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The Lunars have spent so much time in the Wyld they don't have a one without crippling mental debilities! We should cull the herd and keep the new pups where they won't be spoiled: on leashes on the Blessed Isle!

Yeah, breakin teh rulez...
The things you say are bad and you should feel bad for saying them.

I am a "leet flamer." "lol", as the children say.
What is this -leet- and -flame- thing of which we speak. And why would we want to have war about it? Flames hurt xD .

Best use High powered, high heat, devices that leave nothing behind. That way the hurt is very short term ... *goes back to being a geekette elsewhere :P *
And giving you a massive smackdown is the role of a Lunar. Lunars FTW!

This appears to be quite true... now listen or be shot. Because I declare myself the winner due to overwhelming firepower. :lol:
Woah, I'm not in the postcount race. I just wanted to get a new first post on the welcome page for the nubs and had to resort to desperate measures after my feeble attempts at a flame war didn't catch.
*smug grin* I am deeply moved to be allowed membership in such an august community. I promise I will not sacrifice any of you... *crossed fingers*

Hello everybody :)

Wow, it looks like most of the games are not accepting players... Let me know if there are any free slots. I'm ok for Vanilla Exalted type games. I prefer Solars, and Dynast DBs, though I can do Lunars or Sidereals ok. I'm not too fond of Abyssals, but I'd like to try playing a Green Sun Prince one day.
C'est un peu grâce à toi que j'ai trouvé ce forum (je lisais Keychain of Creation, mais j'avais jamais tilté pour le pbp), j'ai finalement eu le déclic :wink:
Beuh, pourtant j'avais mis un lien sur le fofo pour ma campagne aby je crois (bon en même temps c'était y'a un an).

We can speak the unholy-ancient-tongue-that-no-one-else-can-speak (aka French :lol: ) between ourselves... mwahaha... the invasion has begun !

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