

  • You're here and alive?

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  • Nay! We be fragments of your imagination

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Indeed... I have been taking it easy... look after my pet yukkuri and letting you lot roam wild and free... and this is how you repay my generous mercy?
Haku said:
Indeed... I have been taking it easy... look after my pet yukkuri and letting you lot roam wild and free... and this is how you repay my generous mercy?

Taking it easy, are we, Cat-Rin?
I can see us all getting along just fine... Can't wait to play with you peeps. I mean I know i got kinda one started now, but I mean with more people I don't know involved.
I'm here, but not really alive. I'm sort of... a construct. I'm sorry to break it to you.

Well, that was a silly first post.
As far as I'm aware, there is no singlualr "Rules for POsting" listed anywhere, but specific rules are mentioned frequently by the ST of the various particular boards. The system that I've adopted with my games that works well for me, first off; the mechanics of posting.

In the beginning of the post, describe what you (as the character) is doing in as much detail as practical. Make it as much like a page from your favorite novel. Then, place a break, and go into 'gamespeak' for what you're doing, what Charms you're using, post the resuslts of any rolls, etc.

There are many different dicebots online; I personally use konkret web dice roller. As a ST, I have never had a reason to accuse a player of cheating on a roll and I hope I never have to. The ST of the board you join may want to handle all the rolls him/herself.

Also, until you know how the other players will react, avoid graphic sex and extreme language. There are people that do get offended, and we want to keep the PbP board as friendly as possible to all that participate here.

I hope that helps.
In short, behave like you would in real life with people you know.

Be polite, be efficient, and have a plan to kill everyone you meet.

Basically, there are no set rules for posts. And I hope that there will NEVER be a need for a set of rules for the entire forum. Political correctness enforcement is something I do not like.

In game forums, should you get invited into a game, accepted into a game or start a game, being yourself and avoiding... extreme language is good.

In-character thread posts, as Sherwood notes. In character posts, and then seperate the Out of Character material (like dice rolls and such) so that it's easier to read.
I like to think the forum is run like a confederation of states with a weak central government. The ST that runs the subforums makes the rules for his subforum and there are relatively few (and no strictly spelled out) pan-forum-regulations. I did write something a while ago in this thread:

Tikor said:
There are a few unwritten rules such as
1) If you're going to have explicit content in your game please tell the mods to make your forum restricted-read access instead of just restricted-post.

2) 0 post count can get you kicked accidentally (you look like a spammer) so post something (you're good here!)

And some common mannerisms

1) Post in The Echoes of Absence if you're going to be missing for a while

2) Don't go through chargen and then never post - quite rude.
But my word does not have any binding effect.
I do recall that there have been some games where the ST has requested a locked forum for whatever reason. If a player gets the ok to join a game like that, he/she should be aware that it might be something they might encounter.
Well... I have a final coming up on the 30th, and I haven't exactly done as much studying as I should have, so I might not be on much for the next few days. And after the final is over, I'm going to have a new computer installed, so depending on how that goes I may be away for a little while longer.

Once I'm back, I should finally be able to get around to catching up with everything here, and finish the things I've been putting off.
Hi everyone. May as well make my first post. I joined the site maybe two weeks ago? Anyway. I haven't really ever had a chance to play Exalted or any other RPG and I was hoping to play here someday.
Heheh. Only a little. We can all be creepy individuals if the mood strikes us.

Edit: Kinda like I just was without even realizing it.
hey all,

Just joined the site in the hopes of finding a PbP game of exalted. I am currently playing in a face to face game as an Ess 3 Full Moon Lunar THe Ice Forged Anvil of the North. Pretty fun but my ST tellls me i will get jaded playing other exalts as they wont have the amount of Natural soak and healing that I do. I just laugh at him as he reaches for teh Min ess dice even when he gets like 5 extra successes on an attack roll.

so any GMs out there looking for a player send me a PM. i have access to quite a few of teh Base books, but not teh infernals or the alchemicals yet, and none of the CoTD books.
Welcome welcome. I would recommend checking out the threads in this forum (click me).

Also, your ST is doing it wrong. :lol:

A sidereal with 5 dragon style, and violet bier of sorrow could put a crimp in your day.

Well... a dragonblooded with 5 dragon style would do it.

Dex +5, Martial arts +5, Weapon specialty +3, 7 dragons leaping stone +4, Weapon +3, First Excellency +8 (4 motes)

Strength +5, Jade Daiklave 7L, 5 Dragon Force Blow (2 motes to double base damage, not including extra successes, before soak.... which means OTHER damage enhancers are calculated prior to this charm. Also increases knockdown roll difficulty to strength of martial artist).

This is assuming there aren't such things as perfected kata bracers, which adds the wearer 's essence to accuracy, damage, and defense of martial arts attacks. It does require the form charm to be active and has an attunement of 8 motes. This is outside of -magical material- bonuses.
Welcome to these boards.

There are all kinds of ways to deal with a high soak character. All of them not pretty, to say the least. Especially if said character has a crappy MDV... :twisted:
Especially if said character has a crappy MDV... :twisted:
Ah, the weaknesses of the mind. How fun they are to expose...

...*erm*...*cough*... Welcome to patternspider! I hope you enjoy your games here. Nevermind the creepyness...

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