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Realistic or Modern Never Go Back [Zombie RP - Currently Not Accepting Any More Characters]

Group 1


Mitchell was basically packed all the way. Everything that his life was reduced down to fit inside his bag. He listened while he worked at their ideas of where to go next. Reid has suggested at least giving the base a try for supplies. Mitchell couldn't argue there. In that case they would only have to secure a small space for a short time before leaving again. No reason to feel scared about that idea.

Just as soon as Mitchell tossed his bag over his shoulder again, there was a loud metal-on-metal screech from bellow them. He felt the ground shift a little and his heart started to pound and his nerves all ignited at once.

" What the hell.." Mitchell spoke loudly.

"Oh yeah, forgot to mention, the basement is somehow infected." Seriously? FORGOT? That's not something that you just FORGET these days. It'[s not as harmless as leaving the stove on! But, the girl and his had been arguing for a part of the morning, maybe that's what made her forget? Shaking it off he was about to jump on Jess again but Reid got to it before he could. Reid started to give the girl a piece of his mind, pulling her from the door way and then lowering his voice after Jess gave the order.

" You guy's, if there are infected down there, we should try to find another way out.." Mitchell spoke low and quickly, pulling out his gun and checking to see how many rounds were left in the clip. 6. He had another clip so no worries if things got out of control. Mitchell strutted to the window and tried to look around below. There was a small part of the roof they could crawl out onto, and a climbing rose vine trellis they could climb down to get off the roof. It seemed risky but, it was better than running back through the house with the clickers.

" We can climb out the window" Mitchell looked over to the group panic starting to set in as he heard the clicks and whines of the infected below. The only problem that he saw with the plan, was that climbing out the window put them into the back yard. They would have to sneak to the front in order to climb into the truck and go.

Group 3


Yvette smiled big at the girl who was ready to go back for the mysterious group. It was seriously brave of her, and Yvette may not have been so keen on going if it wasn't for the girls insistence.

" Right-o" Yvette remarked, then grabbed her machete and backpack, which really had nothing in it worth taking with them.

" Do you remember exactly where they were headed?" She spoke, walking to the door, grabbing the handle and pulled it open, popped her head out and looked around. She would probably want to take the same route back to the hotel as she did when saving Sam. The girl pointed left indicating Sam to go that way while Yvette shut the door back as slowly as she could without causing too much noise. In the city, there was triple the amount of infected and any kind of noise echoed between the disheveled buildings.

" We stick to the alley ways and fire escapes. It's the safest and most direct way.." Yvette added in a hushed tone. Yvette was nervous, she had never tried a rescue mission before today and she was on her second one already.

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @The Jest

After spending some time looking into the Broken-Down Truck that she had been working on for the past month or so, which has been rather difficult due to her protruding belly, Victoria decided to go ahead and take a quick shower and finding a new dress to wear before reluctantly deciding to venture outside. Before leaving the safety of her barricaded Auto Shop, Victoria grabbed a Socket Wrench to help her fight against those things that were outside. She didn't have a gun, but she did have a slingshot, but didn't want to carry too much baggage. While walking outside, she stuck to the alleyways and shadows, but it was difficult because of her weight, but being in the open, especially with those things around, it was just too dangerous for a pregnant woman. She started wondering about how her Older Sister, Vivian was faring, if she was even still alive. Both of them were pregnant, a month a part, so Vivian was due a month before she was, still...

Suddenly, Victoria felt a sharp pain in her belly, so she decided to go ahead and stop in an alleyway, behind a dumpster, due to hearing the infected nearby.
Jess had almost opened her mouth in excitement when she was about to bust some heads when an arm yanked her, accompanied by a teen's voice. "Jess!" "You need to get away from the door. I don't want you to get hurt, and besides, if they see you, we're fucked. Get back in here and we'll come up with a plan. All of us." Jess rolled her eyes. "Ugh. That's no fun, but fine." Jess had completely turned around away from the door, and pretended to sort of nudge Reid and the little kids back without physically touching them, kind of like an authority forcefield. It was then when Mitchell said something of interest. (Mitchell? Interest? What's next, Jackson's gonna have feelings for someone?) "You guy's, if there are infected down there, we should try to find another way out.." Mitchell spoke softly, but didn't quite whisper. All the better for the group to listen. Jess nodded and looked down at Mitchell's hands, both of which were fiddling with a gun and clip, respectively.

Jess looked around a bit and smiled to the big glass window surrounded by the brown frame, right as Mitchell spoke.
"We can climb out the window." Jess quickly noted that the truck was out in the front, and if infected had gotten through the door then there might've been more outside. However, at least checking outside would be a nice idea. "Good idea, actually. I'm gonna check out front." The girl, without as much haste as she usually does things, opened the window and casually tore out the frame, keeping it in hand. There was about a 10 foot drop, but by leaning across she could see about five feet past the side wall. It was all clear, as far as she could see. Taking her head out of the window, Jess looked at the others. "Clear, as far as I can see. Not sure about the other side." She knew there was only five or so feet of true vision, but she was also sure that the clickers could be taken out. Jess then looked up at the roof. Since the second floor was considerably smaller than the first one, there was the intermediate roof. "Or, we can tie those blankets together into a ladder or rope to sneak over the roof." Jess looked out again, then started on some blankets, still listening for any other input.

(((Sorry for not posting earlier. Life n stuff. Anyways, I'm back!))

(( Edit: made to satisfy the window on the second floor, not first like I thought.))@ThatOneCrazyPerson
@PopcornandCaramel @The Jest
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After a few minutes of resting, Victoria finally stood back up, ready to move on. She picked up her Socket Wrench and finally exited the alley, but at the end where she could hear less infected. She wanted to avoid them because she couldn't run in her condition. After half an hour of walking, or in her case, waddling, Victoria ended up seeing a Bakery. She was a little skeptical about entering, but she was a little low on food, surely there was something there that she could munch on. Perhaps she should have brought a rucksack and some snacks. After all, she was eating for two, not for herself. Not wanting to take any risks or waste any time, Victoria ended up entering through the front door.
Group One - Inside B&B, Master Bedroom

"You guys," Mitchell said suddenly, keeping his voice low, "if there are Infected down there, we should try to find another way out..." Apparently, he hadn't kept his voice low enough, for Allie gasped and turned her eyes to Reid, who in turn debated whether avoiding or meeting them. Meanwhile, Mitchell had drawn his gun and had moved to the window, examining their next-best possible escape route. "We can climb out the window," he confirmed, but before another word was spoken, Jess-- surprise,surprise --was already out the window and who-knows-where.

"Good idea, actually," she had said. "I'm gonna check out front." And like that, before anyone could stop her... poof! Gone. Reid sighed in mild irritation. Hadn't he literally just explained why she shouldn't go off on her own doing random stupid and dangerous things? She was back in a flash, bearing actually quite astounding news. "Clear, as far as I can see," she shrugged, hoisting herself through the open window. "Not sure about the other side." She paused, staring outside once again, apparently trying to think of other options. "Or, we can tie those blankets together into a ladder or rope to sneak over the roof."

Nobody responded, but Jess had already gone hard to work on those blankets of hers. Reid ran a hand down his face, resisting the urge to scream into a pillow. Instead, he turned to Mitchell, Luke, and Jackson, planning on actually... well, planning with them. He moved across the room, back to his siblings, who both curled around him like baby birds beneath their mother's wings.

"So..." the eldest brother said softly. "What's the plan?" He didn't particularly like the idea of climbing out the window-- not because of him, but for Allie and Weston. The latter he supposed he could carry, or at the worst have someone more able-bodied carry him, but Allie... she was going to be a different story. She was bigger, and she would have to climb down on her own. Reid knew she was capable, but he doubted she did.

Then again, going through an Infected-ridden bed-and-breakfast wasn't exactly his first choice either. Either way, somebody was going to get freaked.

(( @Shimakage Thunder umm... first of all, I doubt Victoria could be running around so easily at 8 months pregnant... especially in that dress...! A long, flowy dress when she's crouching around and could easily trip...? Idk sorry if this seems rude but I just can't really see how that works.. =/ Also Yvette and Sam just left the bakery, so no one should be in there. If you're looking for interaction, I think @DrTrollinski is in need of somebody ^^ ))
Group Two

As they got outside the cabin I guess you could say that things weren’t too dire, but at the same time, they were out in the big open world and waiting to see if they’d get torn to shreds or not before they even reached their destination. The only concern that Adam had was the pregnant woman that was in this little dysfunctional group. He wasn’t going to mention it, though, because he didn’t want to cause any upset at all. Nope. Just plain old Adam. Stay calm, be the peaceful guy, don’t rock the boat, all that usual stuff. Either way, he wasn’t sure what was going to happen on the road to the city, but he had a feeling that things weren’t going to go perfectly.

The most perfect thing to happen to him so far was finding that dusty cabin. If that was the best they could get, what sort of low expectations do you think he had now? North was the best option, yes, but they couldn’t risk trekking through the forests for weeks on end. They’d get too cold, they’d have no shelter, and they’d be easy prey for any vicious animals that were lurking in every corner, and generally, they’d be too exposed. A man with a hunting rifle could make quick work of all of them from five-hundred yards away and they’d be able to do nothing about it other than hide and wait for him to get closer – But they’d lose at least one person, and none of them wanted that.

So, how long are we gonna’ be walking?” Chris asked as he walked in the center, behind Adam and all that.

I don’t know. We’re going to need to stop for the night, I reckon.” He said. “There’s no way we’ll all hold out until we get there, not in one burst. We’ll take stops when we get the chance. I doubt we’ll stumble across any other cabins, but you know, we’ll be able to set up shop somewhere hidden, in the foliage and the trees. “We just need to do that, light a fire at night, keep an eye out… We can take turns on watches, and we should be fine. It’s just going to be a bit of a tough couple of days, I imagine.” He said, simply, but then looked over at Carrie for a few moments before glancing back to the dirt path ahead of him.

Carrie… You were in the military and all, just to make conversation, I’m gonna’ assume you’ve been in some sort of rough environment before. If you don’t like talking about it, fair enough, but were you ever out in any woodland or some sorta’ unknown place like this?” He asked. “When I worked with the police, I only ever went out to places like this a few times, but every time they felt the same. I remember this one time we went out there, we were all shitting ourselves because we were after this murderer that was on the run. Christ, I tell you, we had to come in here at night with the police dogs – Not this exact forest, but you get the idea.” He shrugged. “It was winter, some of us ended up standing in two feet of ice cold water, and all of us were terrified that this crazy guy was gonna’ jump out at us and hack us down.” He said.

We never found the guy – The dogs lost his tracks when he crossed a body of water. We don’t know if he ever got out of there alive, but we never heard from him since then. Pretty freaky shit.” He shrugged once, then scanned around. “You ever been in even a remotely similar situation?” He asked. “I imagine your work got a little more serious than chasing a murderer through the woods, you know?” He chuckled softly.

(@ThatOneCrazyPerson, @Shimakage Thunder)
"Good idea, actually, I'm gonna check out front." Jess interjected and before any thought could be had, she went ahead and shoved her body out of the window to check the immediate surroundings. " Clear, as far as I can see,Not sure about the other side." The girl shrugged her shoulders and stared intently at the group. Before turning back to the window, apparently in thought. "Or, we can tie those blankets together into a ladder or rope to sneak over the roof."

"So...What's the plan?" Reid, irritated looked at Mitchell and the two other males. Mitchell had been getting ready to jump out the window Mission Impossible style, but when Reid had interrupted his thought process he was hit with the reality of the situation. The two smaller kids wouldn't be able to do some slow motion back flip out of the window, or crouching tiger hidden dragon float to the ground. This was going to be a tab bit harder on the group than Mitchell initially thought.

" Well, there's the trellis near the window we can climb down one by one..The only problem I see with that is it not being able to support us older people." Mitchell then looked at Jess and back to Reid. " Like Jess said, we could tie some sheets together and climb out of here?" There really wasn't any time to think about what they were going to do, the infected were drawing closer to them and it would only be a matter of minutes before they were going to be bombarded with stinking flesh and clenching teeth again, and with that the clickers alien movements and distraught howls seemed to be right outside the door.

" We have to move!" Mitchell rushed to the open window and poked his head out looking at the dilapidated trellis below again, it would have to do, there wasn't time to figure something else out. Mitchell reached his hand out to the closet person, who was Jess, to offer help out of the window, a look of desperation plastered on his face.

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @The Jest

"We're fine at the back." Archie mumbled, getting up and helping Ivy with all the bags so that they had everything they had originally and nothing extra seen as they didn't have anything to find in this cabin. They were both ready to leave, so, with that, they followed the group out of the door with Ivy by his side. Well. He would have done, actually, but before he did he panicked. "I just want to check upstairs for something, I won't be long, guys, I promise."

And with that, Archie disappeared up the stairs.

Ivy went out with the rest of the group. She wasn't sure what her brother had gone upstairs for, but, eventually he returned to them, a pile of blankets in his arms. "Woah! Archie!" She grinned. "How did you know to look for those?"

"I didn't. I hadn't checked upstairs and I always need to check places. You never know what you might find. We'll probably need them." He mumbled, before handing one to everyone. He stuffed his own blanket in his backpack, and helped Ivy put hers away, too. There was enough to go around, of course. He was rather proud of himself for finding them, but, you know. He didn't expect congratulations or anything.

And so, he fell into the back of the group, walking with his baseball bat in his hand, Ivy had her knife.

They didn't expect anything to happen to them today, but, they had learnt that they should never trust their gut instinct with that kind of thing. Anything could happen in this new, dead world.

Archie seemed a little bit more bright and cheerful since finding the blankets to help them out, though, so that was a plus.

(REGULAR POSTS FROM NOW ON. EEP. @ThatOneCrazyPerson @Shimakage Thunder )
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Jess had tied two sheets together with enough knots to fill up a pretzel hut. She gave it a good hard tug, but the sheets ripped straight down the middle. "Well, there's the trellis near the window we can climb down one by one..The only problem I see with that is it not being able to support us older people." Jess had perked up at this, realizing she herself could skid down the wall and reach the bottom and hold the trellis in place so the larger people like Mitchell and Jackson could easily get down. However, there were also the kids. "Like Jess said, we could tie some sheets together and climb out of here?" Jess was about to say something when she heard a banging at the door, at which she instantly looked over to the window.

"We have to move!" Mitchell had exclaimed and held out his hand. Jess wondered what the hell he meant, but he looked really desperate. She took his hand and (a bit hastily) stepped out of the window and jumped onto the rose vine trellis, grabbing onto it as it flexed backwards a bit. The vines were rather slippery and the trellis shook a bit, but Jess managed to regain her balance as well as reposition herself so that she could see through the window. "I know how we can get everyone down!" Jess slid down to the bottom of the trellis by the vines and took out her axe. "We can cut this down and move it to the window and use it like a ladder."

As confident as Jess seemed, she quickly realized she needed Mitchell or someone else who was stronger to help her move the entire trellis to the window. She just looked up at the window and held the trellis with both hands so that Mitchell (or someone else who had done so as well) could easily grab onto it and scale down to where she was. One problem Jess saw was that she was light on her feet, partially due to not being that much taller than Reid -- not exactly a problem for her, but she wouldn't know if someone else jumping onto (worst case INTO) the trellis would break it. She held tighter onto the wooden post and looked up at the window.
"Mitchell, I'm holding this in place! Hurry!"


((Shh ------------------- ^^^ I can do whatever I want))
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Group Two - Middle of Nowhere, Heading East

Carrie began to drone out Adam and Chris' conversation as it dragged on. Something about rest stops and taking watch... nothing she didn't already know or couldn't already figure out. She did perk up, though, when she heard her name. “Carrie…" Adam said, turning to her. She whipped her head over to look at him, raising an eyebrow. "You were in the military and all... just to make conversation, I’m gonna assume you’ve been in some sort of rough environment before." She nodded, eyes narrowing, waiting for the punch line. "If you don’t like talking about it, fair enough, but... were you ever out in any woodland or some sorta unknown place like this?

She gave him an unimpressed look. "Duh. War vet." She sighed, and when she didn't continue, Adam took it as his cue.

When I worked with the police, I only ever went out to places like this a few times... but every time, they felt the same. I remember this one time we went out there... we were all shitting ourselves because we were after this murderer that was on the run." Carrie smirked. 'Imagine having more than four hundred of 'em after you...' she thought to herself, but she kept her mouth shut. "Christ, I tell you," Adam went on, "we had to come in here at night with the police dogs-- not this exact forest, but you get the idea. It was winter... some of us ended up standing in two feet of ice cold water, and all of us were terrified that this crazy guy was gonna jump out at us and hack us down." He shrugged, and Carrie gave him an amused look.

We never found the guy-- the dogs lost his tracks when he crossed a body of water. We don’t know if he ever got out of there alive, but we never heard from him since then." He paused, shrugging again. "Pretty freaky shit.” Carrie rolled her eyes at the next question. “You ever been in even a remotely similar situation?” he asked. “...I imagine your work got a little more serious than chasing a murderer through the woods, you know?

"Yeah, just a bit," the woman said sarcastically, then felt her throat tighten and her voice lower as she went on. "...0200 hours and all you can see is black... can't feel a damn bone in your body; it's so cold... moving around out in the grass, praying to whoever the hell listens that you won't make a sound... just watching-- waiting --for one of those crazy bastards to pop up, so you can gank 'em in the throat first." It wasn't too alarming to find that the exact same sentences could describe life nowadays. Only difference was the crazy bastards were already dead.

(( @Shimakage Thunder ))

Group One - Inside B&B, Master Bedroom

"Well, there's the trellis near the window we can climb down one by one..." Mitchell suggested. "The only problem I see with that is it not being able to support us older people." The medic glanced at Jess, then Reid. "Like Jess said-- we could tie some sheets together and climb out of here...?" Reid was about to agree, when suddenly the Infected sounded a hell of a lot closer to the door then they did a few seconds ago. "We have to move!" Mitchell cried, already at the window and holding his hand out to Jess.

She swooped out like freaking Batman, clambering onto the trellis, before peering back through the open window. "I know how we can get everyone down!" she cried, before sliding and disappearing down to the ground. Her voice permeated the air from below and through the wall. "We can cut this down and move it to the window and use it like a ladder." Reid had no idea what 'this' was, but he assumed it was the trellis. "Mitchell, I'm holding this in place! Hurry!" Jess called again.

Reid gave Mitchell an incredulous look. Seriously? This did not seem like the safest plan, nor the smartest. Sure, they were kind of limited at the moment, but... what had he just said to her about not doing things by herself? And what was her deal with always wanting to tell the group what to do?

Reid edged Allie and Weston to the window, placing himself between them and the door in case something should happen. Weston was looking a little confused, but his face showed enough to prove that he knew everyone else was scared and worried. And that was reason enough to be scared and worried too. Allie, meanwhile, was panicking, though it was obvious she was trying to hide it. Reid realized he wasn't doing much different.

(( @The Jest @PopcornandCaramel @JPax42))
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Listening to Carrie and Chris practically bickering while they walked was a bit tiresome. However, she was managing pretty well considering the distance they were walking. The young mother than started holding her back and let out a sigh of pain. The discomfort was evident in her facial expression. "I hate to be pushy, guys, but the next time we find shelter, can we rest?" She asked. "I am not sure how much longer the baby will let me walk."


After spending some more time resting, Victoria started getting a little tired. Grabbing her torque wrench, she decided to go ahead and leave since there was no purpose in staying there. While deciding to take a Short Cut back to her Auto Garage that she was currently holed up in, an Infected old man jumped out from behind the dumpster and wrestled the pregnant woman to the ground, even knocking her Torque Wrench out of her hand. She didn't exactly have time to grab it because she was busy keeping the old man at bay, from biting her and keeping the infected blood from getting into her eyes or her mouth. ((SOMEONE SAVE HER!!!!))
As they were walking along, I think by now Adam had gotten used to people being sarcastic. He was a hardened cop and a dedicated father – He’d had people be sarcastic to him his whole life, really, but that didn’t mean he appreciated it, especially not from Carrie when he was trying to just be friendly – He got the point that people were harder to trust nowadays, but hadn’t Adam proved that he was someone to trust? He hadn’t shot her, he hadn’t had her ambushed by a secret group, and he’d even fallen asleep and trusted her not to kill him. Wasn’t that enough to earn at least a little bit of respect?

He figured that it wasn’t really worth trying to argue with her about it, but, believe it or not, he wasn’t going to have to. It was actually going to be someone quite unlikely and quiet that called her out.


You shouldn’t be so rude, you know.” Chris said, looking down at the floor.

"Chris--" Adam started, but he was quickly interrupted again.

"My dad's only trying to be nice." He mumbled, simply. "But you're just being rude." He added on, finally, and then he fell to silence and didn't say another word. And that was sort of when the awkward silence hit, because... I mean, Chris was stood right there, and Adam couldn't exactly apologize for Chris' behavior. Not only that, but deep down, he did agree with what the usually-quiet fourteen-year-old son of his had to say.

Kids sometimes do that, they say things so bluntly that it sends a message, at least. The social constructs don't limit them, and in Chris' situation, a young teen having to be faced with the end of the world? Not a fun time, I tell you that much, so I suppose a part of him had earned the right to use a little bit of attitude here and there. And the hormones, of course, let's not forget that.

Adam was just hoping that someone would be backing him up, but it was sort of hard to tell, really. What else could be done here?

Well, at least Vivian spoke.

"Yes, we can stop." Adam said, as calmly as he could. He wasn't so much embarrassed - It was more... Well, I don't know. He couldn't describe it right now. He hoped that they wouldn't have to stop continuously. "Like I said, there's not going to be many buildings or shelters for a while - Worst case scenario, we set up shop in the forest, sit there under cover for a while before making a move." He explained.

(@Shimakage Thunder, @ThatOneCrazyPerson)


Marco was still wandering through the streets when he heard ruckus. He heard the groaning and screaming of one of the infected, and that didn't sound normal. It sounded like it had been made aggressive by something - or someone - and now he was curious to what it was. He needed to know exactly what it was that was making things difficult for this thing, because he knew that if he didn't check out any possible danger, it'd all swing round and, literally, bite him on the ass when he wasn't looking. He had to check it out, even if it was only a peek. He wanted to go and get some blankets for the boys, and that was all for now. He didn't want to see how things were going with something or someone else, because for all he knew, the infected had only cornered a cat that was tucked away under a box or something.

But still, he had to cut his journey short and pull out his bayonet to head over there. He gave Stephen his gun, remember? He didn't have bullets, but he didn't need them, not one bit. He held the knife with the blade down, ready at any moment to send it forward and stab whatever got in his way, or whatever needed to be put down. Whatever asked for it, I suppose. When Marco did indeed get close to what he'd heard, he saw something that he wasn't expecting to see at all, really. He saw a woman, one that was struggling under the weight of the old man that was trying to eat her face.

He was going to keep walking, if I'm honest with you. He wanted to keep on going while he had the chance, he wanted to run off and leave her to her fate - If she died, it would have bought him some time. More of them would have been lured to her body, and more of them would have feasted and given Marco to grab some extra supplies, but there was something about this that enraged him. And you know what that was? The baby. The fact that she was pregnant changed his morals. A lot.

Being around two kids, one of which was young and the other being even younger, made him softer at heart. He had a soft spot for them, a hardly-soft-spot for Stephen, and this woman? Well, no soft spot, but the infected had hit a nerve.

So he stormed up, blade at the ready, and immediately sunk it into the man's back before grabbing him by the hair and pulling him back. First, the knife went across his throat, the blood spraying literally everywhere right after, and then, the knife went to his chest, and finally, the knife was removed again and sent straight into the back of his head, into the soft area between the skull and neck.

He watched it dropped and sucked in a deep breath, several, in fact, and just stared at the body for a moment. He brushed his hair back with a slightly shaky hand and then looked down at the woman as he tucked his knife away.

"You okay?" He grumbled.

Seriously, after that, he was not in the fucking mood to get shot at, or attacked, or anything like that. He was on the verge of an explosion right now.
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Archie kept his head down while everyone spoke. He didn't care for the topic of conversation nor was anything directed at him, so he wasn't going to get involved. Ivy was doing her normal thing after being woken up, she was being quiet, so for that Archie was at least a little bit grateful. He didn't feel like talking, especially not after being forced to choose to stay with the group so that he could be with his sister. He didn't appreciate that, but he couldn't lose his sister, god, no, he could never lose Ivy. He'd be lost without her. She was the only person in this world now that he could trust, completely and wholly.

Well, the nice morning conversation wasn't as nice as it could have been, what with Carrie consistently being sarcastic, and when Chris finally spoke out about it... Well, Archie did something he probably shouldn't have done.

"He's right. You're being sarcastic. I get that you're probably not the happiest person right now, Carrie, but cut the crap, alright?" He groaned. "If I can hold the sarcasm, then you can hold it too. Especially towards him." He pointed towards Adam. He was just... Trying to make Ivy happy. Contribute, and all. She wasn't happy, though.

"Archie. Shut up. Stay out of it." She sighed.

"But Ivy, he does have a point."

"I don't care if he's got an Eiffel Tower, Archie, I don't want conflict from you. I don't want any conflict at all, to be honest, so... Carrie, I'm gonna say this nicer than my dick of a brother but... It would be nice if you were a little less sarcastic." She sighed. "There."

Archie sighed and just continued to walk along, but when Vivian spoke...

"Vivian. I hope you ain't gonna be like this every five minutes. I get that you're pregnant and all, but we literally just left the place." He groaned.

"You're so antisocial, have some respect, Archie." Ivy hit his arm, not playfully, either.

"But there isn't any shelter, Vivian. We probably won't find it for ages! Just-"

"Archie. That's enough. I'm sick of you picking fights. I get it. You're angry I made you choose, but shut up and understand that the end of the world is only one event that's happening in life. Vivian is pregnant. Have you ever had to carry around another human being for nine months? It's tiring as shit, Archie." Her eyes were narrow.

"Oh, and you'd know why?"

"Oh, come on."

"No, seriously, how do you know it's so tiring?"




Archie looked at Vivian and sighed, before looking back at Ivy, his eyes sort of saying 'do I have to', but his mouth shut. Ivy nodded her head and narrowed her eyes, and so Archie turned and looked at Vivian again. "Sorry. I'll keep my mouth shut next time."

"You could have been nicer about it."

Right when she was about to accept that she was going to die, a shadowy figure came up from behind the infected old man with a knife and stabbed him from behind and then dragged off of her before seeing a violent death. Frightened, she just held onto her belly as she grabbed her Socket Wrench. "Yeah...I'm fine...Thanks. I thought me and my baby were goners. Never thought someone would go out of their way to save me...So for that, I thank you." She smiled at the young man with the knife in his hands. "I know you probably have to be somewhere, but I do need help with something..." She said, looking towards the direction of where her Auto Shop was. "Do you think you could help me?"

Group Two - Middle of Nowhere, Heading East

You shouldn’t be so rude, you know," said a voice from behind. Carrie turned her head slightly and gave a sidelong glance to its young bearer, whose eyes were turned downward. "Chris..." Adam started, but apparently the boy wasn't finished. "My dad's only trying to be nice, but you're just being rude," he added. Carrie almost laughed. Adam didn't say anything more, and it was obvious he wasn't about to reprimand his son. Not that Carrie cared much.

"He's right," said another voice, Archie's by the sound. "You're being sarcastic. I get that you're probably not the happiest person right now, Carrie, but cut the crap, alright? If I can hold the sarcasm, then you can hold it too. Especially towards him." The teen jabbed a finger at Adam, and Carrie rolled her eyes.

"Archie. Shut up. Stay out of it," Ivy said, shortly after Archie.

"But Ivy, he does have a point," Archie insisted.

Ivy, meanwhile, wasn't about to back down. "I don't care if he's got an Eiffel Tower, Archie, I don't want conflict from you. I don't want any conflict at all, to be honest, so..." She took a deep breath, then sighed. "Carrie, I'm gonna say this nicer than my dick of a brother but... It would be nice if you were a little less sarcastic. There."

Carrie wanted to just let it go and have everyone shut up, but her big mouth wasn't one for that. "Yeah, sorry about that," she said, feigning an apologetic look. "I'd love to just go back to be the carefree, sensitive person I was back in highschool, but seeing all your friends' bodies piled up like garbage around you while you just gotta tell yourself to keep on-- it does things to you. Watching the most important person in your life turn into an undead freak while you can't do shit about it-- it does things to you too. And I hate to be the one to keep saying it only gets worse from here, honestly, but... life's a bitch, and it doesn't make you any nicer." She hadn't meant to go into such a rant (well, what she considered a rant... must've seemed like small talk to Adam), nor had she meant to say anything about... her sister. It just sort of happened, and she kind of mentally cringed at herself. When had she gotten so... dramatic...?

She hadn't really even become aware of how sarcastic she really was. She guessed it was kind of a reflex... a wall she put up to deal with the crap of the world. She used to know when to cut it out, but... she wondered if when she came home, and didn't have the overlooming threat of her commander over her head, if she'd lost her mental restraint. It was possible. Her snarky and pessimistic attitude had seemingly gone from being an attitude to a full on personality trait. How far the mighty had fallen.

"...I hate to be pushy, guys," Vivian sighed suddenly, interrupting the conversation, "but the next time we find shelter, can we rest? I'm not sure how much longer the baby will let me walk."

"Yes, we can stop," Adam nodded, before Carrie could respond. "Like I said, there's not going to be many buildings or shelters for a while... Worst case scenario, we set up shop in the forest, sit there under cover for a while before making a move." Carrie didn't say anything. She was done talking. For now, anyway. She decided if she couldn't find a time to stop being sarcastic, at least she could find a time to stop talking.

"Vivian. I hope you ain't gonna be like this every five minutes," Archie grumbled. "I get that you're pregnant and all, but we literally just left the place." Apparently he was in the mood for picking fights today. Ivy, in routine, scolded him. The two started chatting about the hassles of being pregnant an why it wasn't as easy as all that, and Archie 'apologized'. It wasn't very sincere, but... Carrie supposed it was good enough for the both of them.

(( @Shimakage Thunder ))
Group 1


Mitchell met with Reid's gaze and his look of annoyance although he was thankful that Jess made it out of the window, but what came next made the situation far more stressful. The clickers were running through the house screaming their blind bodies banging and booming through the house and up the stairs. They rounded the corner drawn to the room like flies on shit by the sound of the groups talking and scrambling to escape.

"I know how we can get everyone down!" Jess called out from the ground level. "We can cut this down and move it to the window and use it like a ladder." She said excitedly. Mitchell looked down at her, poised and ready to take down the trellis with her axe.

" Jess, we don't have time! We have to move it!" Mitchell turned his attention back to the Field children and older brother. He held his hand out for the next one to grab hold of, so he can help them out of the window. He wanted to make sure at least the children got out before he did, just to be on the safe side.

Group 3


Yvette already had the way mapped out to the hotel in her head, she just had to make sure she lead Sam the right way and kept them both out of danger. Hopefully the miniature hoard that she had lead away from Sam earlier was still where she left them on the opposite side of the hotel. Yvette had lead Sam down the long and narrow alley way, it would have lead the two to the end of the block where the bakery was located, then she made a right turn onto the bare and unusually quiet streets again, before quickly ducking into the alley across from them. It was basically a direct route to the hotel, they would be able to save Sam's friends and all make their merry way back to the bakery for some afternoon tea. Well, assuming that the two girls made it on time and that they would be able to find some tea along the way. Fat chance, but Yvette was hopeful.

Yvette didn't really speak at all in the time they used for walking. She wasn't really thinking about anything either, just sort of going through the motions of getting to the hotel. Her body running off of muscle memory and heart-pounding fear. She hated walking around the city, especially if she didn't know what was lurking around the next corner, or dead-end.

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @JPax42 @The Jest @DrTrollinski

Jess was about ready to put the trellis down but Mitchell refused to get out first. "Jess, we don't have time! We have to move it!" She turned her gaze to the window and saw him helping out the children and Reid. Ok, change of plan.

Jess took a step back and locked her axe between the trellis and the ground.
"Ready when you are!" Jess was referring to the kids, as she was definitely ready to help them down. Looking through the window from a distance, she could see that there was definitely some sort of disturbance upstairs. She looked around for a second and looked back up at the window impatiently. 'Hurry...'

((@The ThatOnePaxandCaramel <-- Just kidding.))

@PopcornandCaramel @The Jest))
Group Two - The Middle of Nowhere

Chris still wasn't having any of it.

"Yeah, well, having to choose one parent over the other in a courtroom with a hundred people in it does things to you, too, but it didn't stop me from being nice to people." He mumbled, and that was pretty much the last he had to say about the argument. Now, Chris may not have thought much of it - Sure, he'd revealed a big secret there, one that Adam hadn't dared to tell any of them, one that he'd hoped Chris had at least gotten over. He didn't know what to think anymore, though. What could anyone say to what was just said that would make things better, hm? What was there that... I don't know. Adam didn't even know what to say to it.

In fact, Adam was almost in tears. Almost. He felt his heart clench, and his eyes softened just a little bit. His silence proved that what Chris had said was indeed true, and that was the most horrible part. He couldn't deny it, because he knew that no matter what he said would never make anyone think any differently. He could cry and beg them to forget it, to brush it off as Chris just being childish, but... No kid makes something up like that with the intent of winning a stupid argument that was the least of their worries. Adam just gulped, quite loudly, as well. He kept up the pace, but now he was going slightly faster than he was before. Only ever so slightly. It was hard to notice. He just wanted to get away from it for a minute.

"Bad things have happened to all of us." Chris said, looking down at the floor as he walked. "At my school, I had to watch all my friends that I've known since I was five years old die right in front of me, or at least around me." He bit his lip a little bit. "I had to hide in a restroom and call my dad, all while worrying if I was going to get torn to pieces or not." He added. "Then there were sometimes days on end when we didn't eat, sometimes days where we had to drink rainwater to... To stay alive, and--.. We had to watch people get killed by those things... And... We had to watch people get killed by people, all while we hid away in a bush hoping they didn't see us." He said, his voice coming close to a whisper towards the end of it.

He was trying not to let any emotion show - It was clear, anything that Adam held back on saying, Chris was saying instead.

"We all had bad things happen, things we won't forget, so, we're all sorta' alike here." He said, shrugging once. "So we should try and get along. Even if it's only a little bit. Life won't be the same, but... If we can be at least... Decent to each other, won't that make life a little better?" He asked, finally looking up to look over everyone for a few seconds, but then looked back down at the floor.

Adam still hadn't said a word. He'd been silenced by the first thing Chris said, and right now, he was in no mood for talking.

(@ThatOneCrazyPerson, @Shimakage Thunder)


Group Three - Marco and Victoria

He looked at her, his shirt now slightly speckled with blood. He brushed his hair back with his hand, back into the usual style that he kept it in on most days. It wasn't hard to slick back, and that was the best option he had when it came to hair growth. If he couldn't get it cut, then what would he do? He'd either tie it back (he didn't have to do that yet, thankfully), or he'd slick it back. It really did vary, to be more than honest with you. Either way, he kept on looking at her for 20 seconds after she'd finished speaking, a sense of psychopathy in his eyes. He was a little crazy, without a doubt, but he didn't just risk his life saving her if he was planning to kill her anyway, was he?

"I wasn't going to let the baby die." But if it were just you, I wouldn't have risked my ass, he thought - What he said to her, though, his voice was stone-cold, but, he'd helped. When the woman started looking around, he took a deep breath, both inhaling and exhaling it through his nose. He needed to get the blankets, and maybe some food, but he could help her out quickly. What sort of danger was a pregnant woman to him? If there were people out there wanting to ambush him, wouldn't they just... You know... Send out someone who wasn't slow, and was actually capable of making a run for it if things went sour?

Depending on how you're trained, you can take down a room of people with just a knife, if you know how to use the shadows and hiding spots to your advantage, and all that. It all varies, really, but for now, I think it's safe to say that Marco was okay with her. Or at least trusted her enough to put a knife in her back.

"Maybe." He said to her question, then scanned around with only his eyes, not even moving his head aside from looking over his shoulder. "I can't go back empty-handed. I've got three boys waiting for me somewhere. I promised to bring back blankets, hopefully food, more water, and at a stretch, maybe some ammunition." He explained. "I can't help you unless you have anything in reward, or, if there's somewhere close by where I can find what I'm looking for. Either one works, so if you have nothing to spare, point me in the right direction." He said.

"First and foremost..." He linked his fingers together and then stretched his arms out, therefore bending his fingers back and causing them all to click. "What is it you need help with?" He asked, quietly.

(@Shimakage Thunder, @PopcornandCaramel, @The Jest, @ThatOneCrazyPerson)
Group One - Inside B&B, Master Bedroom

"Jess, we don't have time!" Mitchell cried, and the Infected were practically banging the door down. "We have to move it!" The man turned to face the Fields, and it barely took two seconds for Reid to realize his plan to get the children out first.

"Ready when you are!" Jess then called from below, after a noise Reid couldn't identify.

"Allie, just go; it's okay," the older brother said urgently, though trying to stay calm. Being panicked would only lead to his siblings being panicked, God forbid. He placed a hand on his sister's back and gently yet firmly ushered her to the window. She whimpered and started to shake, but she didn't try to resist him. Physically, anyway. She shook her head, and he could hear her tearing up.

"N-no! I can't...!" she insisted, though she was already halfway out the window. "Yes, you can; just don't think about it. Everything's gonna be okay, I promise!" His voice hitched at the end, mostly due to is own fear. If they waited any longer, they were all... well...

Allie, meanwhile, was in tears. But they weren't the loud, full-on sobs of a normal little girl. Instead, large round teardrops rolled down her cheeks in streams, and her breathing was shaky. She gripped the trellis and willed herself not to look down. "W-what do I... d-do...?" she managed, though she kind of already had an idea, judging by her slow, hesitant descent to the ground, where Jess was waiting.

"Okay, buddy," Reid said, shifting Weston so that he was on his back, "you gotta hold onto my neck, got it? And hold on tight. Don't let go."

"...'Kay," the toddler nodded, doing exactly that, as well as crossing his legs over his brother's torso.

Reid breathed a sigh of relief as he made for the window himself, keeping one hand on Weston's balled up fists at his throat. "...That's my boy," he said, giving Mitchell a thankful look before climbing out as quickly as he dared. Allie, despite her claims that she didn't know what to do, was already practically at the bottom. Reid followed suit, trying to ignore the grinding, pulling strain on his neck. He hoped he wasn't keeping everyone else up, lest he live with that guilt for God-knows-how-long.

(( @Shimakage Thunder @Shimakage Thunder @Jupiter @DrTrollinski ))

After hearing her savior's mission out, Victoria was indeed impressed by his bravery. Going out alone. Either way, if he didn't tell her, she was probably going to find out about his true agenda sooner or later. "I can promise you that you won't return to your boys empty-handed. I can offer food, water, blankets...Perhaps even a form of Transportation. That is what I need your help with. For the past while I have been trying to fix a Four-Wheel-Drive All-Terrain Jeep. But since I'm pregnant, I've been having some trouble getting into the Engine to fix it up more. I'm almost finished though. I just need to add the finishing touches...And since you have a safe place to go...Provided that you let me come with, I'll let you drive." she offered.

((@DrTrollinski ))
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( hey guys, I'm sorry its taken me so long to get back on. School started finally and I got behind. I will be definitely posting tomorrow. Again sorry. )

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @JPax42
(( @Shimakage Thunder @Jupiter

Hey guys!! Sooo... assuming this is mostly dead (emphasis on mostly), if anyone was interested I have a Futuristic roleplay up: The Fall of the Pheonix: Deep Flame ^^ Sorry to sound self-promoting or anything, but it'd be really great if you joined! Heaven knows I've really appreciated you guys and had fun these past however many months (wow, has it really been more than 3 of them??), so I wanted to ask you guys personally, if you have any interest! It's been super fun and I'd love to roleplay with you guys again!!

Anyway, yeah! Thanks so much for being a part of this; love you all ~( ^ w ^ )~ ))
(It's not dead, and I'll be replying soon enough, I've just been really busy. I don't have time to join any more RP's, so I won't be joining the futuristic one any time soon, I'm afraid :/ )

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