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Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn sat on the bed next to him. "Well then somethings wrong.. other wise you wouldn't frown. So tell me what's wrong?" She urged him as she lookeddown at him, her face now a light pink.
He looked up at her slightly when she sat down next to him o his hed then spoke not wanting her to worry. "nothing is wonrg i promise you. Just a bad thought thats all." He said as he sat up and looked at her
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]He looked up at her slightly when she sat down next to him o his hed then spoke not wanting her to worry. "nothing is wonrg i promise you. Just a bad thought thats all." He said as he sat up and looked at her

Acelynn resisted the urge to trace his tattoo and run her hand over his scars as she looked him in the eyes. "Wanna share it?"
Xionis readjusted his tie and suit jacket before walking through the doors of New Moon Academy surprised to see students just lingering in the hallways when obviously classes were going on.

Seems discipline is in low regard here. He mused to himself.

After several winding turns he finally made it to the main office. Walking in he set the folder he was carrying on the front desk bringing the human woman sitting there out of her day dream.

"Xionis reporting in"

"Oh yes we have been expecting you though why the Reaper society decided to become involved in something so public has been a mystery to us..." She commented while flipping through his folder. "Even more so sending one of your...." She paused looking for the words to continue. "Your very 'colorful' background"

"You have many beings coming through here. It was deemed a logical move to have a set of eyes here" He stated bluntly.

"Well yes.....art...seems like a weird subject for a Reaper to teach doesn't it?"

Without a word he removed a pencil from his breast pocket and picked up the note book on her desk. His hand moved quickly across the paper, never stopping save to sharpen the pencil when the need arose. It took him in all thirty minutes to make an exact perfect image of her he saw when he just walked in. Handing it to her he waited patiently as she looked over it.

"Will that be all? He remarked calmly.

"Uh yes" She stammered looking at the detail even noticing how he had captured her makeup detail with just a pencil. "Glad to have you Mr. Xi..."

"Mr. Advent is fine" With that he collected his things and had almost walked out of the office when a conversation reached his ears.

"But these swords are mine. They are all I have" A female voice protested and while she hid it almost perfectly he picked up and the faint emotion in her tone.

"Weapons are not allowed on school grounds Miss Delta. That is final"

He paused, debating to himself then walked back into the side office where it was coming, a guidance counselor by the name of Mr. Agiure Von Dion. His pale skin and blue eyes were a dead give away not to mention the faint smell all vampires carried that they hid with perfume or cologne.

Before him was a young girl with bright red hair dressed in a tight black outfit one would find associated with a family with a background in the assassin world.

"Ah Miss Delta there you are I have been looking for you" Xionis cut in before the conversation proceeded any farther.

"And you are?" The vamp said with a cold tone obviously unhappy about being interrupted.

"Mr. Advent. The Art teacher. I am here to retrieve Miss Delta as...."

"Miss Delta right now needs to give up her weapons then you can have her" He interrupted.

Xionis turned on the vampire. "Miss Delta would you please excuse us and wait outside"

She cast a look between the two then stepped outside. The moment the door shut he took a step towards the vampire. "Please don't interrupt me again"

"I don't appreciate your barging in" He trailed off as Xionis revealed what he was for a split second.

"I will be taking Miss Delta" Xionis stated.

"Yes she is all yours" The vampire replied shaking. "Sorry for before"

He didn't bother to respond as he walked out. "Weapons" He said holding out his hand.

"But th...." She started reply but Xionis cut her off with a look. Remorsefully she set both swords in his hand.

"Follow me" He led the way through the school finally coming outside and eventually a secluded spot. "Hand" She held out her hand then pulled away when he grabbed it. Unsheathing a plain knife he made a small cut on her hand then set one of her swords in her palm and wrapped her fingers around it.

He recited a short incantation and the weapon glowed with a soft red light then disappeared.

Shocked she stared at her hand and her now healed hand. "What did you just do?"

With no reply he grabbed her other hand and repeated the process. "You and your swords are now one. Get to class"

"But how do I get them back?" She protested.

"That's for you to figure out. Get to class"
xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn resisted the urge to trace his tattoo and run her hand over his scars as she looked him in the eyes. "Wanna share it?"
"I do not wish to burden you with my past more than i already have." He said softly as the feeling of her hands over his scars felt weird but the feeling of phisical contact was nice
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"I do not wish to burden you with my past more than i already have." He said softly as the feeling of her hands over his scars felt weird but the feeling of phisical contact was nice

Acelynn's index finger gigerly traced His tattoo, her face concerned. "River..you've seen more of my burdens than i have heard of yours..it's fine to tell me if you want." She said softly as she looked into his eyes.
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xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn's index finger gigerly traced His tattoo, her face concerned. "River..you've seen more of my burdens than i have heard of yours..it's fine to tell me if you want." She said softly as she looked into his eyes.
"I was put into this world with the tattoo. Its what marks me as a nightmare so that the gods may know." He said softly as he felt her trace his tattoo and resisted the urge to slide closer to her
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[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"I was put into this world with the tattoo. Its what marks me as a nightmare so that the gods may know." He said softly as he felt her trace his tattoo and resisted the urge to slide closer to her

Acelynn smiles a bit. "It's like a birthmark. A really rad birthmark. Do you not like it?"
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Not really." He said softly as he looked at her then away again as he sat there with her

Acelynn tilted her head. "Why not?"
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"It prevents me from diying." He said softly

Acelynn fingers stop over his heart. "That's better than having death looming over you. Knowing one day you'll die and leave everything behind. The person you love..children..everything." She said with a frown as looked down.
xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn fingers stop over his heart. "That's better than having death looming over you. Knowing one day you'll die and leave everything behind. The person you love..children..everything." She said with a frown as looked down.
"But not being able to die hurts more. To know that you will watch the ones you love slowly die and decay while you remain." He said as he glanced down at her hand then back up
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"But not being able to die hurts more. To know that you will watch the ones you love slowly die and decay while you remain." He said as he glanced down at her hand then back up

Acelynn gives him a sad look. "Either end of the stick sucks huh?" She said with a humorless laugh.
xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn gives him a sad look. "Either end of the stick sucks huh?" She said with a humorless laugh.
"Hens why every one shpuld euther just be immortal or be mortal because then you can be together in death as well." He said back
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Hens why every one shpuld euther just be immortal or be mortal because then you can be together in death as well." He said back

"So which would you rather have? An immortal lover or not?" Acelynn asked, tempted to move closer but she didn't.
xEmoBunnehx said:
"So which would you rather have? An immortal lover or not?" Acelynn asked, tempted to move closer but she didn't.
"Id rather be mortal and with an immortal lover or be mortal with a mortal lover rather than be alone." He said back to her
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Id rather be mortal and with an immortal lover or be mortal with a mortal lover rather than be alone." He said back to her

Acelynn nods. "I agree with that..though if we were both immortal that would be..ideal." She said, the thought of being in love for eternity leaving a small bittersweet smile on her face.
xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn nods. "I agree with that..though if we were both immortal that would be..ideal." She said, the thought of being in love for eternity leaving a small bittersweet smile on her face.
"I mean i have heard of ways to become immortal but there hard to acheive." He said softly to her



"I was hinting it from the beginning." He actually was. He said hunt from the very beginning, so why didn't she get it.

https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23228-daniel-reaving/@Daniel reaving

She just crossed her arms and looked away. "W-well its not my fault im tired." She said to him
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"I mean i have heard of ways to become immortal but there hard to acheive." He said softly to her

Acelynn sighed softly. "I can imagine it's much more painful vise versa."
xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn sighed softly. "I can imagine it's much more painful vise versa."
River looked at her then leaned a little closer and listened to her breathing. "Immortality is a curse but love is still something i dream of." He said softly
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]River looked at her then leaned a little closer and listened to her breathing. "Immortality is a curse but love is still something i dream of." He said softly

Acelynn's breath hitched as he leaned in, initially she thought he might be going to kiss her, but that wasn't the case so she let out a small breath. "As do I." She replied, her heartbeat kicking up.
xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn's breath hitched as he leaned in, initially she thought he might be going to kiss her, but that wasn't the case so she let out a small breath. "As do I." She replied, her heartbeat kicking up.
River stared at her before he let the same small smile appear for another split second before going back to its cold look
Xionis entered the new classroom he would be over. He sighed over its ill maintained state. Desks were falling apart, the supplies were low and a mess. In all it wasn't fit.

A red aura covered his hands, dancing almost like flames as he began murmuring. Slowly the room darkened to pitch black then seconds later returned to normal.

The room now was covered in motifs and paintings of all styles from around the world. Easels and Desks lined the room in an almost amphitheater style seating. Supplies restocked and brand new.

With a slight feeling of elation he finally took his place at the chalk board. Picking up several different colored prices of chalk he began drawing bringing the design in his head to life.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]River stared at her before he let the same small smile appear for another split second before going back to its cold look

Acelynn caught the smile and her face instantly lit up as she lunged forward and tackled him under her. "RIVER!! YOU SMILED!!" She exclaimed happily with a bright smile.

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