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Hello, hello! Yet another new person here. It seems this place is swarming with us new recruits...

Anyway, a little bit about myself. Well, there's good news and bad news...

The bad news is that I have very limited experience with pen & paper gaming. I got into it in college, but the people in my dorm who I played with were such flakes and a little self-conscious about the whole ZOMG NERD stereotype that we never got a game going for long. I did some oWoD (Masquerade, mostly) and a little bit of D&D. Now that I've moved into the real world, got a job (with weird hours) and taken on other responsibilities, it's been tough finding a game anywhere but online. (Living in the boondocks doesn't help.) I really am eager to learn, though, and immerse myself into a game.

That's the good news. I'm up for anything. (That may not be the right choice of words... :oops: ) But, seriously, if there is an opening or a new game starting up, I would relish the opportunity to play. I'm not married to any particular setting or group. I'm a pretty creative person so I can roll with whatever the game requires. That's actually how I've always done it, with me getting input from the ST about what kind of characters he/she is looking for, me coming up with the concept within those guidelines and taking off from there. Don't get me wrong; I love to write my own stuff without restrictions, but I'm totally down for working within limitations. Or not! Whatever. I'd just like to play. ;)

I have lots of free time, but I'm kind of all over the place, so I can post frequently... just not consistently at the same time. That's what comes with working Dracula hours. :P

As for Exalted, I'm pretty new to it. I'm not a fan of either new WoD or 4th edition D&D. So, again, I'm a beginner, but I really like the concept behind Exalted and I have heard nothing but good things about it. I have the core book and a bunch of the supplements but I have yet to actually play a game, sadly.

Anyway, hopefully I'll get the chance to play with some of y'all soon, but in the meantime, I'll be hanging around here and maybe post a bit more about myself (if I haven't rambled enough already...) and getting to know some of y'all in the process!
How sweet, fresh meat, and gifted with such innuendo inherent in her words. So much fun. ;)

Welcome to the forums. We have plenty of games going on. And as for your supposed inexperience: That is hardly of any importance as we are just glad to have you here and wanting to play. :)
Myllinnia said:
Hi'lo. I'm a procrastinator and apparently you all have been nice to not delete me during the Forum Change/Spam War :P
Anyway I am pretty new to the Exalted thing, I have had the book forever! And only recently got an only non-pbp game under my belt. But one game... ah... its not enough ^^ I want another. So I shall keep a watch out here for a nice PbP one ^^
Welcome welcome...

But is cool... the main reason I didn't delete your account was that my senses did not tingle when I looked at yours. The dreadful tingle that spoke of spam.
hmm no disturbance in the force with this one... plus I like his name...

Neeeeeext !
Amethyst said:
Hello, hello! Yet another new person here. It seems this place is swarming with us new recruits...
Anyway, a little bit about myself. Well, there's good news and bad news...

The bad news is that I have very limited experience with pen & paper gaming. I got into it in college, but the people in my dorm who I played with were such flakes and a little self-conscious about the whole ZOMG NERD stereotype that we never got a game going for long. I did some oWoD (Masquerade, mostly) and a little bit of D&D. Now that I've moved into the real world, got a job (with weird hours) and taken on other responsibilities, it's been tough finding a game anywhere but online. (Living in the boondocks doesn't help.) I really am eager to learn, though, and immerse myself into a game.

That's the good news. I'm up for anything. (That may not be the right choice of words... :oops: ) But, seriously, if there is an opening or a new game starting up, I would relish the opportunity to play. I'm not married to any particular setting or group. I'm a pretty creative person so I can roll with whatever the game requires. That's actually how I've always done it, with me getting input from the ST about what kind of characters he/she is looking for, me coming up with the concept within those guidelines and taking off from there. Don't get me wrong; I love to write my own stuff without restrictions, but I'm totally down for working within limitations. Or not! Whatever. I'd just like to play. ;)

I have lots of free time, but I'm kind of all over the place, so I can post frequently... just not consistently at the same time. That's what comes with working Dracula hours. :P

As for Exalted, I'm pretty new to it. I'm not a fan of either new WoD or 4th edition D&D. So, again, I'm a beginner, but I really like the concept behind Exalted and I have heard nothing but good things about it. I have the core book and a bunch of the supplements but I have yet to actually play a game, sadly.

Anyway, hopefully I'll get the chance to play with some of y'all soon, but in the meantime, I'll be hanging around here and maybe post a bit more about myself (if I haven't rambled enough already...) and getting to know some of y'all in the process!
So many new players.... ^_^

Someone needs to start up a -new- game. 8)
I'd start one, but with how busy I am right now I'm having enough trouble keeping up with the stuff I'm in as it is...

Hi, I'm new here (obviously).

Anyways, about myself...

I got into table top rpg's at my previous college in '06, w/ a fairly active group. I've played a bunch of different systems and read about even more. i.e. WoD, Rifts, a bit of D&d (not really that big a fan of it). I've also done a larp or two. I read the exalted 2nd edition (and subsequently bought it) and fell in love w/ the system. While it does need a few tweaks to some charms and the complete revamping of others *cough* Sidereal Martial Arts *cough*, the system itself leaves a lot of room for creativity bounded by rules. I own all the manuals of exalted powers and the core in hard copy all the books of sorcery in pdf from After I transfered colleges I've been hard pressed to find a gaming group that was within driving distance, so I decided to try online, thus the reason for my presence on this forum.

I'd be up for any type of game, whether storyteller heavy or pc dependent, and any type of exalted. The order I like my exalts is Solar -> Sidereal -> Lunar -> Terrestrial -> Abyssal (unless it was an evil abyssal which would raise it right after solar). This is not to say I have anything against the Dragon Blooded, I don't, but I like the epic tale and the DB's (from my experience) don't lead themselves up to epic quests as well as Celestials.

I have a decent amount of free time, just every once in a while I have to work a night shift.

Anyways, if there is a game open, I'd definitely be interested and maybe sometime down the road, st a game.
Check out the threads. My game: Said the Spider to the Fly, is just starting. It involves the Great Games, an event occurring during Calibration where the greatest of mortal, standard and god-blooded, have been invited to compete. The judges and witnesses are the Powers of Creation: Incarnae, Primordials (Dead or imprisoned), the Fae, and Autochthon. The grand prize is an Exaltation. There ismore, but if interested just check out the OOC section and see what you think.

Otherwise Nobble might have some room in his game. You started out amnesiac and later discover your Exaltation. It is set in the First Age.

Tome, Haku, and Cyl have several game. They are each awesome. :) Haku's are mostly DB focused at this time. Tome has a mix.
Hello everybody!

So I've tried the PbP thing a couple times in the past and never quite seemed to get the hang of it, but I have really been feeling the need to play Exalted recently so I thought I would give it another try.
'ello 'ello, and welcome.

You can change your profile and such with the User Control Panel ( ucp.php ) to get a nifty avatar and such.

Also, there are currently a few games that are open.

Tome and [internet Meme Here]'s Dreams of the First Age game viewtopic.php?f=4&t=463

Gulup's game that he's still working on setting up viewtopic.php?f=4&t=339

Coyotekin's Great Games just started, and might still have space viewtopic.php?f=4&t=436

Bradyz also has a game that just started and might still have space viewtopic.php?f=4&t=430
Hello all. I am IdyllicSilence, the Exalted player that has never yet played Exalted.

It is really surprising how many Exalted games there are not. Anyways, I was just posting to make sure I have a post count higher than 0.
Aw... that was the most depressing introduction I've ever seen ! :D

I might have a few open spots real soon in my solar game should anyone be interested.
Good to hear it. We need more Exalted players. I just wish that I could get my local gaming group to RUN Exalted. I want to be a player in one of our games, not just the ST all the time.

And just to let the board know, Lunar Fury is approaching the end of this particular chapter. Once complete, I'll allow a few new players into the game. Once that time comes up, I'll post guidelines on new character creation and a brief history of what has come to pass.
Damn, Sherwood, at least you have a group. I've been in the 'city'(even though it is technically a city, it's not to me) I'm in for a year and a half, and I still have not had any luck finding people to play with.

Anyways, I might have to look in to the game of yours then. I'm planning to buy the MoEP: Lunars in a few days, and it would be nice to have a chance to use it.

Though, I swear that I buy game books just to read them.

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