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Fantasy Night Caller ((group rp version))

He looked up recognising her, and looked back toward the shovel. "I promised myself I'd give him a good burial" he said in a woed voice.
-Sighs and looks at the dead body slowly- But I caused this. - mumbles and flinches slightly as hears the dragon inside chuckling its work-
He simply looked at her and then shook his head. "Does it matter? Whats done, is done. The child sleeps with the gods now" he set to work once again, his face set in concentration.
-Sighs softly and nods as walks away a little bit. Rubs eye with wrist and yawns softly-
He finished digging moments later and lay the child's body in the ground, still wrapped within his cloak. He kissed his fingers, pressing them to the boys forehead. "May you walk within the halls of warriors, to see a future you would never have. Rest easy, for when the soldiers march home. God's be with you" he murmered the prayer, before starting to shovel the earth onto the body. Watching as his form dissapeared under the earth.
-Walks a little off. Sitting onto a large stone as scratches at its surface softly. The dragon and smiling with the sadness and death in the air.-
Two horsed strode into town, one plain brown one carrying a girl who looked to be about the age of 16, the other a plain black horse carrying what seemed to be a black knight; decked out in black armor and a black cape, his face blocked fro view by his helmet. He remained silent as the girl talked to him about the village and how it looked nice and peaceful, the knight looking around with his eyes as they past to the edge of town, Mia's nose caught wiff of a fire. "I wonder what happened" stated the girl before she guided her horse to the source of the fire, the black knight following in suite. When they arrived, the fire was out,and it seemed that a few people were mourning the loss of something, "That is sad, I hope they can rebuild" whispered Mia as they stopped and watched from afar.
He dragged himself over to his mare, and pulled his aching form up to the saddle. No doubt his steed was ready to collapse into a sleep. The sword on his hip, and look about him that of a veteran warrior, even for his age. He ran a hand through his tousled hair, and looked at the grave once more, turning away in shame before spurring his horse into a trot.
-Watches at the two new people arrive. Sighs and hides face in arms slightly. Closing eyes seeing the boys face filled with fear-

- Exhaling softly, slides off of the large stone brushing hair back as glances around. Seeing the burned house and crops, and the burial site of the young boy. Walks over sitting down beside the boys burial-

((gotta go for a bit))

((back :T))
With an exhausted look about him, both the Lycanthope and steed stumbled away, back toward the solstice of the barracks, and warm bed which awaited.
-Looking down at the fresh dirt, rests hand on the pile patting some dirt down.- I'm sorry, this wasn't supposed to happen. -Dragon snorting in disgust at my weakness. Looks up slightly staring at the farm house and exhales softly-
He stabled his horse, letting the poor thing collapse into the straw, before walking to his own quarters. He let himself unceremoniously fall into his bed closing his eyes, and letting out the pent up breath. "Finally" he mumbled to himself.
-Rubbing eyes, yawns softly as drags attention to the forest as gets up reluctantly. Sighs, starting toward forest. Brushes hair back slightly, eyes focused on ground.-
Even in his sleep, he couldn't escape torment. Instead of his usual torture, replaying the deaths of his comrades, all he could see was the child's face. His eyes widened in terror and mouth mid scream as he plummeted to the ground, his neck snapping and crimson flooding the soil as he became impaled.
-Walking to the cave, sighs and steps in eyes adjusting quickly and lays down on the pile of pelt. Curls up as shivers slightly. Looks ahead, staring at the cave walls-

i sighed. "the trees... i feel your pain young sapling." i mutter as a snap is heard. "im Alex. your the first person to find out the lost child is alive AND speak to him." i saw a bird scitter by me and i picked it up. "you bird know i will defend ones who cause you harm..." i stroked it's head. "no matter what, people have to eat. stopping them from killing a deer is fine if it's only for sport or they are tormenting the poor thing... just as birds eat berries we eat deer. sure cows supply meat but deer meat has a diffrent flavor." i said relizeing i was rambling to this girl i just met! "you look pretty you know..." i looked away blushing.

@Painted Puzzle
Katlyn kneeled at her brother's grave, fresh tears springing from her eyes and dripping onto the dirt. She slowly placed a hand over the fresh dirt and grabbed a fistful, throwing it aside.
-Slowly drifting asleep in the animal pelts, yawns softly as stretches out a little-
He slept fitfully, he couldn't extinguish the memories burnt into his mind. He couldn't escape this mental torment, this hell he lived.
"We should probably find somewhere to sleep for the night" stated Mia before guiding her horse around and heading back the way they came, the black knight once again following suite. They arrived at the village some time later and paid for a night to sleep in a barn, since Zeke was very good at *Ahem* collecting money from bounties, they had plenty to spare for the time. After getting there horses watered and fed, along with themselves, they Mia went to sleep while the knight simply stayed awake on watch, staring at there small fire they had made for the night.
-Next Morning-

He awoke with a gasp, covered in a sheen of cold sweat, trembling. "Fuck" he muttered, rubbing his face. He took a few moments to compose himself, before swinging his legs over the side of the bed to stand up. He steadily made his way over to the water basin to splash his face with the icy water.

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