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Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

xEmoBunnehx said:
After a few seconds, Acelynn pulled away. Her face was a light shade of pink as she looked down at him, her eyes full of happiness. "So..I guess this means I'm free to sleep with you now?" She teased.
"If you wish to sleep with me then i will not stop you." He said as he relaxed with her ontop of him and looked at her
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"If you wish to sleep with me then i will not stop you." He said as he relaxed with her ontop of him and looked at her

Acelynn giggles and lays her head down on his chest. "Good. Cause you're comfortable and I do want to get up." She nuzzles his chest.
xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn giggles and lays her head down on his chest. "Good. Cause you're comfortable and I do want to get up." She nuzzles his chest.
River relaxed and nodded. "As you wish." He said softly as he ran a hand throug his hair
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]River relaxed and nodded. "As you wish." He said softly as he ran a hand throug his hair

Acelynn shivered slightly. "This is nice ya know." She said as her eyes close.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"It is." He said softly before he gently kissed her head softly

"You know..I had been worried you didn't like me.." Acelynn mumbled against his chest.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Why? Because of all the other girls i have in my life?" He asked teasingly

Acelynn rolled her eyes and sat up a bit, holing herself over him. "Oh yeah? And do those ladies make you feel like I do?" She smirked.
xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn rolled her eyes and sat up a bit, holing herself over him. "Oh yeah? And do those ladies make you feel like I do?" She smirked.
"Oh yes they totaly make me feel like you do." He said teasingly as he looked up at her
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Oh yes they totaly make me feel like you do." He said teasingly as he looked up at her

Acelynn chuckles. "Oh really now?" She raised a brow as she grabbed his arms then pinned them above his head.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Yup." He said back as he let her pin his arms and stared up at her

Acelynn leans into his ear and whispered, "I really doubt that. You're mine now." She giggle and let him go.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"By your command." He said softly as he stared up at her

Acelynn kisses his cheek. "Just as I am yours." She said happily.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]He nodded before doing the same then hugging her

Acelynn runs her hands through his hair. "You know.. Im really glad I met you." She said while holding his hair up like a Mohawk.
xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn runs her hands through his hair. "You know.. Im really glad I met you." She said while holding his hair up like a Mohawk.
"And im glad to be able to say the same to you." He said back softly
Sazabi said:
Xionis entered the new classroom he would be over. He sighed over its ill maintained state. Desks were falling apart, the supplies were low and a mess. In all it wasn't fit.
A red aura covered his hands, dancing almost like flames as he began murmuring. Slowly the room darkened to pitch black then seconds later returned to normal.

The room now was covered in motifs and paintings of all styles from around the world. Easels and Desks lined the room in an almost amphitheater style seating. Supplies restocked and brand new.

With a slight feeling of elation he finally took his place at the chalk board. Picking up several different colored prices of chalk he began drawing bringing the design in his head to life.
Isabella sat there coiled up around her self infront of a half done painting with paint on her shirt and some on her cheek. A paint brush held losely in one hand as she selpt infront of an esile of hers that had the beautiful half done painting of a valley of flowers and a sunset her and a friend had been painting before her friend had left her to go study. She slept peacfully in her position being cooled around her self to keep her up right
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"And im glad to be able to say the same to you." He said back softly

"But..I am mortal..I will die one day.." Acelynn frowned a bit and looked away from him.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Well we have about 80 years to turn me mortal or turn you immortal." He said softly

Acelynn chuckles a bit. "Oh yeah? And which would you rather happen?"
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"An eternity with you." He said to her softly as he looked a her then pulled her close

Acelynn blushes as she lays against him, a small smile on her face. "Eternity huh? Sounds like fun. Especially if I have you."
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Sounds good to me." He said back

"The question is.. how do I become immortal?" Acelynn asked curiously. River always seemed to have the answers, which was, in a way, strange but she never minded. It was enjoyable knowing someone smart.

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