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Realistic or Modern Never Go Back [Zombie RP - Currently Not Accepting Any More Characters]

Group 1


Mitchell offered an awkward smile to Jess after she thanked him. He wasn't good at this sort of thing.

"I know where a steel dustbin is at!" Jess added excitedly

"It's..in the basement" Jess added a long sigh of disappointment.

"We just need a way to get-damn ok" she went on getting lost in her own contemplation.

"Hey Mitchell are you up for a slightly dangerous task?"

Mitchell looked at Jess with worry and intrigue.

"Uhmm depends I guess"

"HELP!" The scream came ringing from the basement and Mitchell shot up from his resting position. He wasn't going to sit back this time and not help with the danger. He needed to get use to this kind of life. He needed to step up and be a man.

"Stay here!" He insisted to Reid and his siblings and Jess. He didn't want them in anymore trouble than they had already handled.

Mitchell pulled the gun from his pants and rushed down the stairs towards the basement. Once he arrived he saw Luke and Jackson along with a floating body that seemed strangely familiar. Mitchell had almost forgot the two men were still around because they had been outside for so long. Or what seemed like a long time anyway.

On top of that, Mitchell finally understood the situation with the basement and by what Jess meant when she said dangerous task.

" what are you guys doing down here!?" Mitchell with a tone of disbelief. At any rate Mitchell was in the basement and he could help the two of them and grab the bin while he was there. Maybe he was cut out for this sort of thing after all.

But then, the smell of the room and the sudden realization that the body in the water was Jack, made Mitchell dry heave for a few seconds. Nope, not cut out for this.

" What the hell Luke!" Mitchell choked out through his urge to throw up again.

Group 3


" Who are you? And what the hell happened to you?"

" Whoa,now you sound like me mum" Yvette pulled her curly hair back into a bulky pony tail and walked to the counter to have a seat.

" Yvette. Pleasure. I had tried to get back sooner as to not spook ya but I had to lead those damn things away from here. Don't want any of em trying to crawl in."

Yvette started to feel a bit out of place with the girl here. Never in her was she alone for more than a couple days and suddenly she had been alone for more than a week now. It almost seemed foreign to talk to someone again. Thinking about how nice it was to talk to someone put a painful twinge on her heart. If the girl hadn't been around Yvette would probably start crying over her boyfriend again.

She signed and pursed her lips to keep her face from distorting. Trying to not cry was harder and more awkward than she had anticipated.

" Anyway, what's your name? Why were you out there all alone?"
Mitchell was the one who arrived on the scene, asking "What are you guys doing down here!?" Luke was down on his knees at this point, tears strolling down his face. "Jack turned, Jackson needs help."

"What the hell Luke!" he asked, and he just said what he said before. "Jack. Turned. Help. Jackson," he said, with each word interrupted by some slight sobbing. He had to kill someone he knew, which he knew he might have to do, but he believed Jackson was bit. That's kind of what hit him the most. Jackson saved him, and even though it hasn't been long since he met him, they've protected each other. He was the closest thing he had to a family.

Luke got up from his kneeling position and wiped the tears away from his eyes, ready to help Jackson get out of there. "We need to get something to lift him out of there."

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Group 1

Mitchell started to feel a bit sorry for the way he reacted. What was that saying? Your first instinct is the one programmed in your brain, the next is what sets you apart from the rest.

" We need to get something to lift him out of there" Luke went on after wiping away his tears. Mitchell had no idea how the man was feeling right now but he could sympathize.

Quick Mitchell think. Think! What could he do to get the man out? Mitchell looked around the room and there wasn't much to go off of. Mostly everything except the platform he was standing on was flooded. He kept looking and then spotted an old pallet.

" We can use this" Mitchell said as he walked over to drag the old piece of wood into the water.

" I don't know if it will be strong enough to hold my body weight or his but we can try it" Mitchell was calm. He had been in tons of situations like this, having to save someone in a tight spot like this. Mitchell pushed the pallet into the water and looked at it for a second before walking in right behind it. There was no way the pallet could support the both of them so it would have to support Jackson. Mitchell with the pallet waded into the water. As it got deeper Mitchell would push himself closer to the walls until he was right at Jackson. He swam to the man locked their arms together, and pulled him to the wall. Since they were in the water, pulling this grown man was almost effortless.

The two men and the pallet were now floating at the wall, Mitchell trying his hardest to keep himself and Jackson above the infected water. Mitchell had nothing to grab onto nor did he have any leverage to put Jackson on the pallet.

Until he found the basements window sill. He put one foot in the sill, seperating himself from Jackson to where one man was on either side of the pallet. Using the window sill as a support Mitchell grabbed Jackson by the underarm and collar of shirt hoisting him into the pallet. Well, it took him a couple try's but he was successful. Barely. Jackson was halfway on and halfway off. After doing all of this Mitchell again used the sill to push the pallet away from the wall and towards the exit platform of the basement where Luke was standing.

( wasn't sure if Jackson was awake or not. Also sorry for any mistakes I'm on my phone at work.)
Jess heard nothing but sloshing and screaming, possibly tears. "Reid, I'm going to check on stuff downstairs. Come if you must." She ran out the door and the stairs to the basement. She found that there was Mitchell and Jackson holding onto each other at the bottom. "Don't get any water in your mouth!" Jess leaned over the platform and grabbed onto Mitchell's hand, pulling him and Jackson carefully over to dry land, the weight of Jackson and Mitchell soon apparent as soon as he was on land. Jess then looked over to the far corner of the room and saw the shiny metal of the bin just inches above the water, sitting on a shelf. "Mitchell, I'm going to go get the bin. Go help Jackson." Jess was sort of useless in the situation, knowing she could hurt Jackson trying to pull him out of the water, so she just slid into the water and swam along the side, using every solid object she could see as a lever to speed things up. Once she reached the bin's area, she could no longer feel the ground underneath her feet. She couldn't really jump and grab the bin, so she held onto the shelf and pulled herself up to the bin's level. "Got it!" Jess exclaimed as she grabbed the bin, but apparently the bin was preventing the shelf from sliding off. She quickly slid back into the water and ducked under the highest shelf she could find and covering her mouth and eyes from the splash of the wooden plank that used to be a shelf. She then started on her way back, using the fallen shelf to hold the bin. Once Jess reached the end of the platform, she placed the bin on the platform as if it was some kind of sunken treasure. She then remembered what she needed. "Reid! We actually need that iron pole now!!"


((We should wait for ThatOneCrazyPerson))
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"Yeah, the baby will probably make me suffer if I don't eat now." She said, taking Carrie's Offer. "Thank you."

Looking into the Can of Food, it did seem edible. Vivian wasn't picky about what she ate, but she can be rather selective about it. But in a time like this, there was no time to be picky. As long as she got her daily nutrients to supplement herself and the baby, Vivian was sure that she was going to be fine. As she started eating, she made sure to be careful not to cut her tongue or any of the sort. She could hear Archie and Ivy arguing. At this point, she didn't really like Archie at all. The way he talked to her the other night, didn't sit very well with her. To yell at her was one thing, but to yell at a pregnant woman, there was something wrong there. After she was done eating, she wiped her mouth before setting the empty can aside and looking over at Carrie. "Whenever you're ready, we can go." She said quietly.

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @Jupiter
Group One - Inside B&B

Mitchell hesitated at Jess' question, looking a little wary. "Umm..." he said. "...Depends, I guess..." 'Good answer,' Reid couldn't help but think. Jess' idea of 'slightly dangerous' could have been wrestling an alligator, by the way she acted. The girl always seemed so fearless, and capable, and kind of pret--

"HELP!" came a loud, unrestrained scream from outside of the room. Reid's head whipped up, his siblings following suit a fraction of a second after. Mitchell was on his feet in an instant, surprising the boy. 'Even he has more guts than you, and he was just puking them out a few hours ago,' his inner voice nagged. "Stay here!" the medic insisted, before dashing out the door.

The kids all sat in worried silence for a few minutes, and by all the commotion of yelling, splashing and crying, it didn't take a genius to figure out something had happened in the basement. By the crying, Reid could only assume the worst. "Jesus..." he muttered, as Weston buried his face into his shoulder.

"Reid, I'm going to check on stuff downstairs," Jess said suddenly, on her feet. "Come if you must." Reid's eyes widened, and he hadn't even managed a, "Wait! Come back!" before she was out of the room. "Damn it..." the boy hissed.

"We gotta go help too, Reid!" Allie cried, but before he could respond, they heard Jess' voice yet again. "Reid!" she shouted. "We actually need that iron pole now!" Reid hesitated.

"Allie," he said finally, looking his sister dead in the eye. "You gotta stay here, okay? Watch out for Weston. Don't leave this room, no matter what, you hear me?" She nodded, her eyes wide and fearful. He hated having to leave her and Weston here, but... Jesus! If Jess had just freaking stayed for a second, or if someone (God forbid) actually remembered he had kid siblings, at least they wouldn't have had to be alone alone. "And Weston," Reid continued, trying to hurry it up before all hell broke loose in the basement, "you gotta listen to her, okay? I'll be back in a sec, but until I get back, you gotta do what she says."

"No...!" Weston frowned indignantly. "I don' wanna...!"

"Weston!" Reid barked, a little more harshly than he intended, "Do it for me, okay?"

There was a pause. "...Okay, Ree..."

"Good boy," Reid smiled softly, before standing and heading out of the room. He made it to the basement, grabbing the pole from where it had been left before as he came. "Jess!" he called. "I've got the po--"

The sight before him almost made him sick. Jack's... corpse...(?) was floating in the infected water, and Mitchell, Jess, and Jackson were all alongside. Jess was underneath a cabinet somewhere, clutching something... of course, it was the goddamn trash can. Meanwhile, Mitchell was freaking paddling towards the stairs, dragging a large wooden pallet, which Jackson was riding atop of. Luke was practically collapsed on the stairs.

"Holy crap! What the hell happened?!" Reid heard himself exclaim, almost dropping the pole in his shock and surprise.

(( @Shimakage Thunder @DrTrollinski ))
Jess felt the coldness of the water near her face when Reid showed up. "Holy crap! What the hell happened?!" Jess almost wanted to say something, but couldn't say anything other than "Ah, pole! Thanks Reid!" She pulled herself onto the platform and took the pole from Reid. With much effort, she placed it under Jackson's arms and pushed down like a lever, raising him onto the platform, safe and sound for the most part. Jess then stood up slowly and looked at Reid, picking up the trash can in one hand. "Thanks Reid. I think you just saved us 15 minutes to the rest of Jackson's lifetime." This time, she didn't smile for long, as she noticed that there was no Weston and Allie next to him. "Wait, did you close the door of the bedroom?" Jess suddenly smacked herself on the face, realizing how stupid it was to run out without consulting Reid first. "Sorry-er..I think you should've brought them with-" She also figured that it was stupid to bring kids into a cold basement with a freaking corpse floating in water, so she simply just took a deep breath and took a seat on one of the steps and closed her eyes for ten seconds.

After the little ten-second thought jump, she decided to organize things.
"I think you should get Allie and Weston. I'll use the pole to get rid of the corpse. You know, for their sake." Jess didn't bother to see whether Reid had gone or not and she just lay parallel to the platform on her stomach. Reaching out with the heavy pole, she lifted Jack's corpse (similar to how she lifted Jackson) and spun the pole like she was trying to generate a tornado. Jack's body instantly flew off towards the left, smashing into the corner blind spot from the stairs. The water was hitting it over and over and it just lay there. A moment of sadness dawned upon Jess, but she blinked hard at the thought and it just went away. 'I can't believe he's gone.' She thought of Jack's hospitality as well as his courage as she looked up at the ceiling of the stair corridor.


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Group Two

Adam had sat there through all of it, really. He’d been looking at everyone as they all woke up and began to speak and eat and chat. He didn’t fully hear what the twins were talking about, but he caught a few snippets which helped him gain a rough idea of what was going on. Deciding where to go? What to do? Adam wasn’t fully sure, but he was certain it was something to do with that. They were talking too quietly for him to be able to get the whole conversation, you know what I mean? Either way, he was pretty happy with things right now, or at least as happy as he could be, you know what I mean? Still, let’s move on from there. Chris had managed to crash out at his father’s side, which was a shame, seeing as he’d have to be woken up in about five minutes so they could leave again.

When Carrie came to him and held out the knife, he nodded to her words as he took it from her and promptly tucked it back into his and Chris’ bag. He was all up for leaving now, though, and as selfish as it sounds, he didn’t want to have to share his water supplies with anyone else, although he would if he really had to. It wouldn’t be a major problem, but at the same time, it’d be an annoyance that would just leave him and Chris in a worse off position, but at the same time, surely they’d become more trusted if they shared something that, in these times, was something as valuable as water, right?

Definitely.” He said. “Chris.” He said, shaking the teen boy’s arm. “Wake up, pal, we’re going.” He said.

.. Not again, dad… Ten more minutes…” He groaned, slumping down and hiding his face in his father’s thigh. Adam sighed and shook him again.

No. Get up, come on.” He said. “We don’t have time for this. Up.” He gently patted his back, and Chris let out a small sigh and sat up again, rubbing his eyes and standing up without another word. Adam laughed a little and shook his head as he followed closely behind him, picking his shotgun up and holding it with both hands. God, they still didn’t know that this thing wasn’t loaded. He was hoping they didn’t come to the situation where we would usually have to actually have to use it.

If someone got attacked and he couldn’t do anything about it, he could always play dumb. He could always try and shoot, then look at the gun in shock when it didn’t rain its fire down on its target. He wasn’t sure what the best approach would be here – He could always be honest, but what fun was that? That could just leave him in a worse off spot, couldn’t it? He’d deal with it in one way or another, though, right? Still, he put the backpack over his shoulders and walked up to the door with Chris.

Right, we’re good to go.” He nodded at Carrie.

(@ThatOneCrazyPerson, @Shimakage Thunder)
"We can use this. I don't know if it will be strong enough to hold my body weight or his but we can try it," Mitchell suggested, to which Luke nodded.

He hopped down with the wooden holding for Jackson and swam towards him. Surprisingly, he was able to swim towards him, considering the current was holding Jackson back, but Mitchell managed it. The two men interlocked arms and swam back towards where Mitchell hopped down, Mitchell finding a footing to get back above. He pulled Jackson out of the water, half on and half off of where he was, but when Jackson stood up, his feet were sopping wet and caused him to slip back into the water. Figures.

Luke was joyous for only a moment, right until Jackson tumbled back into the water. "Oh COME ON!" He was about to dive into the water, until he heard Jess call out to Reid, "Reid! We need that iron pole now!"

Looking at Jess confused, he realized she must've come when he wasn't really paying attention. His eyes were fixated on Mitchell and Jackson almost the entire time.

Reid came running into the room with the pole only moments later, "I've got the po--," he stopped, mentally gagging at Jack's body in the water. "Holy crap! What the hell happened?!"

"Jack turned and try to bite Jackson," Luke responded, being as serious as he's ever been. The tears stopped flowing, only fear and determination remain. Jess eventually took the pole from Reid, "Ah, pole! Thanks Reid!" and she lifted Jackson onto the ledge above the water, his full body on it this time. Immediately afterwards, Luke jumped down to Jackson, who was still conscious, just smart enough not to talk in case any water went into his mouth.

Luke immediately checked Jackson for any kind of scratches, bites or marks from 'Jack' and luckily, he came up empty. Though Luke wasn't particularly fond of getting himself wet with runner-infected water, or any kind of dirt, blood, anything that wasn't supposed to be on him, he hugged Jackson, "Thank God you're still here."

Jackson wiped his face. It seemed like Jackson took a page out of Luke's book, and responded, "You can't get rid of me that easily," Luke just smirked, removing his face that was somewhat buried into Jackson's chest before, "You owe me, now." The two were back to their old selves.

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @PopcornandCaramel
Group One - Inside B&B

"Jack turned and try to bite Jackson," Luke explained, and for once Reid didn't find Mitchell to be the only one easily sickened. "God..." the boy breathed shakily, wanting desperately to tear his eyes away but finding it impossible.

"Ah, pole! Thanks, Reid!" Jess beamed, pulling herself up onto the platform, before taking the pole from Reid's fingers. She then proceeded to use said pole by lodging it beneath the seemingly lifeless Jackson's body, and hoisting him up as well. Luke practically teleported to the older man, and while Reid couldn't hear what they were saying, from the looks on their faces, everything was okay. For now, at least. "Thanks, Reid," Jess repeated, grinning and grabbing the trashcan as she stood. "I think you just saved us 15 minutes to the rest of Jackson's lifetime." Reid swallowed. He wasn't sure if that gave him a feeling of relief or sickness. ...Probably both.

"Wait, did you close the door of the bedroom?" Jess asked suddenly, her smile vanishing almost instantly.

Reid froze. "N-no..." he managed. "I figured..." He had figured Allie would, but now that Jess had called him out he was second guessing. He almost made a dash back to the bedroom, but was stopped yet again by Jess' words.

"Sorry--" she began to say, then paused. "...Er... I think you should've brought them with--" Again she stopped mid sentence, before Reid could spew out all his reasons for his actions at her. 'What, so it was a bad thing I didn't bring them to see a freaking body?!' his inner voice screamed, but he willed himself not to say the words aloud.

All of a sudden, Jess took a deep breath, and... plopped down onto the basement steps. Reid stared at her, and it seemed like time had stopped, until she jumped up again. "I think you should get Allie and Weston," she said, and he actually began to voice his thoughts, but she was already one step ahead. "I'll use the pole to get rid of the corpse. You know, for their sake."

"...Thanks," Reid said, a little flatly, before turning back to the bedroom (though not without a last glance over his shoulder).

He found Allie and Weston where he had left them-- in the room, though now they were further from the door, on the bed, Weston's face turned inward, nuzzled into Allie's stomach. "Reid! You're back!" Allie gasped, and Weston's head whipped up. "Ree!" They scrambled off the bed, before practically body-slamming the oldest boy in an effort to hug him.

"Yeah, I'm back," Reid replied, laughing a little. Allie's face morphed from joyous relief to a concerned worry. "...Is everything okay?" she asked, her voice lower than usual, so as to keep Weston from hearing.

"Um... Jack... he left..." Reid mumbled, trying not to outright say that he had died. Allie obviously got the hint, and he thought he saw small tears in her eyes as she nodded, whereas Weston was all innocence and curiosity. "Why? Where'd he go?" he inquired, but Reid waved him off. "I don't know," he replied, and was a little sickened to find it wasn't much of a lie.

"Will he be back?" Weston asked. "No," Reid said, and heard his voice crack a little. God, he barely even really liked the guy! Granted, he barely liked anyone here, but... at least the others had been a little nicer. A little.

"Come on," Reid beckoned, standing up and taking each of his siblings' hands. "We're gonna go to where everybody else is." "...Okay!" Weston agreed, whereas Allie nodded, with a quieter "...'Kay..." With that, the two returned to the top of the basement stairs. Reid didn't want to take them down there until he was sure it was safe for their young, 'impressionable' eyes. As if the crap they had seen before had been better for them... God, the world was so fucked up now.

(( @Shimakage Thunder ))
Jess was sitting on the platform with her eyes closed (she hasn't slept in days) when she heard Reid's footsteps from the top. On the base of the door, Reid was there, his kid siblings out of sight. Jess quickly walked to the top and whispered something in Reid's ear. "I got rid of the thing. If that 'thing' shows up, I'm going in to defenestrate it." She then nodded at Weston and Allie, acknowledging their presence. Looking past the Fields, Jess looked once at all the doors in the B&B she could see. Closed, closed, closed, open bedroom, and closed. She then went down the stairs and returned to the platform. There was enough space for the kids and Reid to sit, and to house the bin.

Jess then sat down at the platform and looked at the group.
"Ok, we need to lock down the B&B. There is furniture upstairs, and I think I saw planks in the bathroom. I say we get Allie and Weston to sleep first, then we can focus on lockdowns. They both look tired and hungry." Jess figured that was her input for the moment, so she leaned back and waited for following things.


@The Jest

Group 1


Mitchell and Jackson had mostly made it back to the platform when Jess bolted into the room. Mitchell felt a twinge of annoyance with seeing her standing there. Jess offered a hand to help Mitchell which he accepted, although he didn't feel like he needed it. Mitchell tried to catch his breath and calm down, the whole situation was stressful and had escalated quicker than he had hoped. Mitchell leaned back over the platform and grabbed a hold of Jackson's hand and pulled him onto the platform with him. It was a sigh of relief when the two men were both on solid group and counting their blessings


" Mitchell, I'm going to go get the bin go help Jackson!" Jess called out to him. Uhh yeah, what do you think I am doing? Mitchell thought to himself, shaking his head. Mitchell's annoyance was steadily growing towards Jess, he was going to tell her what was up, but before he could get the words out she was already in the water going towards the bin.

" Damn girl.." Mitchell huffed to himself. Mitchell walked to Jackson and Luke who both were smiling and hugging each other, apparently all was well again.

" You okay? No cuts or anything?"

Jess had successfully gotten the bin and tossed it onto the platform, then called out to Reid for a pole or something. Mitchell brushed the girl off and tended to Jackson, who appeared to be fine and not in need of any assistance.

Reid then appeared in the room with the said pole.

" Holy crap! What the hell happened?" Reid spoke with abhorrence having seen the situation for the first time. It seemed weird to Mitchell at first, but he hadn't really gave himself the time to let the idea of Jack being dead sink in. Maybe he sounded the same way when he first saw Jack dead. Maybe it's why he was so calm right now. Either way, Mitchell wouldn't exactly be torn up about Jack, he had only just met the man today after all.

Mitchell looked at himself. How he looked pathetic dripping wet and his white shirt stained from the water. They all looked the same. The bed and breakfast was starting to seem more and more of a bad idea. But the newly formed group had invested so much time into it, and lost a man already; abandoning the bed and breakfast seemed less like an option.

Jess and Reid went on with conversation, as did Luke and Jackson. Mitchell was just standing there, awkwardly. When it was all said and done, Reid had decided to get his siblings. Not a very good idea. and Jess had went on to pull Jacks body from the water. Again, not a very good idea. But, what was he going to do to stop them? Children will inherit the Earth.

Jess had somehow, pulled Jacks body from the water. Apparently physics didn't apply to the sixteen year old. Reid and his siblings returned to the room and Jess was the first and only one to greet them.

" Okay, we need to lock down the B&B. There is furniture upstairs and I think I saw planks in the bathroom. I say we get Allie and Weston to sleep first, then we can focus on lockdowns. They both looked tired and hungry." Mitchell took a step towards her after they had all gotten settled again and she finished speaking.

" Listen, I told you both to stay upstairs.Not to come down here and to bring whole damn brady bunch with you. You need to learn to listen, or else you are going to get yourself killed. Or get someone else killed. The next time someone tells you to stay put, its expected that you do so. " Mitchell's annoyance with the girl had finally boiled over into this mini rant. Once he was finished he let out a sigh, and pinched the bridge of his nose with his pointer and thumb.

" All I'm saying is try to be more careful, and as for the lock-down business. It's too late at night, we can barely see what we are doing and we can just bundle up in the room upstairs like we had talked about. It will be easier for us to defend the one room instead of the whole house. Besides, moving furniture and banging on boards is just going to draw attention to us. We can take care of that tomorrow, if we even decide to stay one more night..." If I even decide to stay one more night he thought. Mitchell looked at the group then quickly looked away. He went on like a leader, but really he had no idea what he was saying or doing. What if his input for them all killed? To him it seemed like the better option, but the whole group would have to agree or nothing would get accomplished.

Group 3


Yvette crossed her legs and listened to the girl.

Sam, Nice to meet you" The girl paused.

"As for why I was out alone well, I could ask you the same thing...were you the one throwing rocks?"

Yvette gave a nod to the girl.

" Mmmhm, 'At was me. I couldn't yell at you" Yvette's being alone was in no way her fault, but she wouldn't let that on to the girl.

" All the same" Yvette said quietly.

" I don't 'ave anythun to offer you" Was being so nice to this girl really smart? Yvette hadn't come across anyone trying to kill her yet, as far as she knew it was still people versus the infected.

" You got sumwhere you're stayin'?"

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @JPax42
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Jess had looked at Mitchell and suddenly remembered that he had actually told her to stay put. Her eyes widened in anticipation, but she was shocked when he snapped at her. "Listen, I told you both to stay upstairs.Not to come down here and to bring whole damn brady bunch with you. You need to learn to listen, or else you are going to get yourself killed. Or get someone else killed. The next time someone tells you to stay put, its expected that you do so." Jess just stared at him wide-eyed and opened her mouth to protest, but nothing came out. He was kind of right, after all. Except for 'getting us killed', Jess liked to pretend she was an expert.

"All I'm saying is try to be more careful, and as for the lock-down business. It's too late at night, we can barely see what we are doing and we can just bundle up in the room upstairs like we had talked about. It will be easier for us to defend the one room instead of the whole house. Besides, moving furniture and banging on boards is just going to draw attention to us. We can take care of that tomorrow, if we even decide to stay one more night..." Jess nodded in agreement. She wasn't right about lockdowns, so they should just hole in the bedroom. "Sorry, Mitchell. I-I figured that if y'all were shouting and screaming you'd need some help." She was a little bit upset about Jack, and on top of that was the source of disappointment for someone, which kind of hurt her. Jess simply shook her head and buried her face in her arms, looking down at the ground. It might've even looked like she was crying. 'Yikes.'



@The Jest
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Group One - Inside B&B, Top of Basement Stairs

Jess, upon hearing the boy's footsteps, jogged to the top of the stairs beside him, before whispering something in his ear. "I got rid of the thing," she said quietly. "If that 'thing' shows up, I'm going in to defenestrate it." Reid wasn't sure what the hell 'defenestrate' meant. He'd never heard it until now. But he wasn't stupid, and it didn't take a genius to guess. He nodded understandingly, as if he knew the definition by heart.

Jess nodded at Allie and Weston in greeting, and neither responded, except for maybe a shiver. The older girl then moved down the stairs on to the platform below, promptly sitting on it. Reid figured she intended for him to follow. 'I'd rather not freak my brother and sister out with a flooded basement; thanks,' he thought absentmindedly. So he stayed where he was. Jess, however, seemed mostly undeterred.

"Okay," she began, "we need to lock down the B&B." Reid actually felt himself sag. God, he was tired enough as it was, and maybe that was just him being a weak teenaged boy, but damn it-- he was one, and sometimes he just wanted to go back to acting like it. "There is furniture upstairs, and I think I saw planks in the bathroom," Jess continued. "I say we get Allie and Weston to sleep first, then we can focus on lock-downs. They both look tired and hungry."

Reid nodded halfheartedly. The adrenaline of running from Infected and practically everything since they had left the city had finally worn off, and now he felt almost too sluggish and starved to move. He silently cursed himself for not being as energetic as Jess.

Mithcell twitched in Reid's field of vision, and that was when he snapped. "Listen, I told you both to stay upstairs," the medic said roughly, "not to come down here and to bring whole damn 'Brady Bunch' with you. You need to learn to listen, or else you are going to get yourself killed. Or get someone else killed. The next time someone tells you to stay put, it's expected that you do so."

Reid felt his face scrunch up. "What the hell was I supposed to do? Everybody disappears, all we hear is yelling, and the only thing I can make out is my name being called for help... am I just supposed to sit there? I left my brother and sister in that damn room alone, and I'm sorry if you'd rather I left and gone into a cave before anyone was confirmed living or dead, but honestly, I'd rather not see anyone else kil--" He stopped, realizing that Allie and Weston were still with him, and he hadn't actually said outright to them that Jack had... well...

Mitchell just sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose between two fingers. "All I'm saying is, try to be more careful... and as for the lock-down business-- it's too late at night; we can barely see what we are doing, and we can just bundle up in the room upstairs like we had talked about. It will be easier for us to defend the one room instead of the whole house. Besides, moving furniture and banging on boards is just going to draw attention to us. We can take care of that tomorrow, if we even decide to stay one more night..."

Reid couldn't help but agree with Mitchell (both out of reason and just laziness), and he nodded. Jess nodded too, though she also answered him. "Sorry, Mitchell," she apologized. "I... I figured that if y'all were shouting and screaming, you'd need some help."

Reid nodded again, sighing. "Yeah, me too..." he said, though nothing more. He doubted any more excuses would 'win the man over', as was the expression, and besides, no matter what Mitchell took it as (agreeing with the assumption or the apology), either would be correct.

It was then that Jess suddenly curled into a ball, head in her arms, which gave the appearance of crying. He hoped she wasn't crying. He would have moved to comfort her, but he still had Allie and Weston with him, and he was sure as hell not going down into that basement with them at his side. He fidgeted from the top of the stairs, unsure what to do. 'Smooth, Reid...'

(( @The Jest @PopcornandCaramel @JPax42 ))

Group Three - Inside Bakery

Yvette nodded. "Mmm hmm," she said. "...'At was me. I couldn't yell at you."

Sam felt herself smile at that, and she laughed a little (though even still, it was a little forced). "Yeah," the younger girl smirked. "Rocks were a much better idea. Smart one too, by the way."

"All the same," Yvette continued, and Sam automatically (and extremely involuntarily) tensed. "I don't 'ave anythun to offer you..." Sam raised an eyebrow. If this 'Yvette' had no reason to invite her here, then... why had she? She didn't have to wait long to get the answer. "...You got sumwhere you're stayin'?" Yvette asked. So... she was trying to... help? Give her a place to hole up in?

As far as Sam was concerned, when life gave you lemons, you had to make lemonade. But first, you had to make sure the lemons weren't out to get you, or so her sister would say. "You're offering me a place?" she asked, feeling a rather amused smirk creeping onto her lips. "...Can't say I have a 'permanent' home as of now, so... no." Even if she had had a place to stay, she probably still wouldn't have told her. But at least now she didn't have to think about completely lying to this woman. And that made her feel a little better.

(( @The Jest @DrTrollinski @PopcornandCaramel ))
While Jackson and Luke were talking, conversation between everyone else had sprung up. Luke's head snapped to the direction of the conversation when he heard Reid start arguing with Mitchell. Wow, Mitchell actually isn't that weak-minded.

Luke got up along with Jackson and started heading towards the group to hear the discussion. They arrived, hearing only the end of Reid's speech, "I'd rather not see anyone else kil--" but then he stopped, and they both knew why. He didn't want his younger siblings to know Jack had died.

Mitchell had responded, "All I'm saying is, try to be more careful... and as for the lock-down business-- it's too late at night; we can barely see what we are doing, and we can just bundle up in the room upstairs like we had talked about. It will be easier for us to defend the one room instead of the whole house. Besides, moving furniture and banging on boards is just going to draw attention to us. We can take care of that tomorrow, if we even decide to stay one more night..." Surprisingly, the two of them had agreed. I think everyone was just tired, no one really wanted to do any more work than they needed to. Though, this world doesn't really take into account people's tiredness anymore.

"Sure," Jackson had said, "But we aren't staying here another night." The phrase that followed wasn't open for debate, it was a command.

Luke nodded in agreement, "It's a great place to stay a night, but actually making this place viable is almost impossible. Too many things have already gone wrong, the basement is flooded and Jack," there was a slight pause, respecting Reid's decision to not tell them of anyone's death for now, and it was kind of like talking about how Santa Claus doesn't exist in front of children who still believe, "left us."

"We still have a truck with gas, we'll find something else," Jackson added.

(@ThatOneCrazyPerson You also said Reid's field, which is funny because of his name. Not sure if that was intentional or not, but I loved it :P )

Group 1



Sorry, Mitchell. I-I figured that if y'all were shouting and screaming you'd need some help."

Jess sheepishly replied

"What the hell was I supposed to do? Everybody disappears, all we hear is yelling, and the only thing I can make out is my name being called for help... am I just supposed to sit there? I left my brother and sister in that damn room alone, and I'm sorry if you'd rather I left and gone into a cave before anyone was confirmed living or dead, but honestly, I'd rather not see anyone else kil--"

Reid retorted before cutting himself off. Mitchell could only assume it was because of his siblings. The children had no business being in any of this. None of them did, and not just the basement ordeal but the whole damn apocalypse. Mitchell couldn't let the thought of them needing to be in some heavily guarded military camp or something go.

Reid's argument and Jess's lack there of hit Mitchell in a weird spot. He didn't have any right getting onto the kids. They weren't his after all and he wasn't really apart of this group. They were just some people that he had planned to stick with for the night, and even that was by accident. Jess was obviously upset about the whole thing so she curled into a ball. It made Mitchell feel even worse. There wasn't anything that he could say, or that he could think of saying to make her feel better. Soothing people just wasn't in his repertoire. Reid's only fault was his lack of direction and his need to protect his siblings. Still not a good enough reason to snap at them.

"Sure,but we aren't staying here another night."

Jackson said sternly. Mitchell was basically in agreement with the man.

"It's a great place to stay a night, but actually making this place viable is almost impossible. Too many things have already gone wrong, the basement is flooded and Jack,"


"left us."

Luke added to Jackson's response. It almost seemed like Luke and Jackson were the most sane of the group, despite Jackson's near death experience and Luke's almost grievance.

"We still have a truck with gas, we'll find something else,"

Jackson finished and that was that. The group had decided so they could go back to getting settled into their make-shift normalcy. The water still dripped from the ends of Mitchell's dampened hair, his facial hair matted with dirt,water and whatever else lingered in the basement water. A hot shower sure would top off this night of excitement.

Since there was no reason for him to linger in the basement, Mitchell sluggishly stepped up the stairs. Thud-squish Thud-squish Thud-squish went his soaked boots on the wooden steps. It was almost embarrassing, if it hadn't been for his apathetic mood. He squeezed by Reid and his siblings, noticing just how exhausted the whole family looked.

He made it up the steps to the basement, then the main stairs to the master bedroom where their supplies rest.

In the room Mitchell wasted no time getting their 'camp' set up. Lighting candles and spreading out a couple of the blankets on the floor. One of the the blankets just didn't set right to him. One of the corners curled up into the corner of the wall and the way it looked made his skin itch. He pulled the blanket back in an attempt to even out the fabric. In doing so, the opposite side of the blanket was now hitting and curling up on the leg of the bed. He couldn't have that either. So he pulled the blanket back to its original position. Still not right. Again. Still not right! AGAIN. WHY WON'T THIS WORK? Mitchell was screaming in his head for the damn blanket to sit right on the ground.

Eventually Mitchell picked up the blanket and tried to lay it down on another side of the room. Even now it still wasn't right because it was overlapping the second blanket. He pinched the


of his nose out of frustration. He was going to go crazy. That was how it wall going to end for him. Going completely bonkers because he can't get the goddamn blanket to set right on the floor. Not the screams and wails of the infected, or having to defend himself in such horrible times. Nope, fucking blankets overlapping.

It would have to do. Yeah, he just wouldn't...couldn't look at it. He walked away from the mind-fuck of blankets and tended to getting a few things from his bag. He placed the bag on the dresser top so he'd have an easier time looking through it. When he unzipped the top, a few packets of gauze bounced onto the floor, along with band-aids and medical tape. Needless to say this bag was stuffed to the brim with crap. Mitchell left the items on the floor for now, while he dug around in the bag to find the MRE he had stashed away. The group had the cans of peas and carrots but it might not be enough for all 7 of them



Group 3


"Yeah,rocks were a much better idea. Smart one too, by the way."

The girl smirked and Yvette returned a smile. She then did a flick of the wrist and bow.

" Thank you, thank you. I'm not gonna lie, I think I sawr it in a film or whatevah."

Yvette chortled behind her hand as her statement.

"You're offering me a place?"

Sam seemed halfheartedly excited

"...Can't say I have a 'permanent' home as of now, so... no."

Yvette slid off the counter trying to hold back her beaming smile.

" Well, if not you can stay here. Y-ya know, if, you wan't to?"

Yvette talked with her hands, putting them up by her head in a 'i don't know' gesture then a hand out offering gesture. Yvette almost desperately wanted the girl to accept her offer. It wasn't home, not yet but the two of them could pair up and have a better chance of making it out of there alive.

" I wasn't always alone. "

Yvette spit out faster than she wanted to.

" I had someone in my apartment. Thing's got sour an bingo bango bongo. Here I am. So what about you, why are you alone?"

Yvette redirected to her earlier question. Yvette wasn't normally big on talking so much to strangers. Before the world ended, she didn't really have to say much, she could just smile and nod and people would think her some sophisticated artist. Especially the Americans.




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Jess was listening to conversation between Mitchell, Jackson, Luke, and Reid. She figured that she had given enough input, and that a lot of the group couldn't exactly replicate her steps exactly the way it's needed. "We still have a truck with gas, we'll find something else," Jackson chimed in. "Enough fuel to get us to a place with possibly more? If so, I think we should take that route." She was actually quite sore on the inside from all the running, jumping, rolling, sliding, hacking, lifting, and stabbing she had gotten done in one day.

The girl walked up to the top of the stairs, finally aware of the bruise she received when the runner upstairs body-slammed her through a door. Wincing slightly in pain at the last step, Jess blinked hard to get rid of the feeling. Mitchell had apparently gone ahead and started setting up the bedroom, because when Jess stepped in, Mitchell was calmly trying to get two blankets on the floor. He suddenly sighed and pinched his nose in anger. Jess was slightly shocked by this, but decided to let Mitchell do his thing.

Jess put down the bin she had brought from the basement and placed it close to the center. At this point, Mitchell was looking through his professional-looking bag on the dresser. A few pieces of gauze and stuff fell out, and Jess simply scooted over to it. She then stacked them together and put them to the side. The best she could do right now was to find a way to get ahold of some clean water.

The water bottle! She went to the main room and picked it up where she had dropped it when Mitchell was first attacked. Walking over to the bathroom, she tried the sink. The spigot sputtered and died, leaving a black trail on the bottom of the sink. Jess sighed and looked at the mirror right above. Looking back at her was a slightly tall teenage girl of sixteen covered in water and partially runner blood. She looked at herself again, this time moving her hair out of her eyes and smiling gently at the mirror.
'This is me, right now.'

Leaving the bathroom, Jess had gone back to the bedroom. "Mitchell, the water systems in the house are...dead. Going outside is out of question. Our only option for water is to either purify our urine with fire or boil the basement water. I'm torn between ideas." She could hardly stand, now that she knew she was sort of injured. "Anything else I can do?"


@The Jest
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Group One - Inside B&B, Top of Basement Stairs

"Sure," said a voice, and Reid whirled to find that Jackson was standing upright, okay. ('...Thank God...') The next sentence came out as an order. "But we aren't staying here another night," the man decided, and even if he wanted to, Reid didn't have the energy to protest.

Luke, who was standing beside Jackson, piped up next. "It's a great place to stay a night, but actually making this place viable is almost impossible," he muttered. "Too many things have already gone wrong-- the basement is flooded, and Jack..." He trailed off, and met Reid's eyes. "...Left us."

Reid gave him a silent look of gratitude. He knew it probably wouldn't be a problem to tell Allie and Weston (okay, maybe a slight one, but that was beside the point); he just didn't want to have to tell them now, especially before they had to sleep. Knowing Allie in particular, they wouldn't be able to. Reid promised himself he would tell them in the morning.

"We still have a truck with gas," Jackson pointed out. "We'll find something else."

"Enough fuel to get us to a place with possibly more?" Jess chimed in, peering up from her ball on the floor. "If so, I think we should take that route."

Reid nodded to both of them, and tightened his grip ever-so-slightly on his siblings' hands as Mitchell slipped by, drenched. The boy felt a little (okay, a lot) bad for getting upset, and the medic hadn't said anything since. Not knowing what else to do, he simply watched as Mitchell half-sloshed-half-trudged up the stairs back to the main bedroom. Reid decided to wait for Jess.

The girl was next up the stairs, and he followed, the smallest Fields trailing after like silent ducklings. They entered the main bedroom, to find Mitchell already setting up for the night. He seemed frustrated, so Reid decided to keep himself (and his siblings) out of his way for now. Jess plunked down the trashcan, before heading out of the room again. Reid wondered where she was going, but he knew he had to keep his priorities straight.

Of course, the one thing he had forgotten to grab on their way out had been a blanket. Reid sighed, irritated at himself, before noticing the ones that Mitchell had apparently laid out on the floor. Weston curled up in one before Reid could stop him, the toddler's stuffed dog, 'J.J.', nestled in his arms. Reid almost told him not to, but... damn. It was the first time Weston had looked so freaking relaxed since they'd left the city-- hell, since they'd left the apartment. So he didn't say anything. He hoped Mitchell wasn't the OCD type.

"Mitchell, the water systems in the house are... dead," Jess said suddenly, re-entering the room with an empty water bottle in her hand. "Going outside is out of question. Our only option for water is to either purify our urine with fire, or boil the basement water. I'm torn between ideas." She paused, and Reid actually realized how... tired... she looked. "...Anything else I can do?" she asked, sighing a little.

"Um... I-I... er, we have some water..." Reid piped up, digging into his backpack and revealing a bottle. "Not a lot, but some." Okay, so maybe they did have 'a lot' (about eight, with five in his bag and three in Allie's), by normal terms, but water was going to be practically a luxury from now on, so he didn't want to consider it 'a lot'. It was precious little, for as long as they had it. Also, he doubted Allie or Weston would submit to drinking someone's pee... ever. If he had to, he guessed he would, but as far as he was concerned, if they had fresh water, he was sure as hell drinking that first.

(( @PopcornandCaramel @JPax42 And @The Jest oh my gosh haha I didn't even realize! That's hilarious; I'm glad you spotted that! ^^ ))

Group Three - Inside Bakery

Yvette grinned, before bowing dramatically. "Thank you, thank you," she chuckled. "I'm not gonna lie, I think I sawr it in a film or whatevah." Sam felt her smirk widen into an almost fond smile. "Sounds like something my sister would say," she said softly, not really expecting the other woman to hear.

At Sam's inquiry about the offer, Yvette slid off the counter, still beaming. "Well, if not," she said, shrugging, "you can stay here. ...Y-ya know, if you want to...?" She held out her hand, as if they were signing a pact. Sam, though still a tiny bit wary, figured that Yvette was a good person. She slipped her hand into Yvette's, giving it a small shake. "Why not?" she smiled, though she didn't add the fact that she could (and would) shoot her if worst came to worst.

"I wasn't always alone," Yvette said suddenly, and Sam mentally raised an eyebrow. "I had someone in my apartment... Thing's got sour, an' bingo bango bongo... Here I am." She paused. Sam wondered what she considered was 'things going sour'. "...So what about you; why are you alone?" Yvette repeated, and Sam shrugged.

"I'm looking for... a friend of mine," she said simply, not wanting to go into too much detail. "Was heading east... guess stopping in the city wasn't the best idea, huh?" She tried to lighten the mood, but all it did was make herself feel worse. ...She guessed that was why her sister had always been the funny one, and not her...

(( @DrTrollinski @PopcornandCaramel @The Jest ))
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"Enough fuel to get us to a place with possibly more? If so, I think we should take that route." Jess asked, coming back into the conversation. I think this is the first time Jess and Jackson actually had a non-threatening interaction, which Jackson didn't really care about, but still.

Jackson responded "Yes, I believe that's the case," and he would have said more, but everyone seemed too tired to give any sort of successful, coherent response, so he decided to wait until the morning. Mitchell headed upstairs, following Jess and then the Fields. Luke and Jackson were the only two that remained in the basement.

Luke started to head upstairs, right until Jackson sort of coughed. It seemed as though Jackson did a fake cough to sort of get Luke's attention, but Luke took it as though he was sick, so he looked back in a hurry, prepared to hop back down the stairs and stay with him if need be. All Luke saw was Jackson look directly at him and just nod. It was his way of thanking him for saving him. Luke immediately turned around and headed upstairs with a small grin on his face, and then Jackson followed.

Arriving at the end of Jess' suggestion, Luke heard "...purify our urine with fire, or boil the basement water. I'm torn between ideas." Jackson arrived at this point, admittedly he was also tired. "Anything else I can do?"

"Um... I-I... er, we have some water..." Reid said "Not a lot, but some." He proceeded to show everyone that he did indeed have water.

Luke was the first to respond after that, "No, I'll take water, thank you very much. If it absolutely comes down to it, we'll do it. That's just..." Luke began to shiver a little bit from the sheer thought of that, "No thank you." Not only was it weird to have to drink urine, he might have had to drink someone else's. Jackson laughed at Luke's little outburst, he forgot how weird he was with unsanitary things. Luke sat down, he's been on his feet all day.

Jackson also offered the water they had, "We have about nine bottles, I'm not sure how many you have but if we have over fifteen, that's manageable," Jackson decided to sit down, he too was tired from everything they had been through.

He didn't want to bring it up until morning, but, ah screw it, "We need to find some place to hold up in. Not just a house, that's too risky. Anyone have any ideas?"

(@ThatOneCrazyPerson @PopcornandCaramel )

"We need to find some place to hold up in. Not just a house, that's too risky. Anyone have any ideas?" Jackson had commented. Since he was outside, he didn't know the decision that they would be in the bedroom. Jess felt somewhat irritated that it wasn't obvious enough, so she just pointed to the blankets and supplies all huddled in the room. "Right here." She then left the room, only to enter another. The room she was in was also where she had killed the first runner. She flipped the lights on (half the bulbs were burned out, so it was almost hard to see), and she began shuffling through drawers.

A vial of something called 5-hour energy lay in the middle of the drawer. Jess checked the expiration date, but that had long been burned off. Wait...burned? She picked up the vial and went to the next drawer. 'Empty? Well then, drawer, you just lost your sticking-to-a-cabinet privileges!' In anger, Jess pulled out the drawer clean off its hinges and took it back to the bedroom.

"Nothing in that stupid room other than drawer and a bottle with 5-hour energy that had the expiration date burned off. Yes, burned." Jess figured they might as well use the drawer as fire fuel, so she lay it gently into the bin. It fit oddly, but it was too late at night to break it up into smaller chunks, even if they had an axe. An axe. Jack had an axe! Jess immediately perked up, but figured she's too tired to get it, so she just looked at Weston. Sound asleep...with a fluffy dog. Jess kind of smiled at the toddler. He looked like a human shaped blob of jello hugging a stuffed dog.

Jess then looked at the group.
"What next?"

Group 1


Jess was the next to walk into the room. She came near him and picked up the items he dropped and set them neatly on the dresser next to him. The Field family waddled into the room and the toddler didn't wait for anyone before he was curled up and sleeping on one of the blankets. He couldn't blame the kid, if he didn't have stuff to take care of he probably would have done the same. Besides it was a good way for Mitchell to not look at the over lapping blankets.

Jess muddled around for a second before leaving the room again. Mitchell simply continued what he was doing, setting the MRE and a bottle of water out and trying to organize the rest of his stuff in the bag so that it didn't look like someone had just strewn things into it.

"Mitchell, the water systems in the house are...dead. Going outside is out of question. Our only option for water is to either purify our urine with fire or boil the basement water. I'm torn between ideas. Anything else I can do?"Jess startled Mitchell when she came back talking loudly. He looked over at her then nodded towards the bottle of water he had on the dresser.

"Whoa now super survivalist!" Mitchell said halfway joking and half way with sarcasm." I got a few bottles. I'm not surprised that the water isn't on, I wonder how long the little bit of power we have will last.." He spoke more relaxed this time, but trailed off raising his eye brows in thought.

Jackson and Luke came into the room just before Jess was finished talking.

"Um... I-I... er, we have some water...Not a lot, but some." Reid spoke up.

"No, I'll take water, thank you very much. If it absolutely comes down to it, we'll do it. That's just.." Luke interjected "No thank you."

"We have about nine bottles, I'm not sure how many you have but if we have over fifteen, that's manageable," Jackson took a seat. He waited for a moment then added

"We need to find some place to hold up in. Not just a house, that's too risky. Anyone have any ideas?" Mitchell, after putting more time into organizing his bag than need be, faced the group and crossed his arms. He was fresh out of idea's on what to do next. He hadn't really been coming up with ideas this whole time. Just sort of wingin' it. The B&B was his first thoughtful action and it wasn't exactly smooth.

" Right here" Jess spoke up, then left the room again. Mitchell wasn't sure if she understood what Jackson was getting at. Sure the night was good and dandy but tomorrow they had to move on. It would probably be like that for the group for a while. Finding a nice place, but having to leave due to danger. What if they never found a good, stable,safe place? What if Mitchell didn't stick with these people? He wondered if things would be easier by himself, not as many people to feed or keep an eye on. Best let it be til the morning time.

Jess came back clutching a dresser drawer. She put the corner of the drawer into the metal bin and it jutted out the top. She sat down and looked at the group

"Nothing in that stupid room other than drawer and a bottle with 5-hour energy that had the expiration date burned off. Yes, burned."
Mitchell wasn't sure what kind of significance the expiration date being burned off had,or why Jess had made such a deal about it, but he was going to TRY to be nicer to the girl. Not very hopeful there Mitchell.

" I could use about fifty of those right now."

"What next?"

" I guess try to relax.."

Mitchell, knowing that the drawer wouldn't burn properly in the bin without being broken up, he pulled it from the bin and set it on its side on the ground. He placed his left foot on the side of the drawer that lay on the floor and he gave it a few good tugs tearing off the top plank of drawer. He did this a few more times until the whole drawer was just planks. He then put a couple pieces into the bin and looked around for some paper or some kind of something to help get the fire started.

" Anyone got a lighter or something?" Mitchell had never actually started a fire without lighter fluid or matches. He was seriously hoping that someone else knew how.

"Okay. Okay, fine, I'm coming with you." Archie groaned, before standing up and gathering up their things without another word. The food. The music player. He grabbed his bat, and Ivy's knife, handing it to her and then zipping up his backpack before looking at Ivy's and how empty it was. They were both empty, to be honest with you, but... I don't know. Archie was more distraught about the fact that her backpack was empty than his own. He hated the people who took their belongings with a deep passion, if he ever came across them again, I don't think he would hesitate to kill them.

Okay, lie. He would probably hesitate greatly to kill them. But he wouldn't hesitate to punch them in the face, at very least.

Once he was up, he offered out a hand to Ivy and pulled her up to her feet, and she dusted herself off before going closer to Archie so that she could mumble something to him. In short, she needed the bathroom. Archie didn't know how to help her, here, but... He knew that she couldn't be denied the right to go, she just needed to figure out where. Maybe in a bush somewhere, as they walked? He didn't know. It wasn't quite as simple for her as it was for him.

"You're gonna have to wait..." He mumbled to her, and she sighed, rolled her eyes, and then nodded her head before looking over at everyone else, smiling slightly.

"Um... We've decided we're going to come with you, as long as you'll have us. We're ready to head out now..." She smiled, and then glanced at Archie, reaching out and poking him slightly, prompting him to say something.


But he did offer a forced smile, though he didn't look brilliantly happy.

Well, that was settled.

( @ThatOneCrazyPerson @Shimakage Thunder )

(Sorry about the massive wait, but, you know. College.)

While Mitchell tore up the dresser drawer, Jess was contemplating about getting Jack's axe while she sorted and shuffled the food cans. Mitchell finished tearing up the drawer and said "Anyone got a lighter or something?" Jess snickered softly, although a bit disrespectfully towards Mitchell. She then collected herself and spoke kind of seriously. "Jack had an axe. Striking that against the bin might be able to create a fire." Jess signaled something with her hand and walked out.

The girl had went down into the basement and picked up Jack's axe. Taking one last look at the basement, she saw the room looked oddly hazy in purple and...green? Figuring it was the heresy of the air and water colliding, Jess shook off the feeling and returned to the main room.

Jess laid the axe down inside the bin and went back out. This time, she went up the stairs and into the room on the left. The door was smashed slightly, and she remembered the most dangerous encounter she ever had with an infected. Inside the room, there was (other than blood) a small briefcase. Jess opened the case and found a leaky bottle of a slippery fluid and a book.
'An Overview Guide to Fire Tricks. Sounds interesting.' She rummaged through the briefcase further and found only a weird looking stick with a cup at the end. The book was in pristine condition, and it had tricks with fire. Perfect! Grabbing the briefcase and holding the leaky bottle under her elbow, she ran back down to the basement.

"Mitchell, I think I know how we're going to start our fire, and all the fires from now on." Jess flashed 'An Overview Guide to Fire Tricks' to Mitchell, then immediately dropped down to the floor and started reading. The book, however, was a huge disappointment, as it referred to fire PERFORMING tricks. Damn! Jess didn't put down the book, however, and started reading about the fuel.

After reading about the fuel, she concluded that it somehow needed to be dispersed to cause a fire. Long story short, someone had to spit the stuff into a flame to light a fire.
"Well, that was kind of a bust. Anyone else willing to teach themselves how to breathe fire before going to sleep just so we are warm, because I think this stuff shouldn't be done without our current sleepiness." Jess kind of laughed, but figured that this would actually be useful if they ever came across one of those things Jack talked about. Bloaters, was it? Jess put the performance fluid and book back in the briefcase and started working on the fire with the axe.


@The Jest

Vivian was happy that Ivy was going to join them. However, she was still a little skeptical about Archie, the way that he berated her the other night, just made her not want to trust him. However, she was thankful that she didn't go on a hormonal rage on him. That could have gotten ugly really fast. It would seem that everyone was good to go. "Well, I don't think its a good idea for me to be on the Front Lines. Wonder where we'll go. Maybe find other survivors?" She said, thinking out loud.

If anything, she was really hoping that her Siblings were all still alive.

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @DrTrollinski @Jupiter

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