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Colosseum New players: The House of the Rising Sun: Under Construction


Junior Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Coming Soon
Walkin Only, no sheets needed, for new people only.
This is a walkin community for new users to get roleplaying experience.

Law One: Do not violate the rules and TOS of Rpnation.com
Keep it PG-13. Always.
Law Two: You only control yourself, no one else.

You only have One Character: Mewtwo Clone.
Law Three: Be respectful, no killing other people without their permission. This is not Bates Motel.
Law Four: Mewtwo clones only: no other Pokemon.
Law Five: No After-dodges or rewinding time. No God like abilities.

Suggestion One: Try to post 3 lines of Literal Language or more. This is roleplaying: not a book. Try to make it sound like talking or making a post from the character. Please don't just say 'Mewtwo' over and over. Speak in a tone you would want to be spoken to.

Suggestion Two: Help and interact with everyone as much as you can. This gets you experience. Standing in a corner doesn't help you grow as a roleplayer. Romance is allowed but you should develop a fellowship first and grow from there. Remember Law One however.

Tag One: Since you are a clone: no character sheets needed.

Tag Two: Come and go as you please. This is House of The Rising Sun, not Hotel California.
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*About: Welcome to The House of the Morning Sun. The location in Osaka Japan was made by a Pokemon. Here we have a gym for fighting. We have a massive lobby, and two cafeterias with every food under the sun. Mewtwo guests can stay over night in our massive rooms each with two king sized beds, and bathroom. We have the worlds largest inside playground. Enjoy our pool! We have two bars on each end of the establishment. Have fun in our clean arcade or gamble with cards and slots. This is a get away for Mewtwo and his clones, and no other Pokemon are welcome. If you need something we do not have, we are programed to received anything we can get our hands on.

*Staff: We will hire staff from players or maybe as NPC's.

*You: You are a clone of Mewtwo. Mewtwo is a Pokemon who is himself a clone of another Pokemon called Mew. You are 5 foot, and 6 inches tall. You are 108 pounds. You are purple, and have a tail. Yes, you look like, everyone else, and everyone looks like you. Everyone is this character and there is no custom character. You can have different clothing, and different names: that will make you different, but that's about it.

*Your Ability as Mewtwo: You are allowed any official Nintendo attack or ability Mewtwo can do as long as it doesn't violate the rules. The number of official abilities of Nintendo abilities is unlimited since Mewtwo doesn't have a cannon standard like other Pokemon. Please stay within the Mewtwo psychic type of abilities made by Nintendo. Mewtwo can not learn other types. Mewtwo can not learn abilities outside his psychic type, so Mewtwo can not learn surf or electro-shock.

*Evolutions: You can't do evolutions, I do not understand why. But you just do not.

*Coins: Each Mewtwo is given 100.000 coins at signin, at the front desk, and 10,000 for every night they stay. Cafeteria two is tne gym cafeteria, and all food in that cafeteria is free. Come to bar too, and get free Pepsi with unlimited Planters peanuts. Cafeteria one does have free unlimited pizza, but only on Mondays. All food locations provide free water, and lemonade. All room service is free on Saturday until 5 pm.
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Resources: If you do not like Mewtwo, you can copy this forum and make your own as the Pokemon you want. You can also find walkin forums of Pokemon locations to roleplay in on the Tencent QQ Forums under roleplaying. There are thousands of them. Most of them are in Japanese, sadly. I willing made this my own from the Tencent QQ Forums, If you think I am in violation of international Japanese Cannon Copyright Law: then report me to the rpnation admins/mods.

If Pokemon is to soft for you, I have been told that Gaiaonline has harder walkin roleplaying for vampires and other scifiction/anime.

If you are looking for additional walkin in that is more advanced on rpnation, they are hard to come by. There was one on here, but it looked closed. In addition it was Yuri and the user who made it was the only one posting. Good Luck.

Thank you for reading this!
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