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New Era (PJ RP) (Crysie Cuddles x Alyssya Magnolia)

Serena sighed as she walked through camp, bored out of her mind. She had just gotten done pulling a prank on the Aphrodite kids, and she got a great laugh out of it. But now she was bored out of her mind. She could pull another prank, but she didn't feel like it at the moment. Plus she already had her good laugh for the day, and was feeling t lazy to set up another elaborate prank. Sighing, Serena went back to her cabin to check her weapon an armor to make sure that they were in tip top shape for the chariot race that was happening later today after lunch. She started to wonder who her partner was going to be. There weren't many Hecate kids, actually, it was only her along with two others, a boy and a girl. Her two siblings already paired up with each other, and what ever friends she had paired up with others. So, Chiron said that he was just going to pair her up with someone random later.

After she was done checking her weapons and armor, she went to check her chariot to make sure that the Hermes kids didn't get to it, they had a knack of rigging and tampering with the chariots of others before the race. Once she was a hundred percent sure that her chariot was perfectly fine, she cast a barrier spell around it to ensure that no one would touch it before the race.
Poetry, that was one of the favorite things Owen loved doing in his free time. Haikus, specifically. It showed his father's ancestry. During the day, he trained alone with his naginata and yumi. As of now, Watanabe meandered throughout the camp, hair slicked back with sweat. He had just finished sparring with his cabinmate, receiving a small cut on his cheek. 'He was good, keep an eye on him,' thought Owen, making a mental note. His

was obviously not provided by the camp, but one his father wanted to be worn during the duration he was there. To honor his wishes, Watanabe did so.

His direction was headed to where the chariot races were to be held, and Owen raised his hand in greeting to a few passing campers. Due to his lack of the language, or rather his reluctance to speak it, the male only spoke in his native tongue; Japanese. When he was partnered in some of the training, he spoke the dialect. Just as he did now to his randomly selected partner. "Hey!" he offered with a small smile.
Serena turned her head to get a better look at her partner. She smiled back kindly and waved, "Hey, guess you're my partner. I'm Serena." She felt kinda awkward around the boy. Serena was a big introvert and had a lot of trouble talking to and meeting new people. Her eyes averted from him to her horses that were nudging her, demanding her attention. "Alright, alright, I'll get you out." She spoke in Latin. Her horses seem to only understand that language, and she was fine with it. Latin was her second language that she spoke fluently, she could speak English and Greek fairly fluently as well. The only language she couldn't speak was her father's native language; Korean. Her father had dumped her at camp the age of three, so the only languages she learned were Greek from the Greek classes, English from normal talking, and Latin from her siblings and mother.

She led her horses out of their stall and took them over to the chariot. "Turk, get away from my chariot or I will curse you, again." Serena threatened her friend, Turk, a Hermes kids. He was always trying to rig her chariot so that she would lose, and he did grt away with it the first two times, but after that she learned his dirty ways. Turk groaned and left, not before flipping her off though, making her roll her eyes at her immature friend. He was one of the few friends that she had around the camp. "Can you help me harness the horses to the chariot?" She asks her partner after turning her head and looking at her partner.
'That girl seems a little shy... Doesn't matter... We have to work together for this...' Owen thought while he lifted his head to look up at the sky. A single bird flew overhead, and it released it's song. "Ah, that's beautiful," the man commented while his feet carried him to the chariot, and unharnessed horses.

This would be the first time he'd harness a horse, but he's studied in his cabin during one of the many nights he couldn't sleep. "Pleasure to meet you, Serena. I'm Watanabe Owen... You may call me Owen. From the looks of it, you've been around horses most of your life," the Japanese teen commented while his fingers found a harness to adorn one of the horses. Owen had the leather trappings on the equestrian within a minute, without flaw. He did not know about any of the other cabins' kids rigging chariots, and that left Watanabe confused.

As for his equipment, the teen male had already brought his Yumi with the quill full of yas. "Some days I wish the yumis weren't the largest bow in the world."
Serena nodded and smiled sadly, "Yeah, been around them since I was three." She said as she harnessed the second horse to the chariot. "Turk!" The Hermes teen was trying to sneak off with her horses' armor. She walked over to him and smacked his head before grabbing her armor from the boy, "Last warning." She was getting fed up with the boy. She quickly checked the armor before putting it on her horses. "Can you keep an eye on him? I don't want the chariot to like blow up or fall apart in the middle of the race because he tamperred with it." She couldn't keep an eye out for her troublesome friend while she got her horses ready.

"So, Owen, what cabin are you from?" She felt like he was an Apollo kid, but he didn't look anything like them. Plus the weapon. She quickly took in his appearance as she looked at him, waiting for him to answer. 'Damn, why is everyone always so much taller than me.' She thought as she looked up at him. Then again, she was a short girl at 5'4, nearly everyone is a lot taller than her.
Upon her request, Owen allowed his eyes to glide over to the boy named 'Turk'. Speaking his native tongue, the male kept the Hermes teen in check. Every so often, he'd let out a grunt before speaking, "Away!" "Nokoshimasu gaichu." Were among his favorites. During this, he had to put his palm against the chest of the other male. "Stop," his tone was monotonous, his eyes conveying seriousness.

"I'm from Cabin Calliope. My father wasn't fully human, he was half Oni, so I have two different cultures of mythology in my blood," the male replied, positive that Turk had stopped with his mission of sabotaging the chariot. To some, Owen would have been considered the tallest kid in camp, standing at 6'5. "You know, this chariot race is going to be a test of my balance. Tall people do horrible in these things."
Serena giggled and turned her attention to the chariot, "They don't do horrible... Much... It's just a matter of how skilled you are. Altough you'll probably be an easy target though, no offense." Tall people are usually the easiest targets in Serena's eyes because they stand out. She found it kinda neat that he was more than a demigod, made him more unique.

She was thankful that Turk had stopped trying to tamper with her chariot and horses. "Shh, shh, calm down boy, I know you don't like the armor, but you have to put it on." She calmed her horse down as it started fuss around as she was trying to get the armor on it. "Can you tighten it in the back?" She asks as she holds the piece of armor in place. She could reach back but then the armor would fall from the horse's fussing around. "Shh calm down boy, you need the armor. I don't want you getting hurt again." Her horse took a big blow dueing the last race because he was being fussy about the armor. So, she removed it and he got a long cut on his side from one of the Ares' kids horse.

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