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Fantasy Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural *CLOSED*

Piotr looks at a small hand held mirror, with a gold surrounding "I am devilishly good looking." He smiles, then something catches his eye, he clumsily gets distracted and drops the mirror, breaking it. "Oh no. Azula is gonna be pissed. I wonder if she'll think it was me. Probably, because Im me." He looks around, realizing the mess he made, "Oh man. She is not going to want to go out on the second date with me, let alone a first."
Samus said:
Paige got the message and she saw the writing. She grabbed her large pencil and wrote, 'how do you do that?'
Isaac smiled before turning just his hand into it's natural form, 'elemental' appeared on her desk.
TheGodSnake said:
Nick rubs his eye with one hand. "sorry, sorry," he says yawning before sitting up a bit more, "Are you okay?"
Elijah continues, "So correct me if I'm wrong, I am the reason you were booted. well, technically I, and you love of Men combined are the reason you were booted," He holds up a hand, "and before you Yell at me for assuming things, Let me tell you my logic. First I am booted for my crimes against Michael, then a year or two later, you get booted, only to find out you are Gay. Thats the first step towards my assumption, but here's whats next. We manage to both live at this school for a few years before seeing each other, soon after, we have a fight and then you're cutting your wrists. Now, you tell me its something you assume I would be disgusted about, which leads to me believing you are gay for me." he folds his hands together in front of him, "Am I wrong?"

Isaac motions for her to quiet down, before making letters of fire appear on her desk, 'I'm doing alright'
Haru nods. "I'm alright. And it's okay..." She said while rubbing her arm lightly and shivering a bit.


Angelo freezes, his hair shadowing his face. "Get out Elijah.... Just get the fuck out." He hissed, not looking at him,hands curled into tight fists, his nails cutting into his palms.
"Y-you can see me too?!" He exclaimed, eyes wide as saucers. Cordelia sighed, not really surprised Elizabeth could see him as she turned her head. "Sorry about that...He can be a little...impolite." She glared at him, making the boy look down guilty. Then she quickly made her way out the door.
DrCompton said:
Piotr looks at a small hand held mirror, with a gold surrounding "I am devilishly good looking." He smiles, then something catches his eye, he clumsily gets distracted and drops the mirror, breaking it. "Oh no. Azula is gonna be pissed. I wonder if she'll think it was me. Probably, because Im me." He looks around, realizing the mess he made, "Oh man. She is not going to want to go out on the second date with me, let alone a first."
Azula freezes, her ear twitches when she hears the mirror drop and quickly shoots out of the classroom and into the dungeon, growls darkly as she sees him on her horse before her eyes widen as they land on the mirror. "...non... Non..." She said as she quickly picked up the mirror. "..."
Paige wrote on the desk again, 'That is so cool! I can do this.' She drew an apple and the apple formed out of the desk. She picked it up and offered it to Isaac.
"Um." Piotr looks at her, "It wasn't me." He watches Azula carefully, "Okay that was a lie, it was me, but it was a different me, that me is gone, in the past! Im a new me, Right now. Well Right then, just then in fact. But Im most certainly not the me that broke your mirror because Im me now."
Dark Izzy watches Azula leave. "Oooohhh. Somebodies about to get the dragon rage."

Isabel starts fall asleep because she had a sleeping plants leaf stuck to her nose. Her cat ears slowly dropped and her head fell on Witch Isabella's shoulder.

Witch Isabella took notes.
DrCompton said:
"Um." Piotr looks at her, "It wasn't me." He watches Azula carefully, "Okay that was a lie, it was me, but it was a different me, that me is gone, in the past! Im a new me, Right now. Well Right then, just then in fact. But Im most certainly not the me that broke your mirror because Im me now."
Azula holding the mirror, ignoring him. "....Maman... Maman..." she said softly while shaking a bit, presses the handheld mirror against her head, tears running down her cheeks.
Sabrina gladly took her time exclaiming the school which she only got an small chance to due so but got lost in the process. In the time she got in being quiet her sister had come to her. "Rember the spying gems I set around the school" her sister let out a quick no but she cotinued "well I caught something" she led her sister to an off beat path where grimm stood "go invade his privacy like you normaly do to people." Sabrina jumped at the offer yelling the boy's name in excitement as she ran twords him.
Samus said:
Paige wrote on the desk again, 'That is so cool! I can do this.' She drew an apple and the apple formed out of the desk. She picked it up and offered it to Isaac.
Isaac shook his head, 'thats cool, but I dont need food.' appeared on her desk. As Bella fell asleep in front of him, he shook her shouler with a warm hand.
TheGodSnake said:
"looks like I'm not the one freaking out," Isaac says, standing his ground before thinking better of it, "I'll leave, if only to give you peace." he took the Jars and walked out of the Infirmary, seeing Axel there, "Well, looks like I'm free for a bit, what was it that you needed?"
@Azure Sky

Nick waved his hand and the dome disappeared, "sorry, needed some time alone, he wouldve hugged her to try and warm her up a bit, but knew it wouldnt help, he was cold.
Angelo goes into his office, starts stabbing himself over in over, angry at Elijah and himself, especially at himself for feeling this way, but keeps being healed by his angel half. "Damn it!" he cried and just slumped against the wall, sobbing.

Haru nods. "It's okay... I get..." she said softly while looking at him.
(@Soul OMU Does Cordelia have a roommate or anything? What schedule does she follow? Sorry for all the questions)
'Alright.' She wrote. Paige began to eat the apple. It was a green apple. She realized this and she dropped the apple and spit out what was in her mouth. "Ugh!" Paige exclaimed out loud.
DrCompton said:
Piotr watches her, "I... Im sorry Azula." He isn't sure what he can do.
Azula's eyes are dark as she snarls at him furiously, fire coming out of her mouth. "JUST GET OUT OF HERE! I HATE YOU! OF ALL THE THINGS YOU COULD HAVE BROKEN! IT HAD TO BE THIS ONE!!!!" she roared as she started to shift.


(She can be Tsubaki's roommate and she can follow Group A.)
Vallen didn't have to wait long before a wall of smoke erupted from the ground, and two figures stepped out. His older sister Valencia and younger sister Valentine stood before him and a feeling of dread rested at the bottom of his stomach. "What brings you by sisters?" Vallen trying to hide his nervousness.

"You're up to something big brother, and big sis is very upset about you leaving home" Valentine says sweetly "It broke her heart when we opened the library to find that you left us". Valencia stood silent merely staring at Vallen calmly.

"I'm not your plaything anymore" Vallen says trying to look more resolute than he felt "So please leave before I make you"

"Oh really now" Valencia says moving forward making vallen begin to step backwards but in a flash she's there his head in her hands and Vallen's body freezes up and he falls to his knees "You were never my plaything you know you were my weapon just like daddy made you to be"

Flashes off memories flow through Vallen's mind of his youth as a wild elemental and his training by his father; years of training inn magic and combat along with everything the great library hidden in the mountains could teach him. Other memories flowed to his fist crushing the throats of the other children as their lives faded away and Valencia standing over him whispering sweet nothings into his ear and The small Valentine learning by his brutal hand combat and weapons, and instilling in her the evil she carries to this day.

"Now what are you?" Valencia asks his head still in her hands.

"Your weapon" Vallen says meekly

"That's right" She says planting a kiss on his forehead "never forget that"
Ryuu turned to a clean page in the notepad and continued to write down notes.

Naoki's ears twitched as he listened, trying to keep from getting distracted with each sound that traveled to them.
Piotr watches her transform, but doesn't move, "I am sorry, I.. I never meant to cause you pain my sweet Dragoness. I wont bother you again." Piotr poofs to an isolated tower and sits, "Smooth again Piotr." He sits in the window and watches the school.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Angelo goes into his office, starts stabbing himself over in over, angry at Elijah and himself, especially at himself for feeling this way, but keeps being healed by his angel half. "Damn it!" he cried and just slumped against the wall, sobbing.
Haru nods. "It's okay... I get..." she said softly while looking at him.

Nick frowns, "Seriously, are you okay?" he says a bit worriedly, "I don't just mean physically,"
DrCompton said:
Piotr watches her transform, but doesn't move, "I am sorry, I.. I never meant to cause you pain my sweet Dragoness. I wont bother you again." Piotr poofs to an isolated tower and sits, "Smooth again Piotr." He sits in the window and watches the school.
Azula shaking before curling around her broken mirror, letting turns run down her cheeks, got the mirror from her mother before she was killed by some hunters.
Having walked what she deemed a far enough distance from the principal, Cordelia took a better look at the map. Matt stood at her side, looking up at her curiously. Inwardly, she cursed. Based on the map, the school was quite large and despite the fact that the room she would be staying in was circled in red pen, she couldn't make heads or tails of it. She had never been that good at directions.

"Lemme Try!" The boy said, grabbing the map out of her hands. Then he started running down the hallway, giggling.

"Hey! Matt!" She cried, chasing after him. To anyone else in the hallway, it looked like she was merely running after what appeared to be a map floating in the air. "Wait! Give that back!"
After Vallen tells his sisters his plan they each entwine an arm with one of his, and in a puff of smoke they appear on the main campus of the academy. "Now Vallen darling you have to show us around this delightful school" Valencia says smirking "And show us to your new friends especially this autumn of yours, maybe I'll let you have her after were done here". Vallen frowns for a moment before Valentine says "I'm so happy to see you big brother; can we cut something up like old times can we? can we?" the small girl jumps up and down excited as she sings "Big sis's favorite weapons we are and I wouldn't wish for anything else. Vallen remained silent uttering a silent prayer to the rest of the school "I'm sorry"

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