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Realistic or Modern New York's Gifted.



It's another morning in Manhattan, New York City.

The orange sunlight streams through the openings of the room's window blinds and over time changes the dark blueish room into a brown orange space. As the sun slowly progresses up towards towards the sky the room becomes much more lit. As dust particles float around as light brown or golden orbs of light, Breathing and groaning could be heard from somewhere within the room. It's a small living area with three seporate room: The main room, the kitchen and the bathroom.

To the west are a series of shelves are taking up space on one wall filled with different types of paper, drawing utensils, books and binders. The north is the entrance of the half wall that leads to a small dark kitchen area. East returns back to the main room, there is a large window and bellow that window is a folding bed hosting a mass of pillows and bed sheets. By the folding bed is a small table with a laptop set on top of it along with a dvd case of "Gladiator". At the south is the door that leads in and out of the apartment. By the door are two victorian drawers made of dark oak wood that hold the man's necessities: Food and Cloths. To east is a door to the extremely small bathroom that's nothing more than a toilet and a tight shower room.

A big bowl reeking of shrimp flavour dived into the nose of the sleeping man. Alex opened his eyes and stared for ten minutes at the cieling before coming to his senses. He forced off the weight of numerous pillows when he rose up to his sitting position and untangled his body from the sheets.

Pit. Pat. Pit. Pat. His weight echoed with every step as he walked towards the small kitchen.

The man flipped a switch and had the kitchen bathed in a yellowish light. He threw his hand towards the nozzle of his sink and turned his hand. Cold grey looking water flushed out from the sink, He held his hand over the water and splashed the cold water against his face.

"Gutenmorgen." He mumbled to himself after he had loudly slapped the sides of his head, shaking the last of his drowsiness and began to prepare himself for the day.


Alec walked down the street in New York and looked around. It was very obvious he was a tourist as he pushed through the crowds. He was getting more stares then he was giving though, with his bright white hair and his devil like red eyes. He wasn't having a problem in the crowd as most people didn't want to get near the odd looking man. he chuckled and ignored the rude behavior.


Lilith came out of the cafe with a sigh. She was looking for another job since she was on her own now. But she was just so down, nobody wanted to take her. And she wasn't very good at pretending to be happy. She started to walk to Central Park. She always had her sketch book on her and some pencils so she hoped that sketching would help take her mind off things.
A darkly lit and austere apartment met the morning in an eager fashion as the occupant was already in the midst of starting her day.

A redheaded girl reached to grab her key and bag off of a hook on a pale blue wall of the apartment. Clothed in dark jeans and a long mint button up, she set out to go to an outdoor market a mile or so away.

Ever since she left her home, her uncle had been distant, accusing even. Only a month ago had she moved to an apartment of her own under the financial support of her care taker. Still, one would be wrong to assume the girl wasn't attempting to take responsibility.

Raynie ventured out the door at the base of metal stairs and into the sea of bodies which was Manhattan New York.

Alec was lost. Hopelessly and utterly lost. How does one get lost in New York when they could maneuver Venis? He didn't know, only that he had managed to do so. He wondered around New York. Hr couldn't ask directions from these people. They were scared sh**less of him.


Lilith sat on the grass in Central Park. She was sketching a squirrel that was luckily sitting still. Very uncharacteristic of a squirrel, but it was. She had to stop herself from humming and scaring it away quite a few times.

The sound of scrubbing could be heard from the small kitchen as he worked on cleaning his dishes. Pressing the wet foamy sponge against the grease and stains left by the vegetable oil, he worked deligently and was unnessasarilly focused onto completing the chore. He dried his plate and silverware, placed the already cleaned pan in the oven for later use and gently hung his towel over the heater.

The man wore a black windbreaker and a matching pair of grey 21th century jeans. Alex wiped his glasses clean before putting them on and stared off into the distance to adjust his vision. he blinked at his laptop and looked over to his shelves. He took afew steps foward and had his arm reach out toward a wide squarish looking 'bag'. It was a sketch board. He strapped it around his shoulder and turned to a aluminium folding chair leaning against the wall. He grabbed it tied it to afew straps and wore it on him like a backpack.

The man smiled lightly as put on his black running shoes.

With a turn from his hand he locked the door behind him and walked down the wooden flight of stairs. A light breeze had brushed past him thus bringing the smell of the city along with it. The faint stench of gasoline, vegetation and foreign food attacked the man's nose. He blew a puff of air from his nostrils and made an annoyed expression.

"No matter how long I live here, i wont get used to this air at all."

He walked slowly from his neighbourhood and headed for Manhattan's central park.
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Allen C. August had been making deliveries of "Chef Bo's" special szechuan pork and some of the less popular recipes for a few months now and he had clocked in quite a few hours. But even a veteran delivery man such as himself was slightly thrown by the high demand of cheap greasy pseudo food on this fair morning. Why were so many people clamoring for Chef Bo's? Who eats chinese food in the morning? What were they doing with all those wontons? These were all reasonable questions.

Allen's brain sounds slowly died down as he skidded to a halt in front of the building he was making his last delivery to. He safely secured his bike to a sidewalk sapling before gazing up at the apartment building. It was pretty average but it still took Allen's breath away. This city never ceased to amaze him.

Alec bumped into a dark haired guy with dark shadows under his eyes. "Sorry, man. Didn't see you, I'm looking at a map." Alec said in a heavy Italian accent. He hoped the guy was alright.

@Jaeger BLU


Lilith stood up after sketching that odd squirrel. She started to walk back to her apartment. It was really pretty out today and she couldn't help but smile at it. Everything seemed so peaceful, like time had stopped.


Ariel woke up a couple minutes before her 6 A.M. alarm could wake her up. She got out of bed and headed into the kitchen of her small apartment. After eating a quick breakfast, she changed out of her shorts and light tank top and put on jeans, a T-shirt, brown light jacket, and sneakers before heading out the door. She climbed into her car and drove toward the local Police station.

After reaching the station, she walked into the woman's locker room and changed into her police uniform; she tied her blond hair back into a short ponytail before putter on her hat. Once she was ready for work, she left the station. She started her patrol around the park, stopping briefly to get a disposable cup of coffee. Everything seemed peaceful this morning. The park wasn't too busy due to the early hour, but there were some people out and about. Ariel noticed a girl sketching, but she didn't get close enough to see what. She had to be vigilant on a day like this. You never know when something is about to go wrong.


Tony woke up around seven O'clock in the morning in his apartment near his college. He herd the shower running in the bathroom, probably his roommate. Tony got out of bed and grabbed his glasses off of the side table. He stared at the clock, all of his classes were later in the afternoon so he never bothered setting an alarm. He also had a lot of time to kill since he was already prepared for his classes. Tony changed into a casual outfit and stylized his hair. He stuck his wallet and phone into his pocket. He then placed his laptop into his backpack and slung it over his shoulder. He walked outside of the dorm and started to walk into the city. He had no destination planned, but he was heading in the direction of the local arcades. His love of gaming was affecting him subconsciously.
Dante woke up naturally and took a deep breath in as she opened her eyes and took a long look around her. She was lying on a mattress with no bed-frame or box spring, it was just casually laid on the floor. She was in the middle of a small studio apartment. The building she lived in was a complete shit-hole but she was safe there from the authorities. These were the kinds of placed the cops and gifted hunters never tended to go, except for drugs busts, but Dante wasn't afraid of the kind of cops who got put on drugs busts in the bad side of town. Her apartment was scarcely ornamented, which was better if she suddenly had to get up and leave. She stood up and absentmindedly turned her TV to the news channel as she dressed.


The lady was talking about boring things like a fire or something. Nothing about Dante. She switched the TV off and walked to the kitchen. There was nothing to eat and Dante groaned. She grabbed her keys and left the apartment, locking the door behind her. On the way to finding a suitiale place to find something to eat, head down and hood up, she bumped into someone. She looked up and it was a very pale man with red eyes. An albino. Dante noted that he seemed very lost.

"Oh, excuse me. I wasn't looking where I was going." She pulled her hood down farther and tried to hide her face. She certainly wasn't scared of him, but if he saw who she was, he would be scared of her.


Alec chuckled and shook his head at the woman who had bumped into him, "No worries, bella. I'm okay" He leaned closer to her with a charming smile, "But are you okay, principessa?" He asked. He was wondering if he'd be able to convince her to give him directions.

Dante shied away from him as he leaned in, looking down. She realized a little late that this was extremely suspicious of her. "Yeah, I'm fine. just-" she paused, deciding looking him in the eye would be less suspicious of her and doing that. She glared at him accidentally. It was a habit of hers to glare at anyone and everyone, It was natural. "uh, yeah. I'm fine." She started to walk off.
Alec wasn't very intimidated by her glare, and he didn't take her earlier actions as suspicious. He didn't know how American's acted, "Bella! Please, don't leave me lost and all alone! I need help!" He had no qualms about begging. He wasn't a man who made his pride a priority. His priority was to always stay happy and have a ragazza by his side.

Dante gritted her teeth and turned on her heel to face the guy most would be scare of. "Listen man, the whole lost Italian act is really adorable and all, but I'm not interested sooo...." She tried to explain. Who did this guy think he was?
He laughed and shrugged, "It's no act, ragazza. I really am lost. And I really am italiano. I just need help." He smiled at her, and shrugged. Not much he could do about it, and half an hour ago he had torn his map to pieces in frustration. He really hoped she would help but if not he'd keep going.

Dante sighed. She walked back over to him and became aware that they had created a little bit of a scene. She folded her arms. Oh well, maybe he really is lost. She mused to herself. "I can't believe you showed up in New York with no map, don't you euro-tourists have any sense?" she said quietly, trying to reduce the attention brought to herself and this walking attention grabber.
"I had a map..." He defends himself for a second, then rubs the back of his neck, "But I destroyed it after it pissed me off." He grinned shamelessly and waits to see how exasperated that will make his savior. He can already tell he's irritating her so he just waits.
Dante heard the tourist's story and laughed. She would have never guessed the guy with a hot temper. She gave him a genuine smile and unfolded her arms. "Okay, where are you trying to get to?" She asked with a smirk.
"I think my Hotel would be a good place, si? At least there I can eat..." he pondered out loud, "Well, I could eat somewhere around here, but I don't know where good food is." he suddenly gets an idea, "Ragazza, how bout you choose a place and I'll treat us to food! And then maybe you'll still help me?" His stomach growled loud enough for her to hear. He really was hungry, but his tutore always taught him to be a gentleman, so he offered to buy her food as well.

Nina stood around her motel room, gently putting on the choker around her neck to cover her scar. She smoothed out her skirt and hummed, skipping around the room. It was dirty, but it was better than sleeping on the street. She grabbed her black purse, walking over to the bed. She struggled to lift up the mattress and grabbed the wad of cash. Over 1000 dollars she had still. She shoved the cash into her purse and heading out of the motel room.

The small girl walked down the street, her face emotionless. She needed to find people. People like her. People who had powers. She wanted to know how many there were and how many she can get to join her. She was tired of being treated like a freak and wanted to show people she wasn't a small little girl. She wanted to start a gang. But first she had to find people like her and watch them.​
Dante furrowed hher brow at this guy... They just met and he wanted to have breakfast with her? Maybe it was an Italian thing? She looked him up and down and tried to tell if he was carrying any weapons or things like that. She assessed his physique. She ascertained that if she had to, he could be easily subdued. "Alright, strange little man. We'll have breakfast and I can teach you a little about how Americans act, especially New-Yorkers. Its obvious you know very little of our culture." She scoffed.
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Alec smirked, "Alright, bella. You lead the way." He really had no intention of doing anything. While he was a player, he liked his women willing. And his guardian was very well off so he wasn;t likely to steal from her. He hummed an Italian song as they walked.

The man snapped from back to reality from his sketch book to looka round himself once more. He's sitting on his folding chair in a vast clearing of short grass. Afew people ar present at the moment but the area is bound to get more visitors as time passes. The man placed his hands on the back of his neck and proceeded to rub his sore spot bbefore proceeding with his sketch. He looked upwards towards the clear sky as he massaged the back of his neck and turned snappishly to his righ to pop his neck. A wet hissing sound could be heard and his neck began to experiences a mild wave of pleasure.

"Ahhhhhhhhh..." He moaned as he felt his soreness being swept away by the mild wave of pleasure. His neck and shoulder muscles relaxed as he sat there spacing out at the sky.

He sat upright onced more, looked down at the sketch book and adjusted his pensil between his index finger and thumb. The paper has a rough sketch of of a fictional bird on it. It's far from finished and so far he has only finished drawing the head. Smeared grey pencil led tipped his thumb and pinky finger as he shaded the avian creature.

"Du wirst Wunderschön." He whispered to himself as he scratched the surface of the paper with a white smile.

"You really are going to be wonderful once I'm down with you."
Nina walked along the side walk, her curls bouncing with each step she took. She was unsure where she was going but she felt like it was the correct direction. The small girl turned and entered the oh so famous Central Park. It was huge to say the least. Nina decided she'd be able to find at least one gifted person. She made her way over to a fountain eyeing a female. She could be a potential gifted person. Nina kept her distance but followed the girl around the park. After a while though Nina decided the random female was in fact not gifted. She should no interesting powers nor features.

Nina sighed and stood in the middle of the sidewalk, her purse in the crook of her elbow, her money and doll stored safely inside. She pouted slightly and turned her head, only to notice a dark skinned male sitting in a chair in the distance. He seemed to be in his own world out in the large field, but there was something about him that made Nina start walking towards him. The stilettos she was wearing made the 4'9 girl appear to be 5'2, the best shoes to look tall but not the best shoes to walk in grass. Half ways towards the man she groaned, taking off her shoes and walking in her thigh high socked feet.

Nina finally made it over to the man, her tiny body casting shadows over his drawing. She knew she was in his personal space but she didn't care. There was something special about him and she wanted to know. She stared at the drawing, leaning in to look at it.

"Is that a bird?" Her soft high pitched voiced ask, tilting her head and making her look even more like a doll. She thought the art so far was amazing and she envied it.


"Is that a bird?" soft voice seemed to faintly grab Alex's attention.

Alex is in something of a trance, his entire being seems to be concentrated on the minute detail of creating the small feathery creature and it really didn't startle him the least when he heard that voice near his proximitry. A small feeling came from the insides of his head as he took a part of him to commerse with whoever was near him.

It felt like he was paying attention to two things. the progress of his sketch is slowed but the quality will stay the same. His eyes are moving rapidly watching the detail of the avian creature and having his hand and arm dash around the paper at a somewhat bewildering speed. Alex didn't mind the shadow and opened his mouth.

"Yes." he paused for bit. "Although not one that we know of." He answered sheepishly grinning afterwards.


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