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"Maybe that's what the papers say." He shot back, rolling his eyes. "Mad dog killer doesn't earn nearly the same respect, though."

He turned toward Casper and snapped. "For once, could you please handle a problem yourself Casper? I cannot do everything for all of you. There is not enough Marcus motherf****** Gavin to go around."
"A spy is not a dog killer, Marcus. And may I remind you the same organization ruined my life." Ari said giving a glare.
"Well newbie. I'm an ex-terrorist for a middle eastern rebel group. I can shoot and kill anything. Also I'm pretty damn good at building and hacking into things."
" I'm the spy experiment with fire powers, but I prefer the name Ari." Ari said leaning against the counter.
Peyton had no idea what to do with herself anymore although the rest of them seemed to. Wait.... did that girl just say fire powers? She meant guns and stuff right?
"By the way Marcus, last time I checked it was your job to babysit us." Casper said raising an eyebrow and smirking.
Tri doesn't say anything, he still looking at the people in front of him. Maybe he should just leave, take care of his problems while waiting for everyone, especially the two persons who supposed to lead them, calm down.
''hehe can you build a suit like your old man?'' she turn her head to Ari ''i can see. as your hair just flame up!'' still impress.
"Yep. I can maybe an even better one than him. I just use the hand part of the suit in combat though." Casper said to the new girl "so what can you do?" She asked her.
"One more f****** word Casper. One. More. Word." Click-click.

What the hell? He didn't remember drawing his gun. But there it was, ready to go and aimed at Casper's head. What was he doing? What happened to him?
Casper pinned Marcus to the wall and hit the gun out of his hand getting him in a choke hold "Marcus. You know you can't win a combat battle with a middle eastern assassin" Casper said shocked by his actions.
Astrid looked in shock as Marcus aimed the gun at Caspars head.No,no,no,no he couldn't really be serious.

"Ummm... Marcus?"
she grin as most of her shyness swept away ''well. for example..'' she made the air lift casper and marcus up for a minute and place her back down.
"Marcus... You have an assassin and a spy in the room. Well find you eventually, no matter where you run." Ari commented getting closer to him.
Casper grabbed the gun that he had dropped, pointed it to his head, and said "Babe I wouldn't if I were you." Smirking.

He was disciplined enough in combat to know what to do here. She had both hands on his throat, and he had another gun pressed to her stomach. If she moved one hand, he would break free. If she didn't he would fire. Don't make me do this. I didn't mean too.
"Marcus? How crazy are you? I'm sure SHIELD and my dad wouldn't be very happy to hear about this incident. Right?" She raised an eyebrow.

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