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Fantasy Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural *CLOSED*

After Isabel dropped Ren off in the dorm she met with Witch Isabella and Dark Izzy at Sebastians class. All three of them sat next to each other. Witch Isabella actually really interested.

Dark Izzy slightly pays attention and Isabel just keeps poking Dark Izzy's cheek.
Peachypants said:
"Moron.." Mai sighed and raised a brow towards Cozme. "Now, hurry. I want my food." She said and pulled the girls arm as some kind of aid to help her up on her feet. After that she grabbed some food, two slices of pizza to be exact.
Natalya put down her feet from the table and bent over the desk a little, resting her elbows on the table and her chin in her palms. She looked at Tsubaki. "I already know that, dear. But thank you anyways.. Tsubaki, was it?" She said in her heavy russian accent. Afterwards she turned towards Xerath with a smile. "Welcome to planet earth. Probably the worst place in the universe, humans suck. The only interesting people are the ones in this school." She said and gave the young man a nod as a greeting.
Asphyxiated said:
Ryuu wrote down things from what he taught onto a notepad. knowing could be good in survival situations. Well, if one were to be put in such a situation.
Tsubaki bows her head. "Yes madam. And I wasn't aware, I'm sorry for troubling you then." she said as she bowed slightly.


Sebastian explaining which plants are poisonous to the touch but can be used to make an antidote.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Tsubaki bows her head. "Yes madam. And I wasn't aware, I'm sorry for troubling you then." she said as she bowed slightly.

Sebastian explaining which plants are poisonous to the touch but can be used to make an antidote.

Dark Izzy and Witch Isabella seem interested in the poison plants.
Xerath nodded in agreement. "Humans are most unintelligent species known to my kind." He started to think if Abkur. He quickly shook the thought out of his head and said, "Abkurians are most intelligent known to many species." He paused for a moment. "What are you?" He asked Natalya while pointing at her.
Peachypants said:
"Moron.." Mai sighed and raised a brow towards Cozme. "Now, hurry. I want my food." She said and pulled the girls arm as some kind of aid to help her up on her feet. After that she grabbed some food, two slices of pizza to be exact.
Natalya put down her feet from the table and bent over the desk a little, resting her elbows on the table and her chin in her palms. She looked at Tsubaki. "I already know that, dear. But thank you anyways.. Tsubaki, was it?" She said in her heavy russian accent. Afterwards she turned towards Xerath with a smile. "Welcome to planet earth. Probably the worst place in the universe, humans suck. The only interesting people are the ones in this school." She said and gave the young man a nod as a greeting.
Cozme rolled her eyes as well, grabbing chicken chips (Nuggets) and a slice of pizza. "Now where to sit." She said in a bland tone, glancing around the area to find something.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Tsubaki bows her head. "Yes madam. And I wasn't aware, I'm sorry for troubling you then." she said as she bowed slightly.

Sebastian explaining which plants are poisonous to the touch but can be used to make an antidote.

Tercesasti said:
Xerath nodded in agreement. "Humans are most unintelligent species known to my kind." He started to think if Abkur. He quickly shook the thought out of his head and said, "Abkurians are most intelligent known to many species." He paused for a moment. "What are you?" He asked Natalya while pointing at her.
"Hey, don't worry about it." Natalya said and took yet another sip of her coffee. She glanced around the room to see how many students were there, quite a few actually. Her eyes widened when she heard Xerath ask her about her origins. She let out a surprisingly soft sigh. "Oh, I don't think you really want to know that. But let's just say that you don't want to get on my bad side." She smirked a little towards him.

Scheani said:
Cozme rolled her eyes as well, grabbing chicken chips (Nuggets) and a slice of pizza. "Now where to sit." She said in a bland tone, glancing around the area to find something.
"You sure are lost, aren't you? There is no one here. Every single table is empty." Mai grinned and threw herself onto one of the chairs next to a table. Immediately after she did so, she dug into her food with her eyes sparkling of excitement. "We should really hurry, classes have probably already begun."
Peachypants said:
"Hey, don't worry about it." Natalya said and took yet another sip of her coffee. She glanced around the room to see how many students were there, quite a few actually. Her eyes widened when she heard Xerath ask her about her origins. She let out a surprisingly soft sigh. "Oh, I don't think you really want to know that. But let's just say that you don't want to get on my bad side." She smirked a little towards him.
"You sure are lost, aren't you? There is no one here. Every single table is empty." Mai grinned and threw herself onto one of the chairs next to a table. Immediately after she did so, she dug into her food with her eyes sparkling of excitement. "We should really hurry, classes have probably already begun."
Tsubaki nodded her head. "Okay.." She said and went to take a seat.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Tsubaki bows her head. "Yes madam. And I wasn't aware, I'm sorry for troubling you then." she said as she bowed slightly.

Sebastian explaining which plants are poisonous to the touch but can be used to make an antidote.

Ryuu continued to write, his tail placed into his lap to prevent someone stepping on it. He stole a glance at Naoki who was watching Sebastian with a determined expression. It was obviously hard for him to pay attention. Cats. He went back to writing.

Naoki was paying attention to the best of his ability, though sometimes he would get distracted by movement. He noticed Ryuu was writing the stuff down and sighed mentally before looking back at the teacher.
Tercesasti said:
Xerath nodded and said, "Bad side right. Why?" He wasn't really sure what she was saying.
Natalya blinked a few times as she once again placed her chin in her palm. "Well, because once you're on my bad side, I'll simply won't give a crap about your well being. If I want to kill you, I will kill you." She said, exaggerating quite a lot, but she would do as she pleases if she felt the need to do so.
Asphyxiated said:
Ryuu continued to write, his tail placed into his lap to prevent someone stepping on it. He stole a glance at Naoki who was watching Sebastian with a determined expression. It was obviously hard for him to pay attention. Cats. He went back to writing.
Naoki was paying attention to the best of his ability, though sometimes he would get distracted by movement. He noticed Ryuu was writing the stuff down and sighed mentally before looking back at the teacher.
Sebastian moves onto another plant that looks like a Venus Fly Trap. He lightly takes a mouse from his pocket and tosses it. The plant quickly snatched it up, it's vines coming out as it devours the mouse.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Sebastian moves onto another plant that looks like a Venus Fly Trap. He lightly takes a mouse from his pocket and tosses it. The plant quickly snatched it up, it's vines coming out as it devours the mouse.

Ryuu watched with a serious expression, though his thoughts were different.

Naoki watched as well, his expression a bit unreadable. A plant that eats animals..
Asphyxiated said:
Ryuu watched with a serious expression, though his thoughts were different.
Naoki watched as well, his expression a bit unreadable. A plant that eats animals..
Sebastian pets the plant. "This plant only eats small animals, suchs as the mouse, squirrel, vole and bird. Many mistake it for a Venus fly trap because of his similar appearance and aroma."
Peachypants said:
"Hey, don't worry about it." Natalya said and took yet another sip of her coffee. She glanced around the room to see how many students were there, quite a few actually. Her eyes widened when she heard Xerath ask her about her origins. She let out a surprisingly soft sigh. "Oh, I don't think you really want to know that. But let's just say that you don't want to get on my bad side." She smirked a little towards him.
"You sure are lost, aren't you? There is no one here. Every single table is empty." Mai grinned and threw herself onto one of the chairs next to a table. Immediately after she did so, she dug into her food with her eyes sparkling of excitement. "We should really hurry, classes have probably already begun."
Cozme nods, eating her pizza quickly, while slowing down on the chicken; still attempting to savor the flavor. Glancing around at the empty area she wondered if everyone in this school was always on time, for she had a fear of being the only one who is always late.

@Peachypants ))
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[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Sebastian pets the plant. "This plant only eats small animals, suchs as the mouse, squirrel, vole and bird. Many mistake it for a Venus fly trap because of his similar appearance and aroma."

Ryuu stared at the plant, a bit surprised. It actually ate it. He smiled lightly. That's cool.

Naoki's expression didn't change, though a paranoid thought that came to mind was relieved by the teachers words. Thank glob.
Asphyxiated said:
Ryuu stared at the plant, a bit surprised. It actually ate it. He smiled lightly. That's cool.
Naoki's expression didn't change, though a paranoid thought that came to mind was relieved by the teachers words. Thank glob.
Sebastian lightly pinches the back of its bud which causes it to open its mouth and a sweet aroma fills the air and smells different depending on what people like.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Sebastian lightly pinches the back of its bud which causes it to open its mouth and a sweet aroma fills the air and smells different depending on what people like.

Naoki's eyes watered a little from the scent of spearmint and he rubbed his nose. He looked over at Ryuu who didn't seem phased by the sudden strong aroma.

Ryuu sniffed the air, the scent not being as strong to him. He couldn't explain this aroma, but it made him slightly smile.
Light said:
"I need to find my other parts." Isabel frowns.
"Is there a problem?" Grimm turns around.
"Uh-ummmm...." How could a supposed god of death not see what was happening?

But you're mad at meeeee!
Matt sobbed, causing some of the lockers nearby to randomly open and shut. Some students were freaking out at the random occurrence, while others were merely staring at Cordelia like she had two heads. Great.

"Shh....Matt. I'm a little busy right now.” She whispered with some urgency. “I’m not mad at you, but can you wait for a little bit? I promise I’ll play with you later.”

The little boy gave a slow, somewhat reluctant nod. “A-alright…” He whimpered, moving aside. The blue haired woman gave him a slight smile, holding out her hand so that he could "put" his hand in hers, then stood up, trying to ignore the snickers directed at her. She stared at the Death God for a few seconds. "I..." How could she explain what had happened without him thinking she was crazy? Inwardly she sighed. So much for keeping her powers quiet.

(Thanks. Hopefully I didn't miss too much)
[QUOTE="Aura Of Twilight]"Uh-ummmm...." How could a supposed god of death not see what was happening?

But you're mad at meeeee!
Matt sobbed, causing some of the lockers nearby to randomly open and shut. Some students were freaking out at the random occurrence, while others were merely staring at Cordelia like she had two heads. Great.

"Shh....Matt. I'm a little busy right now.” She whispered with some urgency. “I’m not mad at you, but can you wait for a little bit? I promise I’ll play with you later.”

The little boy gave a slow, somewhat reluctant nod. “A-alright…” He whimpered, moving aside. The blue haired woman gave him a slight smile, holding out her hand so that he could "put" his hand in hers, then stood up, trying to ignore the snickers directed at her. She stared at the Death God for a few seconds. "I..." How could she explain what had happened without him thinking she was crazy? Inwardly she sighed. So much for keeping her powers quiet.

(Thanks. Hopefully I didn't miss too much)

Grimm shakes his head. "I wasn't talking to you Cordelia. I was talking to the spirit. Is there a problem?"
Both spirit and girl jumped, neither expecting that kind of response.

"You can see m-me?" Matt said fearfully, looking up at the death god. "Y-you're scary...." He hid behind Cordelia's legs.

Cordelia bit her lip, wondering what the man would do.
[QUOTE="Aura Of Twilight]Both spirit and girl jumped, neither expecting that kind of response.
"You can see m-me?" Matt said fearfully, looking up at the death god. "Y-you're scary...." He hid behind Cordelia's legs.

Cordelia bit her lip, wondering what the man would do.

"Yes yes that's what they all say." Grimm turns and continues walking to find Elizabeth.

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