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Realistic or Modern Never Go Back [Zombie RP - Currently Not Accepting Any More Characters]

Jess looked over at Reid. Damn, Jack is an asshole.

She slid to the internal window and faced Reid. "Don't worry about it. Just because you don't get knee deep in infected guts doesn't mean you're useless. You're smart enough to hold a group together."

She leaned back slightly and let out a sigh of relief. Shelter. After four weeks...
Group One - Inside Truck

"Where are we heading?" Jackson grunted to Mitchell, while meanwhile Jess had turned to face Reid.

"Don't worry about it," she said comfortingly, and the boy glanced at her with an unconvinced look. "Just because you don't get knee deep in Infected guts doesn't mean you're useless. You're smart enough to hold a group together."

Reid shrugged, half chuckling and half scoffing. "Thanks," he said quietly, offering a little smile. "Not sure you're right, but... thanks." It was nice of her to say, and it cheered his spirits a little, but underneath he was still hearing a nagging voice telling him that she was only saying that. 'When did I become so self conscious...?' he thought, then sighed. "So..." he began. "Pilot? And you're... sixteen...? Didn't know that was... well, possible." He gave her a sheepish looking grin.

Suddenly, Weston made a little noise that sounded like a squeak, before squirming and turning his head to see Jess. "...Hiiii..." the toddler yawned, waving with his chubby, clenched fist. "...I fell 'sleep..." Reid patted his brother's back softly.

"That's right, buddy," he soothed. "Good morning..." He paused. "...Er... night...?" He shrugged at Jess.

(( @JackMonroe @PopcornandCaramel @The Jest ))
Jess almost laughed when Reid said pilot wasn't possible at 16. "Well, in training, but I did teach myself before my age qualified. It's a long story, but don't worry, I can actually fly a plane."

In a minute, the toddler woke up and mumbled. Jess looked at him with wide eyes. "That's the cutest thing I've ever seen! Hey little guy, what's up?"
Jack's eyes were closed in an uneasy and much needed sleep, realizing the last three days have been without a wink. As he sunk into a state of unconsciousness, his mind began to be plagued by nightmares.

Blood filled his dreams as he stared in the face of a fearful boy, trying to breathe with an axe embedded into his chest. His hand dropped the pistol aimed previously at Jack. As he watched life leave his eyes, his face morphed into the gaunt face of a young girl, her face contorted into a terrible look of loneliness and sorrow, the axe still embedded into her.

"No...Mya, no...I'm so sorry..."

"M-Mya!" Jack looked around, realizing he was talking in his sleep, blood dripping down from his palms. He realized he had dug into the flesh of his fingers as he slept, crossing his arms and watching the roads.
Group 1


It wasn't until the arguing took place did Mitchell realize what was going on. There was a clicker and the group was seriously arguing over who should kill it. Mitchell was about to jump out of the truck and take down the clicker, for the sake of their safety and the arguing when Luke stepped up to the plate and took it down with his arrows. Probably a more reasonable and quieter way of doing things.

" Glad that's over.." Mitchell muttered as the group continued with their arguing, even after everyone had piled into the truck and they were taking off.

"Where are we going?" Jackson intercepted the conversation.

" Right, head down highway 93 for 2 1/2 miles, eventually you'll hit Brushwood drive, make a right there and the bed and breakfast shouldn't be long after that. "

Mitchell sat back in his seat and looked out of the window at his surroundings. It was nice to be able to drive to their location instead of walking, or being outside with the monsters for a change.

''Please God, let this b&b be safe for everyone." Mitchell prayed silently.

Assuming that Jackson was going an appropriate speed of 40mph it only took the group about 4-5 minutes to arrive at the B&B. The area was trashed much like the rest of the world, abandoned cars, bags of debris, a few runners here and there. Mostly safe so far.

The B&B was a pretty clean 2 story cape cod style house; it looked like a typical suburban home. White, with green shutters and a firetruck red door. The garden was starting to die and the bushes started to grow out of their square shape due to no one to maintain them. The sign of the B&B was a small wooden plank, hanging on two thick chains, and painted white and blue. Mostly still intact, a bit weathered and read as follows:

Willow House

Bed and Breakfast


Private Dining.


It had been a while since Mitchell had laid eyes on this house, but it was just like he remembered.

" Probably best if you just park on the street, easy to make a get away if we have to.." Mitchell spoke up looking at the driveway enclosed with a picket fence.

As soon as the truck was parked, Mitchell grabbed his medic bag, slung it over his shoulder and readied his gun. He opened the fence and walked up the driveway, then up the steps of the front porch. He gripped his gun with one hand and used the other to check the handle of the door. He gave it a turn and to his surprise it was locked. If they had left in a hurry why would they lock the door?

He didn't want to make to much noise trying to get into the house, but maybe the back door was unlocked? He left the front door and went around the back of the house, keeping his gun ready in case there was a runner around. Nothing, just a normal back yard. Too quiet. He pulled back the screen door, grabbed the handle and turned. Unlocked. He opened the door slowly peering inside, this room was the kitchen, he stepped inside. The air stale with the smell of wet carpet. The house of course was dark and the only light was that of the sunset through the shear curtains in the kitchen. Mitchell made his way through the kitchen, and into the main living room. Still nothing. The house still looked mostly untouched, almost as if no was here even before the outbreak.

Mitchell took the first left up the stairs creeping down the hallway. There was about 5 bedrooms in this old house and he went for the first one at the right of the hallway. Opening the door with the same amount of caution he stepped into the dusty room giving a quick look over, then he stepped to the bathroom and looked around. This room was clear. Mitchell made his way to the next room repeating his ritual checking. Only this time when he was leaving the bathroom there was the old man of the house standing halfway out of the closet, blood shot eyes staring hungrily. Letting out a spitting groan through clenched teeth the elderly runner rushed Mitchell, catching him off guard and the both of them went to the floor. Mitchell had little time to react to the runner. He grabbed the mans shoulders and wrestled with him and let out a choppy screech, heart beating hard like it was about to jump out of his chest. This was it. This was where Mitchell was going to die. He was whining, eyes wide with fear. This was the closest Mitchell had been to a runner before and it's cold, rotting breath was making his eyes water. Or were the tears from being so scared? The skin underneath the mans shirt was tearing where Mitchell was gripping to keep him off.

( I'll post Sabrina and Yvette tomorrow. )
As they pulled into the B&B, Jess watched silently as Mitchell walked into the B&B, as if he was expecting some kind of sneak attack. She stared in silence and partial agony at the sign, the smell and feel of the building getting to her. Seconds pass...nothing. Silence. Minutes pass...a loud screech, muffled by walls, silently wailed from the interior of the building. Oh shit.

"Hotels don't screech! Let's go!" Jess grabbed her knife and sprinted into the building.

(Left the post open-ended since I'm not sure what @ThatOneCrazyPerson @JackMonroe
@The Jest
Jackson nodded at Mitchell, and followed his directions. "Right, head down highway 93 for 2 1/2 miles, eventually you'll hit Brushwood drive, make a right there and the bed and breakfast shouldn't be long after that."

After some discussion of Jess's piloting capabilities, Luke noticed Jack start saying something in his sleep which caused him to wake up, blood trickling down from his palms. "Nightmares? Yeah, they're pretty common nowadays."

Eventually, they arrived at the Bed and Breakfast and almost immediately, Mitchell got out of the car and walked in, before Luke, Jackson or anyone else could even stop him. Jackson got out of the car, heading in after Mitchell after a minute had passed and he heard nothing. Sure, the house was decently sized, but no one knows what's in there. As he slowly crept up to the house with his gun in hand, he heard screeching come from the building. Everyone's ears shot up, and Jess said "Hotels don't screech! Let's go!" and flew into the building, followed by Luke.

Damnit! Jackson thought, following the sound of the screech, only to see Mitchell on the floor, tackled by a runner. "MITCHELL!" He yelled, running up to it and kicked it off him, causing the runner to fall on its back. Jackson went over to the runner and smashed his foot into its face repeatedly, making sure it's dead. Didn't want to waste a bullet.

He walked over to Mitchell after finishing the deed and held out his hand to help him get up. Luke arrived, "What happened?!"

@JackMonroe @ThatOneCrazyPerson @PopcornandCaramel (I figured I'd save Mitchell since that's sort of how you left it. If you wanted him to die, I guess he could just get infected from the fight :P )
Group Two - Inside the Shack

"Nice to see you too." Adam said to Vivian when she came over. There was no bitterness behind his voice, or anything. It was like... Almost like subtle sarcasm, but it didn't sound sarcastic, if that makes sense.

It would have been nice to not be completely blanked, to be honest, but you know, he felt like he was having that impression. "Anyway... You're right, Carrie. Who gives a shit what happened out there." He shrugged, continuing to stare out of the window. "All that happened was that people died, nothing else to it. They either started off as those things out there, or they died and came straight back." He said, simply, and then shook his head and stared back out of the window. There was nothing for miles. It was by blind luck that he and Chris stumbled across this place in the first place.

It was even more blind luck that the little group containing the teens managed to stumble across here, too.

"We shouldn't all be near the window." He said, simply. "I know I said it's hard to see in, but I'm paranoid." He said. "Probably a trick of the mind, but I don't like being in this place. This is the only shack I've seen in miles, and anyone who comes across here may get the same idea as you guys and try and come in." He said, simply. He took a deep breath and shook his head. "I don't know where the next city is. I've got a roadmap and a compass, I think, but I've completely lost my bearings. Unless we find a main road... We're stuck out here in the fuckin' middle of nowhere." He explained.

He looked up at Vivian and offered a weak smile, but soon after he looked out of the window. "My wife was the same, you know, when she was pregnant with Chris over there." He nodded over to the young teen boy who was now under a blanket and fast asleep on the couch. "Every night... Up and down... Couldn't sleep a wink some nights. Either glasses of water, trips to the bathroom, or..." He chuckled. "Waking me up and forcing me to talk to her for an hour." He smirked, and then set his head down against the dirty pane of the window, his eyes flickering about all over the area outside.

".. There been any word from the military or the government in all of this yet? We've been out of comms for a long time now. Any news at all or are we still on our own?" He asked, his eyes flicking to Carrie for a moment as he spoke.

(@ThatOneCrazyPerson, @Shimakage Thunder, @Jupiter)


Group Three - Inside the Garage

"There's someone out there." Marco said, looking through the faded glass at the scene going on. People jumping from cars and... Scribbling things on stones?

"No shit. We saw them on the way in. What's new?" Stephen asked, still huddling Jack and Lewis under his arms. "We can't sit in here forever, Marco. It'll get cold at night." He said.

"If it's really a fucking problem I'll go and find some blankets, okay?" He snapped at him, then shook his head and continued to look out of the small window, watching the people do everything they needed to. In a small way, he was glad that they found safety, but at the same time, in his eyes, they were just another problem to worry about. A part of him just wanted to run out there and shoot anyone there, just so they didn't have to worry about them in the long run.

But he knew Stephen and Jack wouldn't want that, so he didn't bother, not one bit. He wasn't going to stick his own neck out, either. He didn't want to get killed any time soon, nor did he want to bring any danger back to the other three. I suppose Marco considered himself a leader in some ways, but at the same time, so did Stephen, so I guess there's an equal number of complications in there, isn't there? Still, it was working so far.

"We need a big vehicle. A truck. A van. A bus." Marco said. "There's no way we're going to be able to walk out of this city alive, day or night. If the dead don't get us, then the people will." He said.

"We could help the others that way." Jack suggested.

Marco just sighed and pulled away from the door, walking around the garage thereafter. He needed to find something of use. This was a big place and all, but... They had to find a way to use it.

(@ThatOneCrazyPerson, @PopcornandCaramel, @The Jest)
Jess took her knife and tore open the runner's neck, leaving it half-headless. She then silently began looking for wounds and bone breaks on Mitchell.
((AGGHH sorry about me being AWOL ^^; Basically what happened is my laptop broke > n < (I'm using my sister's atm), and it won't be fixed until Thursday (estimated)... so hopefully I'll still be able to post until then, but they just might be shorter than usual... Also, the update will probably not be posted until then either =P Again, really sorry, guys ^^ ;) )

Group One - Inside Truck

"Well, in training," Jess clarified, and Reid nodded, his mouth forming a small 'o'. "...But I did teach myself before my age qualified. It's a long story, but don't worry, I can actually fly a plane." Reid made a 'huh' sound, and gazed at her, amused. The girl might have been kind of... off, but at least she was smart where it mattered. Reid didn't know what they were going to do with a pilot (in training), but hey. At least they had one.

When Weston woke, Jess went wide-eyed. "That's the cutest thing I've ever seen!" she exclaimed, then grinned at him. "Hey little guy, what's up?" Reid assumed she hadn't been around many kids before. Or puppies or kittens or whatever else people thought were cute. Apparently Weston's tired voice had been crowned the cutest thing ever.

"Right," said Mitchell then, to Jackson, before rattling off the directions. "Head down highway ninety-three for two and a half miles; eventually you'll hit Brushwood drive-- make a right there, and the bed-and-breakfast shouldn't be long after that." 'Brushwood'... It sounded vaguely familiar. Reid wondered if his dad had told him about the place before. Wouldn't surprise him. Maybe he and Weston's mom, Sara, had gone there for a date or something.

Meanwhile, the three-year-old in his arms shrugged. "I'unno..." he mumbled, beginning to suck on his fingers. Reid moved the tiny hand away from the equally tiny mouth, but Weston didn't seem to notice. "My name's Wes'din..." he said squeakily, shifting in his brother's arms so he was looking at her. The pudgy (and now slobbery) fist moved to his eye, where it rubbed them groggily.

Suddenly, a yell from the back of the truck arose, and Reid tried to turn in his seat to see what was happening, to no avail. 'What's going on?' he thought worriedly, pulling the now-squirmy Weston closer. '...Infected?' He tried to keep the panic out of his head, but... damn, to imagine if Jack and Luke were attacked... if something happened... oh God, the thought made him sick.

Eventually, after five or so minutes, Jackson pulled the truck in front of what looked like a normal, two-story house (save for the overgrowth and lack of maintenance). A sign outside, though, said otherwise. "...'Willow House'...?" Reid read aloud quietly, squinting through the window.

"Probably best if you just park on the street," Mitchell suggested. "...Easy to make a get away if we have to..." What discouraged Reid was the thought that making getaways was a normal thing now. Once the truck had been parked, the man hopped out, slinging his back over one shoulder casually. He made for the house, but Reid didn't see much more, as he turned to Allie, who had been dozing off beside him.

"Allie," he said softly, nudging her shoulder. "Time to get up. We're here." She blinked at him tiredly, mumbling "...Hm...?" as Weston tapped her arm. "Wake up!" he said, and Reid cringed. If he could, he would have tried to carry her in, than wake her up, but he'd need two arms for that, and Weston was not the kind of child you want running around freely.

Allie nodded and the three slid out of the truck, as Reid stole a glance at the b&b. Mitchell had disappeared, no doubt already inside, and Jackson was heading in as well. Suddenly, a horrible screech emanated from the building, and Jess bolted from the car. "Hotels don't screech!" she yelled. "Let's go!" Reid started to follow, then remembered he had a brother and sister to worry about. 'Damn it...' He knew Mitchell was in trouble... and he wanted to help, but... He growled to himself in the back of his throat, involuntarily.

Jackson sprinted into the house, Luke close behind, and that was the last Reid saw, until a loud shout of "MITCHELL!" pierced the screeching. It stopped a moment later, and Reid waited anxiously for an update. He also noted silently that he had been left alone with Jack, which made him uneasy. The guy was kind of... well, creepy... plus, he wasn't exactly on the best terms with Reid, and that made him even more wary. Reid didn't doubt that the guy would ditch him if Infected arrived.

Speaking of Jack, what was he doing...? Reid turned to the back of the truck to see... nothing. "Oh, that son of a bitch...!" Reid heard himself say, apparently too loud, as Allie gasped.

"Daddy says dat's bad to say, Ree...!" Weston squeaked, and the two younger siblings frowned at him accusingly, like disappointed parents.

"Yeah, right, sorry..." Reid muttered, until they seemed satisfied. "We gotta get inside; c'mon, hurry..." Allie seemed wary still, but followed him, though Weston was itching to get inside, pulling Reid's arm like a dog on a leash. The oldest boy yanked on the front door handle... locked. "Okay..." he breathed, then tried to round around to the back.

"I don' like this, Reid..." Allie whispered. "It's like those scary movies Daddy used to watch..."

"Look, it's okay, Allie," Reid mumbled, trying the back door and leading them inside carefully. His voice lowered as they stepped through the doorway. "Everything's gonna be okay." He glanced around, trying to catch sight of someone... anyone. "...Um, hello...? ...Guys...?" he called, trying to be quiet yet loud at the same time.

(( @JackMonroe @Shimakage Thunder @Jupiter ))
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After a wave of people rushed in, instantly Jack asked "Is he bit?" with an axe in his hand, ready to do the deed if necessary.

Jackson looked at Luke, "Mitchell got attacked, but I didn't see him get bit," he said, as he pushed Jack's axe away. Luke breathed a sigh of relief, and then turned around, realizing Reid and company weren't right behind him. He let out an audible, "Shit!" and ran backwards looking for them.

He was going back the way they came when he heard Reid's voice, "...Um, hello...? ...Guys...?" Luke's head darted to the sound of the voice and he came upon Reid, "Oh thank God, I'm so sorry I left you all. Spur of the moment and all of that jazz... But still, I'm sorry."

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @JackMonroe
Jess also heard Reid. "...Um, hello...? ...Guys...?" Jess silently walked around to the back door and spotted a boy. "Reid! Where's Allie and your little brother?"

That wasn't Reid. The "boy" growled at Jess and took off full speed towards her.
"Reid! Leave the building! Now!" Jess yelled as she drew out her knife and slid under a blockaded doorway. The runner followed close behind her and destroyed the blockaded doorway. The runner chased Jess all the way into an old bathroom, where she stood next to the sink cabinet, her knife out. The runner got lost for a second, not noticing Jess, who had crawled behind a cabinet and started looking for old materials. No, no, oh, ha, yes! Bottle! She threw the glass bottle across the room- the runner turned- she bolted out the door and slammed the door closed as the runner made contact. A dull 'thud' was heard on the other room. She opened the door again and stabbed her knife deep into the stunned runner's neck, cutting the spine in half. She then started making her way to Mitchell.

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @JackMonroe

(Sorry about my formatting on my previous post, I was on mobile and it looked like I wrote a lot more than I did, oops!)
Group 1


The runner was close to overpowering Mitchell when Jess and Jackson had shown up. Jackson was the first one to pull the runner off of Mitchell; he stomped the runners skull into the ground repeatedly. Jess came behind Jackson and proceeded to cut the runners head from its body. A bit overkill but the point was made and the runner was dead. Mitchell sat there for a second stunned by the incident then took a hold of Jackson's hand helping him off of the floor. Jess started to look over Mitchell's body for what he assumed was a bite and he kindly pushed her away from him.

"What happened?" Luke interjected

" I'm fine, Jess " Then there was Jack ready to bring the axe of Justice down onto Mitchell's skull.

" Is he bit?" Jack went on addressing the others and not him directly.

" I'm fine!" Mitchell snapped at Jack with a glare.

" No bites, I swear." Mitchell spoke again calmer this time.

" Mitchell got attacked, but I didn't see him get bit" Jackson backed up Mitchell's earlier statement. He nodded towards Jackson as a thanks for saving his life. He owed the man now, at least that's the way he saw it.

Jess took off out of the room as fast as she had come in. There was some more runner activity but by the sounds of it the girl had taken care of it by herself and made her way back to the room. Meanwhile Luke went out in a hurry this time assuming to find the rest of the group, the three kids whom Mitchell shouldn't have so stupidly left behind.

" Everything alright?" He looked at Jess, she seemed fine but people are good at pretending.

" We should secure the rest of the house,." Mitchell went on after all of the commotion had settled down. " We shouldn't stay in this room tonight. " He bent down and picked up his gun and his bag, leaving the room going on to the next one.

Group 3


Sabrina looked back at Padrig, brow arched.

" The girl outside? What girl outside?" she stood up and walked over to the busted window. She looked down at the runners scraping at the building trying to find a way to get inside, their mumbled groans in unison. She then turned her gaze towards the highway not seeing anyone standing out there.

" You must be mistaken dear there's no one there." Sabrina had hoped being trapped in their apartment was making Padrig go mad.


Yvette continued to bang on the fire escape until the runners did exactly as she had expected and gathered towards the backside of the building. Hopefully the girl had started to make her way towards the bakery by this time. After a considerable amount of runners had crowded the building Yvette had climbed back onto the roof of the building. She signed and looked at the situation. Sure she had saved the girl ( she hoped) but now she needed saving, or a miracle. On the far side of the building there was a door to the stairwell of the building. She took the opportunity to head inside the building and down the stairwell as far as she could. Eventually on the staircase was blocked by a large filing cabinet and she was forced to exit onto the third floor.

The run down office building didn't offer anything in the way of a graceful escape. There was filing cabinets and desks cluttered and over turned everywhere. It took Yvette about 10 minutes to navigate through the building and down to the first floor. Once outside and onto the street again she began to run, but in the opposite direction of the bakery. If any runners were to spot her she had planned to lead them further away than closer to her hiding spot. Only a couple runners had noticed Yvette on the street though and she was able to lose them by running through a couple buildings quickly and out the back of them.Yvette had even passed by the hotels parking garage on her way up a few blocks.
Jess nodded at Mitchell, slightly confused. "Uh huh, how are you doing? Speaking of which, we gotta get out of this place." She crouched next to a glazed door and considered opening it. "We're going to stock on supplies first, or...?" She got up and faced the group, then the rest of the B&B.
Jack looked inside, his axe still in his hand. He made a decision on the survival of his group. looking back at Jess.

"I'm going in. I'll grab as much as I can. Start the car, be prepared to leave. If I don't come back in ten minutes, I've been bitten. Leave without me." Jack turned around, jogging inside the building.

"He's right. I'm going to see if I can grab any simple supplies we might need." She took her knife out and walked into the building, away from the direction Jack went. She listened to the third door. Nothing. She opened it and walked in.

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @JackMonroe @PopcornandCaramel
Group One - Inside B&B

"Oh thank God," said a voice, and Luke appeared from another room, looking visibly relieved. "I'm so sorry I left you all. Spur of the moment and all that jazz... but still, I'm sorry."

"It's fine," Reid waved off, trying to hide the worry and anxiousness in his voice. "What happened? Is everybody okay? We heard yelling." Allie shivered quietly, and Weston leaned forward. "S'everyone okay...?" the toddler mumbled, his hand in his mouth again as he leaned into his brother's leg.

Suddenly, they could hear Jess' voice speaking... then yelling... then the slamming of doors and crashing of bottles. Weston and Allie both jumped, and Reid instinctively moved in front of them, tensing. Jess appeared then, followed closely by Mitchell. "Everything alright?" the latter asked, and Reid's eyes darted back and forth.

"Uh... I think so... are you okay?" the boy asked, still confused as to what had happened.

Mitchell, meanwhile, shared glances with both him and Jess. "We should secure the rest of the house," he suggested, grabbing his things and moving to the next room. "We shouldn't stay in this room tonight."

Reid nodded. "Yeah, probably a good idea..." He doubted Allie or Weston would object to sleeping in a room with slaughtered Runners, either. That was when Jess spoke up again. "Uh huh," she said, examining Mitchell. "How are you doing?" She paused, glancing around at the other rooms. "...Speaking of which, we gotta get out of this place. We're going to stock on supplies first, or...?"

She trailed off, and Reid shrugged, turning to Mitchell for confirmation. He knew this place best, after all. He would know where the supplies would be. Or at least, have a general idea, anyway.

(( @JackMonroe @JPax42 Um... I thought we were all already in the B&B...? I would assume you meant the next room, but you referred to it as a 'building'...? ^^; So I didn't want to include your most recent posts until I was sure =P ))

Group Three - In the City

Sam skidded to a stop as she reached the end of the traffic jam, before hopping down from the back of a pick up truck. The banging came to a halt shortly after, and she sincerely hoped it was because the assailant had run away. She felt her shoes crunch on some piece of debris, and she tried to read the signs above the stores.

Most were faded, or scratched out, or covered over, but Sam could still make out enough to tell that none were the bakery. She stopped, though, when she saw it. 'Finally...' she thought quietly, then paused. She didn't know what was in here. Hell, it could be a group of escaped criminals planning on beating and raping her. She hadn't even seen the face of whoever had been throwing stones. There could be five or more people in there, and she wouldn't have a clue until it was too late.

Sam fingered the gun she had tucked into her waistband. 'If worst comes to worst,' she thought, 'at least I won't be totally taken off guard...' And besides, she had nowhere to go anyway. If she had to take this as a literal hit-and-run, so be it. Her sister would have done it. And her sister always got out okay.

The girl revealed the rock with the address on it, examining it. 'Back door...' she read silently. It was shady, sure, but that was back when being eaten alive wasn't a normal way to die. She sighed. '...Back door it is...' Sam maneuvered around the building, through an alley. She was extra careful not to bump into anything, and for once, luck was on her side, and she made it through without incident.

The girl hesitated, then nervously rapped on the door. For all she knew, the person could have been alone, but then, it was better to be safe than sorry. Barging in was never a viable option as long as being let in was one, as far as Sam was concerned.

(( @DrTrollinski @The Jest And @PopcornandCaramel I wasn't sure how Yvette would have left the back door...? (Like locked, open, etc) So I left it like that for now =P ))
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--Room #212, B&B, Floor 1-- (From now on I'm going to write location at the top just so people know stuff)

Jess walked slowly into the room, her knife out, locating just about everything that might be useful, which was close to nothing. Damn. I'm going upstairs. She climbed the stairs and saw nothing but the dead infected. Nothing here either. Wait...what's that sound?

Hallway, B&B, Floor 2--

Jess listened quietly, then heard a faint, agonized screech from another room. Frozen in her tracks, Jess listened to loud footsteps. The door fell open, and a runner, whose eyes have been lost to the infection, must have not noticed her, because it ran right into Jess as she slashed her knife at the creature. The knife missed the face and lodged into the runner's chest. Jess covered herself as she was knocked into another room, rolling into a sofa. She regained her vision and saw the runner across the room, ready to charge at her, so she got behind the couch and held onto it. The runner ran straight towards her, though the pain got to it as it reached Jess. It slowed slightly, giving Jess a slight moment to run to what was left of the bathroom. Jess looked around the bathroom, the amount of items sadly lacking. Shit! I'm going to have to shove a crowbar up this thing's ass before I get anything done!

--Soon to be basement--

As the runner closed into her, Jess kicked it hard in the knee. The runner backed down slightly, giving her enough time to wind up another hit straight in the runner's stomach. The runner screamed as Jess ripped her knife out of the runner's chest. However, the persistent runner chased Jess down to the basement. Jess ducked away from the pipes on the ceiling, but the runner continues to hit the pipes, bursting them and filling the basement with about two feet of water. Jess, weary from the fighting with the runner, ran to the end of the room. Please...miss the hit. The runner, grabbing a large steel rod, threw it at where it thought Jess was, but instead smashed a hole into a water fixture in the wall, flooding the room even further to about the runner's shoulder, right before the runner and Jess were both knocked back to the end of the room by the current. She grabbed onto a ceiling fixture (putting her knife above it) and held on against the current, but the runner's decaying was being torn by the water. Slowly, the runner's chest eroded, leaving it to nothing but a mess of flesh and bones. The water stopped flowing out leaving Jess, who was now almost exhausted to death, holding onto a ceiling fixture and floating in groundwater.

"Jack!... Mitchell!... Basement's flooded!... Building's infested." Jess called out, breathing heavily between words. She held onto the fixture, fingering her knife handle to make sure it was still there.

@JackMonroe @ThatOneCrazyPerson @The Jest
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He only moved the map away further, "Ah-ah-ah... If you're gonna' treat me like I'm an illiterate child, I'll be keepin' the map and figuring things out as soon as we find a road." He said, a light smirk coming onto his face as he tucked the map behind his shirt. It wasn't a sarcastic smirk, but more one to show that he was just making a little joke. "We'll figure it out tomorrow morning." He said. "I don't want the light to be turned on again. It's too risky." He said, simply, and then shot his eyes around the outside area. He was getting tired of this. He wanted morning to swing around but he knew it'd be a long night.

"New York isn't something we have to worry about, thankfully." He said. "I don't intend on travelling up that way unless I'm going to Maine to live in the fuckin' forest." He explained. "Until then, I think we'll be juuuuuuuust fine on the west coast. At least until something big goes down." He said.

"It'd be nice if there were some cars lying around, but I guess that'd make it too easy, wouldn't it?" He chuckled hoarsely and looked over towards the couch, at Chris mostly. He sighed and slowly shook his head, but he got carried away there, didn't quite mean to spend that long looking in that direction.

"As long as it's safe and away from those things out there..." He ran a hand through his hair. "I don't give a shit where we end up." He said. It was true, really. He didn't care where they went or where they stopped, just as long as it would offer some safety and reprieve from the horrors of what was going on outside, just as long as it was somewhere where he knew that Chris would be safe.

He'd get Chris to a place like that, even if he died in the process.

(@ThatOneCrazyPerson - I'm happy for you to skip to the next day if you'd like to; @Shimakage Thunder)
A body tumbled down the stairs, followed by an armed Jack. His eyes met Jess' spotting her at the end of the room and surveying the current, his boots partially submerged. He knew she was holding on for dear life and wouldn't make it for much longer. As he watched the corpse bob in the water and bloodstained liquid seeping into the liquid, he knew one mistake meant turning.

"Do you have any open wounds?" He asked, pulling up his pant legs and inspecting himself. Jack was tall enough to have his head above the water, an advantage Jess unfortunately did not share. It would take Jack to come in to carry her out. He knew he wouldn't ever usually do this. But as he watched the frightened teenage girl cling to a wire, he was reminded of something he once had.

"I'm coming in. You're gonna sit on my shoulders and I'm gonna walk slowly back. Keep yourself balanced." He sank into the water, his legs, midriff, and torso slowly submerging as he walked down the stairs, feeling his feet connect on the cement floor. Only his neck and head remained above the water, carefully walking to her to ensure no poisoned water reached any openings on his face.

Jess shook her head towards Jack, about the wounds. She was worried that Jack will get injured. "I can get myself out, I just need a minute. The water is also partially infected, don't get any in your mouth."

Jess pulled a bit harder on the ceiling bar, which suddenly gave out, dropping Jess into the water, although not hard enough to submerge her head. She simply started treading, although with some fluctuation from bruises. She knew that if she tried to swim out, she could accidentally turn herself into an infected, so she backed slowly against the wall to an area she could at least sink an inch or two without getting hurt. Jess could hold her breath for two minutes at a time, but in this situation, where she was overcome by exhaustion, it was close to useless.

Group One - Inside B&B

Everything was a blur. Jess glided into the next room, then there was yelling, thunking, slamming, crashing, clanging, and splashing, followed by a call of, "...Jack! ...Mitchell! Basement's flooded...! Building's infested...!" The words were faint, muffled... and they came in intervals, as if the girl was taking large pauses in between them. Reid would have assumed this meant she was out of breath from running, but... the words 'basement' and 'flooded' told him otherwise. Seeing as Jess had to be trying to keep her head afloat, the boy couldn't help but notice how calm she sounded... or as calm as someone could between gulps of air.

Reid dashed to the basement stairs without thinking, leaving Allie and Weston with Mitchell. "Stay here," he ordered quickly, as an afterthought, and shot Mitchell a warning glance. "Don't try anything." It wasn't a suggestion, it wasn't a question-- hell, it wasn't even an order. It was a threat. And while Reid knew he wasn't the most menacing-looking kid, he knew that Mitchell knew how serious he was.

The boy found himself second to arrive at the scene, after Jack, who was wading into what looked like the hallway from Titanic. Water was everywhere, and... holy crap, was that Jess...?! The girl clung to a light fixture, which Jack was slowly making his way towards.

"I can get myself out," Jess insisted. "I just need a minute." Reid assumed Jack had... gone on his own accord, then...? 'Huh,' the boy thought idly. 'Guess the guy has a heart after all...' Jess' words brought him back to reality. "The water is also partially infected," she added, "so don't get any in your mouth." Reid took it that she was referring to Jack, rather than him, but the words were helpful anyway.

He didn't say anything at first. He didn't want to risk startling one of them, and only adding to their disaster. But it turned out, they didn't need him for that. And he did speak once Jess fell-- sploosh --into the churning current that had taken hold of the lowest floor.

"Jess!" he heard himself call, and for a second, he felt his breath catch. ...When had he gotten so concerned? Okay, yeah, they were all looking out for one another (for the most part, anyway), being brothers/sisters in arms where the damn apocalypse was concerned, and yeah, he wasn't happy to see anyone get hurt, or (God forbid) die, but... he hadn't been exactly... well... fond of Jess. Not at the start, anyway. She had just kind of... showed up... acting so jolly and cheerful when she was drenched in freaking zombie blood, and that had only made him feel weaker, more of a coward, and most of all, useless. Granted, he knew that hadn't been her intent, but even still, there it was. And yeah, she'd been pretty nice to him, and though she was kind of weird... she was funny. Sometimes. Either way, he didn't understand why he felt such an... impulse, he guessed was the word... to help her. He would have dwelled on the thought more, but for the fact that she had practically disappeared beneath the waves.

She wasn't actually beneath the water, though (thank God). She had managed to keep her head above, at least, and was also managing to tread water. The girl floated to the corner of the room, allowing herself a little more breathing room (literally).

"Holy-- Jess, are you okay?!" Reid called. He didn't ask about Jack, though he doubted the man was in trouble or would mind. "Should... should I get more help...?" He shifted his weight from foot to foot anxiously, wondering if he shouldn't wait for a response and just book it to the next room and get Jackson... or Luke... or hell, even Mitchell. Just somebody.

(( @JackMonroe @Shimakage Thunder and @Jupiter are for it ^^ ))
Archie hadn't been listening at all. He'd been too busy looking through cupboards and things to try and find something of interest, but he couldn't find anything. With his earphones in, he wasn't necessarily able to hear too much, but when he realised that it was getting kind of loud he quickly turned down the volume, because he wanted to be able to hear what they were actually saying, you know? He didn't want to have them say something about him, so he put the volume onto a very low setting. Seriously, he could only hear it faintly, but that was enough to sort of keep him occupied enough for now, and still be able to hear their conversation.

He managed to tune in again around this point.

"...There been any word from the military or the government in all of this yet?" Adam asked. "We've been out of comms for a long time now. Any news at all or are we still on our own?"

To be honest with you, he wanted to say something, but he kept quiet. He wanted to tell them that the military was in over their head with this, they'd never be able to take down those things, not completely. And if they left one alive, then they would end getting others infected. It was a vicious cycle, and in his opinion, it would never end. This was how the world was now. They just needed some place safe and strong to start living through it, until he died of, hopefully, natural causes. He didn't really know. It was too early on for him to be able to tell if things would ever be good again.

He gave up searching through the cupboards then, and instead he turned. Woah. Okay. Vivian was down here. He didn't even notice that at first. Maybe he really shouldn't have his music on, like, ever, while he was around people he didn't know. So he pulled his earphones out, admitting defeat with the situation and turning off the player, before taking it over to Ivy's backpack and putting it back inside. The world seemed a little bit more boring now that he didn't have Metallica to listen to, but... One day he'd be just fine, he could listen to it and fall asleep...

God, sleep... He missed it, so much. But he couldn't let himself fall asleep yet, not until he was away from these people. But then, when? Because if he were alone, with just himself and Ivy I mean, he would insist on her sleeping, and not himself. If he didn't stay with these people and learn to trust them, then he would literally never be able to sleep properly again. But he didn't know that, really, did he?

But still Archie remained silent, watching people, tapping his fingers against his leg.

((I apologise for not posting very much at all, I've been quite busy and distracted, but I suppose none of my characters were really doing anything amazingly interesting anyways, haha. No, but okay, yeah we can go ahead and skip to tomorrow :) @ThatOneCrazyPerson @Shimakage Thunder ))
Jess heard Reid's shaking voice from the stairs, echoing off and mixing with the sloshing of the water. "Holy-- Jess, are you okay?! Should... should I get more help...?"

He was obviously stressed, so Jess decided to say something...reassuring. However, she did need a way to get Jack and herself out.
"I'm fine, Reid! We just need one thing! There's a iron pole right outside the basement stairs! Can you bring that?" She figured that fighting the current will only lead in death, but she had got her energy back. She started to edge along the wall and float closer to the stairs, making sure not to get any water in her mouth or eyes, especially against the current. "Jack, you should...consider getting out. I'm fine, but neither of us will be if we spend any longer in here." She was right, though. The water was extremely cold, and it felt like pinpricks along her arms and on her torso, up to her neck. She ignored the feeling as she grabbed onto the stair rail. She held her other arm out towards Jack. "Jack, grab on!" She looked up the stairs again and called out again. "Reid? The pole's kind of heavy! Be careful!"

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @JackMonroe
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