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Fantasy Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural *CLOSED*

TheGodSnake said:
Isaac was actually a bit worried by her manner, "yeah, of course, what do you need?"
Nick walks forward and takes her hand again, this time more confident, "what about?"

"Because this only installs disrespect in the camps, at the moment, I'm trying to reduce bloodshed and scre them off, if they launch an attack, I will need you two to help me make it look like a wolf attack.
Haru blinks and looks at him. "Just wondering what you were doing standing knee deep in a koi pond and killing the koi..."

'Hmm...Very well' said Iskandar.

Axel appeared shortly afterwards ' Hello , Elijah and ...Zero. Sorry if I'm late, I had to deal with some not very wise students. Hah, kids these days. Anyway, did I miss anything important?' asked the man. He seemed really distant towards Iskandar for some reason.

'You know Mr.Tetsujin while both of us wonder why the hell the other is here and does what he does, I belive we should just let this argument die peacefully and continue our work' said Iskandar.

'I guess you're right. Ok, let's do that then' replied Axel.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Haru blinks and looks at him. "Just wondering what you were doing standing knee deep in a koi pond and killing the koi..."

"I had to regenerate my mana, otherwise I will die, it's harder for me than for my brother, and none of the Koi are dead, don't worry." Nick said, smiling lightly
TheGodSnake said:
"I had to regenerate my mana, otherwise I will die, it's harder for me than for my brother, and none of the Koi are dead, don't worry." Nick said, smiling lightly
Haru walks over to the frozen koi pond. "...you sure?" She said while walking with him.
TheGodSnake said:
Isaac was actually a bit worried by her manner, "yeah, of course, what do you need?"
Nick walks forward and takes her hand again, this time more confident, "what about?"

"Because this only installs disrespect in the camps, at the moment, I'm trying to reduce bloodshed and scre them off, if they launch an attack, I will need you two to help me make it look like a wolf attack.
"Well nothing much. Will you join my band?" She put her hands together. "Please?" She was literally trying her best to be a kind as she could. Her glowing red eyes seemed to pierce into his.
Avalon was walking through the school, thinking of the best place to put his notice. He decided to put it at the doors of the cafeteria as well as the doors of the academy. What was written on the papers was this:

**Attention to all students! There is a new discipline enforcer in the school. He is a primal elf know as Avalon Faervel. He will assure that everything and everyone in the academy will follow the rules and will subdue of even punish those who break the rules of Night Dale Academy.

Warning: do not attempt to attack the discipline enforcer, he was specially assigned to deal with each and every student and even with all students at once. Not only that but attacking the enforcer will result in expulsion.**

[QUOTE="Azure Sky]Avalon was walking through the school, thinking of the best place to put his notice. He decided to put it at the doors of the cafeteria as well as the doors of the academy. What was written on the papers was this:
**Attention to all students! There is a new discipline enforcer in the school. He is a primal elf know as Avalon Faervel. He will assure that everything and everyone in the academy will follow the rules and will subdue of even punish those who break the rules of Night Dale Academy.

Warning: do not attempt to attack the discipline enforcer, he was specially assigned to deal with each and every student and even with all students at once. Not only that but attacking the enforcer will result in expulsion.**

Grimm hears this and sends his voice to the school and made it sound like a teenager. Having it blast through the halls. "Boo you suck! The rules can suck it!"

( Gtg for a couple hours.)
Avalon was generally calm, so he wasn't really bothered. 'Yes rules do suck. In fact there is no rule that forbids you to freely express your oppinion as long as it isn't disrespectful. The fact that most rules really suck is a reality so I won't disagree' shouted the elf. He looked young, but he was way too old to fall for such provocations.

((I am so pissed right now, I had the CS for Kyle done and the. I went to get a picture of his wolf form, but hey! I guess my iPad had different plan, it reloaded the page, I have to start over, I will respond in a bit))
(*thinks out loud* must no correct the semantic error...must not...oh what the hell...just so you know , the word 'pissed' on it's own means 'extremely drunk', what you wanted to say was 'pissed off' which means 'extremely angry'...meh most people don't care even after you tell them about it, so maybe I shouldn't bother

xD )
Light said:
"Well nothing much. Will you join my band?" She put her hands together. "Please?" She was literally trying her best to be a kind as she could. Her glowing red eyes seemed to pierce into his.
"Sure, I guess so, it's been a while since I've played an instrument though," Isaac says tentatively

[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Haru walks over to the frozen koi pond. "...you sure?" She said while walking with him.

(There was just a small area that got Slusheed, most of the pond is stil normal, not frozen.)

"I hope I'm right, the fish haven't done anything wrong," Nick said tentatively.

[QUOTE="Azure Sky]@Soul OMU I finished my CS for Kyle page 19))

TheGodSnake said:
"Sure, I guess so, it's been a while since I've played an instrument though," Isaac says tentatively
(There was just a small area that got Slusheed, most of the pond is stil normal, not frozen.)

"I hope I'm right, the fish haven't done anything wrong," Nick said tentatively.

Elijah sighs, "okay, first of all, take these." He says, handing them each a fairly large disc, "this will allow us to keep in contact on our patrols, press the center and speak, the other two will be able to hear it. If you leave the barrier, you may silence the disc with the button on the side, next take these, he handed them each a bag filled with tiny chip-like items, put these on a tree wherever you see a camp, make sure it's on the side of the tree facing the camp, I'm going to set these up in the school, have fun, one of you go one way, the other in the opposite direction. Have fun!" He said cheerfully as he walked towards the school.

((@Soul OMU I finished my CS for Kyle page 19))
Haru looking. "They look fine..." She said softly while looking.

[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Haru looking. "They look fine..." She said softly while looking.

(Is he accepted?)

Nick sighed, "see, I don't kill fish,"
Nick smiled, he was starting to really like being around Haru, she was nice to him, and didn't freak out when he got dark earlier.

Kyle was losing it, everything was going wrong, all they knew was thirst and that they needed to keep going, there was an instinctual feeling that they had to make it to this place. Incredibly weak, Kyle managed to make it just through the gates before collapsing on the opposite side of them, on the ground in front of the school, he didn't know what to do now, he was thre but nothing was changing, he was still thirsty and weak and he was barely staying conscious.
Scheani said:
Following thinking that Mai actually knew the way, Cozme did so without hesitation. Though if she had she would have been swept away in the crowd yet again, having to push through the mounds of people that all seemed to be going the other way. Luckily she didn't so her direction was much clearer than frantically hunting for her friend.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Sebastian looks at him weakly before collapsing on his side.

Lucy blinks as she manages to barely hear him and blushes badly. "Y-you do?" She said softly, almost squeaking.

Mai brushed past people, including one guy dressed in clothes that made him look like he just came from the gym. This one particular guy stepped back a few steps, and crashing into the small girl who walked behind him. Mai let ot a loud shriek as she stumbled on his feet and fell face-down on the ground where she laid for a while, pitying herself.


Rin gave her a sort of shy smile as he met her eyes. "I really do." He began. "Lucy, there is no point denying it. I'm falling in love with you."
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'Fun...he says. Anyways I'll go right, you can go left' said Axel , then he ran at high speeds.

Iskandar nodded and went on the left side at a higher speed than Axel.

Both of them sighted one hunter camp each. They both put the chips on the side of the trees, like Elijah said. Axel even attempted to create microparticles of nickel to suffocate them, but he changed his mind.

As they went further they found a few more camps. They put the chips near trees close to the camps again , then they both ran at high speed and got out of the forest , on the academy campus.

Iskandar pressed the button of the disk and started talking: 'Elijah,do you copy? We both searched throughout the forest. I found 4 camps, while Axel found 5. We both but the chips on the trees facing the camps just as you said. Over' he said.

TheGodSnake said:
Nick smiled, he was starting to really like being around Haru, she was nice to him, and didn't freak out when he got dark earlier.
Kyle was losing it, everything was going wrong, all they knew was thirst and that they needed to keep going, there was an instinctual feeling that they had to make it to this place. Incredibly weak, Kyle managed to make it just through the gates before collapsing on the opposite side of them, on the ground in front of the school, he didn't know what to do now, he was thre but nothing was changing, he was still thirsty and weak and he was barely staying conscious.
Haru's ear twitches and she looks around. "...someone collapsed in the gates..." She said and started heading that way. "Come on." She said and made her way there.


Peachypants said:
Mai brushed past people, including one guy dressed in clothed that made him look like he just came from the gym. This one particular guy stepped back a few steps, and crashing into the small girl who walked behind him. Mai let ot a loud shriek as she stumbled on his feet and fell face-down on the ground where she laid for a while, pitying herself.

Rin gave her a sort of shy smile as he met her eyes. "I really do." He began. "Lucy, there is no point denying it. I'm falling in love with you."
Lucy blushes more while looking at him.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Haru's ear twitches and she looks around. "...someone collapsed in the gates..." She said and started heading that way. "Come on." She said and made her way there.

Nick followed her, "collapsing at the gates? That can't be good,"

As Haru approached, he could smell her blood, but the vampire was in more control so he couldn't do much to warn her, he would have to hide his time and energy to stop her from geting hurt by him.
TheGodSnake said:
Nick followed her, "collapsing at the gates? That can't be good,"
As Haru approached, he could smell her blood, but the vampire was in more control so he couldn't do much to warn her, he would have to hide his time and energy to stop her from geting hurt by him.
Haru stops a good distance away, her ears perk up. "....Nick you don't bleed do you?"
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Haru's ear twitches and she looks around. "...someone collapsed in the gates..." She said and started heading that way. "Come on." She said and made her way there.

Lucy blushes more while looking at him.

Rin blushed quite fiercely, somehow regretting what he said since he feared the lack of response. He whispered something that sounded an awful lot like 'I'm sorry' but since he spoke in a low tone, it was quite hard to hear what he said.
Peachypants said:
Rin blushed quite fiercely, somehow regretting what he said since he feared the lack of response. He whispered something that sounded an awful lot like 'I'm sorry' but since he spoke in a low tone, it was quite hard to hear what he said.
Lucy blushing as she kisses him.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Haru stops a good distance away, her ears perk up. "....Nick you don't bleed do you?"

"Like I showed you earlier, I don't have any blood whatsoever, why?" Nick said, stopping next to Haru
Haru looks at him. "You're going to have to see if he is okay... It's not a good idea for me to go any closer then this..."

TheGodSnake said:
"Like I showed you earlier, I don't have any blood whatsoever, why?" Nick said, stopping next to Haru
Peachypants said:
Mai brushed past people, including one guy dressed in clothes that made him look like he just came from the gym. This one particular guy stepped back a few steps, and crashing into the small girl who walked behind him. Mai let ot a loud shriek as she stumbled on his feet and fell face-down on the ground where she laid for a while, pitying herself.

Rin gave her a sort of shy smile as he met her eyes. "I really do." He began. "Lucy, there is no point denying it. I'm falling in love with you."
Cozme's arms flailed uselessly as she attempted to help her friend who had face-planted on the ground. "Are you okay?!" She screeched, her eyes all panic-y as she had not a clue of what to do.

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