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Fantasy Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural *CLOSED*

((okay then how about just putting someones true name in the cube does the trick, and he did meet Haru briefly))

((names have power in a lot of magical stories so that could work))
Peachypants said:
((Allright, thank you!))
Rin sat by an empty table, the same one he sat by during breakfast. While he was eating he also held a book which his eyes were glued upon. It was clearly one of his favourites since he was almost always carrying it. 'Thirteen days to midnight' it read in bold white letters. At that moment, Rin was almost completely caught up in the pages, like he usually were. If someone were to punch him in the face, he probably wouldn't even notice it because of the book he was holding.

Mai giggled a little and tied her hair up in two pig-tails. "I have no idea but let's go! It's lunchtime plus I'm still pretty much starving" She muttred and pulled Cozme's arm towards herself as she began heading out from the dorm. "Now, Let's go." Her smile turned into a serious look, you know the saying 'if looks could kill'. If you were to stop her from eating, you would probably end up with a black eye and a broken rib. No one messes with her food.
Giggling lightly at Mai's expression she nodded, "Food, very important. Or I just fall back asleep in a very dramatic way.." She smiled at Mai as she bean to walk forwards, arm in arm. "Do you know anyone here?" She questioned spontaneously, her madman hair framing her face in a silvery overgrown lions mane.

@Peachypants ))
StarKeeper said:
(Nevermind about the OG thing, She got a thing for vallen's unsealed form?))
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]((She has a thing for everyone...)
((Did like both of his forms, but she's hurt now even if she still likes him and there is no chance of her killing anyone.))

(No she has a thing for bright things and nerds. Also she doesn't have an thing for everyone she doesn't like anyone yet at school.)
[QUOTE="Soul OMU](Simi as well.)

(I'm asking what recently made you think she has a thing for someone. She was constantly nagging Ren because she thought their friendship was about to be over. Isaac, shes always with him because hes her closest friend right now. Vallen was because she was hypnotized. Isabel still doesn't know Simi actually isn't what Layla describes to be. Isabel hasn't said to herself she has a thing or crush on anyone yet. Isabel might legitimately be the one of the only people at the school whom doesn't have a thing for anybody. She may flirt back because that's what she does but until she says herself she has a thing for someone she doesn't.)
Light said:
(I'm asking what recently made you think she has a thing for someone. She was constantly nagging Ren because she thought their friendship was about to be over. Isaac, shes always with him because hes her closest friend right now. Vallen was because she was hypnotized. Isabel still doesn't know Simi actually isn't what Layla describes to be. Isabel hasn't said to herself she has a thing or crush on anyone yet. Isabel might legitimately be the one of the only people at the school whom doesn't have a thing for anybody. She may flirt back because that's what she does but until she says herself she has a thing for someone she doesn't.)
(I think it was the constant attention she got from just about everyone. Cuz Damian has a thing for Dark Isabel, well im assuming since he was blushing and getting a bit close and flustered around her.)

I thought she was going to show me my classes? Oh well, I haven't eaten all day, it'd be nice to eat something. "So what do you guys usually serve here?"
[QUOTE="Soul OMU](I still have MissingMemory!Ren wandering around. xD )

( I know a Witch in mind who can fix missing memory.)
[QUOTE="Soul OMU](Handle what?)

Angelo starts drinking again, trying to dull his pain again.

Sebastian looking at him and tilts his head. "How can you not explain it...? It can't be that hard..."

Naoki took a folded up paper from his pocket and read what was inside. The ears on his head shifted with each sound that traveled to them as he stood there reading.

It wasn't long before he folded the paper back up and went to go find the library. Perhaps a book could help him ease this boredom.

"It jus' is..." His lips pressed into a thin line as Ryuu dropped his head onto the table, already prepared for the headache it would cause.

"What about you?" He asked, looking at the table.

"Starrved, I haven't eaten all day" he finally saw the cateria sign and let out a relieved sigh "This school is a lot bigger than it looks. I really do hate walking."
Asphyxiated said:
Naoki took a folded up paper from his pocket and read what was inside. The ears on his head shifted with each sound that traveled to them as he stood there reading.
It wasn't long before he folded the paper back up and went to go find the library. Perhaps a book could help him ease this boredom.

"It jus' is..." His lips pressed into a thin line as Ryuu dropped his head onto the table, already prepared for the headache it would cause.

"What about you?" He asked, looking at the table.
Angelo drinking slightly, eyes are a dull green now instead of it's usual bright green.

Sebastian blinks. "Alright... I can see you don't want to talk about it... and something important to me... my family, my friends, my loved ones..." he said while looking ahead.
Xerath sits next to Tsubaki. "Why are you on the floor? It's not comfortable for me." He said repositioning himself many times.
Sabrina hadn't seen Her shadow sword in awhile she had finally got an perfect idea on how to find this other mana being by traveling through shadows now that she knew how to activate her power. She left her sister to read up on more ways to become an powerful being as she searched for her "this will be absolutely perfect" she sung as she searched down the halls.
Xerath said, "Yes. What is school? Oh! What's is school LIKE on Earth? Sorry." He rubbed the back of his neck.
SnowFeather said:
@TheGodSnake @Azure Sky
"No Axel, not at all.."

Out of nowhere, Frederick landed, pushing Elijah away from Ashley. "What are you doing with her!? Stay away from Ash!" He yelled at his older brother. He then turned to Ashley. He went up to her and held her in his arms. "Are you okay?" He said in a gentle tone. Then he started sounding anxious. "Are you hurt? Did he hurt you?! Did he touch you!? Did he say something to you!?" He petted her head several times as to calm not only her, but himself as well.

"I-I'm fine Rick.." She said calmly and held him further away, seeing a tear in the corner of his eye. She wiped it away and stroked his cheek. He was burning hot, which meant that he was nervous and angry. "Shhh, it's alright sweetheart, I''m fine, you're fine, we're fine..." She said as she hugged him, this time as she stroked his head.. He embraced her as well and cried on her shoulder...
Elijah laughed, "so my little brother leaves heaven for you, that's real rich. And Ricky? Don't automatically assume I hurt people, that's not my job. And I swear if you throw me aside again, I will teach you a lesson about being fallen." As he finished talking his eyes flashed red, "I've met some things that would make you do things you'd hate yourself for," he said darkly with a look to match before smiling, "anyways, find me later and we'll catch up, I still have some wards to restore and A new spell to learn. Security is going to need to be tighter with all these new incidents occurring." He said as he headed off to the library to do so.

Isaac was instantly on guard, "do you think she will attack?" He asked quietly.


((Nick is on the roof in an Ice dome))

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