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After you've spent a WP on a Simple Charm that cannot be Combo'd, I'd say having a weapon that's a bit better than a basic Artifact is okay. Even though it's clearly a better weapon than the core bows, it's not so much better that it becomes broken, even at Essence 5.

In other words, the bow is better than a normal Artifact, but not unbalanced because it has to be activated. If it were only as good as a basic Artifact bow, there wouldn't be an upside to using it.

GSS, on the other hand, is normally only as good as a Daiklaive, or worse, unless you twink it, in which case it becomes positively broken.
I'm not sure how I'd change the Archery one, but it'd probably be similar to how I'd change the Melee one. The Melee one would instead create a single mundane weapon of Perfect quality, and it would gain the benefits for the Orichalcum MM bonus (of course, you only pick one weapon per purchase of GSS, so the stats are set).
fhgwdads05 said:
I'm not sure how I'd change the Archery one, but it'd probably be similar to how I'd change the Melee one. The Melee one would instead create a single mundane weapon of Perfect quality, and it would gain the benefits for the Orichalcum MM bonus (of course, you only pick one weapon per purchase of GSS, so the stats are set).

That's horrible. That's the sort of thing a DB would pull, not a Solar. It would have to be comparable to an Artifact weapon to even be worth considering taking the Charm in the first place, considering how easy it is for a Solar to come up with a Daiklaive (even if it's Jade) or a Perfect Weapon. :(

For comparison, consider the Terrestrial Circle Spell Spirit Sword.
Tome said:
fhgwdads05 said:
I'm not sure how I'd change the Archery one, but it'd probably be similar to how I'd change the Melee one. The Melee one would instead create a single mundane weapon of Perfect quality, and it would gain the benefits for the Orichalcum MM bonus (of course, you only pick one weapon per purchase of GSS, so the stats are set).

That's horrible. That's the sort of thing a DB would pull, not a Solar. It would have to be comparable to an Artifact weapon to even be worth considering taking the Charm in the first place, considering how easy it is for a Solar to come up with a Daiklaive (even if it's Jade) or a Perfect Weapon. :(

For comparison, consider the Terrestrial Circle Spell Spirit Sword.
I completely disagree. First off, DB's generate Mundane weapons without any quality or MM benefits whatsoever. They get a bonus equivalent to what they'd get from Dragon-Graced Weapon, which is marginal at best (Fire, which would provide the heftiest bonus, has been errat'ed to provide a pool of a damage that you soak separately from the damage of the weapon). This new GSS generates weapons far better. Perfect weapons are just below Artifacts. And I do not think Charm-generated weapons should surpass those of Artifacts, at least not what one would get from an Essence 3 Charm.

You're missing a very key benefit of this Charm over Artifacts. With GSS (my edit), you can generate any weapon you want. You aren't stuck with a sword, an axe, a hammer, or whatever else. You aren't limited only by what you can find. You've got to remember that Perfect Weapons aren't just sitting around everywhere, and neither are non-Jade Artifacts. Why anyone would want to use a Jade Artifact they gain no MM bonus or have to doubly-commit to is beyond me when they could have a nigh-equivalent that fucks up CoDs on call. There's also potential option of creating Permanent Charms to further enhance the statistics of your GSS-generated weapon. It's not even close to being that damn easy to improve upon that Jade Daiklave you've picked up off a Wyld Hunt-DB's corpse (if it's even ruled possible in the first place - I'm of the mindset that it's not).

Also, remember you get Holy keyword for Agg damage to CoDs on this thing too. That's something run-of-the-mill Artifacts don't give you.

Coyotekin said:
I am thinking that any weapon should equal an Artifact weapon, at at Essence 6 it could be better.
You see, then the GSS-weapon is now better than artifacts, because it's available on call and has the Holy keyword. To me, that doesn't work because I'd now find myself asking "Why the hell would I ever take an Artifact now when I can have something equally as good that doesn't require permanent commitment or lugging around?" It's of my opinion that question should never have to come up, and that's why Charms with prerequisites below, say, Essence 4-5+, should generate weapons with stats worse (if only slightly!) than basic Artifacts.

EDIT - Here's a comparison of the stats of a basic Daiklave and Charm-generated Straight Swords to help you visualize this:

Daiklave - No MM Bonus applied (Orichalcum MM Bonus)

Speed 5

Accuracy +3 (+4)

Damage +6L

Defense +2 (+3)

Rate 3 (4)

Refining the Inner Blade-generated Straight Sword

Speed 4

Accuracy +2

Damage +3L (+4L extra from the DGW Fire elemental bonus)

Defense +1

Rate 2


New Glorious Solar Saber-generated Perfect Straight Sword (+1 Acc +2 Dmg +1 Rate from Perfect quality, Orich MM bonus added)

Speed 4

Accuracy +4

Damage +5L

Defense +2

Rate 4

That one is a bit more appropriate from what I see. Very nice. I think I would also change the weapon to be any melee weapon instead of just a sword. 1-H or 2-H weapon. I like the variety. And in order to have diff weapons have to pay the xp cost
That's exactly my thoughts. Your perfect mundane weapon probably won't be better than it's Artifact equivalent in most cases, this is a special one I think. But it's going to be close, and the other benefits provided by the Charm (flexibility, Holy) certainly outweigh any statistical losses.

And yeah, my fix of GSS will generate any mundane weapon of your choice. I just used a Straight Sword / Daiklave comparison because it was the first that came to mind.
Hey, I'm new here. Actually, I'm new to a number of things. I found out about Exalted from Keychain of Creation, of all things, and so I went and got some rulebooks. Haven't been able to find a group with an opening near where i live, so i figured I'd try online, which i haven't done before either. I have some at the table experience with other systems, but that's it.


Welcome to the site. We are glad to have you and ready to teach you the proper way to play. And Haku is good to talk to for character portraits and such.
Just wanted to say hi. Tikor got me involved on his soon-to-be-happening game here, and I figured I would wave hello.

*waves hello*

-Noisy Cricket
About time you got around to posting! :D

Also, I have prior claim to her soul, by virtue of being the one to talk her into trying Exalted. :P
Wittines is hard,

Like petals in the strong wind,

Don't force it. Relax.

Oh and welcome. :D
Doesn't ^_^ put your last line up to twelve syllables there? (ka-rat un-durr-score ka-rat)


Would make a hell of an amusing middle line though.
To state: I am still very very very new to the pbp side of the forums, I'm more accustomed to the discussion forums.

I however am looking for something to do occasionally. I'd really like to find a chat-based game good for a few nights a week, but I understand that's unlikely.

So my question is instead, is there is list or something of games that are still open to players?

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