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Fantasy Night Caller ((group rp version))

-Yawns and eyes open slowly. Shifts up right as stands up stretching out arms and legs. Sighs softly as walks out of cave looking around slightly-
i had sat there leaning against the tree, sword seath leaning against the tree as the girl slept. i watched over her as if she was a card structure ready to collapse at the slightest movement.
He washed himself, before pulling on his underclothes to then buckle his armour. First the light chainmail, before attaching the chest plate and such. He sheathed his sword with a metallic ring, music to the knights ears. The last thing he pulled on, was a dark grey, cotton cloak.
"Ah, thank you. If you want to protect the animals and nature here give me a good reason why I should even let you be in this forest." Apirl was oblivious wether or not Alex knew she was the guardian of the forest they were currently in. Every forest has a story, and from that a guardian is chosen to watch over the forest and protect all in it. "This is my home and if you mean what you said to Rosey..." she said referring to the bird. "then it will go towards me letting you stand where you are now."


"i left my home three years ago." i began "after i did the place was decimated. burnt and i live in this forest. i understand these animals. do i kill them? yes but i hate doing so but i must eat. i only do it to one who has done all they can or." i inquired "if there a bully to other animals. i love raspberrys and blueberrys and blackberrys!" i laughed.

@Painted Puzzle
He walked out to the stable, finding his steed with an observant amber eye. He patted the mares neck, as he brushed it down before putting atop it's back his saddle.
Mia woke up with a yawn before stretching and cracking her neck, last night was tough falling asleep on such poor quality hay. Well at least it was somewhere, better then out in the open with all those bugs, that thought sent a shiver down her spine. When she finally turned to face her companion, she found he was still sitting at the fire, but it was impossible to tell whether he was awake or not. "You awake Zeke?" asked the girl, receiving a slight nod, did he really stay up all night? Probably not. The boy got up a few minutes later to water the horses before the two went out on their horses in search of a good place to find breakfast. "I hope they have somewhere for travelers to eat cause I am starved" complained Mia jokingly as they searched the village on horseback for a place to eat.
April nodded. "So you don't know... ok. I'll leave that for you to figure out. Ask one of the animals, they always find a way to communicate with you to tell you something. Now if you'll excuse me, I must go." she said before running off in the direction the deer had came from. Standing there I watched as they entered the woods. Some had swords some had knives, bows. You name it. "Alright,..." she said to herself before beginning to follow the hunters. 'Alex can stay, but one mistake out of him and he's gone. No, I should give him another chance. Then if he messes up he's gone.' April thought as she nodded her head, approving her thought as she followed from the side lines.

He climbed up upon his mare, and set off at a steady pace, a slight morning chill in the air. He was simply doing his usual patrol of the village borders, as he did every morning. Not once missing the bland, boring duty. But even so, he was bound to his job. He rubbed his hands together to get the circulation going and yawned, trying to push the events of yesterday to the back of his mind.
As their horses carried them along, they happened to spot someone going around the village, seemingly on patrol to protect the town from invaders. Mia admired people that could do that sort of thing in the morning, she herself was no morning person for sure. "Excuse me sir?" she called out, trying her best to project her voice as the horses tried to close the gap. "Can you tell us if there is anyplace to eat in the morning here?" Mia asked curiously, hoping that there would be. All this time, Zeke remained silent behind his helm, following Mia where she went.
He looked over at the advancing pair, of what seemed to be travellers. The young woman called out to him in a meek sort of voice, not there was anything wrong with that. "Place to eat?" He rode to meet them, running a hand through his tousled hair. "You've got the local bakery, they open any minute now. Further down is the pub, they do food, albeit plain. Either that, visit the farmhouses. They usually sell home produce for a good price" he nodded, with a small polite smile.
Mia smiled and nodded, sending her long dark purple hair shaking a bit, as she took in the information. "Do you have any one you recommend?" she asked after he finished, since they were strangers to this particular village, she thought that the recommendation from a local would probably be the best thing; hopefully. Once again, the dark knight simply remained quite as he seemed to stare at the boy.
He rubbed his rugged chin. Strange kid. The girl seemed nice enough, yet the boy was creeping him out a little. "...Hm...Well, the places around here are nice enough. I'd suggest the pub to be honest. If you're looking to replenish stocks"
"Thank you sir, I hope to see you around sometime" she smiled brightly before turning over to her companion, guiding her horse lightly, "I guess we are off to the pub" Mia stated before her horse began to gallop over to the pub, Zeke slowly turning his pure black horse and following in suite, as silent as ever. When they finally got there, they tied up there horses to the fence and went inside, taking two seats against the wall, a few feet away from the wanted board. The two sat down and began to decide what they would have to order. "I'll take some fish with bread, and my friend will have some mutton and bread. We would also like some water" stated the small girl when they were finally able to order their breakfast.
He nodded a farewell, turning away with his mount to complete his duties. Nothing much really. A few foxes, causing trouble. How he hated the silence. Being put on placement here was the world's blandest job. He'd rather have been stationed in the city again, catching thieves and making arrests. But out here?.... The only thing exciting that had happened was the flipping dragon. And that... ended in a most unfortunate way. He felt sadness, yet he had found cutting out emotions from the equation helped.
I run through the forest, jumping over stumps and fallen trees. I turn my head left and right, searching for a clearing. I see the end of the forest up ahead, and sprint faster. Breaking through the thick forest, I come out into the open air. I need a stiff drink right about now. I think to myself. I turn and walk towards the village.

Up ahead, I hear a strange noise. I look closer and see a pack of wild foxes harassing an old lady. Sprinting up, I pull my sword and raise my off hand. Oh great, I sigh. More trouble.
He shifted in his armour, the chainmail clinking with a chime of metal. He spurred the horse into a faster pace, looking to get his job done faster. No use wasting time. The only thing he had to worry about was a few bandits and every now and then, maybe a hungry wolf. Even then he could usually scare the wildlife away with a shout, and swing of his sword. But the bandits were a different manner, and at that a simple one. Most had never had training. Barbarians in the truth.
Just as I approach the foxes and the old lady, a knight on a horse barrels in from the distance, spooking away the wild foxes. I run over to the old lady and make sure she is ok. I peer up at the Knight. "Hello!" I say.
He raised an eyebrow. "Morning" he replied in a low bass voice, seemingly a rugged city accent. Kid looked too happy for his liking. Well then again, he rarely trusted anyone. He peered down at the guy, must have been not a day over twenty abouts.
Juliett felt more alive than she had in a very long time. All her muscles stretched and snapped with the simple action of running, her fur blowing in the breeze. She darted between trees and bushes, leaping over rocks and dirt. How long had it been since she shifted into wolf form? it must have been weeks. Her nose twitched with the scent of rabbits and ....foxes? Juliett pulled back her jowls in a wolfish grin, making a quick and skilful turn as she changed direction. She hadn't tasted foxes flesh since last winter. Now her mouth watered with the scent in her nostrils. She lept over a stone and skidded to a sudden stop. The clearing was not filled with the foxes she had been expecting. A knight sat astride a remarkable horse, peering down at an old woman on the forest floor and her companion. Juliett cursed herself inwardly, how could she not be more careful of where she was going? her senses must have been rusty from weeks of living in the human form. She began to back slowly back into the darkness of the trees.
His head snapped up, amber eyes shimmering. Werewolf. He narrowed his amber orbs into the darkness of the forests edge, glimpsing her through the thick foliage. No reason to attack, although he would have to remain wary. This village in the past few days, had become a hub of activity. All these travellers, and now a damn werewolf alongside himself. Just dandy.

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