibling squabble for later. And yes, they are students as well."
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Elizabeth sighs and rubs her temples before slamming her hands on her desk. "Enough! Save your sibling squabble for later. And yes, they are students as well."

The two cats stop and stare as if wanting something.
Elizabeth looks at them darkly before sighing and waving her hand to change them back. "Now get out of my office." She muttered as she handed Erik his dorm number.
'Thank you , headmistress . Sorry for bothering you' said Erik after he took the dorm number. The two cats became teenage girls . 'Hmm...maybe they really are shape-shifters...or maybe witches and a spell went wrong' thought to himself Erik. He then attempted to walked out of the office.

@Soul OMU / @Light
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Elizabeth looks at them darkly before sighing and waving her hand to change them back. "Now get out of my office." She muttered as she handed Erik his dorm number.

Julie and Isabel turn back to human and their cat ears ajust to the new height.

Julie stares t Elizabeth ignoring her comment. "You... why were you following us to the mountains. It was brief but I smelled you tailing us." Julie looks over at Erik sensing something from him.

Isabel nods her head. "Yeah, I kind of saw you too. You were just shorter and younger looking."
Light said:
Julie and Isabel turn back to human and their cat ears ajust to the new height.
Julie stares t Elizabeth ignoring her comment. "You... why were you following us to the mountains. It was brief but I smelled you tailing us." Julie looks over at Erik sensing something from him.

Isabel nods her head. "Yeah, I kind of saw you too. You were just shorter and younger looking."
Elizabeth raises a brow. "Excuse me? I have no idea what the hell your two are talking about. I don't leave this school or else it would be in ruins." She said while scowling at them.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Elizabeth raises a brow. "Excuse me? I have no idea what the hell your two are talking about. I don't leave this school or else it would be in ruins." She said while scowling at them.

Julie still looks at Erik. "Do you have a child then? If it wasn't you it was someone with your blood."

Isabel nods her head. "Yeah she did really look like you."
Erik didn't know what their chat was all about but he chose to hurry up. He closed the door and hurried to find his room.
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]Erik didn't know what their chat was all about but he chose to hurry up. He closed the door and hurried to find his room.

Julie finally takes her eyes off Erik since he left the room.
Elizabeth stiffens up and starts to growl, the dark energy and blue tendrils of time start to follow around her. "Get. Out. Now." She snarled while looking at the two of them darkly.
(sorry I got to go...it's night time here. Good night...umm well over there isn't night yet so...well have a nice day. I will continue tomorrow)
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Elizabeth stiffens up and starts to growl, the dark energy and blue tendrils of time start to follow around her. "Get. Out. Now." She snarled while looking at the two of them darkly.

Julie stared at Elizabeth as if trying to get a read on her. Isabel puts her hand on Julie's shoulder. "Lets go... we obviously brought this information to the wrong person. We possibly caught the wrong scent." Isabel leads Julie out the room. "We can request you stay here later."

After they leave Julie turns to Isabel. "What was that?! She's obviously hiding something we had her and you know we never get the wrong scent!" After she yelled she saw the look in Isabels eyes and shut up.
Elizabeth slowly calms down and slumps back in her chair, looking defeated and tired. "...impossible... She couldn't be..." She mumbled to herself, staring blankly at the floor.
"I can sense 4 dragons here... including you sister." Julie shakes her head. "What exactly is this school about?" She asks Isabel as they pass the school secretary.

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