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Realistic or Modern Never Go Back [Zombie RP - Currently Not Accepting Any More Characters]

Group One - Two Miles Away From Gas Station

"I agree," Jackson said, in reference to Reid's suggestion. "It would make everyone more comfortable." The boy allowed a crooked smile, looking very much grateful to the acknowledgment as the man moved to the truck, turning it on, and gave a thumbs up.

At the sound of Allie's voice, Jess slowly placed her knife on the ground. "Yes, I killed someone," she admitted, and Allie looked like she was about to scream, "but that was before the world changed. It doesn't matter now, since he was doing illegal things. You guys aren't, so... yeah." She glanced at the weapon. "That knife's basically my teddy bear; I can't sleep without it." 'She sleeps with a steak knife...?' Reid thought absentmindedly.

"Well, isn't that a reassuring thought," Luke chuckled awkwardly, though it faded down to an uneasy sigh. "I guess you kind of have to be like that now." And wasn't that one of the greater things of the new world? It was like they were all at war.

"I'd like to get moving," Jack reiterated. "It will be sundown soon." Reid nodded, Weston snoozed on, and Allie merely shivered.

Jess started rambling about the blood all over her knife, leaning against the truck, and Allie looked like she was about to pass out. Hell, Reid was even feeling a little queasy, and he covered his sister's ear with his free hand. Her smaller one covered his, and she buried her face into his side. "M'scared..." she whimpered, her voice quivering. "I jus' wanna go home, Reid... I miss Daddy..."

"Everything's gonna be okay, Allie; I promise..." Reid let out a quiet breath. He couldn't keep her faith in him based on sweet nothings forever.

(( @JackMonroe, if you violate the rules one more time, I am going to have to kick you from this roleplay =/ ))

Group Two - Inside Cabin

"Hey, Archie," Adam said suddenly, nodding his head towards him and sighing. "I ain't gonna try and convince you to trust anyone, because I don't blame you." "Neither do I," Carrie added quietly. "Understandable; world goes to shit, people go to shit, trust goes down the drain." Adam sighed again. "You're like me in a way--" he offered. "Right now, the only person I fully trust is my son. I need to work on keeping myself safe so that I can keep him safe, as well. Forgive me for assuming but I think that may be the same sort of thing with you and your sister." He shrugged as Carrie felt her stomach tighten. God, she missed... her. Hearing all this 'look-out-for-family' crap wasn't at all a punch in the gut. Not at all. "I ain't gonna patronise you, or treat you any differently to anyone else," Adam finished. "I'm just trying to understand you, okay?"

Adam sighed, before turning to steal a glance at the woman. "I heard you mention you grew up with your sister, but I didn't get much more than that, Carrie," he muttered, and she felt her fists clench at the word. You know the one. "What did you do before the world went crazy?" he asked. "I did personal training, and I was a cop-- a detective --before I did all of that. Seeing as we're here all night, the past is a good place to start on a discussion, right?"

Jesus. Was this guy really a cop? He sounded more like a therapist. Nonetheless, she nodded and took a seat near one of the windows, pulling over a chair and straddling it.

"Went to war," she shrugged, not looking at him. She stared out the window and moving blobs far off in the distance. 'Probably Infected,' she thought. 'If not, God help them.' "Came back. And people started eating other people. You think a bunch of people with guns running around just to follow orders is bad?" She gave a half-hearted chuckle, not at all laced with humor. "Nah. Least you know what to expect. This, though?" She trailed off, leaving the sentence unfinished. She just shook her head.

There was a noise from upstairs. It sounded like Vivian. From the tone of her voice, she didn't sound like she was being held up. She must have just been talking to herself. Or her baby. Carrie remembered that pregnant people sometimes did that kind of thing.

(( @Shimakage Thunder ))
Group 1

Mitchell sat and waited patiently for the group to make a unanimous decision. The rest of them stood around the truck talking to the new girl, Mitchell may have over heard her name. Jess was it? Either way, she was still on his back burner. Everyone was, a few minutes with these people and he can't start to lose his guard already. As much as letting loose sounded great, he didn't want to die just to tell a few camp fire stories.

Hearing the door creak open and feeling the weight of the truck shift from his side to the other, he looked over to see Jackson and watched with heavy eyes as the man turned the key a few times to start the truck; It took him a few tries to. Mitchell counted each time hoping that it would start and they could make way.

"Don't mind Luke, he's a good kid, just been through some shit recently that a kid shouldn't go through." Jackson's gruff voice broke the silence between them.

Mitchell sat in thought for a moment and then offered another glance to Jackson. Was this guy suppose to be Luke's big brother and mediator or something? He brushed off the angst and tiredness to respond. No point in stirring the cauldron.

" I get it. None of these kids should be out here. They should have been evacuated." Mitchell spoke like this whole thing was just a storm and the kids could climb to higher ground to avoid flooding. He knew better. He knew how fast the shit hit the fan, he was there at the center of it all.

" I'm pretty good at the whole forgive and forget thing. So you've got no worries. " After being the odd man out his whole life, he should be. Mitchell shifted his body so that there would be more room for Reid and his two siblings in the cab of the truck.

Group 3


Sabrina smiled nervously at Padrig's laugh

"You're exactly t'e same as t'e first time I met'cha. I love ya' so much." he said with a sweet smile.

" I love ye too!" She said jokingly mocking his accent.

One of the things that Sabrina had always loved about Padrig, was his way of staying calm in stressful situations. He hugged her and she returned the hug, then was abruptly disappointed when he pulled away to look out the window. Padrig started to wave his hands and arms in front of the window to signal something.

" What's going on?" Sabrina said sheepishly

No response from him. She stepped forward to look out of the window but he started to bang on the window, proceeding to break it into tiny pieces. Before Sabrina knew what to do Padrig was hanging onto the ledge of it desperately trying to keep hold. She had no idea what to do to help him, she wouldn't be strong enough to pull him back inside the window. She watched eyes wide with fear as her beloved fiance tried to pull himself back inside, the sounds of the runners gathering outside. He failed to pull himself up the first time, he instead stabbed himself with a piece of glass. Sabrina winced and turned away.

" Oh my God!" She tried to shake off the fear, she didn't want him to fall to his death. Sabrina reached forward and grabbed his wrist trying to help anyway that she could. Padrig mostly helped himself back into the apartment and sat against the wall. He was shaken up and so was Sabrina.

"Don't freak out darlin', but... but could ya' look for something to wrap my hand 'n?" He spoke loudly trying to be a man about the whole thing.

" Y-yeah! I uhm.." She looked around the apartment, nothing in her immediate site. Rushing into the bedroom she grabbed the fitted sheet from the bed and ran back to him. With what little strength she had she pulled apart the fabric and elastic into a uneven strip. She sat in front of him on her knees and grabbed his wrist so that he would re-position his hand for her to wrap, the blood dripping onto her legs and the floor, hands shaking.

" WHAT were you thinking!?" She hissed at him. The fear turned into anger as she started to relax.

" You can't do stupid things like that! We have to stay together, and live. I can't have you falling out of windows.Jesus Padrig..." She let the words roll out without a second thought.


The girl had noticed the rock, turned towards the building and raised her arm in response to Yvette. Yvette wasn't sure if the girl had seen her for sure though. Alright, so you got the girls attention what do you do now? She had poked her head up higher over the side of the building to make herself visible to the girl for starters. How were they going to communicate?

Yvette had remembered her pens and markers that she had stuffed into her bag. She took the pack off, knelt down and dug around for a minute before taking out a marker. She picked up another rock and began to write on it. Once she was finished with the rock, she put the marker into the pocket of her jeans and tossed the rock down to the girl, hoping that it would land on the roof of the car for her to read.

How far can u jump? was squished together on the rock with black marker.

( Sorry if its lacking, It took my forever to get motivated to write this much)
Jess stared, the sun getting low to the point of reddening the sky. She then turned to Reid. "Is Mr. Guns (Jackson) group leader? We might need to get a move onwards before we can't see."

She then peered into the distance, spotting the outline of a man. A series of ticks vibrated through the air, and the man started to look at the pickup truck. Jess, slightly fearful now that she knew a kid was here, lifted her knife swiftly and pointed subtly at what clearly was the outline of a Clicker...

(Confirmation: Are open ended posts like this allowed, or must they be full entries?)
Group Three - In the City

Sam watched as a little shadowy thing (it was hard to see in the light) moved up and down atop the building before her, where she assumed the rock had come from. It had to have been a person. As she'd thought before, it could have been an Infected, but they weren't smart enough to chuck rocks down. Sam wondered if (and hoped that) the person was safe...

Thunk! A larger rock, definitely not a pebble like last time, flew down from the heavens, almost brushing past Sam's shoulder. The girl jumped involuntarily, taking a few steps away across the limo's hood, before bending down to look at it. She wouldn't have, normally; probably would have taken it as another attempt at getting her attention, but... there was something... written? 'How far can you jump?' the rock read in black marker, and Sam had to reread it a few times before glancing back skyward towards the faceless inquisitor. 'How am I supposed to answer...?' she thought to herself, frowning. 'It's not like I can shrug and they'll see it... and I can't defy gravity to send this rock back up...' She glanced around, trying to find something to spell her answer with.

Some broken pieces of... something (Sam wasn't sure) were littered nearby, and she moved quietly to collect them. After a few minutes (which had felt like hours), she managed to spell out the words 'FAR ENOUGH' on top of the cars. She hoped she'd written big enough to see.

(( @JackMonroe @PopcornandCaramel And @JPax42 it's totally okay! ^^ This is perfect; just tell me before you do something too big... =P ))
"Right there...! What do we do?" The voice of the fearful girl piped up, and at that, Jess pointed the knife towards the Clicker, a bit of uncertainty in her movement. Never before have I seen one of these. 8 runners down, though, so... "Reid, please tell me you know how to fight Infected. We can't just run." She turned to the Clicker, the uncertainty in her head growing larger. What's the point? Why are you doing this? Do you think dying will get you trusted? No. Don't die. Don't die, just don't die.

The Clicker made louder clicking noises as it edged closer to the truck, its snarling barely audible, but still close enough. The stem of the fungus sticking out of its head made a rigid 'thump' at every step it took, followed by a soft click, tick, click-click, tick-tick. The unsightly creature tilted its head slightly at the group and bared its decayed teeth at Reid.

When Adam started to speak to Archie, he turned and looked at him, his eyes narrowed, the bat held tightly in his hand. He wasn't going to swing it at anyone unless they did something that would provoke it, but, still, having it next to him was a huge comfort in a room filled with people he didn't know. I mean, Ivy was there, but what use was she when she was asleep, or even when she was awake? She was too trusting, she didn't use her knife for anything unless they were in a sticky situation, and even then, they would rather sneak away than fight.

He really needed to get a weapon that he could use from far away.

"My safety is her safety. But her safety is more important than mine. I'd throw myself in front of a bus for her if they were still operating." He shook his head slightly and stepped away from Adam. When he started talking to Carrie, he stepped away again, and instead decided to make his way over to one of the cupboards in this living room set up, intending to find something that he could take with him or give to Ivy. He didn't know what he would find, but, he had to look or he'd never know. He didn't say much else to Adam and Carrie, he wasn't going to unless he was spoken to directly.

So he looked through the cabinets, and he did it slowly, quietly, looking over everything to see if it was going to be of use to him. He found a few old books, and he looked them over before placing them in a pile, and he moved onto a different cabinet.

(( @Shimakage Thunder @ThatOneCrazyPerson ))
"I know, I don't think you can get much worse than this." He said in response to Carrie. He figured that it was going to take longer to get used to Archie, and it'd probably take longer for Archie to get used to him, too. They were in for a bumpy ride, he was sure. Only time would tell what would happen, who they would lose, what they would gain, who they would run into. It was all a big long list of things that just didn't seem to end, but they'd have to wait and see where it took them, wouldn't they? Anyway, anyway, I won't waffle on too much about all of that, because, you know, why would I need to?

Still, he looked at her and let out a brief chuckle. "Back a few months ago, everyone thought that war was the worst possibility, yeah." He said. "And now here I am, my three brothers and two sisters nowhere to be seen... It's shit. But at least I have my son. That's what matters to me right now." He said, simply, and then took a deep breath and closed his eyes for just a moment, but eventually opened them again and stared out of the window.

"There used to be eight of us in total. I'm the second-youngest." He said. "The eldest died of a heart-attack not too long before all this shit broke out. As painful as it is to admit it, it was good that it was him that went down instead of everyone else. Everyone else was married, had children. He didn't. He was divorced, no kids, nothing, just a large family that... Did miss him, but we knew his habits would lead to it. We were all glad that he had no children to be heartbroken by his passing. Every brother there shared a shot at his funeral, rum, the guy's favorite drink. Even smoked a cigar in honor, too." He said, shaking his head. "God rest, right?" He said, sighing, then shook his head again.

He let out another little laugh. "My youngest brother, James... He was thirty-eight. He used to talk of all that shit with... Conspiracies, all that." He said. "All the talk of 9/11, oil companies, pharmaceuticals... He was a smart guy, but all that went right over my head." He said. "Now I look at some of the stuff he said and it makes sense, in a way..." He said. "Whaddya' think caused all this?" He asked. "Some sort of chemical weapon? Contaminated cheeseburger?" He asked. "Experiment out of control, or just fate being a motherfucker?" He asked, quietly, still staring out the window.

He noticed that Archie was searching through cupboards and stuff after a few seconds. He felt bad, but he was just going to let him get on with it.

There was no food.

No water.

Not even kitchen utensils.

Just old books and empty boxes which once contained rifle bullets.

It was a sad time, but hey... Books could be good in this day and age.

(@Shimakage Thunder, @ThatOneCrazyPerson)
Group One - Two Miles Away From Gas Station

"Reid, please tell me you know how to fight Infected," Jess said worriedly, looking at him. "We can't just run." She had her knife pointed at the creature, looking uncertain. 'Well, we could just run...' Reid thought absentmindedly. 'But that doesn't seem like a viable option at the moment. Not enough time...'

He took a step back slightly, never taking his eyes off the Clicker, which was still moving ever steadily nearer. "Uh... well, not exactly..." he admitted, looking sheepish. "Never... had the chance... and I don't really have a... um..." He hesitated, unsure whether to admit if he was defenseless. Well, it wasn't like lying was going to help them here. "I don't really have a weapon," he confessed, a mix between uneasiness and sheepishness lining his face. "But if we're quiet enough," he added, lowering his voice as if to further his point, "it won't be able to find us. I learned that much making it out of the city."

(( @JackMonroe @Shimakage Thunder if you want, maybe you could come downstairs...? Idk I hate leaving you out like this... =/ ))
(@JackMonroe Stahp with the one-liners or you're gonna be kicked/killed!!!!)

Jess shrugged at Reid's confession. She spoke in a lowered tone, as to prevent the Clicker from hearing her. "Not everybody's armed, but everybody can become armed. We need to kill this thing, the second we turn on the truck engine that thing's going warp 10 at us." She kept her knife out. "We gotta kill it."

The clicker wailed in desperation and slight agony, trying to locate the meaty outlines of the humans. It was clearly hungry. The clicks started up again, and Jess stopped moving.

Group 3


She waited patiently for the girls response, surprised that it was with a few nearby scraps. She admired the creativity.

"Alright.." Yvette spoke under her breath and grabbed another rock. The girl could jump and make haste for the bakery and Yvette could make a distraction. That much of her plan was formulated, but how would Yvette give the runners and clicker the slip to get back to the bakery herself? The rest was going to have to come later, there was little time to get the girl out of there before the runners would start to crowd.

Yvette tossed the rock in her hand down to the girl then picked up another one and started to write. The rest of this was going to go very quickly and the probability of her making it out alive was slim.

The first rock:

Bakery. East Richmond. Backdoor. Albeit little information the message was pretty clear, its where Yvette had been hiding out. It was a sound location with very little activity, until today of course.

Yvette waited a few minutes to collect her thoughts before throwing the second rock.

Stick to the cars. RUN Was the message.

As soon as Yvette knew the girl had secured the rock, she had ran to the fire escape, climbed down it partly and started to bang on it with her machete and yelling loudly. Hoping to God it would attract the runners to the back side of the building she was on. She waited for the crowd of the hungry undead to gather round for story time.

Group 1

( I was under the impression that the truck was already started. They could quickly kill the clicker and take off. Or just take off. By the time they made it to their location the clicker would get distracted by something else, especially if it didn't hear the truck anymore. Assuming we were going off the Last of Us zombies, someone could throw a rock or something and send it running into another direction. You could easily outsmart the clickers in that game doing the same tactic. I could be wrong.)

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @JPax42
Jack became annoyed with Jess' constant narration, still holding out his axe for Reid to take.

"One damn thing. Clickers are slower and less dangerous than Runners and Bloaters. An easy target for a beginner." He said, looking at Reid.

"At some point you're gonna need to defend yourself. Protect the ones you love. Better to learn how. Now take it."

"One damn thing. Clickers are slower and less dangerous than Runners and Bloaters. An easy target for a beginner." Jack's voice rang through the silence. Jess hastily put a finger on Jack's mouth and whispered harshly. "Clickers are stronger than runners! Now shut it!"

The Clicker's voice rattled unsteadily as it focused the remains of its face at Jack. Jess thought for a second about Jack being a loudmouth, but saw the Clicker jogging towards them. Jess gripped her knife and prepared to strike as the Clicker came closer...

@JackMonroe @ThatOneCrazyPerson
Unable to sleep, Vivian got out of bed. As soon as she stood up, her back started aching, just a bit. Perhaps she has been laying down for a little too long. Sighing, the young Mother-to-be stretched, straightened out her hair and made her way downstairs. If the Zombies were coming at all, Carrie would protect her, right? Yawning due to the lack of sleep she got, Vivian went downstairs and came over to her friend, standing by her. "Hey Carrie." She greeted her friend before rubbing her eyes before she started holding her stomach, because it was starting to feel heavy and she was still a bit sleepy.

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @DrTrollinski
Group One - Two Miles Away From Gas Station

"Not everybody's armed, but everybody can become armed," Jess whispered, shrugging. "We need to kill this thing; the second we turn on the truck engine that thing's going warp ten at us." She paused, and Reid swallowed, raising an eyebrow. "We gotta kill it." 'The engine's already on...?' he thought. 'No doubt that's why the creep is here in the first place...!'

Jack turned to Reid, holding out his axe towards him. Allie's eyes went wide at the sight, and she turned her face to her brother's. 'Don't take it,' she thought. She didn't want Reid to kill anybody. 'Please don't take it.'

"Take it," Jack said simply.

"I... what? Me...?" Reid stuttered. He wanted to help, sure, but... now...? And he certainly did not want to be in close combat with this thing.

"One damn thing," Jack glared. "Clickers are slower and less dangerous than Runners and Bloaters. An easy target for a beginner. At some point you're gonna need to defend yourself. Protect the ones you love. Better to learn now. Now take it."

Reid swallowed hard, and Allie shivered. Weston was dead asleep still, and that was probably for the best. Kid would probably be screaming his head off right about now. Or crying. Or both. "E-easy?" Reid croaked. "You call... that... easy...?"

Jess slapped her hand over Jack's mouth. "Clickers are stronger than runners!" she hissed. "Now shut it!"

Was this guy crazy?! Reid wasn't sure who to trust. He, himself, didn't know a lot about the Infected, but then, he hadn't gotten close enough to. Most likely, it could have just been a debate of opinions, but who could be sure? The Clicker approached even further, most likely drawn in by the sound of the ever-humming truck, and Reid moved closer, trying to open the door and get inside.

"Just get in the truck!" he whisper-shouted through clenched teeth. "We can just get out of here; we don't have to make a big deal! Come on!"

(( @JackMonroe Clickers are harder to kill than Runners... Bloaters are the hardest, but Clickers pull in for second ^^ @Shimakage Thunder @DrTrollinski @Jupiter ))
(Mitch and Jackson are already in the truck - RP edit then?)

Jess nodded to Reid. "I...uh..."

Jess was now intent on killing the Clicker with Jack. He's right. Experience won't hurt. Then again, Reid wants to protect the kids. Jess waved off the Clicker and hopped into the truck. "Reid, if Jack goes, I go. Two people can take this one down." She nodded reassuringly, then looked at the exposed skin on her arms. Don't get bitten. Find a jacket.

@JackMonroe @ThatOneCrazyPerson @The Jest @PopcornandCaramel
While the group in the back was dealing with a clicker, Jackson and Mitchell were in the front (Though I really thought we were already moving, like @ThatOneCrazyPerson @JackMonroe @JPax42 (I only had time to post one of them, should be back full-time tomorrow!)
Jack batted Jess' hands away, his cold eyes focusing on her as he watched Luke kill the beast.

"You will not follow me. I am not your father. I am not your family. I didn't want you shot. That doesn't mean you mean anything to me." He turned to Luke, still fuming.

"Babying someone just because they're young only results in the kiddies being the first one to go when we're cornered and don't have a convenient truck to escape to. He's as old as Jess, and she can fucking kill these things. You're seriously trying to tell me not knowing how to fight zombies in the zombie apocalypse is a good idea?"

"Let's go."
Jack growled, sitting in the back of the truck. "But when you're too slow to swoop in and one of these kids get bitten, it won't be because of me."

Jess almost laughed at Jack. "You think I want to be with you? I said you're family because I know you compared to these guys. Forget that now."

She kept her knife out and looked around for any more infected. All clear, then. As she looked around and thought about the situation right now.
Luke's a good guy. Reid's...well...defenseless and has siblings. Time to stick around, then. Although, Jack might axe my head off at night.
Vivian started leaning against the wall, still a little tired, but was unable to sleep. "Good, just wish I could have gotten more sleep for the sake of the little one, but she is not really letting me sleep." She sighed. "The bed was comfortable. But I just can't sleep right now..."

(I apologize for the short post) @ThatOneCrazyPerson

The events that transpired must've angered Jack, because it brought him to say "You will not follow me. I am not your father. I am not your family. I didn't want you shot. That doesn't mean you mean anything to me," to which Jess responded, "You think I want to be with you? I said you're family because I know you compared to these guys. Forget that now."

Then, Jack turned his anger towards Luke, who had just previously yelled at him, "Babying someone just because they're young only results in the kiddies being the first one to go when we're cornered and don't have a convenient truck to escape to. He's as old as Jess, and she can fucking kill these things. You're seriously trying to tell me not knowing how to fight zombies in the zombie apocalypse is a good idea?" Luke was about to respond when Jack continued, "Let's go," then moved to the back of the truck and said "But when you're too slow to swoop in and one of these kids get bitten, it won't be because of me."

"I never said he shouldn't learn, I just said don't throw him into his first situation with a goddamn clicker!" Luke took a deep breath, realizing that fighting wasn't going to get you anywhere, and hopped in the back with Jack. "No one was trained for this mess, you either had the skill beforehand or you had to learn quickly."

He held out his hand for a handshake with Jack, "We shouldn't be fighting, I was just throwing my peace out there. I get over-protective, I'm sorry."

@JackMonroe @ThatOneCrazyPerson

Three (Padrig):

"Yeah... I... Uhm," is all his sweet wife could muster, and he held out his hand for her to wrap. As she finished, she yelled at him, "WHAT were you thinking!? You can't do stupid things like that! We have to stay together, and live. I can't have you falling out of windows. Jesus, Padrig..."

He just looked into her eyes, his hand feeling slightly better from her bandaging, and said "I'm sorry, I just t'ought that t'e girl outside might 'ave needed some help."

Jack nodded, having calmed down. He took Luke's hand gladly, shaking it.

"You fight for the ones you love. Do whatever you can to protect them. Because if they perish...you will change. Become like me."

@The Jest
Jess listened to heartwarming conversation, deep in thought. She saw the outline of a Clicker over and over. The disgusting plates on its face. "How close to B&B then?"

Group One - Two Miles Away From Gas Station

"I, uh..." Jess hesitated, nodding, then moved to the truck as well, hopping in promptly. "Reid, if Jack goes, I go," she said simply. "Two people can take this one down."

"You will not follow me," Jack growled. "I am not your father. I am not your family. I didn't want you shot." A slight pause, and it almost felt like a movie moment. "...That doesn't mean you mean anything to me."

"You think I want to be with you?" Jess frowned. "I said you're family because I know you, compared to these guys. Forget that now."

A quick fffft noise startled Reid, and before he realized it, Luke had already moved ahead and placed two arrows in the Infected's head. It lay, dead, on the ground, and before he could shield Allie's eyes, Luke started to yell.

"Are you kidding me?!" the older boy yelled, and Reid's eyes widened. "You were gonna make Reid kill a clicker?!" He sounded... angry...? 'Didn't know the guy cared so much...' Reid thought. Sure, he knew they were all partners in survival, but... it just surprised him a little. "He's not armed; sure, he made it out of the city, but he's a smart kid. He most likely hasn't killed anything, and you want to make him kill something harder than a runner, in closer-quarters, in a desperate situation?!"

Reid wasn't sure if he should have been offended or grateful. 'Is it that obvious I haven't killed anything...?' he thought, then nodded to himself. 'Okay, yeah, probably.' But he was grateful because... Luke was defending him. It was an unfamiliar sensation. Reid was always used to being the protector; seldom was he the protected. It was... odd, but still... he didn't exactly despise it. Maybe Luke wasn't so bad. Sure, he wouldn't put his life at risk for him just yet, but... he was like an older brother he'd never really cared for having.

"Babying someone just because they're young only results in the kiddies being the first one to go when we're cornered and don't have a convenient truck to escape to," Jack snarled back, jabbing a finger at the teenage girl. "He's as old as Jess, and she can fucking kill these things. You're seriously trying to tell me not knowing how to fight zombies in the zombie apocalypse is a good idea?"

Reid fidgeted slightly. It hurt enough thinking he was a coward himself; now someone had said it outright. Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't, but either way, he was not going to kill a Clicker in close combat if he didn't have to. He would rather start small. Like... on something that didn't want to eat off his flesh. Just to get a feel. Nonetheless, Jack had said exactly what he'd been thinking-- Jess, a girl not much older than him (a year, at best), was skilled in killing them, and if he was left alone, he'd be pretty useless in trying to protect Allie and Weston.

"Everyone, get in. Now," Luke finished, eyes narrowed, before doing just that.

Reid nodded, swallowing, then helped Allie into the truck first, letting her slide in (though she was extremely hesitant) beside Jess. He climbed in next, Weston still clinging to his shoulder. The oldest Field moved Allie closer to him, wrapping an arm around her protectively. He stole a glance back outside the window, trying to see where the Clicker had been. 'Hurry up, Jackson...' he thought. 'Just get us out of here...'

"Let's go," Jack spat, seating himself in the back of the truck. "But when you're too slow to swoop in and one of these kids get bitten, it won't be because of me." Reid swallowed again, pretending he hadn't heard.

"I never said he shouldn't learn," Luke retorted, frowning, and Reid nodded involuntarily. He was all up for learning, just... not right now. "I just said don't throw him into his first situation with a goddamn clicker!" After a sigh, the older boy climbed into the back of the truck beside Jack, and while it was muffled now, Reid could still hear his voice. "No one was trained for this mess," Luke said. "You either had the skill beforehand or you had to learn quickly." There was a pause, and Reid wasn't sure if it was an actual pause, or if Jack had said something and he just hadn't heard. "We shouldn't be fighting," Luke said, either way. "I was just throwing my peace out there. I get over-protective; I'm sorry."

"You fight for the ones you love," said a voice, and Reid could tell it was actually Jack this time. "Do whatever you can to protect them. Because if they perish..." A pause. "...You will change. Become like me." Reid didn't want to know what that meant. But he could make a guess.

"...How close to B&B then?" Jess asked quietly, and Allie scooted closer to Reid, leaning her small blond head on his larger shoulder.

"Hopefully not far," the boy mumbled, rubbing circles on both of his siblings' backs out of habit. "I think we're all in need of some bed and breakfast..."

(( @JackMonroe @Shimakage Thunder It's good ^^ @DrTrollinski @Jupiter ))
As they all finally settled down, Jackson took the truck off its parking brake and began to set out towards the Bed and Breakfast. "Where are we heading?" he asked Mitchell.

After Jack had accepted the handshake Luke offered, he followed up with "You fight for the ones you love. Do whatever you can to protect them. Because if they perish...you will change," he could feel a slight paused after that, but reluctantly continued, "Become like me." Luke nodded, not in agreement or disagreement, just sort of in an accepting way.

It was quiet for a bit until Jess finally spoke up, "How close to the B and B then?"

Reid was the one who answered, "Hopefully not far, I think we're all in need of some bed and breakfast..." which made Luke chuckle a bit, he wasn't sure if it was meant to be a joke or not, but that phrase would totally be something Luke would say as one. In fact, Luke was slightly disappointed he hadn't thought of it first. Damn!

@JackMonroe @ThatOneCrazyPerson (It's fine! It made it a lot more interesting anyway :P )

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