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Ah, yes, Lunars. My Solar game all but died out when I permitted a single Lunar. I just took all the players and made them NPCs and let the players roll up Lunars, and now it's a Lunar game with a few story ties to what the Solars did before.

And now they don't bitch when I make them fight a Deathlord. When they lose, they don't blame me, they blame "lethal regens too slow, lemme borrow your Gem of Adamant Skin" while the guy with the Gem is all "OMFG I heal 8 health levels per action at speed 2! BWAHAHAHA!!!"

I'm just thanking Luna that they can't learn Sidereal Martial Arts.


Well in my, albeit limited, experience in Exalted forum games Solars seem to be something of an endangered species. Most games seem to be either Lunars, Abyssals and/or Dragon Bloods. The poor ol' Solars don't get a lot of a look in. Might it be because the others seem less 'over powered'? I have, obviously, not played anything but Solars before. Or is there some kind of 'cool factor' in the other types, wicked silver tattoos aside?
For me it's several things, but it can be summed up quite simply. Solars are based around perfection in the same way that Lunars are based around adaptability. Perfect is boring.

Lunars are much more my thing.

But yes, there's also a significant cool factor. The only reason I've ever considered actually doing a Solar is for Glorious Solar Saber. Because glowing energy swords are awesome.

In fact, in order of how awesome I think they are:

1. Lunars (Everybody who's not a Lunar is a wimp).

2. Dragon-Blooded (Everyone likes an under-dog... particularly when the underdog can throw fireballs).

3. Abyssals (Sometimes you just wanna crucify some f***er to the wall).

4. Alchemicals (Who doesn't like the autobots? Even if their society sucks).

5. Solars (I suppose the glowing energy weapons are kinda awesome).

6. Sidereals (Gah! Not only do I not get their Charms, but the bureaucracy angle just makes me shudder).

7. Infernals (I like free will, thank you very much).
Dragonblooded, Alchemicals are more my things personally... will have to wait and see if the Infernal and Faerie books are good or not before I can make any judgement calls in 2e.

As for Dragonblooded, you get Elemental powers... sure, you don't get perfection, but element powers, fire balls... hell, you can MAKE Mario or various game/anime characters with a DB... :D

Also, the free reflexives don't hurt... the mote pool is kinda small, but you get used to it.

As for Alchemicals... Autobots and Decepticons... need I say more? :lol:

The fairfolk, I liked them in 1e, even if I never did quite grokk their shaping combat rules

As for Infernals, well... you're the Heroes of the Creators of Creation, who've been ursupted... you're fighting a righteous cause. :twisted:
Well I enjoyed the Lunars book and I'm liking the Dragon Blood book thus far. I can only hope that the 2nd Edition Sidereal book was a little clearer than the 1st Edition one was. Mind you, I'm kind of with Haku; the whole bureaucracy thing isn't exactly my bag.
Well , the Realm's dog, siddies and abyssals are to me the most advanced form of playing exalted considering the number of protagonists and level of knowledge of the world necessary to make a good game.

Siddies are generally the most interesting, yet less funky, form.

Solars and lunars are cool, but they can do anything, anyhow, anywhere, there... as for autobots, never tried.
Hahaha... that's Tome, not that I don't disagree with him about the paper-pushing.
Aw I know who I meant. And, you know, the two of you look so could be twins...



Talisman, even dumber than he looks
Mine pretty much mirrors Tome's list.

Lunars, Siddies, DBs, Abyssals, Autochthonians, Solars, Infernals.
Bah, Lunars. They're in the middle of my list, which goes as follows:

Solars / Sidereals


Lunars / Alchemicals


Fair Folk


Up until recently, Sidereals would have probably been around even with Lunars and Alchemicals. But... Now that I understand their Charmset pretty well, as well as Astrology, and a lot of their fluff/etc, well, I've realized just how badass they are. :P
Mine would be as follows:

-Solars (Which is awesomeness in condensed form)

-Sidereals (Mystery and enigma, two things I like)

-Lunars (Nature, adaptability and shredding people to pieces is all very cool)

-Abyssals (Like Solars. Just emo)

-Everyone else (I don't know about the Fair Folk, Infernals or Alchemicals enough to insert them in this list. They are certainly before DBs, though)

-Dragon-Blooded (Pawns of the greater Exalted. No fun)
Greetings. My first post will regrettibly be in a rush, due to work. I'm glad I stumbled upon your site, hope to do a better introduction soon.

- Tikor
Too late :twisted:

The punishment for this unappropriated intro is... Your soul is miiiiiiine !!!
cyl said:
Too late :twisted:
The punishment for this unappropriated intro is... Your soul is miiiiiiine !!
To round out my intro:

I started pen and paper RPGs in June of 08. Exalted is my first and only at the moment. My ST has let me at his books, and I have devoured no small number of them... I currently own Core and WotLA with MoEP: DB, Lunar and Sidereals on the way via mail.

The only game I've played is a Solar game. I play a Twilight crafty type who fails at combat. Quite literally last combat I CNNT'd up myself a snow fort to hide from the scary snow dragon-wyld-tainted thingies. It was a mixed success.

But just because I've only run one character doesn't mean crafty is all I do. I'm kinda impulsive about writing new characters up (both fluff and crunch) and thus have about 20 or so on paper...

To rate my current favorite Exalt types:

1. Dragon-Blooded (Princes of the Earth against all odds and power scales with a ridiculously fluffed out society for social combat? Win.).

2. Lunars (Color me intrigued).

3. Solars (Perfection has it's perks).

4. Sidereals (Missions would cramp my style).

5. Abyssals (Resonance would own me).

6. Alchemicals (Haven't read anything on them).

7. Infernals (Havent' read anything on them).

I consider myself strictly a player at this point. My ignorance of RP in general would probably be detrimental to anybody I would attempt to ST for, though I think STing will be fun once I get more experience.
Oh, forgot to mention, my current Solar game is Face to Face. I'm trying to poke an old college friend to start a Ventrillo game (DB's). And, as you can probably tell by my presence here, I'd love to hop in a PbP game when space comes available in one.

Also, if I get fired it's all your fault =p
Hey everybody. First post and all...

So yeah, I stumbled upon the site from the white-wolf page. I'm fairly new to the game. At the moment I'm playing Shadow Chases Dawn, the Night caste thief on myth-weavers. I haven't convinced my RL group to buy the book yet. I'm eager to join a game or two over hear.
Hi'lo. I'm a procrastinator and apparently you all have been nice to not delete me during the Forum Change/Spam War :P

Anyway I am pretty new to the Exalted thing, I have had the book forever! And only recently got an only non-pbp game under my belt. But one game... ah... its not enough ^^ I want another. So I shall keep a watch out here for a nice PbP one ^^

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