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Fantasy Night Caller ((group rp version))

He raised an eyebrow, brushing down himself before walking over to his horse, and pulling himself up on the saddle. He offered a hand "Would you like a ride? Its a fair distance away" he remarked, looking up in the direction of the village @steevenajj
She looked at the horse with sympathy and said:" Why tire such a majestic creature when iam levitated above the ground as you can see,but no problem just time." Tania returns to her normal form as she held his hand and sat behind him. she hugged his waist and felt the muscles pretruding out, She felt safe when with him. @XxLuluxX

((Last reply @XxLuluxX and iam gonna sleep Goodnight, ill waot for your reply then sleep."
He blinked, a little confused. But shrugged "He was born and bred for charging into battle. For a majestic beast, this is nothing compared to what we've been through" he fondly patted the mares neck.
Juliett sat down on her haunches, confused by the sudden change in dynamics. She wriggled her nose, tilting her head to one side. How had were they suddenly best friends? As the knight mounted his mare, Juliett slinked back into the shadows of the forest and changed form.
He looked over as the other werewolf slinked away into the forest once more, before turning away himself, to start his ride back to the village.
((been pretty busy and cha :T))

Surahgol slowly opened his eyes after he awoke, getting up and walking towards the exit of the cave he called home. Bones where littered everywhere and some broke and cracked as he stepped on them. He was hungry, and the village he had been attacking and stealing from, though now it was mostly destroyed and filled with starving people, he thought that he villagers would be enough to fill his stomach. As he got out of the cave which led to a large forest teeming with life, though none of the animals there could satisfy his appetite as they were mostly birds and rodents. He spread his wings and leapt into the air before he began beating his large, pitch black wings, and flew to the nearby village with great speed, creating gusts of wind that effected the land below him as he did. He did not mind attracting the attention of hunters or warriors that would try to defeat him for his feathers as they would only serve as more food. (Anyone want to interact with him?)
(( bat I have to go on brb for a few, gonna be back soo .))
XxLuluxX said:
((A.K.A. Bird thingy .-.))
(Lol ok.)

Surahgol arrived at the village and let out a loud roar, that sounded like a dragon's roar, and swooped down and 'breathed' fire from his mouth, circling around the village as he did so to create a wall of flames around it so that the villagers cannot escape. He landed afterwards a and let out another roar, both roars meaning to intimidate the villagers so that they were less like to fight back and more likely to try and flee, despite the wall of flames, which he means to use to corner any villagers that reach it. He walks up to a house and with one swipe, he tore off the upper half of the house, sending the roof flying and causing pieces of broken wood and splinters to litter the ground. Inside was a family of 4, who were cowering in fear as they had no means to fight back and to protect themselves.
His head snapped up at the crash and screams of the townspeople. With that, he spurred his horse into a gallop, approaching the town at a fast pace. It was then the strange creature came into view. He left the elf on his horse, jumping off and drawing his sword with a metallic ring. He sprinted over to the house he was peering into and swiped, cutting the strange bird like creatures side.
(There's only one Ziz in the village, and that's my character :P )

Surahgol did not flinch though he got cut, and simply turned his head towards the one who attacked him. He opened his mouth, revealing many sharp teeth, and began breathing fire at the man, though only temporarily before he closed his mouth and lowered his large, reptilian head, seeming to be attempting a head-butt in case the man survived.
He dived out the way of the fire, and rolled landing in a crouch. What the hell was this thing?! Last time he'd checked, birds didn't breath fire! Then again... it wasn't exactly a bird. He stood up once more, and with a quick dash managed to stab the beast and pull himself up onto its back, using the stuck sword as a foothold before withdrawing it once more.
Surahgol became irritated as then man stabbed him, dealing yet another wound, a small one, but none-the-less something he could've avoided and head-butted the man, knocking him back before standing on his hind legs and grabbing one of the villagers inside the house and threw it a the man. "You seem rather skilled, but all your doing to me is making me angry. I did not expect someone like you to show up. Perhaps I should be more careful next time..." He says before growling and approaching the man.
His eyes flashed gold, as he stood up, looking down at the unconscious villager "So the beast speaks" he mused, readying his sword "Its rather impolite to storm an innocent village, don't you think?" He asked, tilting his head as he circled the creature. His eyes narrowing, as he lept forward once more, intent on damage.
Surahgol quickly spread his wings and got on his hind legs once more, flapping them to send strong gusts of wind at the man who was coming towards him to attack him again, so that he will be pulled back by the wind, and switched to his human form to run to the man and deal some blows in his much quicker, lighter, and flexible body that was easier to dodge with, using magic to slightly strengthen his arms as his human form was not very strong and more fragile.

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