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Realistic or Modern Never Go Back [Zombie RP - Currently Not Accepting Any More Characters]

Group One - Inside B&B, Master Bedroom

"No, I'll take water, thank you very much," Luke interjected, appearing in the bedroom doorway. "If it absolutely comes down to it, we'll do it. That's just..." He trailed off, then practically shuddered. "...No thank you." Reid felt himself grin. At least he wasn't the only one with that mindset.

"We have about nine bottles," Jackson added, who had followed behind Luke and had now joined them in the room. "I'm not sure how many you have, but if we have over fifteen, that's manageable." Reid nodded. He definitely wasn't saying how many they had, but he was confirming that they had enough. And it was good to know that Jackson had water too... for emergency situations, of course. Then the older man sighed. "We need to find some place to hold up in," he stated. "Not just a house-- that's too risky. Anyone have any ideas?"

Reid glanced around at the others. He'd barely gone further than the city, unless you counted the journey there, but that was when he was a kid, and he most likely had been half asleep anyway. He didn't know much of the surrounding area, so he was going to be very little help. '...Again...' Reid mentally slapped himself across the face. '...Augh, shut up...!' his inner voice screamed, though he knew it wasn't much good. He hated the stupid self-conscious, nagging demon he kept in his head, but... in the end, it really was him, wasn't it? And he couldn't just erase himself.

"Right here," Jess said simply, before (yet again) randomly leaving the room. 'First of all, can't you just stay in one place for one minute...?' Reid thought. 'And second, we can't stay here forever... we've gone over this...' Jess returned just as suddenly, bearing in her arms... an entire cabinet drawer...? 'Good thing Jess knows how to discuss her plans with others,' Reid frowned to himself. ...Jesus, his mood was just flying all over the place wasn't it? He became subtly aware of this and therefore remained still.

"Nothing in that stupid room other than drawer and a bottle with 5-Hour Energy that had the expiration date burned off," the girl sighed, then reiterated the ending. "...Yes, burned." Reid raised an eyebrow, and Allie shot him a concerned look. Weston had passed out, still buried in the blanket like a cocoon. Jess placed the drawer into the trashcan, and at first he was confused. He was even more confused when she still didn't really explain herself.

Mitchell looked a bit confused as well, but he played it off well enough. "I could use about fifty of those right now," he said, referring to the energy drink... things. Reid wasn't really too sure what they were.

"...What next?" Jess asked after a pause, and thank God Reid was smart enough to figure out on his own that the drawer was for fire fuel, or else he might never have. Jess sure had amazing explanation and discussion skills...

"I guess try to relax..." Mitchell sighed in response, shrugging. It was a good a plan as any, and if Reid had any say, well... he probably would have said exactly that-- relax, especially while they could. With that, Mitchell snatched up the drawer from the bin where Jess had left it, and proceeded to break it apart into its original planks. Allie, who cringed at the (admittedly not the quietest) noise, turned her head to Weston, who (thank God) hadn't noticed.

"Anyone got a lighter or something?" Mitchell asked, once he had finished dismantling the thing. Reid shook his head, and doubted Allie needed to either, though she also did the same. Weston, obviously, was passed out, and even if he wasn't, it wasn't likely he was going to have one either.

"Jack had an axe," Jess offered, and Reid felt a little sick even at the mention of his name. "Striking that against the bin might be able to create a fire." And just like that-- poof --Jess was gone again, no doubt to the basement. The girl just could not relax for once; Jesus! She returned, axe in hand (apparently it had been easy to obtain), before setting it on the bin and leaving again, as if it were no big deal.

Again, she returned relatively quickly, this time with a book in hand. Seriously, was the universe in love with her or something? Everything was always so damn convenient...! "Mitchell," she said, "I think I know how we're going to start our fire, and all the fires from now on." She flashed the cover of the book towards Mitchell, then dropped to the floor and began reading.

After a few minutes or so, she glanced up again, frowning. "Well, that was kind of a bust," she sighed, and Reid was about to ask why until she kind of answered. "Anyone else willing to teach themselves how to breathe fire before going to sleep just so we are warm? ...Because I think this stuff shouldn't be done without our current sleepiness."

Fire breathing...? Okay, so maybe the universe didn't love Jess so much after all. Reid almost burst out laughing. Jess actually did laugh, then started on her original plan, by using Jack's axe.

"...Should somebody keep watch?" Reid asked then, not taking his eyes off the girl. It was barely a question; obviously, someone had to take watch. It was more of a question of who was going to. He doubted he or Jess were options, let alone Allie or Weston. Luke might be counted, Reid noted (a tad bitterly), but it was really all a matter of Jackson or Mitchell.

...So Jackson, then. It made sense. Jackson had become the seemingly self-appointed leader of the group, and while Reid doubted he'd sleep with both eyes closed, he actually kind of trusted the man, in a weird way. Maybe he was too trusting.

(( @Shimakage Thunder ))
After a few preparations, Jess raised the axe and striked it across the inside of the bin. Cling!, but no fire. Round 2. This time she threw the axe at the inside of the bin. CLANK-fizzle. Sparks had showered the broken drawer planks and set a small bit on fire. "Woohoo! Fire!" The small bit already started to burn out, so Jess opened the fire kit and held the bottle in her left hand. If it came to that, Jess would be ok spitting combustion fluid on the fire.

Suddenly, Reid chimed in with a question that genuinely worried Jess.
"...Should someone take watch?" Reid was looking right at her, though worried. Jess also knew she wasn't a viable watcher, at least for tonight. What would she do, anyways? Stand on her head and admire Earth's gravity? Probably. "I can do it. Er, the second half maybe. Jess shot a glance at Reid and Jackson, then to Mitchell and Allie. 'Fuck. WHY, JESS?!? Oh, well, at least the B&B is sort of safe.' Suddenly, the lights flickered and started to work only at half intensity. The fire was actually looking quite bright now. "That can't be good." Jess flit her head around, memorizing Reid, Mitchell, and Allie's positions. She couldn't see Jackson or Luke by the time the lights died.

The fire was slightly illuminating Mitchell's face, but everyone else was invisible. Oh, except for Weston, he had his own internal light source and flight attendant button. Jess carefully stepped over to the far corner of the room and gently closed the door. Without the humming of the converters or from the clanky heating system, the room would truly get cold. At least they had the fire, which has happily munched its way into the drawer planks.

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @PopcornandCaramel @The Jest
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Group 1


Mitchell furrowed his brow at Jess's laugh. Could she act anymore like a child? Well,Mitchell she is a child so honestly what do you expect? He would just have to let that one slide.

" Jack had an axe. Striking that against the bin might be able to create a fire." Jess quickly changed her tone to muster up this advice. Mitchell wasn't sure how well it would work, but not trying it wouldn't be stupid. Then Jess stood up and left the room for what seemed like the millionth time.

Mitchell just shook his head, rolled his eyes and turned away from the group to look at the food he dug out from his bag. The sleep was weighing heavily on his eyes so bad he had to force them to stay open. Forcing his eyes to stay open was bringing on a headache in the back of his skull. It wasn't pounding or unbearable but it was enough pain to be annoying. He unzipped the side pocket of his bag and pulled out a small bottle of pills, popping open the top, taking out two then returning the bottle to his bag. He swallowed down the pills with a swig of water. Hopefully they would kick in soon.

Jess busted back into the room with the before mentioned axe, a book, and a bottle of liquid.

" Mitchell, I think I know how we're going to start our fire, and all the fires from now on" Jess practically shoved the book in his face and his tired eyes squinted to read the print. A book about fire tricks? Really? Who in the world would...nevermind. There are a lot of different kinds of people in the world, a lot with strange hobbies. It was almost as if God himself came down and blessed this group with a string of coincidences and irony. Jess sat down and started to read the book and it didn't take her long to frown and say:

"Well, that was kind of a bust, Anyone else willing to teach themselves how to breathe fire before going to sleep just so we are warm? ...Because I think this stuff shouldn't be done without our current sleepiness." She didn't look up from the book. Yeah okay, fire breathing wasn't on Mitchell's bucket list. It might make for some fun fire making in the future though.

"...Should somebody keep watch?" Reid added. Mitchell hadn't thought about keeping watch. It was an obvious necessity, but he was pre-occupied with other matters. He didn't want to keep watch. He wanted to do his routine and then try and get some sleep, but so did everyone else. Now wasn't the time to be selfish. His thought process was interrupted by Jess's banging the axe on the bin. Not that he had much of a though process, the sleep was unforgiving. Eventually though the girl got the fire started with just the two items. Although, it would have made sense to douse the wood with a bit of that fluid, after all it was just simple lighter fluid.

"Woohoo! Fire!" Jess exclaimed.

"I can do it. Er, the second half maybe" Jess answered Reid. Mitchell for a second had forgotten Reid's comment about keeping watch.

" I'll do it. You guys get some sleep.." He said reluctantly. It should be an easy watch since most of the activity had died down, and the runners that were close had been taken care of already. It would also give him some alone time to catch up on his routine.He still didn't want to do it, despite the pros. He sat down next to the bin Indian style and started to open up the MRE, taking out the guys of the package. Just when he was about done the lights started to flicker and then die, leaving only the glow of the fire and candles he had lit before.

"That can't be good." Jess spoke. It was about time the power had went out. He had expected it to go out sooner, or not work at all. It was a good thing though, the less light the less visible the group in the house. Mitchell looked around at everyone, barely making out the details of their faces.

" Anyone want some.." He put the sealed food package closer to the light to see " Beefaroni?" He grabbed the plastic heating bag, added some water, put the sealed package in, sealed it and waited for the food to heat up. Meanwhile he sorted through the other goodies. A pack of peanut butter, crackers, bag of skittles, pack of napkins, tea, coffee, applesauce and some kind of powder drink.

The medicine still hadn't started to work on his head. The pain was starting to pound in the back of his skull. He set down the package and rubbing his eyes and forehead with one hand, the sweat and dirt rubbing off with each pass. Man, a shower sure would be amazing...

( I kind of have writers block. It's not very creative right now. Also, I'm going to add Yvette's post tomorrow) @ThatOneCrazyPerson
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"Anyone want some...beefaroni?" Mitchell had opened the MRE and had hydrated as well as heated it up. Jess, although having not eaten for a day, wasn't hungry for some stupid reason. Maybe she was tired from all of today's running, ducking, sliding, and swimming. Anyways, the fuck is beefaroni?

Jess simply shook her head and lay down on the ground, not bothering to touch any blankets, directly on the cold floor. Looking up, she saw Mitchell and Reid's faces. The light of the fire made Mitchell look knowledgeable and brave. It made Reid look a bit thoughtful and more positive than she remembered him to be. In the middle of their faces, and closer to Jess's, hovered an almost surreal image of a man. The man suddenly grew hard, red and brown plates across his face, wrecking his teeth. The figure stuck out a long, red tongue and darted towards Jess, screeching loudly. Fire somehow had erupted from the clicker's mouth.

Jess immediately sat up.
"Shit!" The feeling of the Clicker's hot breath still reminiscing in her head over and over. She looked at Mitchell, still by the fire. She couldn't believe she didn't fall asleep; rather, she was thinking too hard about the fire kit. "T-That wasn't s-posed to happen." Her voice was quivering, and she put her head against her knees and started to cry, silently. 'They're dangerous! Really dangerous! Open your eyes, Jess! You know what? It's fine. Just go to your safe place and cry. Just don't let anyone else worry.' Jess nodded to herself and brushed her eyes, still not making much of a sound. A strong runner couldn't scare her, but a hallucination of an unreal clicker crushed her soul.

((Hey guys! Super sorry for the inactivity from me!! ^^; Like I said before, my laptop is officially destroyed, and so I haven't had any time to get it fixed... this is from mobile, and frankly took ages... so until it's fixed I'm extra sorry if I don't post much... =/ ))

Group One - Inside B&B, Master Bedroom

"I can do it," Jess put in hesitantly, after managing to form that amazingly magical creation known as fire. "...Er, the second half maybe." She shot a look at Reid and Jackson, then moved her gaze to Mitchell and Allie.

"I'll do it," Mithcell insisted, sighing and looking reluctant. "You guys get some sleep..."

There was a pause, and in that absolutely silent moment, the lights flickered. Allie jumped. "That can't be good..." Jess muttered, and in the very next moment, the lights were completely gone.

Allie squeaked, and Reid nudged her closer to the invitingly warm glow of the fire. Weston was shrouded in darkness, but Reid managed to find his little lump of a body and move it over as well with limited effort. Jess moved to the door, closing it softly, and in that moment everything felt like a horror movie.

The flames flickered, and even though the hum of the lights' electricity had been nearly silent, without them it seemed about ten times quieter. The effect was more than eerie, and Reid knew as well as the others that without power, they were going to get cold. Granted, not as cold as they would be on the east coast-- after all, the west was known for its higher temperatures --but even still, he could feel the place growing more and more chilly, and the fire, which barely had enough fuel to run on to begin with, wouldn't last forever.

Mitchell's voice piped up from the ominous blackness, and the two alert Fields could see his face, illuminated by the light of the fire, probably just as well as he could see theirs. "Anyone want some..." He paused, squinting at the package in his hands in the dim light. "...Beefaroni?" He began the preparations for the meal without waiting for an answer, then proceeded to go through the rest of the supplies. Reid couldn't see what they were, but he could see how tired Mitchell looked. The guy was not up for taking the first watch.

Jess, meanwhile, had declined the offer of food and took to laying down near (not on, for some weird reason,) the blankets on the floor. The room fell silent once again, and as the food brewed, Allie began to doze off like her little brother, her head falling to rest on Reid's shoulder.

Suddenly, Jess shot up from her position on the ground, crying, "Shit!" Allie nearly screamed herself, practically jumping out of her skin. Reid involuntarily jumped as well, whirling around with the switch knife Jess had given him in his hand. There was a moment in which time seemed to go still, as they realized it was just Jess, who shakily mumbled, "Th-that wasn't s'posed to happen..." With that, the teenaged girl curled into herself, and Reid gestured for Allie to go back to sleep, though this time beside Weston. The smaller girl, fully trusting, did so.

"...Um... Jess?" Reid whispered quietly to her, having moved beside her in the blackness. His eyes were beginning to adjust already; he could see her (or her outline, at least), shivering in... sobs...? "Jess, are you okay?" He hesitated, then placed a hand on her shoulder. Judging from her outburst going from panicked gasps to silent tears, it didn't take Reid long to figure out the gist of what had happened. He figured she had had a nightmare, unless she told him otherwise.

Oddly enough, it comforted him a little to know that she had had one. Maybe it just... made her seem a little more affected... a little more scared... a little more human. It made him feel less alone, at any rate.

(( @Shimakage Thunder ^^; ))
Jess could taste the salinity of her tears by the time she felt Reid's hand on her shoulder. "Jess, are you okay?" Her hand had moved to where Reid had put his, and she was kind of holding onto it. "Y-yeah, sorry about the whole fire Clicker freakout...I'll freak out silently from now on." At saying this, she did feel a bit better now that while she could watch Reid's back when he needed it, he would also be there for her.

Jess didn't know what else to do, so she simply hugged Reid and silently said something.
"Thanks for being here." Jess thought it might've been awkward but she hadn't really shown much but anger, over the top optimism, and daredevilry.

(@ThatOneCrazyPerson Welcome back! And don't worry, mobile takes practice.)

Jess entered the room with Jack's axe, along with lighter fluid, at least that's what Luke guessed it was, and a book. A book about making fires? Seriously? Since Luke was a nature boy, he knew a lot of things that may have been not entirely useful before the outbreak, but are rather useful now. Making fires was one of the many things he knew how to do, but he didn't speak up. He was exhausted from today, he just wanted to sleep. He laid back on the ground and within seconds he was asleep.

"Mitchell, I think I know how we're going to start our fire, and all the fires from now on," Jess told him.

After reading through a bit, Jess said "Well, that was kind of a bust, Anyone else willing to teach themselves how to breathe fire before going to sleep just so we are warm? ...Because I think this stuff shouldn't be done without our current sleepiness."

"...Should somebody keep watch?" Reid suggested, but also asked as a question. Everyone was tired, that much was evident, but someone did need to take watch. It was only a matter of who.

Though before anyone could answer, Jess piped up, "Woohoo! Fire!" and then she answered Reid's question "I can do it. Er, the second half maybe." Jackson definitely wouldn't let that happen, and he was definitely qualified to at least take the first watch. Not to say he wasn't tired, he was, but everyone else looks like they could barely keep their eyes open.

However, Mitchell answered before Jackson could, "I'll do it. You guys get some sleep." He trusted Mitchell, sure, but that wasn't what he wanted. "No, I'll do it," Jackson said. "If you want, you can take the second shift, everyone here is extremely tired, including you. It takes me a while to fall asleep nowadays."

"Anyone want some..." Mitchell began to say, but it was too dark for him to read. So he brought the package over to the light to make it more clear, "Beefaroni?" Luke probably would've accepted, but he was out cold. Jackson refused it because he could go a little longer without food. Besides, he had other stuff in his bag that he could use.

Though all of a sudden, Jess lightly screamed "Shit!" propping herself up from her laying position. Jackson's head darted towards Jess, but he instantly knew what it was. A nightmare. "Th-that wasn't s'posed to happen..."

"...Um... Jess?" Reid asked, scooting over towards her. At least that's what it sounded like, it was hard for Jackson to see anything. "Jess, are you okay?" His words were consoling, so Jess answered "Y-yeah, sorry about the whole fire Clicker freakout...I'll freak out silently from now on." Then she hugged him. "Thanks for being here."

Jackson didn't have romantic feelings, but he understood them. At the very least, he could tell that something was there, or rather something could be there.

"Alright," Jackson commanded. "Time for everyone to go to sleep, I'll wake Mitchell up halfway through the night. Get as much rest as you can."

( @ThatOneCrazyPerson @JPax42 @PopcornandCaramel )

(Did very well on my auditions! I usually don't feel good after them, but this time I felt great!)
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Group 1


Everyone turned Mitchell down on his food so he shrugged and took a bite. He chewed the food enthusiastically, then slower until the taste really started to develop on his tongue.

He stared off into the space while he chewed his food mindlessly. Jess suddenly waking up from the nightmare made him jump a little. He didn't say anything to the girl, it looked like Reid had it covered. Mitchell tried not to listen into to much of their conversation.

"...I'll freak out silently from now on." Is the only thing he caught wind of. He felt a sudden urge to scream. To scream about how she shouldn't have to 'freak out' in silence, but knowing it was too late to throw a fit and everyone was just too damn tired to listen he let it go. Althought, he could empathize with the girl he knew exactly what she felt in that moment.

Jess hugging Reid started to remind him of his sister Sylvia, she use to hug him the same way when she was upset but didn't want him to know it.

Sylvia's light brown hair use to hang haphazardly over her shoulder as she clung tight to his neck. She always had some kind of sweet perfume on, even when it didn't seem practical to wear perfume, and it always made Mitchell sick to his stomach with how strong it was but now he missed it more than ever. He missed her laugh, the way she told him about her day. The way they could make light fun of her jock husband and his obsession with football. The way that no matter how much Mitchell was feeling down, or that he wouldn't make it out of school she would be there to tell him otherwise and that he was strong.

" Sometimes, God lets bad things happen to good people so that he can test their strength.." Her warm voice would say. Always going on about God's plan, God's will,God this, God that. When was the first time she started to become so religious? Their parents weren't religious. Maybe it was just her way of answering life's tough questions. Mitchell and his sister were practically inseparable throughout their childhood, and it would have been the same through adulthood if she hadn't of gotten married. She knew everything about him, and he her.

Sylvia was the first of his family to go. He remembers walking into the house and seeing her standing there, eyes blood shot, face bruised and distorted. Not like the sweet faced girl he was familiar with his whole life. She was a different person, and she was going to kill him.He remembers crying and grabbing her shoulders trying to shake the monster out of her. Instead of wrapping those thin pale arms around him for a hug, she only gripped tighter on his shoulders trying to rip his throat out. He was weak with fear and confusion that he almost let her take him, if it wasn't for the thought of dying in agony we wouldn't be having this conversation. A life without Sylvia would not be a life worth living.

Mitchell wasn't the one to put Sylvia down, it was his low-life brother-in-law. The both of them stood in the ringing silence only Mitchell's faint breaths from the struggle were heard, Sylvia's lifeless and disfigured body lay in the middle of their living room. On the same carpet they had spent many birthday's and Christmas's opening gifts together. After she was dead, he sat next to her for the longest time crying until his eyes were puffy and stinging. He felt hollow and desperate, ready to take his own life but Sylvia's memory wouldn't give him the chance to do so.

" Don't worry, you know I'll always be there for you"

Mitchell and his brother-in-law fled and tried to form a group but his brother-in-law had different plans and they eventually parted ways. Mitchell wondered what happened to the man, was he even still alive?

Mitchell signed and set the food down, he suddenly didn't feel like eating anymore. The loneliness was especially unforgiving tonight.

"Alright," Jackson's voice permeated the air. "Time for everyone to go to sleep, I'll wake Mitchell up halfway through the night. Get as much rest as you can." Mitchell missed the part where Jackson offered to take first watch. Normally Mitchell would argue his points as to why he needed to seem like the hero and take first watch, tonight he wouldn't bother. He simply nodded in agreement and wrapped all of the un-opened food up in their plastic blanket. He back, head on his bag, one leg bent at the knee, the other flat, one hand behind his head and the other resting lazily on his stomach. Thinking of Sylvia made it seem like forever before he could drift off safely to sleep. Hopefully to awake in the morning, and please without this pounding headache.

Group 3


"I'm looking for... a friend of mine. Was heading east... guess stopping in the city wasn't the best idea, huh?" Sam added to the conversation.

Yvette arched her brow at the girl.

" No, not at all. I wish I could get out. You are the first person I've seen in a week. Before that, I 'adn't seen anyone in a long time. Not anyone alive. So okay, how did you get trapped on the car then? Very peculiar circumstance" Yvette was starting to be too nosy for her own good, but she felt like she had to talk, to cling on to this life form in front of her. It was very out of character for her but she went with it anyway. Her boyfriend always use to say that she needed to be more lively. The way Yvette saw it, her art spoke enough for her. She didn't feel the need to inform everyone of her life or past or of this or that. Is she didn't talk, she was closed off to people's harsh words and could avoid more situations like her abusive mother.

Yvette walked to the window to peak out at the street. The runner and clickers that hadn't been distracted by Yvette were still trying to scratch and claw their way into the hotel. It was odd that they would be doing such a thing, there must have been someone or something in there that the infected really wanted.

" Is your friend in that hotel?!" Yvette spoke loudly before Sam could respond. How could this girl just abandon her friend that way and why was she not concerned about helping them? Yvette tried not to jump to conclusions but the way things were looking it was awfully hard not to.

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @DrTrollinski Sorry, I sort of went off on a tangent about Mitchell's sister. :0
"Time for everyone to go to sleep, I'll wake Mitchell up halfway through the night. Get as much rest as you can." Jess heard Jackson command. She let go of Reid (in the midst of tiredness she was still holding onto his shoulders). In a way, Jackson's commands calmed her down a bit. She sighed and smacked her back right down on the ground, not bothering to get onto a blanket. For once, she decided not to say anything stupid and just decided to sleep.

Reaching down from her laying position, Jess grabbed her knife and Jack's axe and silently put them aside, then put the bottle of what was safe to assume as lighter fluid behind those. For the longest time, Jess was lying on wooden floor and staring at the ceiling. However, sleep didn't come as quickly as she'd hope; her ears were ringing from all the runner and clicker screeches she had heard and she periodically felt the coldness of the basement water. Jess simply turned on her side and put her ear up to the ground. There was some odd echo and sloshing from the basement, but it was calming. She finally drifted off to sleep...

--Day 2: 6:50 AM--

The first rays of the sun smashed the building with a hazy glow. This light had penetrated the bottom of the door and punched Jess across the face. She squinted at the glare and looked around the room. She usually woke up at 5:35, strictly, but she was really tired. Nobody's larynx had been violently torn out, so Jess figured they were good. She had a ringing sensation in one ear, as if someone had torn a sheet of metal on that ear. Oh well, you should never sleep with your head suction-cupped to the floor. There was an odd haze outside the bedroom door, at least to her. She quickly got up and walked to the bathroom, crossing the basement door. The door was oddly warm, so she opened it. Looking inside, she saw Jack's body plastered to the wall where she had flung it. There were huge shelves of a blood-red and gray-green matter, similar to the plates on Clicker's faces. There were twisted beams of metal; apparently the fungus could tear through walls. The water had completely hazed over red with Jack's blood. Jess gasped and quickly shut the door as soon as she saw the horrific display of a fungus stem branching through Jack's face.

Oh well, the group was leaving the B&B today anyways. Jess went into the bathroom and looked at herself again. Looking at her own eyes, she quickly realized that there was a new feeling coming over her; hunger. Suddenly, beefaroni sounded like the tastiest thing in the world. She bolted back to the bedroom and looked through the bedroom door.
"Mitchell, is there any beefaroni left?"

@The Jest The edit I made was time-skippy; however, feel free to add a post about the previous night; Jess had been out cold and was too tired to wake up for anything)
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Group One - Inside B&B, Master Bedroom

"Y-yeah..." Jess stuttered shakily, still startled from whatever she'd dreamed. She placed her hand atop of Reid's, and a shiver climbed his spine, equal to the blush on his cheeks. "...Sorry abut the whole 'fire Clicker' freakout... I'll freak out silently from now on." Reid wasn't sure what the hell that meant, but apparently her dream had something to do with fire and something to do with Clickers. Either way, Reid could sympathize. Both were scary enough on their own. Together, well... it was a sensible cause for alarm.

Suddenly, before Reid could say anything along the lines of 'don't be sorry' or 'it's not your fault', she pulled him in for a hug. He froze, then hugged her back. It was a little awkward, sure, but... it was a nice feeling, being hugged. He didn't even remember the last time he had been. "Thanks for being here," Jess whispered, almost too quiet for him to hear. He nodded. "...No problem," the boy mumbled back.

"Alright," Jackson said suddenly, and Reid pulled away hurriedly, as if he'd been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "Time for everyone to go to sleep. I'll wake Mitchell up halfway through the night. Get as much rest as you can."

Reid nodded, then added a whisper-y, "Got it," figuring the man wouldn't see. Jess had pulled away from him as well, and was now laying back down on the floor where she had been before. Reid awkwardly scooted away again, closer to his siblings. He eventually found himself between Allie and Weston (who were both using him as a pillow), a little ways away from the others, farthest from the door. Each of his arms rested on each sibling, with the blanket Weston had been snuggled in draped over them.

He didn't expect to fall asleep so fast. He knew he was tired, sure, but he had planned to stay up for a while, just until he felt comfortable enough being vulnerable. Apparently his body had other ideas. He didn't dream that night, or didn't remember at least, and woke up with a not-at-all-refreshed, groggy look in his eyes. Allie and Weston, meanwhile, were as rejuvenated as ever. Reid woke up as he heard them both agree wholeheartedly to something.

The teenager's eyes snapped open, and he sat up. Jess was standing, looking at Mitchell expectantly. "Mm... wha?" Reid yawned, blinking in the early morning light. God, what time was it? "Hung'y, Ree!" Weston said matter of factly. "We wan' bee'roni too!" Allie nodded in agreement. "We just want a little," she added, seemingly trying to convince him. "...Please?"

Reid glanced at the others, then nodded slowly. "Um... y-yeah, sure..." he said, running a hand through his hair. Speaking of which, Reid felt his own stomach growl. Maybe he should have had some of that stuff last night.

(( @The Jest Woo! Like @PopcornandCaramel said-- I hope you get an awesome part! ^^ @JPax42 ))

Group Three - Inside Bakery

"No, not at all," Yvette shook her head gravely. "...I wish I could get out. You're the first person I've seen in a week. Before that, I 'adn't seen anyone in a long time." She paused. "...Not anyone alive." Another pause, before the othe woman seemed to rewind and press play. "So okay, how did you get trapped on the car then?" she asked. "Very peculiar circumstance..."

Sam shrugged. "Wasn't exactly 'trapped'..." she began. "Like I said, I was heading through the city; suddenly, this group of people... just ran right into this hotel. I tried to see if I could help, but they were already gone..." She shrugged again. "Waited for a little bit, then... carried on, I guess. Road was blocked by cars, and then, well... that would be where you came in." It wasn't much of a tale, honestly. It almost sounded made up.

During her explanation, Yvette had moved to the window, and that was when she saw the hotel in question. "Is your friend in that hotel?!" Yvette cried, almost looking... mad? Sam held up her hands in defense. "Whoa, hey!" she exclaimed. "Like I said, I just saw them flash by. I'm pretty sure they got out, okay? If you want, we can go back or something...!"

(( @DrTrollinski @PopcornandCaramel @The Jest ))
"Let's go while we've got the chance, then." Adam said, but then looked over at Vivian when she spoke and shook his head, simply. "Find others? I hope not." He said. "The last thing we should be thinking about is finding people - With us being a group with a baby right around the corner, we're only going to appear more vulnerable, and no offence to you, but there's not many people out there that will want to be around a group with a baby that cries at night. They'll either take off with our stuff so they can get away from any danger, or they'll take the aspect of danger away by getting more... Violent with some of us. We don't want that, do we?" He asked, simply, then shrugged once and looked out of the stained window of the door. God, they needed to get going. He didn't want to hang around any more. They needed some sort of plan, really. They needed the two most capable people at the front, and the second most-capable people at the back.

"People... We'll worry about them another time." He said, simply. "For now, we get the hell out of here. The dust in this place is giving me a chest infection." He said, cracking a faint smile. "Anyway... Carrie and I can take front. Anything that runs at us can be taken down pretty quickly. Archie, Ivy, would you two mind taking the back? You two are younger, faster, and you've probably got better eyesight than half of us." He said, "If you can keep an eye on the back, that'd be great. If not, no worries. Chris... Vivian, you guys should be in the middle of all of us where you're safest." He said, shrugging.

"Just a suggestion on how we can travel together on foot." He said, "If anyone has a better idea, go for it." He smiled. No sarcasm, don't worry.

(@Shimakage Thunder, @ThatOneCrazyPerson)
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Group 1


4:30 am

Jackson shook Mitchell awake with little to no expression or conversation. Mitchell sat up from his bag, pushing back his shaggy brown hair from his face with a sleepy sigh. Time to wake up and greet the day. Although, his loneliness from the night before had drifted to his morning. The air around him felt dismal, almost insidious. For now he tried to shake away the feeling and try to keep a watchful and protective eye on his new group. Was he seriously trusted to protect a group of people he knew for one day? How ridiculous.

Everyone was mostly fast asleep, this was the perfect opportunity to catch up on his routine that he missed out on the night before. Not to mention he needed it. He needed the mental distraction from his grim feelings and even more grim world. He unzipped the bag once again, pulling out a small box of dominoes. Scooting himself quietly to a space in the room with ample clearing on the floor, he slowly started to stack the dominoes in a spiral shape. One by one the carved ivory pieces went up. It took Mitchell about 45 minutes or so before we was finally finished putting the spiral together. Anyone else would have pushed the last domino of the spiral down with a flick of their index finger. He, however, just looked down at his creation. Only partly tempted to watch the blocks come tumbling down, the last one knocking into the next and then the next until they were all propped against the last. Part of this exercise was showing restraint. If he could keep his temptation of pushing the blocks down, then he would be more than likely able to not let people push him into a frenzy of anger. Next, Mitchell took the blocks down, which maybe took him half the time it took to put them up.

5:35 am

The sun still hadn't show it's face yet. If he didn't know any better, it almost seemed like the sun was too ashamed to show it's face to the destroyed world below it. Poppycock. Mitchell stuffed the dominoes back into the bag and looked around at his sleeping peers once again. He was almost relieved that no one was awake right now, to watch him make a fool of himself. Who needs anger management anymore? He was also thankful for the small amount of distraction from the gloomy morning. Still, his routine wasn't finished. One more thing. He stood up and tiptoed out of the room, careful not to let his boots press too hard on the wood floors. Or heaven forbid step on anyone's face or toes. Outside the room, he pulled the door closed. The hallway was cool and the smell of mold permeated.

He lowered himself to the floor, onto his knees. He then fell forward, leaving mostly the palms of his hands for balance. Pulling his knees off the ground, he was now totally relying on his palms for support. Dropping his elbows, he did one slow push up. Again. Again. Picking up to a reasonable speed. He counted between breaths ' 1..2...3...4...-- 55..56...57..--89 90--98..99..100' At 100 he let himself fall down to the floor, cheek resting on the dirty and mildew carpet. Panting from the physical exercise. He normally saved the push-ups for emergency's but he needed to feel strong and better about himself. The adrenaline didn't hurt either.

Mitchell picked himself up from the carpet and walked back into the room, this time the sun started to peep reluctantly at the group. He returned to his spot and basically twiddled his thumbs until everyone woke up.

Jess was the first to wake up. She in her usual fashion, got up and left the room and came back a moment later with a question.

Hey Mitchell, is there any beefaroni left?" Jess said through the doorway of the room.

" Mmm, Yeah there's almost a whole pouch left. It's cold now though." He reached to the plastic bag and pulled out the half-open pouch of cold food. He grabbed the fork he had previously used. The only fork he had. He offered it all to Jess.

The small children were the next to spring awake. They bounced around which woke up Reid and the three of them talked and agreed that they were now hungry too. Mitchells lips were cocked to the side in a smirk at the kids.

" I'm sure there's enough for you all there. If not we've got some crackers...and like peanut butter I think. Whatever's left of the MRE."

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @JPax42 @The Jest
"Mm... wha?" Reid woke up in surprise, apparently whacked by the sunlight. "'Morning Reid!" Jess was about to say something energetic and stupid, but the toddler beat her to it. "Hung'y, Ree!" Weston chimed in about food. "We wan' bee'roni too!" Allie nodded in agreement. "We just want a little," the little girl almost pleaded. "...Please?" Jess was about to ask for stuff when Mitchell drawled "Mmm, Yeah there's almost a whole pouch left. It's cold now though."

Mitchell gave Jess his fork, which she took. Normally, she would eat with her hands (sometimes without them), but it might piss Mitchell off if she did.
"Thanks." She then looked at the kids and Reid. 'I can wait.' She took some of the stuff into her hands and crouched down next to Allie, who looked the most affected by hunger. Jess handed her the package and the fork. "You can share this with Weston and Reid, and if it's too cold, I can warm it up on the fire." She smiled slightly then walked over to the fire and ate whatever beefaroni she had taken in her hand. 'Damn, this stuff probably weighs a ton. Yum...?' Since the beefaroni was cold, Jess didn't need to worry about any of the stuff sticking on her hands. She then walked out the door of the bedroom and went into the other room where she had killed the runner. Yikes, the blood already started turning a deep red, but she saw something else of interest. Mounted on the wall was a bundle of rope that had some wear, but still looked nice. She took it off the wall and went back to the main room.

"Hey Luke! I found something that might interest you!" She flashed the rope at Luke before tossing it at him (with a little too much force, judging by the way it flew). For Jess, her mood was what she did. Finding shit? Great! A new day meant new energy, and Jess was full of it. She didn't bother to check whether Luke caught it or got pegged in the face by it; rather, she just went to the spot where she was sleeping and faced the group, looking at Reid more than anyone else. "So...you know that military base I told you about earlier? Is there anything we need other than survival?" Jess's eyes lit up like the time when the group let her in the pickup truck.
Group Two - Inside Cabin

"Let's go while we've got the chance, then," Adam sighed, and Carrie sighed as well, softly, relieved. He then turned to Vivian. "...Find others?" he repeated. "I hope not. The last thing we should be thinking about is finding people-- with us being a group with a baby right around the corner, we're only going to appear more vulnerable, and-- no offense to you, but --there's not many people out there that will want to be around a group with a baby that cries at night. They'll either take off with our stuff so they can get away from any danger, or they'll take the aspect of danger away by getting more..." He paused. "...Violent... with some of us. We don't want that, do we?"

Carrie nodded in agreement. Besides, their group was large enough already, and she didn't want to have the thought of having to look after more people and make sure they didn't get themselves killed.

"People..." Adam sighed again. "We'll worry about them another time. For now, we get the hell out of here. The dust in this place is giving me a chest infection." He smiled a little, before laying out a travel plan. "Anyway... Carrie and I can take front. Anything that runs at us can be taken down pretty quickly." He turned to the twins. "Archie, Ivy-- would you two mind taking the back? You two are younger, faster, and you've probably got better eyesight than half of us. If you can keep an eye on the back, that'd be great. If not, no worries." Finally, he turned to his son and the mother-to-be. "Chris, Vivian... you guys should be in the middle of all of us, where you're safest."

Carrie nodded again, while Adam shrugged. "Just a suggestion on how we can travel together on foot," he finished. "If anyone has a better idea, go for it."

Carrie shook her head. "Nope," she shrugged. "Sounds like a plan to me." She glanced at Vivian out of habit, and again absentmindedly twirled the crowbar between her fingers. She was itching to get out of this cabin.

(( @Shimakage Thunder @DrTrollinski ))

Group One - Inside B&B, Master Bedroom

"I'm sure there's enough for you all there," Mitchell stated, smirking a little. "If not, we've got some crackers... and, like, peanut butter, I think. Whatever's left of the MRE." Weston cheered, in usual three-year-old fashion.

Meanwhile, Jess had received some of the 'beefaroni', and was poised to eat it, when she stopped suddenly, and then moved towards the Fields. "You can share this with Weston and Reid," the girl said to Allie, whose eyes had gone wide, "and if it's too cold, I can warm it up on the fire." Allie mumbled quietly, something along the lines of 'I can't take this,' but Jess was already moving away, nibbling at the food she had snatched before giving it away. "...Thank you..." Allie mumbled instead, as Weston grabbed for the food with his hands.

As was the usual routine for her (apparently), Jess left the room. Reid divided up the beefaroni between himself and his siblings, and were done eating by the time she came back. With a cry, she threw something that looked like a rope to Luke, (rather forcefully) before plopping back down on the floor where she'd fallen asleep.

"So... you know that military base I told you about earlier?" she asked, speaking to the whole group, but staring only at Reid. He adjusted his position a little. "Is there anything we need, other than survival?"

Reid looked away from her, trying to will someone else to answer. While he wasn't one for following orders normally, desperate times called for desperate measures, and he was all up for listening to what other people said to do. He assumed they did need something else, but he sure wasn't about to say it when he could wait for someone who actually knew what they were doing to say it.

(( @The Jest @PopcornandCaramel @JPax42 ))
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Vivian- Cabin (Group 1)

For the most part, Vivian remained quiet, mainly because she was starting to get worried about her baby, but was also worried about Carrie. Did the hardened, tough lady even noticed that she cared? Hopefully. Seeing that everyone was ready to leave, she was happy, because this Cabin was a little creepy. Wherever they went, hopefully they wouldn't have to stay on the road. She stayed in the middle with the little boy, Chris. At least they were looking out for each other's safety. While waiting to get a move on, she started playing with her hair out of habit.

Victoria (Debut Post)- Auto Garage (Group 3, Solo currently)

It hasn't been very long since Victoria Tran has been separated from her hubby. She was awfully worried about him. Because she couldn't always travel far, the young mother to be had taken up refuge in an Auto Garage, boarding up the windows and barricading the front door and having a hefty padlock for the back door. She even closed the garage itself so no looters could get in. She made small food runs left and right though, she had at least a few more days of food and water before having to go find more. Like her Sister, who she hasn't seen since the outbreak, Victoria was also pregnant, except she was a month behind and was expecting a boy, whereas her sister was expecting a girl last she remembered. All she had to sleep on was a Couch in an empty lounge and sometimes peaked through the barricades to see if there was anyone out there. Honestly going out and whatever by herself was really proving hazardous. To pass time, she did work on a broken down Pick-Up Truck, but working on such a big vehicle was difficult because of the enlarged belly, not to mention it was hazardous...But she had a mask on whenever she worked on it so she wouldn't have to inhale anything hazardous to the baby. At the moment though, she was in the break room just getting up from a nap. Sighing, she looked down at her swollen and rounded belly, gently caressing it and feeling the material of her bloodied dress. "Its okay sweetie, we'll find daddy soon." she said, patting her belly as she felt the baby kicking.
Group 1


Mitchell watched the kids dig into the food hungrily. It made the crease of his mouth twitch with a smile. He had never seen anyone so excited to eat military rashions. Speaking of the military.

"So... you know that military base I told you about earlier? Is there anything we need, other than survival?" Jess piped up with the idea, oddly staring at Reid as if it was solely his decision. Mitchell felt uncomfortable for the boy.

" That seems a bit dangerous.." Mitchell chimed in. He readjusted his legs to an outstretched position and eyed Jess a little more, really taking in her appearance. Her slender face and sun-kissed skin, hair longer than anyone's he's ever seen. She acted tough and talked big, but she really was still a kid. He wondered where she got her attitude from.

" I mean.." He reiterated not wanting to seem like an ass. " Maybe we should try to find something a bit more practical." After he had spoke he felt more stupid for saying what he did. More practical? Nothing these days was practical. Hell what if they get to this military base and there is like a refuge camp or something?

He just couldn't shake the thought of it being so dangerous from his head.

" I don't know." He mumbled looking away from the group. His cowardice making it's daily appearance. The thought of leaving the group had crossed his mind a few times last night on his watch. They really had no need for him since they had Luke and Jackson, two strong and capable people. Mitchell just felt like a dried out leaf crumbled on the concrete.

Group 3


"Whoa, hey! Like I said, I just saw them flash by. I'm pretty sure they got out, okay? If you want, we can go back or something...!" Sam reacted to Yvette's accusations.

" Go back for 'em? Fuck yeah we're goin' back for 'em!" Yvette felt herself seething as she spoke. Why was she so angry? It really wasn't any of her business to go back and find the people in the hotel. She helped Sam, wasn't that enough? Probably not. Yvette almost felt a sense of duty to help anyone that she could, since she wasn't able to help her boyfriend.

Yvette took in a deep breath and looked apologetically at Sam.

" Don't mind me. I'm just...emotional.." She added flatly then turned her attention back to the window.

" We should go back and help 'em.."

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @JPax42 @DrTrollinski
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Jess looked to the other members of the group, realizing that she might've put Reid on the spot. 'Woopsies.' Right at that moment, Mitchell chimed in. "That seems a bit dangerous.." At this, Jess's otherwise positive and (somewhat) calm expression shattered into a wide-eyed stare and a subtle clenching of her teeth. 'Did he just say dangerous? What about our current situation??' Jess was about to get up and smack Mitchell across the face with the side of her fist when he quickly took back what he said. "I mean.." So Mitchell was ok with going to the military base. Good, resources. "Maybe we should try to find something a bit more practical." There it was. Jess didn't know why, but for some reason this infuriated her. Mitchell's constant seconding everything she said or did, why couldn't he just let her be who she was? "I don't know." Mitchell also mumbled after that.

At this, Jess pretty much snapped. She stood up and started shouting at Mitchell (under what rights? Mitchell's like 10 years older than her)
"Can you really think of anything less dangerous at this moment?? If you're really so concerned about going into a military base with much need supplies-" Jess paused and glared at Mitchell for about half a second. "You know what? It doesn't matter anymore! What I hate is that you simply second everything I say or do, regardless whether it's helpful or not! If you want to be this safe and tidy, you might as well find yourself a freakin' hospital to live in! I heard the cleaning in those places are perfect!" Jess paced out of the room, smacking Mitchell on the head with the back of her hand on her way out. 'Asshat.'

(I might've written some more but since Jess interacted with another character I don't want to assume that Mitchell won't react. Also I figured since I haven't shown any of Jess's negative traits I might as well do it now. Besides the RP was getting a bit slow to the point of creepy. EDITB4THEPOST: Wait, crap, did I need @ThatOneCrazyPerson
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Group 1


Mitchell had stopped paying any attention to the group and was fidgeting with a small piece of plastic from the floor, he seemed almost like a brooding child.He stood up from the floor, tossed the piece of plastic back down and let his droopy eyes watch and he listened for someone to suggest something else. Trying to come up with solutions had exhausted him enough already.

"Can you really think of anything less dangerous at this moment?? If you're really so concerned about going into a military base with much need supplies-" Jess hissed at him with a glare. He furrowed his brow and was going to correct her but then she added :"You know what? It doesn't matter anymore! What I hate is that you simply second everything I say or do, regardless whether it's helpful or not! If you want to be this safe and tidy, you might as well find yourself a freakin' hospital to live in! I heard the cleaning in those places are perfect!" She practically screamed at the man before trying to stomp out of the room, but before she landed a stinging slap onto his head. The force of her slap made his head turn away from her. Jess went on her tirade out of the room. Mitchell, who's anger he had so desperately been trying to control had bubbled up and was ready to release like steam from a tea kettle. Just this one time, he let the beast rage.

He followed Jess out of the room and into the hallway, where he grabbed her the back of her arm and slammed her against the wall using more force than he intended to. His hazel eyes were practically bulging with anger now. He put his face close to hers and stared intently at the sixteen-year-old.

" Get your head out of the goddamn clouds! You think this is a fucking game? Huh? IT'S NOT. I'll be damned if I get killed because some fucking kid was calling the shots...." His voice started to lower and his face started to soften as he realized he had the girl pinned against the wall with his elbows locked, giving her no room to escape. He let his grip go slack and he eventually let go. He looked away from Jess ashamed, the guilt smacking him right in the face, almost as hard as Jess had. He pushed away from the wall and quickly ran down the steps and outside of the house into the mornings cool air.

( ooo! Their love hate relationship is budding! Lol Nah it's cool. I like feisty add ins like that. Hitting is okay, as long as you don't bunch him in the Jimmies. >_>
@JPax42 )
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Group One - Inside B&B, Master Bedroom

"That seems a bit dangerous..." Mitchell piped up from the corner of the room, next to the dying fire. "I mean, maybe we should try to find something a bit more practical..." he backtracked, then shrugged, turning away in apparent awkwardness. "...I don't know..."

And that was when Jess snapped. Apparently, she did not appreciate that comment. "Can you really think of anything less dangerous at this moment?!" she almost screamed, and both Allie and Weston jumped in a mixture of surprise and fear. "If you're really so concerned about going into a military base with much needed supplies..." Jess trailed off, glaring at Mitchell the entire time. "...You know what?" she said suddenly. "It doesn't matter anymore! What I hate is that you simply second everything I say or do, regardless whether it's helpful or not! If you want to be this safe and tidy, you might as well find yourself a freakin' hospital to live in! I heard the cleaning in those places are perfect!"

With that, the girl stormed out of the room, though not before smacking the man's head on the way out. 'The girl has major guts...' Reid thought to himself. As was to he expected, Mitchell did not take very kindly to that either. He stomped after Jess into the hallway, and while the Fields couldn't hear what was said, the loud voices and a sharp bang-slam-thump prompted Allie and Weston to bury their faces into Reid's shoulders, the first of which beginning to sniffle. Reid would have gotten up and put a stop to... whatever was happening (or tried to, anyway), but for the two quivering forms curled into him.

From outside in the hall, the loud voices stopped, and then Reid heard footsteps retreating down the stairs. He really wished he knew what was happening, and more importantly, if everyone was okay.

(( @Shimakage Thunder ))
Jess had gotten out a fair bit before she felt herself attack the wall with her back. The amount of force used had stunned Jess for a second; however she regained her footing to look up to Mitchell's big eyeballs. She then felt herself getting scolded back by Mitchell. "Get your head out of the goddamn clouds! You think this is a fucking game? Huh? IT'S NOT. I'll be damned if I get killed because some fucking kid was calling the shots...." He had eased himself on holding Jess against the wall, in which she sort of stepped away from. He then ran downstairs.

"I'm sorry!"
Jess had cried out, but Mitchell didn't hear since she said it too softly. She wanted to follow Mitchell, but didn't want to cause any more trouble. He probably just needed some time alone. She had gone back to the bedroom and picked up her knife and axe. Jess didn't bother looking at anyone, except for the fact her eyes had met with Reid's. Great, more eye contact. "Uh...I think we should get ready to leave." Again, she walked out of the room and entered the bathroom. Once again, Jess looked at the mirror and mentally hit herself. She tied her hair into a ponytail and hitched her two weapons to her belt, the knife on her left hand side. Opening the cabinets one last time, she looked for things to take, this producing nothing.

Jess then went back to the bedroom and looked at everyone.
"Jackson, when are we leaving? I think we need to get a move on, we already lost about half an hour of today." Jess was talking in a softer and weaker tone. She was worried for some reason about something somewhere. ((Out of character bit, Jess is referring to the basement's infection))

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Group 1


Outside Mitchell paced back and forth in the front yard, his pant legs and boots becoming soaked and dirty from the mornings dew. His hands shook something fierce, body pumped full of adrenaline. He can't believe he practically attacked a sixteen-year-old girl because she spoke her mind. Well, she did come after him first, but that's no excuse. He had let his anger get the best of him then, even after the work he had put into subsiding it this morning.

" God Sylvia, I need you.." He whispered under his breath, placing both of his hands on the sides of his head. He stilled paced the yard. He had never felt so alone before. So useless, so afraid of himself. He was a wolf wrapped and suffocated by sheep's clothing, ready to go after red riding hood at any moment. If he continued to let small things like this push him over the edge, he wouldn't survive. Not in the world they once new, and surely not in their new infected world.

Mitchell took a deep breath and let his hazel eyes lazily climbed to the all seeing yellow sun. The street was hazy with the morning and the sun still had more work to do before it was fully awake.

" No care, allll responsibility.." He said sluggishly to himself, eyes feeling heavier than before. The back of his eyes stung as if he didn't get enough sleep last night, but there was nothing he could do in the way of that. Mitchell in a way felt better for taking a moment to get away from his acquaintances. Everything for the last day or so has been a roller-coaster of danger and tugging emotions, and the fact that he's had time to let everything sink in and soak for a moment, he started to feel it. To feel half-alive. Maybe it a passing fancy?

After he collected himself fully he walked back into the house, up the stairs and back into the room where his group had spent the night. Jess had started to pack up. He was ashamed for grabbing her like some wild beast. But how do you come back from that and apologize? I suspect you just come out with it. Later. He didn't want to dig into already bleeding wounds. He brushed back his brown hair and stepped pass Jess and Reid to his spot, he too started to pack all of his strewn belongings.

After they left the house they would seriously have to find another place to hide out in, until maybe they could find something more permanent. If such a thing still existed.

"Any of you have an idea? I'm open for anything." He said contradicting his and Jess's argument. One-sided argument.

( I'll post for Yvette tomorrow before work. I'm out of energy right now. Still gotta take my uniform off. @_@ @ThatOneCrazyPerson @The Jest )
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Group One - Inside B&B, Master Bedroom

A moment after the retreating footsteps, Reid heard another cry (most likely Jess'), though it wasn't loud enough for him to hear what was actually said. There was another pause, and then Jess entered the room, looking solemn. Her eyes met Reid's, the latter silently pleading for any sort of context. But she just looked away. "Uh... I think we should get ready to leave," she said. Then, as had become a regular custom, she left the room.

She returned reasonably soon, with her long blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail. She turned to the other only official adult in the group, and spoke uncharacteristically softly. "Jackson, when are we leaving?" she asked. "I think we need to get a move on; we already lost about half an hour of today."

Reid nodded in agreement, turning to look at Jackson as well. While he certainly wasn't happy about having to start traveling so soon after waking up, he'd rather be doing that than sitting in an abandoned house with a bunch of dead bodies lying around for all to see. So for Reid, 'getting a move on' wasn't as much of an option as he thought he would have thought. ...Wait, what...?

Reid had been so focused on Jess' words apparently (or her, for that matter), he hadn't even noticed Mitchell make his grand reappearance. He was only alerted of the man's presence by his words from the corner of the room. "Any of you have an idea?" he asked, already packing up his things. "I'm open for anything."

Reid hesitated. "Well..." he began finally, "the military base Jess was talking about... at the very least, its gotta have something we can use. It might not be the best place to spend the night or anything, but... if it's not too far, maybe we can send in people to scout the place out...? Just so we aren't all rushing in at once..." He fidgeted, a little nervous about how the other might react-- Mitchell especially. True, he seemed calmed down now, but after Jess had blown up, he had blown up about ten times bigger.

...That is, of the sound of a masculine voice yelling outside in the hallway five minutes prior was anything to go by...

(( @The Jest @JPax42 @PopcornandCaramel ))
(I'm really sorry it took me so long. I haven't ditched. Please, if you ever worry about me being gone just message me for clarification. I've had a stressful few weeks and keeping up with everything has been extremely hard. I promise I'm trying, guys <3)

Group Two – Inside The Cabin

Adam sighed and pushed the door open, the front door, and was instantly hit by a mix of hot and cold air from outdoors. Ah, wonderful, this was turning out to be a good start to the morning. It wasn’t cold enough to be unbearable, nor was it hot enough for them to dehydrate too quickly. I guess this was better than nothing, right? He looked around, scanning around for any signs of danger or threat – He saw nothing more than squirrels and the odd rabbit, maybe a bird here and there.

A squirrel would usually be nutritious enough for a meal, but the last time he’d tried that with Chris, Chris… Sorta’ threw up as soon as he tasted it, so Adam tended to avoid squirrels now. He knew it was going to be a long walk, so he was praying that Vivian would be okay on the journey. He wasn’t really too sure about her, right now – He trusted her as much as the next person, but from his own personal experience, he knew that babies made a lot of noise. A lot. So unless you could catch them before they screamed too much, you were in a spot of trouble. It sucked Adam into a trance, to be honest with you. It put him in a spot where he thought back to his early days.

He had a few pictures of Chris in his wallet, and one of them was from when he was newborn. Only a few days old – He had another from when he was about five, and the most recent one he had was only from a couple of years ago. They were small photos, but yeah, it was nice to have them. He thought back to when things were actually good with his ex-wife, when he’d get kicked out of the bed in the middle of the night and forced to brave through the cold, just because Chris had woken up, needed a diaper change or a little midnight drink of milk. Those were the good old days.

When Chris joined his side, he smiled at him and draped an arm around his shoulders, pulling him to his side for just a moment. “You need the bathroom or anything before we make a move?” He asked.

Chris shrugged, “Kinda’. I can wait for a while, though, it’s cool.” He smiled weakly, and Adam ruffled his hair and playfully pushed him away.

Alright, best make a move, then.” He nodded a few times, taking a deep breath before stepping away from the cabin. “Fresh air. That’s what I’m happiest for right now. That cabin… Christ.” He said. “Take it easy out here. It’s not that hot, but it’d be better not to break a sweat right now.” He said, then looked up the little dirt road. “Okay, straight up that way for a good few miles, I’d say, more than that. We’ll be walking for most the day, but if you need to stop, just say. We’ll make a few breaks on the way up there if we see anything of interest.” He said. “Christ... I don’t like how quiet it is, but at least we’re alone out here, not in any immediate danger. Chris… You know the formation, stay behind me and Carrie, okay?” He said, and Chris nodded, stepping behind him straight away.

(@ThatOneCrazyPerson, @Shimakage Thunder)


Group Three – Marco – In The Streets

So, they wanted blankets? It was blankets that they were going to get. He’d already made some decent progress in terms of distance, he’d already got quite far with all of it. He was ready and willing to run and stab as many of those things as he could if he had to. Stephen didn’t believe it, but Mark’s sense of care had really grown for the three of them, even if Stephen and Mark had their fair share of disagreements here and there. Right now, he was just trying to help out. Blankets, maybe some pillows as well. Yeah, pillows would be good, but he was going to have to find something compact that could be loaded into a bag easily. He didn’t want to have to be weighed down by anything on his way back. That could be the death of him.

As he walked down the street, he took long, deep breaths through his nose, and quietly out of his mouth. He had to remain calm and paced, or he’d find himself in a bad spot. He’d be in a position where he was flustered, his head wasn’t clear, all of the rest of it. He was trying to keep himself safe, but he knew that nothing was possible like that in this world today. He was walking, just calmly, casually, but his eyes were everywhere. The windows and rooftops of buildings, the darkness under the cars, the alleyways between buildings – He had his sights on all of them.

But it just seemed too quiet around here. Why was it so quiet? What was going on? Perhaps the dead had wandered off somewhere else, somewhere that was more populated. The center of the city, for example. He had plans for that place, but he couldn’t put them into action just yet. He had things that he wanted to do, things he wanted to get, as I’ve said many times before. But that could all way for now.

So, down he lonely road he wandered, in search of… Anything, really.

(@Shimakage Thunder)
Jess had simply shrugged at Mitchell's thoughts, thinking about saying something else but Reid has spoken. "Well... the military base Jess was talking about... at the very least, its gotta have something we can use. It might not be the best place to spend the night or anything, but... if it's not too far, maybe we can send in people to scout the place out...? Just so we aren't all rushing in at once..." Jess actually liked the idea. It's not that Jess wanted to go to the base completely, rather she saw no other place be worth a drive to. "I guess we could do it like that. It's only like what, 7 miles from here? We have enough fuel to make it. Anyways, the base is on a lake with a single steel bridge. If we can't cut through barbed wire the other option is-"


Jess was interrupted by the tearing of metal and slight shaking of the upstairs of the B&B. Oh shit. "Oh yeah, forgot to mention, the basement is somehow infected." Jess opened the door, but bad things that seemed to pile up on top of each other just started to happen. The quiet Click-tick-clickclick of clickers (two, by the sounds of it) was heard through the silence. "Something's downstairs. Reid, keep the kids quiet." Jess whispered, her voice unchanged by the fact that there were two, probably more infected downstairs.

((Sorry about the small post, limited writing ability at the moment. Introduced two zombies since this was becoming a bit sit-around-and-talk scene. I don't think the group should leave the B&B until @ThatOneCrazyPerson) to show off his shiny new weapon!


@The Jest
(( Hey guys! So... I should be getting a new laptop (or a fixed one anyway) sometime in the next few days at most. So... yay!! Expect better formatted posts ^^; ))

Group Two - Outside Cabin

Adam opened the cabin door, sighing, before heading out, Chris at his heels. Carrie shot a glance over her shoulder at Vivian, before following after. She would normally have wanted the other woman to go before her, so she could keep an eye on her, but Adam was right. He and Carrie were best up at the front, and like it or not, he was older than her. Maybe not as smart as her; she wouldn't admit to that, but... he had that old-guy-wisdom-intuitiveness thing.

As they started down the road, away from the house and back towards the city (which looked more and more like hell the closer they got), Carrie watched Adam and Chris talk. She wasn't listening... much. It wasn't anything she needed to know, anyway. From what she heard, it was all the 'protective father caring for his son' kind of conversation. In fact, Carrie even stepped a bit away in terms of distance, just so it wouldn't look like she was listening. ...Which she was, but that was beside the point.

Okay, straight up that way for a good few miles, I’d say; more than that. We’ll be walking for most the day, but if you need to stop, just say. We’ll make a few breaks on the way up there if we see anything of interest," she heard Adam say, and she mentally took a note. She barely remembered walking to the cabin from the city, but apparently it had taken longer than she'd thought. ...Maybe it was the adrenaline that had thrown her off.

Adam then reminded Chris of the formation he had designed, and with a nod, the boy stepped back to walk beside Vivian, letting Carrie move back to her original position beside Adam. She stroked the handle of her crowbar with her forefinger as it rested loosely in her hand. She realized it had become a minor habit; whether it was a nervous one or not, she wasn't sure. She switched it to her other hand, and sighed, glancing back at Vivian. It was warm already. She wondered if that would be bad for a pregnant woman to go on a hike in the heat with the fear of being eaten alive always lurking in your brain and spiking your blood pressure.

...Yeah, probably.

(( @Shimakage Thunder @DrTrollinski ))

Group One - Inside B&B, Master Bedroom

"I guess we could do it like that," Jess replied, nodding. At least somebody was on board with his idea. Admittedly, it made him feel a little better about himself. "It's only like, what... seven miles from here? We have enough fuel to make it. Anyways, the base is on a lake with a single steel bridge. If we can't cut through barbed wire the other option is--"

Suddenly, a horrible scratching screeching squealing noise erupted from below the floor, and the entire upper floor seemed to shake. Allie gasped, and Weston clung to a bedpost, eyes like saucers. "What was that?!" Allie squeaked, voice so full of fear it came out as a whisper.

"Oh yeah," Jess put in nonchalantly, "forgot to mention... the basement is somehow infected."

"What?!" Reid cried, then upon realizing that infected basement meant... well, Infected... he lowered it to a harsh whisper. "The basement is infected and you just 'forgot to mention'?!" He would have gone on, but as was the usual, Jess was at the door. Pressing a hand to Allie's shoulder (silently telling her both that it was okay and to stay there), he followed her, both to vent a little more and to get her away from the goddamn door. If there was anything bad out there, they certainly should not be literally sticking their necks out of the door for them to see.

"Something's downstairs," Jess whispered to him as he approached her. "Reid, keep the kids quiet."

"Jess!" he whispered back, grabbing her arm firmly, though not roughly. "You need to get away from the door. I don't want you to get hurt, and besides, if they see you, we're fucked." He wasn't normally one to curse (not that badly, anyway), but damn it... who really cared anymore, right? They'd already lost Jack, and Reid was not about to lose another member of the group if he could help it. "Get back in here and we'll come up with a plan. All of us." He glanced at Mitchell, Jackson, and Luke, who were all just as concerned about their predicament, if not more. "You're not a one woman army, Jess." If it sounded rude, he hadn't intended it. He had noticed that she was a do-it-yourself kind of person, at least when it came to Infected, but there were other people here too. People that were older, smarter, and (dare I say it) more capable. Not that he was saying he was; of course he wasn't. "I just..." he trailed off. "...Yeah." Jesus, he was bad at this.

(( @PopcornandCaramel

@The Jest oh, okay! Um... I don't feel totally capable of accurately portraying them through specific dialogue and actions, but if you want me to kind of lead them around vaguely (e.g.: 'Luke came out of the room, marking that room clear', rather than 'Luke exited the room, brushing the doorframe with his fingertips as he did. "There's nothing inside," he shrugged, yawning'.) I can do that (the first one I mean ^^ ;) , if you want!

Oh and finally @JPax42 I hate to sound mean or bossy, but... could you stop kind of directing the plot? Like the infected basement or the Clickers downstairs... I mean, the basement would be barely growing fungus, if any. There were only two Infected down there, and even still, they don't grow that fast. Secondly, how would the Clickers have gotten in? The group obviously checked through the B&B before setting up camp, and I doubt they'd be dumb enough to leave doors open. If you wanted some more action, you could have just said so... 'sit-around-and-talk' scenes are good; it's how the characters actually interact and grow to like or dislike each other. ...Again, I know this sounds super rude and nitpicky, but I swear I'm not trying to be. If you want to put in stuff (like an infected basement or random Infected), just ask me first! ^^ I'm always happy to talk about suggestions and stuff ))

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