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Realistic or Modern Never Go Back [Zombie RP - Currently Not Accepting Any More Characters]

"It will just give an advantage for a lucky Runner to jump inside. The windows aren't damaged. At a good rate there's no chance a Runner will be able to hop inside. I have Luke and myself in the back just for that; If a Runner gets too close. Seeing bodies outside will make them go for us, not the driver or passengers." Jack responded, disagreeing with Jackson.

"But the more important matter is where we're going. I don't want to waste precious gas on going nowhere, and I'm sure all of you don't either. Any suggestions?"

Jess Osena

Jess ran a knife through a runner near the gas station, fear in her eyes as the hollow eyes of the runner met hers. She twisted the knife and pulled out it, the runner dropping dead inches from her. Too close! She sprinted to the gas station and started violently knocking on the side of the pickup truck.

"Hey! I've been running for two days! Not gonna be useless!"
Group One

"We'll see, You don't seem harmful to people, at least not in the most direct way." He listened to Luke speak. Mitchell wanted to interrupt and insist that he wasn't harmful to people, why were they so un-trusting of him so soon after the world has gone to shit? He has saved more peoples lives than he could count on both his hands, but he was still in a threat. "It's a different world Mitchell", he told himself reminded of the fact that good people were no longer good people.

" I'm not trusting you with this kid,or the other one behind me." Mitchell's hazel eyes looked at the toddler on Luke's back and then to the little girl walking with her older brother.

" I can't say I blame you, honestly. I'm not a threat though, hurting children isn't on my last of bad-assery" (Yes Mitchell has one of those) The toddler reminded him of a call his crew had one Sunday afternoon. The boy had fallen into a pool and when they got there he was already unconscious. Mitchell did chest compression on this kid for more than 30 minutes, and in-between his nervous heart-beat pounding in his head, the mother was yelling and crying trying to get them to work harder to save her little boy. There wasn't anything more he could do for the child, he was already gone. Mitchell would be damned if he couldn't protect the children and make-up for the one he's lost already, even if they aren't his own.

The "I see it,'' and " Here it is" from Jackson and Jack brought Mitchell back to reality, the shitty zombie-infested festival one. Mitchell listened to Jack staying in the background and keeping his mouth shut.

" You said we have no shelter and this thing should take us somewhere if need be" Jack went on. The gears in Mitchell's head started to turn. This area had looked familiar to him, the gas station and surrounding forest. His family had gone a picnic to a park near here, but when it was time to go home it was too late at night so they stayed at an elderly couples farm-house turned Bed and Breakfast for the night. He had stopped listening to the conversation to entertain his own thoughts again.

"Two of the guys up front. Three kids in the backseat. Someone and myself in the back outside," The proposal was interesting, but it had to be done. After all how were they going to fit 7 people in the cab of this truck? Mitchell could help out Jack in the back, but he wouldn't really be of any use to him.

"We'll be exposed, so I want someone who knows how to kill. Sound good to you guys?" Yeah, staying up front would be the way for him to go, even driving would be better.

"I'll stay in the back with you." Luke chirped " Mitchell gets uneasy when he has to kill something," What? I do not! Mitchell wanted to protest, but yeah, he does. How can you so easily kill those things without getting at least a little indigestion? Luke and the others must have grown up on the wrong side of town or something. Mitchell meets Luke's glance with an arched brow "No offense," Asshole. Mitchell just shrugged and adverted his eyes. He shouldn't have taken offense to the truth, but it was hard to hear spoken outside the safety of his own thoughts. "and Jackson could easily take the front." Luke went on. Guess that means driving it out of the question for you too ol' chap.

While the guys were having a creative discussion on whether or not to kill runners with an open door or a closed one, Mitchell was calculating the distance and the where-a-bouts of this bed and breakfast and the possibility of it being infested with runners and clickers.

That's when Jack chimed in "But the more important matter is where we're going. I don't want to waste precious gas on going nowhere, and I'm sure all of you don't either. Any suggestions?" Giving Mitchell the chance to take charge of the conversation.

" I actually know of a place about 3 miles or so from here" It was the first time Mitchell spoke confidently to this group of strangers.

" It's an old bed and breakfast that my family and I stayed at when I was in high school. The couple was nice enough and all. We could take our chances there for the night and get out bearings for tomorrow" The only issue is getting there in one piece.

Group 3


Sabrina lay her head onto Padrig's shoulder letting out an un-settling sigh.

" How are ye' feelin'?" her loves accented voice broke the noise of the runners and thick air in the room.

" I'm okay, as good as I can be anyway" She spoke quietly.

" How are you holding up dear?" She looked up at him, blue eyes affixed on his red hair and well sculpted jaw line. It had been days since Sabrina had last heard from her family. The four of them were suppose to get together for brunch to plan the wedding when this whole nightmare started to play out. She missed them more than she had going abroad for school. Not knowing if they were alive or dead was the worst part. If they were dead at least she could mourn their memory, but all she could do was mourn for their safety.

A few tears sprung from her eyes and she only buried her face into Padrig's chest, letting the unknown control her emotion. How were they going to make it out of this? Wasn't the military suppose to be doing something out all of this? The American government couldn't be that bad, to abandon their people in a crisis situation. She had to think about something else to lighten the moon. To talk about something else.

" Maybe when this blows over we can just go to Canada to get hitched, forget the big wedding.." She said muffled in Padrig's shirt.


Yvette unzipped her back-pack and pulled out the dented can of spam, looming down at it her face frowned. She was starving but even that couldn't bring her to eat this slop. Give it sometime and she wont have another choice.

" There 'as to be sum'thun else here." She spoke to herself. Tossing Gods punishment back into her sack she, zipped it back up and walked into the back kitchen. There had to be anything at all there for her to eat.

Yvette had already checked this kitchen 3-4 times since she's been hiding in the bakery. There wasn't anything. Wait, hold on a sec, there was something.

A loaf of wheat bread wrapped in plastic and shoved in between the shelf and the wall. quickly grabbing the bread, she practically squished the loaf trying to un-wedge it from the confined space. Success! Unwrapping the bread she looked over every side, rolling it around several times in her hands. There was some mold on it, but she could tear those pieces away.

For 3 minutes she removed the mold and was left with less than a slice and a half. Not much to write home about but it would do to put the hungry beast back in its cage. Yvette shoveled the bread into her mouth, eyes watering from how stale the bread tasted and how hard it was to swallow the large wheat lump. She was just finishing her unsatisfying breakfast and walking back into the main lobby of the bakery when she noticed the commotion outside had yet to cease. There was something more going on out there than she had initially suspected. It put the hair on the back of her neck on stance thinking about all the runners outside. A flash of their mutated faces spitting blood and teeth bearing made Yvette jump and grab her machete off the bakery counter. She couldn't live in fear like this, she had to stay strong, that was going to be the only way for her to survive.

The windows of the bakery were boarded up, but there was still a few inches of peeping room to look out at the street. There wasn't anything in her immediate sights, looking to the right. Nothing. To the left nothing. Again she looked forward down the highway she finally caught the coattails of the runners gathering in front of a building about a block away. There was a bunch of city debris, e.g cars and dead bodies blocking most of her view but she could see some of the hoard. There was no way for her to find out what was happening or how many runners were actually gathered unless she stepped outside her safe house. Would she bring herself to get involved?

( If this part of the city blocks were shaped like a T The bakery could be at the top of the 't' about a block away. If that makes sense or was physically possle lol)

Luke noticed the comments he made towards Mitchell looked like they were upsetting him, which I guess was a fair reaction, but Luke didn't mean any harm by it. He was just saying what was on his mind.

Jackson, on the other hand, took into consideration his point, but nonetheless he kept the doors open. He wanted to keep an eye on Luke to see if he was doing alright with Jack, even though he was confident the boy could handle himself. Jack seemed like a bit of a wild card with the group, he noticed it definitely didn't take long to anger him. And with Luke's banter, he wasn't sure Jack could handle it.

Right after Jack had asked for suggestions on where to go, Mitchell had surprisingly sprung up and said, "I actually know of a place about 3 miles or so from here. It's an old bed and breakfast that my family and I stayed at when I was in high school. The couple was nice enough and all. We could take our chances there for the night and get out bearings for tomorrow."

"Ah, glad to hear you speak up. And with worthwhile information, too!" Luke had said, directed at Mitchell, but instantly remembered that Mitchell wasn't entirely a fan of his jokes, "Sorry. Regardless, do you know if the place is still in tact?"

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @JackMonroe

Three (Padrig):

Padrig heard the sweet, gentle voice of Sabrina answer, "I'm okay, as good as I can be anyway." That sounds made him feel a little better about the whole situation, even if they were trapped for the time being. He pulled her in closer to him and swung his arm around her should, "That's my girl," he said to her, kissing her on the forehead.

"How are you holding up dear?" she had asked, which was quickly answered with, "O', I'm doing fine since I have ya' in my arms." Padrig began to rub her shoulder, trying to make it seem as though it would be over quickly.

Though he was trapped inside this apartment, it gave him time to think about some stuff. For example, he missed his family deeply. Wondering how the farm was doing, hopefully that the same epidemic hadn't gone spread over to Ireland, and praying that his little brother was having a good time back home. He loved his little brother, and all he wished for him was happiness, but it sucked he probably wouldn't be able to see him again. Padrig believed he would indeed see him again, that this all would blow over soon and they could get back to the wedding.

The thought was interrupted by her clenching his his jacket and burying her face into his chest. He hated seeing people cry, especially someone that he loved. Through the voice he heard in his shirt, he heard her say, muffled "Maybe when this blows over we can just go to Canada to get hitched, forget the big wedding.."

He began to laugh a little, "Ah, whatever ya' want my darlin'. We'll get out of 'ere soon," he had reassured her, this time kissing her on the lips, "you 'ave my word."

Group One - Two Miles Away From Gas Station

"I can help you," Mitchell said suddenly. "I-I mean..." He paused, then continued. "I can be of use to this group. Help you survive." Reid gave him a friendly smile. He was still wary of the guy, but that didn't mean he needed to be hostile. Besides, the guy didn't seem too big of a threat, especially since he'd puked barely thirty minutes ago. Granted, he wasn't about to leave his siblings alone with the guy, but he didn't seem to mean much (if any) harm.

"We'll see," Luke said, before voicing Reid's exact thoughts. "You don't seem harmful to people, at least not in the most direct way. I'm not trusting you with this kid" --he gestured to Weston with his head-- "or the other one behind me."

"Definitely not," Reid agreed, before moving closer to Luke. "I can.. take him. We aren't in immediate danger anymore." Okay, so maybe he was still tired, but he didn't like Luke taking so much responsibility over his brother and sister. They were just that-- his brother and sister. He especially didn't appreciate Luke telling Mitchell to stay away from them, either. That was his job.

"I can't say I blame you, honestly," Mitchell admitted. "I'm not a threat though; hurting children isn't on my last of bad-assery."

"I see it," Jackson said suddenly, and so did the Fields. There it was, not too far away-- the truck that Jack had told them about. At least the guy wasn't a liar.

"Here it is," the man in question sighed, thumping his hand against the vehicle, that of which looked like it had seen better days. "Should fit us all. You said we have no shelter."

"Huh," Reid muttered, looking a little amused. He'd never slept in a car before, and under different circumstances, he might have considered it 'fun'.

"This thing should take us somewhere if need be," Jack continued. "Since we have from what I understand, limited supplies and ammo, maybe going somewhere we're most likely to find those would be the best course of action." The guy popped the hood of the truck, peering in before back up at the rest of the group. "Four guys, three kids," he said then, and Reid felt himself frown a little at being labeled as a 'kid'. Okay, so sure, he was the third youngest here, and of course he wasn't about to leave his brother and sister, but even still, Luke couldn't be much older than he was. God, he was being angsty. Maybe it made sense he was labeled a 'kid'.

"Hah, looks like we're equals now! We are just two peas if you ask me," Luke grinned, elbowing Jackson as Reid felt another pang of jealously. 'Damn it, this isn't middle school, Reid...! Get over yourself.'

Meanwhile, Jackson was pretending to be unimpressed. "Not even close," he huffed.

"Two of the guys up front; three kids in the backseat; someone and myself in the back outside. We'll be exposed, so I want someone who knows how to kill. Sound good to you guys?"

Reid nodded, as did Allie. Weston seemed dazed. 'Shit,' Reid realized, 'he's probably dog tired. Not to mention starving. He was hungry before we even met Luke and Jackson.' Okay, so he'd had half of a meal bar, but that probably hadn't done much. Seriously, kid was a bottomless pit.

"I'll stay in the back with you," Luke volunteered. "Mitchell gets uneasy when he has to kill something" --he glanced at the guy in question-- "no offense, and Jackson could easily take the front." Reid felt another wave of jealousy. Not that he wanted to be outside in the back of this truck, but he just felt so useless...

"I'm opening the doors of the truck to use as a shield in case the runners get to close," Jackson suggested. Again, someone else actually contributing to the group... The man moved to the vehicle, opening the door before turning back, looking expectant.

"It will just give an advantage for a lucky Runner to jump inside," Jack retorted. "The windows aren't damaged. At a good rate there's no chance a Runner will be able to hop inside. I have Luke and myself in the back just for that-- if a Runner gets too close. Seeing bodies outside will make them go for us, not the driver or passengers." He paused. "But the more important matter is where we're going. I don't want to waste precious gas on going nowhere, and I'm sure all of you don't either. Any suggestions?"

Reid shrugged. "Anywhere away from here," he muttered. It wasn't like there was anything left back in the city. "Is there some sort of safe zone, like, set up by the president or something? Somewhere people are supposed to go? Our dad might be there."

"I actually know of a place, about 3 miles or so from here," Mitchell piped up. "It's an old bed-and-breakfast that my family and I stayed at when I was in high school. The couple was nice enough and all. We could take our chances there for the night, and get out bearings for tomorrow."

That didn't sound too bad. And they might have food. God knows they needed it, especially Weston and Allie.

"Ah," Luke grinned to Mitchell, "glad to hear you speak up. And with worthwhile information, too!" He paused. "...Sorry. Regardless, do you know if the place is still in tact?"

"'Ope so..." Weston mumbled suddenly. Reid had thought he was asleep. "M'still hungry..."

"It's okay, buddy," Reid soothed, then turned back to the group. "Maybe can we get in the truck...? Little wiped over here." He gestured to the toddler, who tried to shake his head in protest but was too tired to do so.

Suddenly, a girl appeared from nowhere, almost running into them. "Hey!" she yelled, probably way too loudly. "I've been running for two days! Not gonna be useless!"

"Wha--?!" Reid jumped back, almost slamming into Luke. "What the hell, lady?!" He internally cringed at the cursing in front of his siblings, but... Jesus, what the hell?

(( @JackMonroe @Shimakage Thunder @Jupiter @DrTrollinski ))

Group Three - City Street, Across From Hotel

The creeps had broken through. With a crashing and shattering of glass, Sam caught sight of one Clicker make its way through the opening, most likely in the direction of the small group she had seen. God, she really hoped they'd gotten out. There was no way she could get into the hotel, at least not from here, and she didn't know the city well enough to find another entrance. God. She really hoped they were okay.

She rounded around to the intersection, realizing if she didn't get out of there, she'd be the next course. "Damn it..." she muttered to herself. The road was chock full of cars. She was going to have to climb on top of them, seeing as the sidewalks were covered in large chunks of debris, smashed car parts, and garbage bags full of who-knew-what.

Taking a deep breath, the girl clambered onto the hood of one silver... was that a limo? And... oh God, there was a body in the driver seat. Granted, it wasn't Infected. It already had a deep gash running through it's head... Jesus, was she referring to this person as an 'it'? It was a man, maybe seventy or so years old. He looked the grandpa type. Sam wondered what his life had been like before the world went to shit. Guess she'd never know.

(( @DrTrollinski @PopcornandCaramel @The Jest ))
Seeing how her partner reacted, Vivian wished that she could lighten up a bit. At least for her. She could care less about Archie at the moment though. And if she loses her cool with Adam or Chris, they may be getting kicked out and that was the last thing Vivian needed. "Honestly Carrie, I'm exhausted. Why do you try packing an extra thirty pounds?" At this point, she was also hormonal, but she wasn't going to go off on Carrie. It was late and she didn't want to attract those...things...

She wasn't really in the mood for another argument or a fight for that matter. She was just tired and wanted to go to sleep and for once, she wanted to be comfortable while sleeping. A Couch wasn't going to cut it, or was the floor. A Bed, just for one night, can possibly make all the difference. "So...Which way to the bedroom?" She asked, covering her mouth before yawning. Holding onto the Railing, she decided to wait for either the Older looking man or the young boy to lead her upstairs, because getting lost and wondering someone else's home was not really good. "See you in the Morning, Carrie..." She ran her fingers down her hair before placing her free hand underneath her belly, so she can lift the strain off her back.

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @Jupiter
Group Two - Inside the Cabin

After a few deep breaths, Adam was okay. He trusted these people about as far as he could throw them, so that hadn't changed much. He didn't know who to trust the most. The two kids could be the least harmful - Carrie was someone he was really going to need to get used to, but he could manage it, maybe. It was all a lot of effort, really, a lot of thinking, and finding someone who could be trusted easily wasn't... As easy as it was in the real world. No one knew his story here, no one knew what it was that made him that way, and if they wanted to find out, they were going to have to consider getting on with him a little bit better than usual. It wasn't easy to find trust in this world now, and it was even harder to find people that you could trust yourself. Adam didn't quite know what to think of the whole group right now. Could he consider them friends, or was he going to have to take Chris and leave in the middle of the night? He knew that Chris didn't like this, either. He hated anything that required himself or others to remain committed.

But Adam viewed himself as more reasonable as Chris. He couldn't let him make the decisions, only impact them - If Chris told Adam he wanted to leave, then Adam would be ready to, but by no means would he actually leave unless he saw a reason. To be honest, he didn't see much reason to stay here right now, but he was hanging on. He had to give someone a chance, and he hated doing his guard work. He hated getting a few hours of sleep each night and making Chris sit up and wait for something to happen. He didn't want to do that anymore. Sure, he'd take a couple of hours on lookout, but no way would he sit up all night like he had been.

After not laughing but instead giving a quiet sigh to Carrie's attempt at a joke, he looked at Chris. "Chris... Think you could show Vivian where the bed is?" He asked. "Grab one of the blankets from under the bed and sleep down here tonight. I'd rather you did that, anyway." He said. It was obvious why. He didn't want to be separated from his son, didn't want him somewhere where he couldn't keep an eye on him when there were all these new people around. Chris looked up at him, gulped, and then nodded.

"Sure." He said, warily, and then quickly scanned over both Vivian and Carrie. It wasn't Vivian he was worried about. He felt anxious around Carrie - She didn't seem like the friendliest person alive, to be honest, and Chris' discomfort was more than obvious. He looked at Vivian and offered her a false and weak smile as she spoke.

"So...Which way to the bedroom?"

"It's just this way." Chris said, and then nodded towards the stairs. The stairs weren't too steep, so he was praying that she wouldn't go into labor trying to get up them. Upstairs was nearly the same as downstairs, like I said before, only a little bit dusty, and with a double bed there. Chris walked over to the bed and reached under it, quickly ripping out a thin blanket from under it and holding it in his arms. He'd be giving this a shake before he put it around his shoulders, I can promise you that.

"I hope the bed's okay for you." Chris gulped. "When is, um... When's the baby due? And--.. Is it a boy or a girl?" He asked, gently wiping his brow out of nervousness.

Adam looked at Archie and Ivy and finally managed to give a smile, but it was tiny, and lasted for maybe half a second at most. "Nice to meet you both. I'll also save you all a bit of time and say that rooting through cupboards and drawers in here is no use. This place is as empty as when we found it." He said. He was really trying to be helpful there. Of course, there was the talk of Archie not having enough food, too. "If worst comes to worst, I ain't lettin' a kid starve. When I and Chris eat, I could save you something - I wouldn't be much, but it'd be better than going hungry. If you have food, I'd appreciate you using that instead." He said, simply, but not rudely. He looked at Carrie and sighed, "You can head off and get some rest if you want. I mean, there's only one bed, so unless you want to share a bed with her, I don't know where you'll sleep." He said, but then looked back to the twins.

"You guys can't be much older than my Chris. He's only recently turned fourteen." He said. "Where are you guys from?" He asked. He could be friendly with people that weren't going to mock him or give sarcastic attitudes or anything.

(@ThatOneCrazyPerson, @Shimakage Thunder, @Jupiter)


Group Three - Inside the Garage

"Fuck..." Marco said as he wiped his forehead. This wasn't going to be an easy task, to be honest. They had enough food to last them a while, but they had no blankets, this place was going to be cold. Very cold. Marco didn't quite know what to do, and neither did Stephen. The most he knew how to do in this situation was turn on the AC and warm the place up, but that wasn't exactly possible in this situation. It was okay, though, right? They were near the coast, and surely it wouldn't get too cold at night, would it? He didn't know, but now he had two sobbing children sitting against the wall with him, huddled up tight to his side. "No one hurt?" Marco mumbled, and Stephen slowly looked up at him and sighed, some tears lining his eyes. Marco was a dick, but, there was no way Stephen would have gotten them out of that.

"Thanks to you, we're fine." He choked. Marco sort of froze up and looked over his shoulder, opening his mouth to speak but soon closing it thereafter. He just nodded awkwardly a few times and then gave a long sigh.

"This place gives me an idea. If we can get a big vehicle in here, make it a little more durable, we may be able to get out of the city." He said.

"How big are we talking?"

"As big as we need." He replied.

Stephen nodded and looked down at Jack. "You okay there?" He asked, simply, hugging him close, Jack set his head down on his shoulder and nodded a few times.

"I'm fine, yeah." He sniffled.

"What about you, Lewis?" He turned to the evidently shaken up little boy and hugged him tight with the one arm he had around him. "Eh?" He asked again, and Lewis just shrugged and continued to cling onto him. It was all a terrifying experience for him, so he was going to be quiet for a while. "I saw a woman out there." He said to Marco.

Marco turned to him and shook his head as he walked over and grabbed a few chairs, dragging them over. "And she saw us."

(@PopcornandCaramel, @ThatOneCrazyPerson, @The Jest)
While the group was discussing rather important matters, there was an audible "Hey!" from behind them, which caused Luke to jump a little. "I've been running for two days! Not gonna be useless!"

"Wha--?!" Reid had said in a shocked voice, jumping back at almost the exact same time as Luke but crashing into him, "What the hell, lady?!" Reid yelled back, though low enough to not attract unwanted attention.

Luke didn't care about getting bumped into, but rather why a girl just appeared out of nowhere. After quickly regaining his balance, he stepped in front of Reid, unsheathed his bow and pulled out an arrow, aiming it at the girl. Jackson saw her coming from the truck door, and immediately appeared behind her, pulling out his revolver and asking the same thing he asked Jack, "Don't move. Who are you and are you infected?"

Luckily there didn't seem to be any runners around, though had there been, the girl's loud voice would've definitely attracted every single one of them. Nonetheless, all attention seemed to be going towards the girl. Even though she was young, they can't just blindly trust someone because of their age. If Luke was anything to go by, teenagers are just as scary as adults at this point.

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @JackMonroe @JPax42 @PopcornandCaramel
Archie looked at her blankly. Yes, he got that it was a joke, but he didn't find it so funny while he was in this mood, starving and exhausted. He wasn't going to be sleeping tonight, though, no. He had made the mistake of going to sleep when he was with his other group, he had thought he could trust them and he was wrong, and when he woke up it was much too late for him to go back and change anything. But, the details of that event were not going to be shared with Carrie, or Vivian, or Adam. They weren't going to find out about any of it for a good while.

"I have, uh, Amelia gave us some chips and Vivian gave Ivy something, so we'll just eat that." He mumbled, watching him for a moment. "Thanks." He looked back at Ivy, and then walked over to her and opened her backpack, letting her answer whatever questions Adam wanted to ask. He didn't want to talk much, he was just so exhausted, but, like I said, no sleep for Archie Maddison.

While Archie was getting the food out of Ivy's backpack, and then the chips out of his own, and what little water they had left, she spoke. "We're sixteen, we're gonna turn seventeen pretty soon, but, well, I don't think ages matter so much anymore, especially now that I barely know the date." She sighed. "I think it's like... What, March? We're seventeen in June." She sighed again and shrugged her shoulders as Archie zipped up her bag. "We're from Arizona. Main city, Phoenix. We were evacuated before things got too bad, and we've been making our way around since, trying to find somewhere to go." She sighed. "The last group we were in had a few trucks. We went with them for a little while, and then we ran out of gas. And then they ditched us, made off with all our stuff."

Archie was still silent, not contributing to the story at all. He grabbed Ivy's hand and pulled her towards the nearest couch, making her sit down on it, but he sat on the arm of it instead. He was ready to jump up at a moments notice, his bat by his leg. He opened the pack of chips and passed them to Ivy first, who took them and instantly started to eat. Archie refused to have any until she had had some herself.

"What about you, where are you from?" Ivy asked, while still eating, but Archie just stared at him. "How'd you get here?"

( @ThatOneCrazyPerson )
(For those who this is relevant to - I've got another post before this one that replies to everyone else @ThatOneCrazyPerson, @Shimakage Thunder on the previous page)

Adam sighed, "Okay, you got food, that's a good start. I need to provide for my son more than anything, so sharing food isn't something I'm really able to do unless it's urgent." He said, simply. He'd help out if he was asked nice enough, and even though he'd rather push Carrie off the roof right now, if she was the person who would try and make friends with him, maybe he'd consider helping her out. Until then, fat chance that he'd be sharing anything he found with her. They couldn't fight like beasts forever, though. It was either work together or die, and as much as the two of them probably didn't want to admit it, that was the case. They'd either kill each other, or they'd get killed by someone else when they were busy continuing their rivalry. It was a hard pill to swallow, but you know. It was one thing that would have to be taken with a spoonful of sugar, you know what I mean? What would they run into along the road? Hopefully nothing too horrible.

Oh, who am I kidding?

"Ah, I wasn't too far off in terms of ages, then. I'd guessed you were around that age." He shrugged once and sighed, then ran a hand through his oily hair. He hadn't had a chance to wash over the past few days, I don't think many people had, had they? Adam knew that there were some out there that probably hadn't washed properly since this started. Those were the people he felt truly bad for, to be quite honest. "Age... I used to hate the term 'age is just a number', but now, it really is. It's true. It doesn't matter how old you are in this world. I'm in my forties, but I need to run about like I'm in my twenties. It's... It's not easy, especially when you've got a kid like Chris. I mean, not exactly the best time to go through the boy-to-man transition, is it?" He asked, cracking a very faint smile. He'd said it in a rather lighthearted way. He didn't want to be depressing.

"I can't imagine that any of this is easy for you, either. I admire you guys, at your age, holding out this long. I can appreciate that this probably isn't... The best situation for you to experience, so I'll respect you for braving through this, I'll tell you that." He said.

Seeing as he knew this was going to turn into a proper conversation, he didn't want to be awkwardly standing over them because he was worried that that was going to make him look more aggressive and he didn't want that to be the case. He walked up with a sigh and sat at the other end of the couch, slipping the shotgun off of his shoulders for the purpose of comfort and held it between his legs, the stock on the ground, and the barrel pointing up towards the ceiling.

"Phoenix... I ain't been there since I was a kid, so I imagine a lot of things have changed over there." He said, looking down at the floor. "Myself and Chris, we're from Walnut Creek, California. We had a nice place out there, four bedroom. We wanted more kids, but my wife..." He looked up at them both and for a moment he locked eyes with Archie, but then looked away and shook his head. He let out a mumble under his breath, but he didn't actually say any words, it was more a groan that showed how he was calling himself an idiot. "We lived there... I was a cop for... A long time, really. Years before Chris was born and until he was about... Seven or so." He said. "From there on, I did personal training. I learned to box, and someone taught me Krav Maga in the force. You know, defensive combat, sort of 'grab the gun and break your arm' sort of thing?" He said, shrugging.

"It wasn't... Wasn't as good as the police force, but, it paid the bills, put food on the table, helped me support the family..." He couldn't give away the fact that he went through the divorce. He didn't want them to know too much. "I guess it wasn't so bad. And Walnut Creek was a very nice place to live." He said.

"We got here quite easily, really. Walnut Creek isn't like, a huge city. It's big, but it's not L.A. We were holed up in our home for a while, but then there was a mass of those fuckin' things that came into the town, or at least came too close for comfort. I threw Chris in the car at three in the morning, and we drove out here. Well, mostly, anyway. Our car ran outta' gas and we ditched maybe.. Five, six miles towards the coast from here." He said. "We got here... Yesterday, pretty much. It wasn't easy, but we survived." He said.

"Anyway, I'm probably boring you. What about you guys?" He asked. "What did you do before now, I mean?" He asked. "I mean, aside from school, you two have jobs or anything like that?" He asked.

When Chris led her upstairs, Vivian didn't really have all that much trouble. As long as she had something to hold onto or someone was helping her up, it was fine. Because her belly grew quite a bit to accommodate for her baby, her center of gravity changed with it, so going up and down flights of stairs was tough. Let alone she couldn't run anymore. "It'll do just fine. Thanks." She smiled at the boy as a sign of good faith.

The boy then asked when the baby was due. She looked down inconspicuously at her stomach. "Six more weeks until the baby is due. Its a Girl." She answered.

Afterwards, she sat down on the bed. If anything, she was willing to share the bed with Carrie tonight. After all, the other woman has been protecting her for quite some time. Without Carrie, both Vivian and her little one would have perished...or become one of this things by now. As she set her bag down by a dusty old nightstand, she sat down on the bed. It seemed comfortable enough. Finally, she yawned before laying down on her left side, since that was the best position to sleep in pregnancy. According to all the pregnancy guides she has read, sleeping on the left side would increase the amount of blood and nutrients to reach her placenta, which is beneficial for both mother and child. While laying there restlessly, she looked down at her stomach and placed her hand on it. She sighed before attempting to close her eyes and going to sleep.

"If, uhm... I mean, my dad and me don't have much left, but... I'm sure we could help out if you need something." He said, then linked his hands up by his chest and started to pick at the fingernail on his index finger out of nervousness. It was clear that he either had an issue with trust and such before the apocalypse, or after it, or maybe even both. He was a young teen, he was still developing, and even after the short period of a few months, it was easy to see that his former self was merely a shadow that followed him around now, waiting to be let back in. He wasn't doing so great, clearly. It was something that was bound to happen, really, especially in this whole situation.

He smiled weakly at the news of the gender of the baby and all and nodded. "That's great, yeah, uhm... I'll let you rest. We can talk more about it some other time I-I guess." He said, gulping quietly as he ran a slightly shaky hand through his shaggy hair. "Also, before I go, uh... A lot of people don't really get my dad, but... Like, he's not... He doesn't act the way he does with people for the sake of it, he's just... Troubled, and... I guess we're all troubled in one way or another." He said. Wouldn't you do the same thing for someone you loved? He was trying to defend dear old dad because he was all he had left, and he wanted them to know that he wasn't just someone looking to give someone a hard time.

Adam was a misunderstood guy.

"He's like... He doesn't act like that to be, you know, harsh... It's just... He's just like... Like I said, he's troubled, but he's nice. Promise." He gulped, seeming a little desperate. "Anyway, um..." He said. "Sleep well, okay?" He nodded to her and quickly retreated back down the stairs. He saw that his father was talking to two of the new people, so he didn't really have an interest in that right now. He didn't want to be around any of the new people yet, so he went and sat at the other end of the room where he and his father were peering out at them earlier on.

He had no book to read or anything, and he was insanely bored, but it was better than having to be around people that were new, that weren't part of he and his father's life. He wanted to run over and hug his dad, tell him that he loved him and all, find out that things were okay, but he couldn't. He felt sick, he felt incapable, but most of all, he felt scared. (@Shimakage Thunder)
"Wha--?!" She heard Reid say as he jumped back. "What the hell, lady?!"

"Sorry! Whoever you are, and, I'm 16, so not a lady!" She held up an empty water bottle and a steak knife, which was now splattered with blood. "I can hold my own, I just need a ride." She displayed a pilot license with a military seal. "I can also help." She smiled. Even under a situation, she could stay out of stress.

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @JackMonroe @PopcornandCaramel
Group Two - Inside Cabin

"Chris..." Adam sighed. "Think you could show Vivian where the bed is?" He gestures towards the stairs, as well as the pregnant woman. "Grab one of the blankets from under the bed and sleep down here tonight. I'd rather you did that, anyway." The kid, though he looked like he was about to curl up and die, nodded weakly, adding a quick, "Sure," before moving towards Vivian.

"So..." Vivian yawned, glancing around. "...Which way to the bedroom?" She moved towards the stairs, looking expectantly at both Adam and Chris, as if waiting for them to lead her. "See you in the morning, Carrie..." she added, mumbling, almost already half asleep. God, Carrie was glad she wasn't ever planning on being a mom.

"It's just this way," Chris explained, nodding his head towards the bedroom upstairs. With that, the boy and the woman disappeared up the steps.

Meanwhile, Adam had returned his gaze to the twins."Nice to meet you both," he said, smiling just the tiniest bit. (Carrie had to blink to make sure it was real, but by then, it was gone.) "I'll also save you all a bit of time and say that rooting through cupboards and drawers in here is no use. This place is as empty as when we found it."

Carrie nodded to herself, taking in the information. Well, at least they were all in the same, crappy boat. They all had no real safe means of settlement, very little food, most likely pretty scarce ammo... yeah, they were all in this together whether they liked it or not.

"If worst comes to worst," Adam continued, "I ain't lettin' a kid starve. When I and Chris eat, I could save you something-- it wouldn't be much, but it'd be better than going hungry. If you have food, I'd appreciate you using that instead." Carrie had barely thought of them having their own food. Come to think, hadn't Amelia given him something earlier...? She wasn't sure; that hadn't been her primary focus at the moment. Archie's voice snapped her back to reality.

"I have, uh... Amelia gave us some chips, and Vivian gave Ivy something, so we'll just eat that," the teen muttered, before adding a quick, "Thanks." So at least Carrie had been right on that aspect. Her perception skills hadn't flown totally out the window... or not yet, anyway.

"Okay," Adam nodded, "you got food; that's a good start. I need to provide for my son more than anything, so sharing food isn't something I'm really able to do unless it's urgent." Carrie supposed she understood that much. Dads had to provide for their sons; it wasn't anything new. Thank God Archie had his chips or whatever. "You can head off and get some rest if you want," Adam said suddenly, and Carrie frowned a little, before realizing he was speaking to her. "I mean, there's only one bed, so unless you want to share a bed with her" --she figured he meant Vivian-- "I don't know where you'll sleep."

"I'll take watch with you," she replied. "No way I'm trusting you with my group just yet, and I doubt you trust me with yours. Besides, wouldn't hurt to have a little 'quality chat', would it...?" The last sentence came out more of a statement than a question, and Carrie moved closer to Ivy and Archie.

"You guys can't be much older than my Chris," Adam deduced, turning back to them as well. "He's only recently turned fourteen... Where are you guys from?" Carrie paused. She hadn't thought to ask that, either. 'We were busy trying not to get eaten, remember?' she thought to herself, but damn, she couldn't help but feel a little... well... uncaring. Sure, she was cold, but it hadn't even occurred to her to ask... anything. She must have been so boring.

"We're sixteen," Ivy answered. "We're gonna turn seventeen pretty soon, but, well... I don't think ages matter so much anymore, especially now that I barely know the date." She sighed, and Carrie realized that was true. Pretty soon, it could just feel like an eternity of this crap, and they'd never know if it had been one year, two years, maybe more...? God, everything was so messed up... "I think it's like... what, March?" Ivy continued, re-grabbing Carrie's attention. "We're seventeen in June."

"Ah, I wasn't too far off in terms of ages, then," Adam nodded, shrugging and running a hand through his hair. "I'd guessed you were around that age." He paused. "Age..." he muttered. "I used to hate the term 'age is just a number', but now, it really is. It's true. It doesn't matter how old you are in this world. I'm in my forties, but I need to run about like I'm in my twenties." Carrie couldn't help but agree. She'd always imagined the end of the world being bad, but... man, this sucked. Life just had to fuck with them, didn't it? "It's... It's not easy, especially when you've got a kid like Chris," Adam smiled slightly. "I mean, not exactly the best time to go through the boy-to-man transition, is it? ...I can't imagine that any of this is easy for you, either. I admire you guys, at your age, holding out this long. I can appreciate that this probably isn't..." He paused. "...The best situation for you to experience, so I'll respect you for braving through this, I'll tell you that."

'Wow, Adam,' Carrie thought bitterly. 'Thanks for making everyone else look like an asshole to the kids here.' He wasn't trying to, but that didn't mean that was how Carrie saw it.

With a sigh, the girl shrugged. "We're from Arizona; main city, Phoenix." Carrie noted that. "We were evacuated before things got too bad, and we've been making our way around since, trying to find somewhere to go." She sighed again. "The last group we were in had a few trucks. We went with them for a little while, and then we ran out of gas. And then they ditched us, made off with all our stuff."

"Ouch," Carie muttered under her breath. "What dicks..." Okay, so she knew she was a dick, but... leaving two kids on their own with nothing? Now those... those were some real dicks, right there.

Then, Archie snatched his sister's arm, dragging her towards the couch before plopping her down on it. He took his spot on the arm, before opening an proceeding to share the bag of chips he had mentioned with his sister. "What about you; where are you from?" Ivy asked, mouth slightly full still. "How'd you get here?"

Adam, taking a seat on the other arm of the couch, proceeded to tell the tale of how he and Chris had lived somewhere in California, apparently in a pretty nice house. He was a cop, and apparently had some intense combat training. Carrie noted that as he said it. 'Remember to watch him,' she thought. He continued on to when he had changed jobs to a personal trainer, before their escapade to make it here (only yesterday, Carrie frowned at).

"Anyway, I'm probably boring you," he finished. "What about you guys? What did you do before now, I mean? I mean, aside from school, you two have jobs or anything like that?"

'Damn this guy,' Carrie thought. 'Acting all chummy with these kids.' It wasn't wrong of him, it just... made her mad. And she didn't really know why.

(( @Shimakage Thunder @JackMonroe @JPax42 @PopcornandCaramel ))

"Sorry!" Luke and Jackson heard, but both surprised at her energetic nature. Now Luke was fairly energetic considering the current times, but this girl took it to a whole new level. "Whoever you are, and I'm sixteen, so... not a lady!" I believe there are more important matters at hand, rather than the debate on whether or not you are a "lady", sheesh.

As she revealed the empty water bottle, Luke thought: Oh yeah, that's real helpful. Lady. However, when he saw the bloody knife in the other hand, his witty remark inside his head turned into shocked praise, though he heard an audible "Oh my god...!" from Reid. Not even mentioning whether or if that was human or runner blood, she continued, "I can hold my own; I just need a ride," seeming as though she's in a hurry. That's suspicious. Maybe she has family, or maybe she's trying to lure the group somewhere. Just then, she pulled out a pilot's license with a military stamp on it. Guess she's older than she looks because I don't believe anyone could fly a plane around my age.

Reid seemed impressed when he asked "Holy crap, can you really... fly a plane?" which Luke also wanted to know the answer to.

Now Jackson decided to chime in, asking the same exact question he asked before, "One more time. Who are you? Are you infected?" He took a gander at the pilot's license, also noticing the girl looked way to young to be able to fly a plane. Maybe it could be a student pilot license, but there's no way that's a full license, he surmised. Well, there's no way she could actually prove she couldn't, so either this girl is really smart and has thought this through, or it's actually a license.

Jackson didn't buy it. He walked closer to her, staying out of reach of her knife, saying "I don't believe you."

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @JackMonroe @PopcornandCaramel @JPax42

Three (Johnny):

Johnny was running through the streets of the city, being chased by about a dozen runners, more adding on each block he passed. "Lay off!" he said aloud, aiming those words at the runners, but he was smart enough to realize they weren't 'people' anymore and couldn't listen to reason. He kept running and running for blocks, passing no people or at least people that weren't willing to help. Who could blame anyone, though, he seemed like a lost cause.

When he came at an intersection, he turned to go to the left but noticed the street was completely filled with runners, so he turned to go to the right but the runners from the intersection made it impossible to go back from where he came, and those things also inhabited the right turn. Johnny was trapped.



However, he noticed a succession of cars that he could climb upon, placing all of his imaginary bets on the fact they were dumb enough not to climb cars. Johnny hopped on top of the car that was in front of him, staying towards the very center of it, and all of the runners surrounded him. Their hands were on top of the vehicle, but none of them seemed to climb it. "Ah, t'ank tha lord," he said, yet again speaking aloud. He took out his wrench and began beating the wrists of the runners until their hands came off. This went on for about 10 minutes since the wrench was a blunt object, and there were many hands around the car.

He noticed another car he could jump to if there was some sort of stepping stone in between him and the car. The top of the car would allow Johnny to grab onto the baluster of an over-head balcony. This was his only chance that he saw. Johnny took his wrench and beat the head of a hand-less runner to see if their heads were fragile. It took him four hits to eventually beat it in, which he figured was enough for a makeshift stepping stone. This plan was so risky, but there was no other way to do it, and so he began to get himself ready for the jump.

Johnny went back as far as he could on the car, and took a leap of faith and jumped on the head of one of them. It seemed like he was going to make it, right until a hand grabbed his foot and he slammed face-first onto the roof of a car. Blood ran from his nose, which now seemed a little crooked. His entire body, from his right leg and top-half of his calf to the tip of his head, made it onto the roof of the car. Johnny tried to squirm his way away from the runner that got his leg, but seemed unsuccessful... at first.

The runner grabbed his boot, which he managed to wriggle off of his foot, leaving only his sock which he was able to pull back onto the car as quickly as possible. All of this happened in a matter of seconds, and he backed himself up to the edge of the roof of the car, breathing heavily and the blood still dripping from his nose. Johnny quickly arose because the runners started to encircle the car he was on, just like the last car. But this time, he jumped up and grabbed onto the metal baluster and pulled himself up away from the car, over the balcony. He headed inside the apartment, which seemed to be empty.
Having had reasonable input had Mitchell feeling pretty okay about himself. Like he may actually survive all of this. A small shred of hope that he needed in these last few weeks.

"Ah, glad to hear you speak up. And with worthwhile information, too!" And there it was, the straw that broke the proverbial caramels back. Mitchell really wanted to give Luke a piece of his mind and then,

"Sorry" Luke retracted his statement, he must have felt the annoyance fuming from Mitchell

"Regardless, do you know if the place is still in tact?"" Luke went on.

" Yeah, I'm pretty sure. I don't know if the couple are still alive or if the place is over-run with runners, but it's our only option for the night and I'm willing to take that risk. The four of us can go in and secure the scene and the kids can stay in the truck with the doors and windows locked."

He actually wasn't sure if the place was going to be intact or not. What if it burned down? Or worst case scenario, just filled with tons and tons of runners. It was very unlikely that either of those had occurred.

About that time, a figure had rushed the group causing Luke and Reid to bump into each other. Reid was the first of the group to react to this newcomer, and she replied.

"Sorry! Whoever you are, and, I'm 16, so not a lady!" Pf, okay.

The girl held of her empty plastic bottle and blood covered knife. It could be that she just killed a house full of small kittens and puppies. Or it could be the blood of a runner. Mitchell was not the type to meddle in peoples affairs but the girt took him off guard. He was going to take a chapter out of Luke and Jackson's book and put his trust for her on the back burner.. "I can hold my own, I just need a ride." She displayed a pilot license with a military seal. What an odd thing to have at a time like this. If there were any planes to fly he would be sure to give her a ring. But he hadn't seen a play fly over head in weeks.

"I can also help." The girl offered the group a smile and Mitchell could only shake his head.

" Holy crap can you really fly a plane?" Reid went on.

" Who are you and are you infected?" Jackson sternly said a second time.

Either way this was strange and totally unexpected.

" Where did you come from? Have you been wondering out here all alone?" It didn't seem like a far fetched thing anymore. Young kids wondering in the woods with monsters creeping around.

Group 3


"O', I'm doing fine since I have ya' in my arms." Padrig soothing said to her.

"Ah, whatever ya' want my darlin'. We'll get out of 'ere soon, you 'ave my word." he chuckled and then kissed her. She returned the loving kiss. She looked him in the face for a long time before smiling again. The two of them were going to make it out of this mess ans go back to their normal lives together. Sabrina had no intentions on living in this apartment forever. The two of them were going to travle the world and have the exciting life she had missed out on as a teenager. She could almost here the sting of her mothers voice telling her to get her heads out of the clouds and focus.

Sabrina pulled away from Padrig and stood up, wrapping her arms around her figure almost motioning that she was cold.

" Lets do something. Play cards, or sing show tunes. Oh hey, we can tell each other stupid facts that no one cares about! I'll go first. Did you know that a baby beaver is called a kit? How silly is that?" She giggled, wiping away her residual tears.

( Will post Yvette on my lunch break. This is all I had time for this morning sorry. )
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While Adam told them about where he used to live and what he used to do, Archie and Ivy nodded their heads. Well, that's a lie. Only Ivy did. She looked to be the only one paying attention, but it wasn't true. Adam was just listening, but he was more concerned with watching Ivy eat the chips that he had given her. She was eating them down quite quickly, and he was rather worried that she wouldn't leave any for him, because he didn't want to break into the food that Vivian had given them just in case there was another time to come where they needed food once again.

But, what did they do before now?

"Well, Archie and I dropped out of high school pretty quickly so that we could start in a music career." She smiled, and shrugged her shoulders. "It wasn't for us, and our mom was pretty supportive about it, like, you know, we just sort of sat her down and told her about what we wanted to do and she told us to do it, we were always that kind of family." She smiled. "Archie would sing and I would play guitar, and we'd do gigs and things and busk and it was pretty cool, and, like, we'd get a lot of compliments and things."

"It's funny how things work out, though." Archie mumbled, and then Ivy looked up at him and handed him the packet of chips.

Because it was a little bit vague and didn't explain anything, Ivy decided to continue what Archie was saying. "The high school that we dropped out of ended up being one of the places that was so badly infected that they wouldn't evacuate people." She sighed. "I guess it was good that we dropped out." She shrugged her shoulders before looking over at Carrie. "What about you? What's your story?" She asked, as Archie began to eat the chips.

(( @ThatOneCrazyPerson @Shimakage Thunder))
Group 3


Yvette stared out of the peephole for a good long while. Something just didn't seem right, there must have been more than one person or animal to attracted this many runners and clickers. The group of combatants were slowly starting to push through the hotel. The grunts,groans and crashing sounds of the runners was all she heard in the area. The city had been so quiet for the last month or so. Before the outbreak this city was hustle and bustle if she ever saw it, never a dull or quiet moment. When the outbreak came the city was in an uproar, then silence. Daunting and eerie silence.

She perked up when a girl had climbed onto a car around the hotel entrance.So, there was someone that the runners were trying to get. But there had to be more people in the hotel or else the hoard would have their attention on the girl. Yvette had to help her, but how? Bring her to the bakery? Yeah that's fine and all but how would she get the girls attention to do that?

"Go outside you twat" she spoke loudly to herself. That's what she had to do. This girl was the first sign of life she had seen in weeks and the thought of being alone until the runners got her didn't sound like a nice relaxing walk on the beach. Even if this girl might be dangerous, she had to take the chance. Yvette pushed away from the peephole and grabbed her pack, slinging it onto her back. She had been holding the machete since the flashback. She headed out the back of her secret yeasty hiding place and ventured into the back alley. Making a left then a right down the alley to the street. The air was stale and as the breeze blew by it made her feel exposed. She hadn't seen the sun or felt the wind in a week. It didn't take time getting use to again.

Yvette stuck close to the buildings and sidewalk, climbing over any debris careful not to make too much noise. She crossed the highway and tried to stick to the alley ways after that. The there was a runner lingering in this alley and it had noticed Yvette, it started to coming after her. With its blood shot eyes bulging. Yvette swallowed her fear and raised the machete against her foe and whacked away at its throat like a child with its first piñata, eyes closed.The runners head was hardly hanging on but with a few tendons and that's when she gave one last blow to the head.

All of the fire escapes were on the back of the buildings and climbing to the rooftop seemed like Yvette's best bet to get the girls attention. 3-4 buildings and Yvette was finally at the building adjacent to the hotel. Quickly she climbed the fire escape, pulling her 5'3 figure onto the roof. She ran to the edge of the roof and looked down towards the girl. She wasn't exactly within ear shot but maybe she could get her attention somehow.

Yvette turned and looked around the rooftop. There was a few pebbles laying around for aesthetic reasons. She picked up one closer to her and threw it at the girl.
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"You and Chris would get on well, then." He smiled at her when she spoke of the music and guitar. "He plays guitar, or at least he used to before all of this started. That boy could play some of the most simple yet beautiful stuff I ever heard. He wasn't much of a vocal guy. You know how things are with singers, like, some are loud and confident in their voice. Only singing Chris has ever done is the quiet and shy kind, you know what I mean?" He smiled and shrugged. Ah, it was nice to see the smile, right? He didn't smile much by the looks of it.

"I have no doubts that you got compliments. You're both young, you've got the motivation and all, you're dedicated... Hey, that's the recipe you want for it, really. Same sort of thing applies everywhere. Anyway, I don't mean to lecture you or anything like that." He said, and then looked up at Carrie when she began to speak.

His group? His huge group of two people? He wanted to say something sarcastic, but no, he was going to use it to try and make his son smile.

Note that word:


So on that note, he nodded at her, his smile fading. "Yep, we'll get to know each other a little bit more." He said. "I don't want to discuss politics, though. None of that. We have much bigger things to worry about, and I'm not looking to get into a big debate." He said with a sigh. Politics being the situation they were in where two sets of people were under one roof. "We just talk, we keep an eye out for things... And what's sleep, anyways? Since all this started, I think I've forgotten what that is." He said, sighing once.

"But yeah. We'll sit, we'll talk, and if we could, I'd get us some hot coffee like I used to on night shifts back in the day, but obviously we don't have access to any luxuries." He said, shrugging once and cracking an almost nonexistent smile. He looked over at Chris and then smiled again.

"Hey, buddy, what you on your own for? Get over here." He said, and Chris quickly got up but slowly walked over to him, standing in front of him. Adam was begging internally that Chris would smile at this. "Hey, Carrie here thinks that us two make a 'group' - how about that, eh?" He chuckled and gently slapped his shoulder, but Chris looked down and looked at the floor for a moment before looking up at Adam and nodding.

"Hey... Cheer up." Adam said, ruffling his hair.

"I'm just tired, dad." He lied.

"I'll move." Adam said, sighing as he stood up and watched as Chris curled up in his spot on the couch, his head falling on the armrest or the couch. It wasn't hard to see how miserable he was, but Adam just didn't want to accept it. He wouldn't be able to cope if he knew the truth of just how depressed and sad Chris was.

He already knew, really, but he just didn't want to admit it.

Once Chris was lied down and curled up under the blanket he'd gotten from under the bed upstairs, Adam turned to Carrie but immediately looked down at the ground after. He didn't want to risk anyone seeing his inner sadness, he didn't want anyone to ask 'what's wrong?', because he knew that would make Chris feel guilty. He slung the shotgun back over his shoulder once again and stretched his back.

"How 'bout that watch?" He asked. "We can sit by the window on the left. Hard to see in from the outside and we can cover the outside at all angles." He said.

(@ThatOneCrazyPerson, @Shimakage Thunder)
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Jess laughed slightly at Reid's, Lucas's, and Mitchell's ridiculous conceptions.

"I didn't kill anybody. It's just Runner's blood, relax. And I heard you were one of the big groups." She leaned against the car window, a smirk on her face. "And yes, I can actually fly a plane. It's just that if I did, it'll draw too much attention. Besides, idiots are using plane fuel for car gas and lamps now."

Jess turned the knife around, to prevent cutting anyone with runner blood. "So, you guys gonna let me ride or I'm going to have to go back and chop heads off of runners again?" She didn't change her expression, although a slight sliver of fear was apparent. Even she couldn't take down a mass of runners.

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @JackMonroe @The Jest
Jackson pressed the gun right up against her forehead right now, "I'm not asking a third time," he continued right after he took the safety off of the gun, "Are. You. Infected?"

Luke also looked at her, very confused. "You heard we were one of the big groups? Who the hell did you hear that from?" Now, Luke returned to his normal state of suspicion. She's not answering Jackson's question, and apparently she heard about from somewhere, obviously Luke and Jackson were going to be suspicious.

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @PopcornandCaramel
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Jess looked at the gun pointed to her forehead. "I'm not infected, unless you can get the infection by killing a runner." She then turned to Luke and snickered slightly. "Literally messing with you. You guys are a band of people, and I'm tired of living alone. Simple."

@The Jest
Jack finally stepped in, walking to Jackson and pushing his gun away, looking at him.

"She's a kid. We don't harm kids." He turned around, switching his gaze to hers.

"You've been living alone this whole time, and you're still alive. Taking the chance to join a group could put yourself in danger. A lot of danger. Are you sure you want to join us? You're gonna go hungry a lot of nights."

"It's not my call, anyway."
He said, looking towards Jackson for confirmation if she stays or not.


"And I'm up for the idea of the Bed and Breakfast for shelter." Jack continued, hopping into the back of the truck and approving of Mitchell's plan.

"Also, I'm prepared to go into the city alone and come back with supplies. If any of you want to join me, that's your call. But we can't let ourselves starve in shelter."
Jess listened as Jack said 'hungry for a lot of nights.' "I don't care if I'm in danger or not. Point is, living alone is basically demoralizing me. I feel bad not being able to help, and even if danger comes with it I'll still help." Jess smiled at the group, but unlike her cold smirk that says 'I'm a beast', it was more of a warm 'trust me' smile. She hopped onto the back of the pickup, looking through the window facing the interior, her face practically pressed against the glass. "So...is that a yes?"

Jess also poked the idea of bed and breakfast.
"Jack, I know the location of a single military base away from the city. It's a small workaround, but I can lead you there. It's probably been raided, but it's hard to find so it's unlikely. Oh, and this might involve killing a few infected, so be prepared." She looked around a bit. "Anybody have a compass, or do you guys forget how to use them?"

@JackMonroe @ThatOneCrazyPerson
@The Jest

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