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Realistic or Modern Never Go Back [Zombie RP - Currently Not Accepting Any More Characters]

Group Two - In The Middle of Nowhere

After a good long while of silence, Adam finally spoke up after sighing. "The air feels damp." He mumbled, simply. "I don't know if there's going to be any storms out here, but keep your eyes on the skies." He shrugged. "We need to find a place to stop soon enough, for numerous reasons, but let's drag this out as long as we can. I don't like being in this forest. It makes me nervous." He explained.

"Why?" Chris questioned.

"I don't know, son. That's what I'm worried about." He looked around slowly. "It's an open space, in a way, or... Well, it's wilderness. There's no one around, no one but us from what we can see, but... I think that's what makes this place all that much more unnerving. The fact that we're here by ourselves isn't something I like to think about."

"You've turned this into a bit of a horror story now." Chris mumbled.

"That wasn't my intention, but sure." He said, simply, and with that, he fell back to silence. He was hungry, he was tired, he was thirsty, and he felt about ready to drop down onto the floor and die right there. To be honest, his mystery depression had come to that, where he was just... You know, waiting for the end. If he didn't have Chris, he would have turned the shotgun on himself by now, that goes without saying.

Shit, they still didn't know it wasn't loaded, did they?

Anyway, yes, it was a little bit of time that Adam spent just walking with the group, and there wasn't much need to stop right away. He wasn't trying to push anyone beyond what they were capable of, but he didn't want to stop too close to the shack, which was finally becoming out of sight. It had disappeared a while ago now, so that was that. He guessed that they could stop soon enough, he just didn't know when. Something caught his eye, though, something on a tree to their right, a big tree.

"Wait." He held up a hand and turned, scanning the ground for a moment before walking up to the tree and looking at what was there.

A bloodied shirt. It had been nailed to the tree. There were no tears or bullet-holes, just a lot of blood. Footprints in the dirt before the tree indicated that someone with quite large feet had stood here before, and Adam leaned down and gently brushed the tracks with his hand. Damp, but not wet, not soft. "These footprints aren't from too long ago." He said. "Keep your eyes open. I'm not sure how far whoever did this is ahead of us, but I don't really want to find out." He explained, rising back up to his feet.

"Carrie... Any of you guys see anyone on the way to the cabin?" He asked.

(@Shimakage Thunder)


Group Three - Marko

His attention was caught by her offer but he didn't know if trusting her was going to be worth the effort. Any other time, he was sure that he would have just shot her after finding out about the vehicle, then would have gone and gotten the car himself. He wasn't going to do that purely because of the pregnancy, but damn, right now it was really tempting. He had to find out if what she was saying was true, though. What if she was going to walk him right into a trap and get him killed or something? That was the last thing that he needed.

He thought it was funny how somehow she'd managed to fix a car up, even though he'd originally been the one to look for a bus to repair, still hadn't found half the parts that he needed, and magically got struck with a possible easy way out. It was all too perfect, but you know. He didn't even want to leave this city yet. He wanted to go and get guns, he wanted to get all of that. If he was leaving this place, then he wanted to be able to have what he needed to survive.

"Tempting." He grumbled, leaning against the wall. "How do I know you're not walking me into a trap?" He asked, simply. "I've been scouring this city for God knows how fucking long looking for parts to fix up a bus of some kind, and I ain't found squat." He said, then looked at the floor and thought for a moment. "If you can prove to me that you're being honest, then I'll consider it - On one condition. I'm not done in this city yet. Things still need to get done but I can manage that alone if I need to." He explained.

"Oh, and no random passengers. If what you're saying is true, I don't want to get there and discover that you've got three other people that need to come along as well." He said. "Can we agree that all terms and conditions will be met?" He asked.

(@Shimakage Thunder, @TheFlyingWriter , @PopcornandCaramel)
( heeyyyy so back from the void. I have given you some empty promises on here and I plan on changing that. I'm back I got swamped with work and it's been hell trying to recover from it. I was thinking that maybe we have a time hop happen with group 1. Maybe make it like 6-7 months later? That way we can sort of indirectly kill off Jackson and Luke. Maybe write a little back story about what's been going on ya know? It would also give us a chance to redirect the plot and start fresh if you guys were interested in doing something like that. @TheFlyingWriter @JPax42 also I would love to join your new rp! I just gotta get home to look at it and fill out a character sheet. Assuming that it's not already full. Since you did post that like almost a month ago.

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