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IdyllicSilence said:
Damn, Sherwood, at least you have a group. I've been in the 'city'(even though it is technically a city, it's not to me) I'm in for a year and a half, and I still have not had any luck finding people to play with.
Anyways, I might have to look in to the game of yours then. I'm planning to buy the MoEP: Lunars in a few days, and it would be nice to have a chance to use it.

Though, I swear that I buy game books just to read them.
What area do you live in?
IdyllicSilence said:
Damn, Sherwood, at least you have a group. I've been in the 'city'(even though it is technically a city, it's not to me) I'm in for a year and a half, and I still have not had any luck finding people to play with.
Anyways, I might have to look in to the game of yours then. I'm planning to buy the MoEP: Lunars in a few days, and it would be nice to have a chance to use it.

Though, I swear that I buy game books just to read them.
Similar problem here. Plymouth apparently contains a grand total of two roleplayers... one, now that my friend Russel has travelled to somewhere in scotland for his Computer Security course.
Hello. I'm pretty happy to see an exalted roleplaying forum out there. Whenever I try STing I always make a fool of myself, and no one else who I know cares enough to learn the rules and ST, so I turned to the internet.

I look forward to playing with you all.
Please remember that joining a game means, according to the EULA, that your ST owns your soul. :twisted:
Making my not so grand entrance here on the forums. Literally just found out about them today from a frequent user and a mod I believe but I could be wrong as I was beating things with a large stone mallet at the time. I am a long time fan of Exalted - though I have yet to play 2nd Edition - and all things pertaining to it looking for a good game that doesn't suffer from Exalted's Great Curse. Overcompensation - I have a bigger sword and combo than you do! - usually perpetrated by the same power hungry monkeys around my area that think the idea of an Assamite embraced Dragon is appropriate for any game not played while taking acid but I digress. It'll be fun playing with you all.
Welcome.... as for twinks... I fear you'll find them here as well as elsewhere... but there are a number of games that are on-going and are relatively void of power-munching.
I may be starting up a game in the near future that will be twink-free. Still working out the ideas for it, but I may make a post about it tonight. Stay tuned if you're interested. >_>
I fear no place will ever truly be safe from their kind but I can dream that someday we will be a more enlightened people...sigh. You'd think that with 4e D&D that they would leave the good games alone. :)

I'll keep an eye open.
Besides, sometimes a big sword is appropriate.

Not to mention that real twinks take Moonsilver Razor Claws and a Fivefold Harmonic Adapter instead. And still wield it with Solar Melee.

But yes, welcome to the PBP forums. Have fun, I shall devour your soul, blah, blah, blah.
IMO, that still doesn't beat the +10 Defense / +10 Accuracy dual GSS twink. It has changed me to the point that I immediately and subconsciously prejudge anyone who takes that Charm to be a full-out twink before I even have a chance to ask them why they took GSS in the first place. >_<

Luckily, I've got a fix for it in mind that I'll be implementing when and if I run this game.
Wait... acc/def +10/10? You're still doing crap damage. :lol:

No, you want a 10L / 10 def dual. :twisted:
Well, the crap damage is okay, because the objective is to do Essence ping damage with a massive amount of attacks using Iron Whirlwind Attack or just the infinite rate provided with GSS.
Lol, higher accuracy means you have to potential to make more attacks before flurry penalties deny you from such :P .
Am I the only one that thinks the Glorious Sabre and it's Archery counterpart are not balanced? I mean the Archery one seems much more appropriate for the Charm, whereas the Melee version seems very weak.
The Archery version is well-balanced, but the Melee version is either broken or useless depending on how you set it up. Changing GSS to use a similar mechanic to IGB would probably be a good idea.
I agree. I have already decided, earlier in fact, that I would change it for my game if there were any Solars
I highly disagree. The Archery version is not balanced, because by Essence 3 you have a Bow that outperforms any of the Corebook Artifact bows.
I know that the Melee version is ridiculous.

If you think the Archery one is overkill, then how would you change it?And how would you change the Melee version?

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