New Sins [Inactive]

Zeen sat quietly as he looked around to everyone,now getting a good view of the others he couldn't help but chuckle. looking donw to Tora and her irritatedness he looked confused,"Whats up with you??" He said leaning back in his chair as he relaxed. he saw no reason for her to act that way,unless she didn't like these big dudes. that would actually be understandable.
Tora shifted, but didn't bother opening her eyes. "I'm just uncomfortable." She answered, still keeping her voice low. "I don't particularly like the big guys. But, at least they'll be giving answers."
Mal sat once again bored, filing her nails to a point, 'More introductions and demons this time. I wonder what they meant by control of my sin? Lust, I give men hard ons?' She giggled at the thought turning towards the person next to her to snap out of it.

Flipping her blue tinted hair she decided to introduce herself more formally, "Pride right? You're Ren?"
" uncomfortable?.... Ya want me to lay on you Again?" Zeen smiled,she didn't seem to mind at all when he used her as a bed so he figured she was comfortable then. Then she mentioned she didn't like the big dudes, " ah thought so....I like em...." He said happily as he looked over to them.
Ren turned to the girl he hadn't noticed sitting next to him. "Pride?" He asked. "You know, I think I heard someone say something about that."

He cleared his throat, "But, anyway. Yes, I'm Ren. Ren Lero Subarashii. Ren Lero Subarashii, the great one." He said. "I'm so cool."

He sat back down, mostly forgetting about the demons he was complaining about a minute ago.


Tora sighed, "They've only just said their names. And, I already want to punch all of them in their fat, ugly faces." She grumbled, mostly to herself. "Hmph."
Zeen looked down to Tora as she spoke then back to the big dudes," they aren't really fat....most of them a seem in good shape." He huffed not seeing what she meant by that." Why do you hate them so much?.... Cause they made you what you are now?"
Luke tensed slightly as the big guys came into the meeting hall, then forced his muscles to relax. "Don't worry, they won't hurt you," he assured Karoku, still watching the demons in front of him suspiciously. "Just so long as you don't do anything to upset them, you'll be fine... I hope..." He murmured, frowning slightly, left eyebrow taking on a constant, somewhat irritating twitch. Still, he shifted slightly closer to the white haired Sin, almost protectively. It was his entire purpose to protect Karoku, even from the big shots of the demon realm if he had to.
Dina had turned into her small black fox form again. She had taken a seat on the back of her masters chair, her two tails swinging lightly down the back of it. She listened to instructions carefully from the demons that was ranked above her, but when her master decided to speak to one of the fellow sins she turned her red eyes toward him as well.

Her mouth didn’t move when she spoke, so it almost sounded like a small echo coming from her. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Pride,” she said simply, then she leaned over and sniffed to him like she had done with Envy. Then she sat back again.
Ren gasped, "Another talking animal!?" He asked, excitedly. "Hello, little fox thing." If he'd had a tail right then, it would have been wagging.

"Also, I don't go by Mr. Pride." He added. "Just something simple like, Ren Lero Subarashii, the awesome one. Or, Ren Lero Subarashii, the one who everyone loves. Maybe even just Ren."

He leaned forward to get a better look at the black fox, "By the way. . ." He began. "You wanna see my awesome fangs?"
Blood chuckled at Ren's out burst and Calvin smiled saying they deffinantly had a good Pride this time around, as well as making a few other observations on the crowd of sins. And he and the others greeted each sin that introduced themselves.

Dean had just introduced himself when the demon named Bellathrin growled. "Enough time wasting with this, introductions can be sorted out later. Calvin they're obviously all anxious to hear the details so get on with it." Skavil grumbled in agreement.

"Pushy as always Bella." Calvin sighed. "Though I'm sure she's right. Well, as has been explained to you all you have been chosen as the new seven sins. Some of the most important demons around. I'm sure your taken note of your physical changes but you've also gained some other demonic influences, powers. They very depending on which sin you've been appointed. We've elected new sins because the last ones have been. . . .retired. Basicly your job is to spread sin, there is a balance that must be maintained and to maintain it there must be both good and evil. Though, it'd be nice to have a completely dark world that just wouldn't fly. Eventually everything'd just . . .end." He gave a slight shrug on the last word. "To achieve maximum efficincy it's recommended that you work together at least sometimes. Kind of keep each other in line. There are two forces you don't wanna cross one is us, the other is our counter part. Run-ins with their forces are unavoidable but don't go to far or they'll make a lot more trouble then it's worth for us. And you'll be paid based on how much sin you spread, without attracting to much suspision about our world."

"As wizard as that is, let's move on." Blood begins. "Living arrangements. Don't matta to us if you live here or in the moral realm. If you do decide to move in here your welcome to stay at your familiar's flat or we'll prepare you your own, and we'll 'ave your things fetched. But do let me or Bone know before ya leave, cause I'm not making room for those of you to lazy ta tell me then."

"Before we close the meeting are there any specific questions any of you have? Anything we didn't cover in enough detail?" Bellathrin asks.
Karoku simply gulped and held tighter onto Luke's arm, feeling like if he let go then something bad would inevitably happen. He tried tuning in and understanding what exactly these tough and tall demons were saying, but he was kind of confused and would have to ask Luke to clarify later on... One of the things Karo got though, is the fact that he was going to have some kind of power. Now this just made Karoku want to jump in instantly to be the best possible Sin there was, however he realized that what they were all going to do was kind of dark. The crazy thing was, Karoku didn't care that much if it was "dark" or "wrong," as his moral compass wasn't exactly pointed straight...
When Calvin began to explain Zeen laid his arms over the table in front of him and rested his head on them, he listened to what they had to say still trying to understand why Tora didn't like them,but he only got through half of what Calvin was saying before he started dozing off. He at least caught all that Calvin had said at least before fully falling asleep,as for what blood mentioned he didn't get a word of.

Snapping out of it he looked up confused when Bell was at the end of what she was saying," Uhhh......" He obviously missed something and really hoped it wasn't important."what'd ya say?..." He asked wondering what he missed.
Dina blinked and tilted her head when Pride turned his attention to her. “My name is Dina, the familiar of Lust,” she said, mouth still not moving, red eyes calm. But her tails started swinging a little uncomfortably by his reprimand, she had always been taught to speak to the sins formally. So, when he asked for differ one of her ears went down a bit. “Mr. Ren,” she compromised. She tilted her head the other way by his last question. “If you want to show me.” This was Pride after all. She knew a bit about the sin's usual character, since her sister was his familiar.

When the demons started to talk, her attention turned back to them, and she watched calmly, taking in all the information needed. She wouldn’t mind if Lust lived with her, it would just be her masters house then. But she could understand if she wanted something better too.
Ren shot the demons with name tags a death glare for talking before he got to show off. He had no idea what their problem was, but he was very unhappy about it.

Then, he turned his attention back to Dina, "Mr. Ren makes me feel old." He said. "It's just Ren. Or, one of those other titles I mentioned. Or, I could list a few more I guess. But, my favorite has to be Ren. It's short, simple, sweet, unforgettable, it doesn't make me feel old. I love it."

He smiled widely, and chuckled quietly, hoping the fox would notice his fangs.
That was all? Jordan raised an eyebrow. This whole meeting thing was supposed to be something important, or at least she thought so, and basically all they had learned was that the Sins were supposed to spread sin without getting caught to maintain the balance. She sighed, the higher-ups could've just told the Familiars that. Though it might not have had the same effect. Whatever, at least it didn't seem like anything too challenging for now. Spreading sin, huh? So be it. Jordan didn't really care- she tended not to let her emotions drive her, so she figured her morals wouldn't get in the way very often. Living arrangements...well, it was awfully generous for the head demons to be so accommodating, but then these were the new Sins, after all. Jordan didn't care too much where Dean wanted to live. She would take care of him, whether it be in this world or the next.
The fox’ red eyes seemed to ponder for a while how to compromise again, but in the end put it’s ears down in defeat. “Understood, Mist- Si- … hmpf… Ren..” then she lifted her ears again, but her shoulder’s slumped a bit. Phew… she was happy her master wasn’t this informal, that had been hard. It was like going against the rules for the first time.

Then she watched as he showed his fangs. “Looks cool, Mr. Pride,” she said, although she was mentally sweatdropping. Already accidentally going back to square one with the name.
Ren sighed, but decided to focuse on the compliment first. "I know, right?" He said. "I'm so cool, growing these things!"

Then, he felt what he was hoping wouldn't happen again. Blood, on his head, and in his hair. "Yeah. . ." He said. "I still don't like how Mr. Pride sounds. . ."

He hopped up, "But, I should get going now." He said. "Really bad headache, you know. . .so, bye!" With that, he left the meeting hall, not waiting for anyone to respond.

Once out, he pulled down his hood, and touched the top of his head, before looking at his fingers. Sure enough, there was a red liquid on the tips.

He had felt the sharp, hard things again, they seemed larger. "I'm sure it looks cool. . .anything looks cool on me. . ." He reassured himself. "Even blood."

With that, he pulled his hood back up, and turned to renter the hall.


Tora was relieved that it was over so quickly, though she probably could have guessed all of what the head demons had said. She smirked, "I should've known they wouldn't have anything important to say." She said. "They never do."
"No questions then?" Bellathrin asked eyes sweeping the crowd once more. "Very well then. Don't forget to let Blood or Bone know where you're going to be staying." And with that she, Skavil, and Calvin rose and left the room muttering amongst each other.

Dean already knew where he was going to stay, there was no way he was going to leave his familiar. Even though he knew she wouldn't just leave, Dean just couldn't convince himself that she really wouldn't. And he wasn't going to let her leave nor anyone take her. Turning a quick smile on Jordan, he told her his decision. "I'm going to stay at your place okay?" It briefly crossed his mind that, that meant he might lose his house, but he was getting a new place to stay and if they payed well then he could keep paying for the house and it for storage. Then he went to tell this Blood guy where he was gonna live. After Blood wrote the information down Dean returned to Jordan. "Le's get going, kay?"

Vincent didn't mind where Persuilla decided to live it wasn't his place to say anyways. Though he would stay as close as possible to her. It was his duty and he would never forgive himself if she got hurt because he wasn't close enough. The very thought made him scowl at himself for even thinking that way. "So, where you'd you like to stay?" He asked her.
Once the important things seemed to have been said (which they probably could have guessed for themselves anyway), Luke turned to face Karoku. "Where would you like to stay? The mortal world, or would you rather get a place here?" He assumed that the other male would rather not live in his rather shabby and defiled apartment, so only bothered to mention the two other options.
"Hm... Strange. I think he was sweating, I definitely smelled something sharp." Mal had decided, "Oh well! Dina darling can I stay at your house for the time being?" She said turning around to see the fox. 'So fuzzy cute!'

After contemplating inwardly she picked the little fox up and set her in her lap, to pet her.
" ey,Tora, you got a place here too?" Zeen asked as he watched two of the big dudes leave,he then looked at her for her answer. He wasn't sure where he should stay,just as long as he got to keep his couch he was happy where ever he had to stay.
"They're all such... Bores. We could've had more fun elsewhere." Wrath complained to his Familiar. She had already taken the liberty to introduce him. None of them sparked an interest. They couldn't really be demons, could they? Perhaps, diluted versions of evil were present. They were going to spread sin? The thought amused Cethin. Fortunately, while bored to death, the Sin was content. Dressed in cleaner garments, wounds bandaged and taken care of, one could say he even appeared happy. In a genuine way.

Still, his mind was a ticking bomb. What could one expect? Cethin's eyes vaguely followed Pride around until the other left. He chuckled, tilting his head slightly.

"Dog, that one is a joke. Won't shut that ugly mouth. Maybe I'll have to help him with that. Sew it shut? Or perhaps cut that tongue out. The possibilities!" The Sin was in utter bliss; developing methods of torture were his forte. It helped that he'd taken a liking to Vixen. She was happy to obey his commands and he was happy to give them. Perfect relationship right here.
Jordan nodded, acknowledging Dean's decision. "It's fine with me, but are you sure you're okay with leaving your house?" she asked. Being Greed, Dean might have a lot of stuff, and he might be attached to it. If that was true, Jordan also didn't have a lot of room to store things. Her flat was small- comfortable for one person, but livable for two. Jordan started walking as Dean declared he was ready to leave. She pulled at her fingers a little. "Ah well, you should know that my house isn't as nice as yours or anything," suddenly feeling a little self-conscious of her situation. Jordan lived rather simply and didn't take much time to decorate, since she thought of her home as not much more than a shelter and a place to sleep. The walls were quite plain- just a neutral green color with spots where she had repainted over what demons scrawled into the walls, and there were areas where the paint or flooring simply showed signs of wear. She had a couple pictures on a table- two of her parents and one with a friend from her childhood on Earth. There were a couple of lamps and chairs as well as a sofa, but there really wasn't anything special about her place...Jordan hoped it would be sufficient for someone so much more important than she. " we are," she said, unlocking the door and opening it for Dean.
For the first time since he sat down Bone did something more than breathe. He turned his head in the direction of the new Wrath and assumably began staring at him. There was a weight to the movement and Blood looked over at Wrath also, but only for a moment before waving a dissmissive hand and saying something to the other before returning to his paper. Bone however did not remove his stare.

"I can always keep my house too. And leave most of my stuff there. If I really decide I need more room I can just go back home, I guess." As Dean entered Jordan's house he was amazed there was so much . . .nothing. He could barely believe how little there was, but he supposed that could be fixed easily enough. "It not bad." He said walking around looking all around. "Kinda empty though."
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"Oh... Well... I guess we could stay in the mortal realm... But I don't have a place to live... Wait! I can just contact my family and then they can help me out." Karoku said to Luke with a smile. His family didn't personally care about him, but they had always paid the hospital bills, so naturally they would at least buy him a condo or something. Mainly just to keep Karo out of their hair, because he failed at being the first born son of a rich corporation. His younger brother is currently the heir to the company, and Karoku couldn't be more jealous of him. Ichirou got everything he ever wanted, and Karoku could barely stand it.

But Ichirou had really twisted Karo's mind over the years... Ichi would occasionally visit Karo in the hospital, talking (more like bragging) about his successful life, and how beautiful his fiancé was. Unlike the White haired and white skinned Karoku, Ichirou was a good looking guy with fluffy brown hair and deep green eyes. Apparently Ichi had the same eyes as their mother did, but Karoku never had the pleasure of even meeting her or seeing a picture... Everyday that Ichirou came to visit, Karoku would always repeat the same words in his head.

I want to be Ichirou... I want Ichi's life... I want his fiancé, and I want to know our parents... Why can't I be the heir... I'm supposed to be the true heir... And yet...

By that time he would already be in tears... Angry, hot tears.

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