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''i just made the wind pick them up like a baby'' she rub her neck awkwardly but not knowing what to do with Marcus that if he was a threat or not.
Ari had enough of this fight and was prepared to knock him out, or at the least jog his senses. She grabbed his wrist and hit his head, knocking him out.
Casper flipped him over on her back and then pinned him to the ground still holding a choke around his neck. His back was now on the ground and she was on top of him.
Marcus froze. He didn't resist Casper, he didn't try to get away. He just slowly rotated his head to look around the room. He felt the hands closed around his throat, but didn't care. For some reason, he couldn't care anymore. It was just how it was. And he was okay with that. He looked up at her again, staring into her eyes. His lips moved, but no noise came out. Do it. He mouthed, looking up at her with pleading eyes.
"I'll heal."

Tri said to Key while standing up. The bullet got pushed out and his wound closed up.

"Take a look at his left palm"

Tri said to Casper
Do it. He mouthed again. He had failed already. It was over for him. The best he could do now was die, probably. Yes. Dying. That's one thing you won't mess up, Marcus.
"Marcus! I won't kill you!" Casper yelled at him. She grabbed him arm and tugged him to the elevator and up to his room so they could talk.
He closed his left hand tighter than a vice. No one would see that, ever. He needed gloves.

But then Casper dragged him up to his room, away from the others. He sat down at the edge of his bed and stared at her, not having anything to say.
"Healing factor" Tri said to Key, but his eyes still starring at Marcus's burn on his left palm and watches as Casper dragging him out
The shock was just too much for Peyton as it became overwhelming. Her vision fuzzed for a moment and so did her hearing before everything went dark and she blacked out, her body crumpling to the ground.
Ari wached them go out of the room. It was obvious now, she liked him. He liked her, that was a definite. She suddenly felt lonely and stayed silent.
"Marcus you have a hell of an explanation to come up with now. Time is ticking!" Casper said still holding the gun.
Marcus looked up at her, then the gun in his hand. He slowly leaned forward, pressing his forehead to the barrel. "I've got nothing to say."
she look over to Peyton seeing her crumble to the ground, she dramatically panic ''okay okay! here another thing i can do...!'' she place her hand over her head and a cold breeze went through as it would make her feel well again ''i can also heal wounds and make people feel better''
Casper sighed and said "Uh yeah you do mister! You sort of just attacked me! Not to mention the fact you wanted me to kill you. Marcus please just talk to me".
"I don't belong here anymore Casper. There is.. something else, inside my head. I can't control it." He said quietly. He reached up, placing one of her fingers on the trigger.

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