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Hi, I'm Pant's O' Doom, otherwise known as d42, otherwise known as wadledo, otherwise known as Something Funny, otherwise known as Me, Not You.

I enjoy jadeborn, long walks on the beach, and purging creation of anathema scourges.
Hello, I am Mei, I'm an experienced Exalted player, but never played an Exalted PbP game... But I have played other PbP games. I've been playing Exalted with my tabletop group for... What, over 2 years now? I've played a bit of everything within those two years. My first character ever was a Twilight caste, which to this day, is still my favorite Solar caste.

I enjoy playing all sorts of characters, though I'm hoping to play more social-oriented characters soon.
Where is this snapping crab that you speak of? I need to get some melted butter just in case... :D
Not even a day on here and I made something blow up! I feel just like a Mythbuster. :mrgreen:
I come over here and see that someone new posted and her redness herself comes out, and all I get was someone commenting on my name.

Now I find that my computer blows up because I forgot to install innuendo filters. :x

You should all be veryyyy thankful that I have craft: Magitech.

Good thing you have Craft: Magitech!

... You know, I'd fear a Craft-based Solar with Craft: Fate... Craftsman Needs No Tools. :|
I come over here and see that someone new posted and his redness herself comes out, and all I get was someone commenting on my name.
Now I find that my computer blows up because I forgot to install innuendo filters. :x

You should all be veryyyy thankful that I have craft: Magitech.

Fixed that for you.
His krabbyness feels offended by such pagan rites, and shall have you pinched til massive bloodloss takes you to the gates of hell for your insolence !

Butter... HAH !

She looks like one of my old buddies when I worked for T-online at the hotline.

We named her the kawai machine since she always kinda dressed like she would have for a lolicosplay... but that were her real everyday casual wear. Sometimes she put inexperienced clients through several complex and long procedures to simply reboot their modems or reinstall the configuration manually just by pure sadism and she had that evil spark of saddistic satisfaction in her eyes...

Gotta hand it to her, some clients seriously deserved it sometimes :twisted:


So, I just realized I never did introduce myself. Hi. I'm Sarodinian. I've been lurking around these forums for a couple months, storytelling Fire and Water, as well as making that monster of a post for the building of my mech mod (The Proving Grounds if anyone is interested ^_^ ). I hope that works. I'm a relatively experienced Exalted player, relatively new ST, though I seem to be the only person in my current area that has any interest. Well, there's always the internet, so here I am.

I primarily play Solars, and go for more epic, immersive feelings to my games. Whether or not I succeed in that matter is another matter entirely. :lol:
Well, I have finally joined. I story tell a mixed Exalted game (Solar/Lunar) and have wanted to try out PbP for a while now. Hopefully it will turn out to be as fun as I think it will.

My favorite exalt type is Terrestrial (House Ragara ftw), although my favorite caste is Twilight.
Welcome to one and all. I am the disappearing/reappearing Coyotekin. I am one of the Admins here, indoc'd with Haku at the same time. Although Haku lives here more than I do nowadays. I start to worry about him/her, as I am no longer sure of the gender. LOL
Welcome to the new guys.

Hope you'll have fun here, if not, we will eat your souls anyway ! :twisted:

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