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Fantasy Night Caller ((group rp version))

Coming out of hiding she watched the little boy fall to his death. She was too in shock to notice the man standing there. Jumping around, she had shoes with enough layers on the bottom to stand on the tips of the rocks. Jumping from rock to rock she jumped to the rocks that impaled the boy.
-Looking down at the farm house feels lungs filling with fire. Eyes sparking and blazing with a gold. Ready to set the house ablaze-
He saw what the dragon was preparing to do, and shook his head. If anyone else were to die, it would be him. He pulled the dagger from his boot, taking aim and throwing the small, yet effective blade at the dragons torso. "FIGHT ME, NOT THEM!" he yelled, jumping off the horse, yet leaving the body slung over the saddle.
-Growls as the dagger sinks through scales. Shakes it off and turns blazing eyes to him.- If its a fight you want,- growls and lands on ground in front of him. Wing spreading out casting shadows over him- its a fight youll get. - hisses as roars at him loudly. Tail lashes angrily-
He unsheathed his sword, and pointed it toward her "Lets dance, lizard" he spat venomously, his blade clutched within his hands, as anger and rage stormed his mind. He lept forward first, slashing at her wing with a certain ferocity, his jaw tensed.
Running through the forest, April knew if the Dragon was here, it had a home. Trying to locate some kind of den, she searched every corner of the forest. With the mixed genes that gave April the features of a rabbit, she used the speed to search. "It the directory of the Dragon's travel came from this way, then it's home has to be in the direction of..." Taking note, she ran in the opposite direction in hopes of finding it's home and making a compromise with the Dragon when it returned.
-Hisses low and flinches slightly as thin membranes as split. Rounds on as slender neck reaches under wing hooking fangs in his clothing. Whipping him away from. Throwing him towards the house-
He hit the wall with grunt, and hissed in pain, before pulling himself upright albeit dizzying, spat out the blood which had welled up in his mouth. "Murderer" he hissed, wiping his lips, before charging again, this time driving the steel blade through her foot with a snarl.
Katlyn heard a thump on the outside of the house. She raced to the door and opened it, seeing the man from before. Katlyn's eyes widened with terror as she saw the rampaging dragon.
-growls and winces a little slightly as shakes the sword out of talon. The sword falls to ground using tail to throw it behind self. Growls low as bares teeth at him-
He cursed and reluctantly let the transformation ripple across his form, bones snapping and lengthening to leave a giant, steel grey wolf. He had nothing but his claws to fight the beast with now. He lept forward, snapping his jaws with a snarl that ripped from his throat.
-Eyes widen in surprise, believing that he was just a human. Being startled for to long as sees him to close to do a attack to do much damage. Hissing low takes a couple steps back as rears up slightly on hind legs-
Katlyn's heart raced. Is every fable Mama and Papa tell me true?? And where is my brother..? She let out a terrified squeal as the man turned into a wolf before her eyes.
He raked his claws across the dragons belly with a growl, his eyes glowing with embers of rage. Bennett lept up biting the dragons wing in a fell pounce, his lips pulled back to show his distaste.
Nothing had turned up. As she got closer to the village she heard screams of terror. Running down to the village, she noticed the Dragon, and ran towards the location. Was there anyone inside the house? A wolf like creature was fighting the Dragon, but she didn't know what it was since it was so dark. Running to the house she noticed a girl standing there. "Are you ok!?" April ask as she ran to the girls side.
Tears running down her face, Katlyn looked up at her. "M-my brother, where is he?" She sobbed
-roars loudly in anger and pain as shakes him hard off of wing. Slamming him to ground holding him down with talon. Claws digging to the earth deeply. Wing open slowly and lowers head to his. Roaring loudly into his face once again. Tail lashes around, thumping hard against ground. Eyes blazing as stares down at-
He snorted 'Can't hurt me? Child killer.' He barked in laughter, with a taunting look, his eyes defiant. 'Coward' he mocked with a cold smirk 'Little lizards too afraid'
"He's... He's dead." April siad as she comforted the girl. "That man, well, a man tried to save him but he was too late." she said as she lowered her head and her ears dropped in mourn. "I'm sorry for your loss." she said quietly.
Katlyn's heart seemed to stop. Her knees got shaky and the world spun. "D-dead? H-he can't be dead, no.." She sobbed harder, slumping onto the ground while the two beasts fought.
-Narrows eyes and hisses- You useless mutt -snaps at him. Feeling lungs expand with flames. Huffing smoke at him as shakes scales. Chest glowing a gold as opens mouth wide. Throat glowing as fire is about to spread onto his body under-foot-
He clawed and wriggled from the dragons grip, raking his claws over the dragons muzzle, as he crawled away, releasing himself. 'Not a scratch' he smirked, almost showing off his thick silver coat.
"I'm sorry."April said as she then hugged the girl out of instinct. "I'll try to compromise with the Dragon when the fight is over." she said determined she could at least try to fix something.
-Growls deeply and glares at him as he escapes from grasp. Blasting fire at him anyways. Turning head, Blasting flames at the farm house as well, setting it ablaze.
His eyes widened at the scene, flames lighting the evening sky. The restraint of his humanity snapped. A feral, wild look took hold as he faced the scaled beast. He launched himself forward, his jaws clamping around her throat, locking themselves in place.

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