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Fantasy Night Caller ((group rp version))

-looks at slightly and follows a little bit slowly- Dawn. - Murmurs softly-
He breathed heavily in exhaustion, and dragged himself over to his steed, where the boys body still lay wrapped in his cloak, he sheathed his blade, closing his eyes a moment. Why didn't he kill her when he had the chance?
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Katlyn took a few steps back towards her (now put out but still burned) house. She looked around. She had no one. Her brother was dead.
-Looks over slightly, seeing the dead boy. Inhaling deeply as sees the boys dead face.-
-Sighs and rubs eyes slightly turning around and walking away towards the woods. Keeping gaze to the uneven flooring underneath-
i walked on somewhere i dont know but my hair was a bit greasy and i had ragged cloths on. i saw someone on a horse and a girl. "h-hewwo..." i squeaked then i cleared my throat "h-hello miss..." i said waving about 10 of her steps away. i looked at my feet not knowing if she was looking at me.



my orange hair i had dyed recently from stuff i had found/stole. i jumped down from a tree knocking the helm off a wooden dummy i had made. "damnit im lonely..." i said and walked away. i smelt rabbit or a bunny?... and human! i bolted to the sorce to see a girl around my age. i adjusted my hair and ring. "hey there. you lost?" i said walking towards her standing about 12 bunny/rabbit hops away.

@Painted Puzzle
Katlyn looked back and saw a boy about her age. She wiped tears from her face with a sleeve. "H-hello.."
i looked up seeing her crying and walked over. "hey hey... whats wrong miss...?" i was a bit taller, her eyeswhere butiful... "anything i can help with?" i put my hand on her shoulder showing her i was there to comfort her.
-The dragon inside of claws at insides wanting out. Knowing its still night and there are still innocent lives to be taken- Shut up you worthless reptile. -Hisses to the dragon as is roars an outrage. Clawing more deeply. Ignores the nagging- You've done enough damage today don't you think? -growls to it. Walking deeper into forest. Heading to a cave-
Katlyn quickly wiped away her tears. "M-my brother, the dragon.." I choked off, more tears forming in my eyes.
I stood there watching villagers finally put the fire out on the girls and looked at Dawn. "It's best if you find a place where you won't become angered. Did that boy anger you?" she asked wanting to find a motive for Dawn, and hopefully a motive to show a mistake in killing the boy. Watching Dawn walk off she sighed and then finally took notice of the bot who had asked her a question. "Uh, no. Just trying to keep things at peace." she said. "Well, I guess the villagers got the girl handled." she said before smiling at the fact something was fixed before using the speed she had to run off into the forest. She still owed the birds help on collecting food.
-Walks into the familiar cave. Now a hint of light spreading through the opening. Slitted eyes adjust quickly being able to see in the cave as if the whole place was lightened by fires. Closes and walking to a small bedding of animal pelts sitting on it.-
He lifted the limp body up into his arms, and looked toward the small girl with a grim look. "I-im sorry" he whispered, shaking his head "I wasn't fast enough..." he looked at the cradled body in his arms and merely felt a crushing woe. He would have to dig the childs grave.
-Putting head in arms slightly and growls low to self. Whenever closes eyes seeing the people lives that the other half of me has taken. Stares at ground. Kicks a small pebble and stands up slightly-
He put the body down gently, like a father would his child, and looked toward her. "I did bring him back" he replied, looking at the body which lay at his feet. "I brought back what I could"
i rubbed her back like my mother would and softly said "ssssh... it's alright your safe now..."



walking in the woods a girl ran into me and istumbled and fell on my hand, twisting with my feet outstretched and bent my arm and got air before landing on my feet. "you alright?" i asked standing over her, extending my hand for her to grab so i could bring her to her feet.

@Painted Puzzle
-Shakes head and sighs walking back to the farm house. Looking at the two near the horse as walk up slowly-
His face was streaked with dirt, littered with smaller cuts and bruising. He easily found a shovel, after all it was a small farming community, and started to dig. It was a pleasant place, near the battlefield. Underneath an old willow tree. He fought past the screaming in his muscles for him to rest, the child would get a warriors ceremony. Even if it killed him.
-Watches him start to dig following slowly.- Let me help. - Mumbles as puts hand on shovel softly-
Taking the boy's hand and cleaning myself off I nodded. Just then a deer comes running through with a few birds and gets between us and starts darting in some random direction. "All right." I said knowing what they ment. 'So, more hunters are coming... I'll have to stay awake today and tonight and any other day, no one is killing in this forest anymore. It's my job as the guardian of this forest.' April looked at the boy for a moment before looking in the direction the deers and birds came from.


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