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Throw your soul onto the fire. It tastes soooo good as it crackles!
Been snooping around for a new forum to hang out at after the last few I was at kind of died from terminal neglect. Been a fan of EXALTED for about a year, parrying lightning bolts while covered in metal or singing a song so beautiful that baby eatan Yozis pause to shed a single manly tear. This looks like the place for scaring up some players for future projects, or perhaps tagging along with other campaigns when I'm feeling less ambitious.
Welcome. See the Game Status List one way or another, to reply if you're starting a game and to browse the open ones if you're joining a game.

Was introduced to Exalted some short while ago, and honestly after playing a system where the equivalent of the gods of physics will merrily kick objectors in the nuts and let impossible shit slide because it's just that awesome, it's hard to go back to a system where the gods of physics won't merrily kick objectors in the nuts and let stuff slide.

So far I haven't even managed one complete game (first one I tried to play died of terminal inactivity in a set of forums not really designed for it), and have nowhere even vaguely near the experience needed to ST (though I consider this more to be a lack of mechanics know-how than a dearth of ideas.)

GrayWatch said:'s hard to go back to a system where the gods of physics won't merrily kick objectors in the nuts and let stuff slide.
QFT. Welcome and merry gaming! Inactivity is not our deal here, though pbp does have it's own pace. I'm sure you've already been pointed to the Game Status List so I'll let the pattern spiders weave you over there on their own.
Salut mes Amis !

Long time lurker and fan just dropping by to prove that indeed I am very much alive. Alive and excited about playing as well, so I better get off my @ss and look into joining a game.
cyl said:
Khairn said:
Salut mes Amis !
Could it be ?! I'm no longer the only french speaking member of this community ! :D
Quoi? Deux francophone en meme temps? Bientot on va regner supreme! Mwuhahaha!!! :twisted:

Actually I'm more of a "bloke", but I get by.
Just so you know I'm back.

I'll deal with the games I'm STing in order :

1- Walking with the Darkness

2- Alliance of the Renewal

3- CoaTF (should be fully updated by next monday)

I'm sorry for the recent lag, our web designer just left us at 80% of the project, and we simultaneously had an increase in the requests... not much space for sleep let along rpg :evil:

Things are cooling down now, I can manage to get 5hrs of sleep :roll:
Hi all!

I'm pretty much brand-spankin'-new to Exalted, but it sounds like a lot of fun, so I thought I'd give it a shot. I am pretty experienced with play-by-post gaming, but I've never actually played a game of Exalted in any form, nor seen it played. As I said, brand-spankin'-new :wink:

So, I'm looking for a game. Preferably a Solar game, as I've just barely got a grasp (I think) on the core rules - start out with the 'simple stuff', as it were. I won't pretend I know what I'm doing; theory and practice, and all that jazz. If/when I get into a game, any pointers and advice to do with chargen and playing the game would be greatly appreciated. So, anyone looking for a newb? :)

I think that's about it. Looking forward to trying this out.

I don't think there's many games just starting, but your best bet would be to talk to Cyl about his Chronicle of the Thousand Fists, wherein you play a mostly solo game. This will allow you to get acquinted with the rules, and later you can join other games.
I don't think there's many games just starting, but your best bet would be to talk to Cyl about his Chronicle of the Thousand Fists, wherein you play a mostly solo game. This will allow you to get acquinted with the rules, and later you can join other games.

Welcome to you :)
Thanks for the welcome! That sounds like a pretty good idea; I thought at first that it was intended to be a PvP type thing, but it looks like it's more solo vs. NPCs (most of the time). Is that right?

Anyway, if it is more of a solo thing, that sounds like a great way to get better acquainted with the rules. Open for another, Cyl? :)

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