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Realistic or Modern Never Go Back [Zombie RP - Currently Not Accepting Any More Characters]

This situation was turning from bad to worse. As more zombies approached the attraction like moths, so did variations. He heard a screech pierce the fog, three or four Runners sprinting out of the mist. Jack pulled out his axe, sending it deep into the neck of the first one that came too close. They were too fast for him to pull the blade out and use for more. As another gurgling Runner prepared for attack on his left side, he quickly yanked out his buried 9mm in the back of his pant buckle, aiming the small pistol and pulling the trigger.

The bullet screamed and echoed as it flew out of the barrel, meeting it's target and sending the beast to the ground. He secured his still held grip on the axe that was currently embedded in the feebly thrashing zombie, kicking and freeing the axe head out of it's fleshy confines for more bloodshed. There were more coming.

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @Shimakage Thunder
Group Two - Inside the Cabin

"There's people out there?" Chris asked, huddling right up beside his father out of fear. Why were they here?

"Yep." Adam said. They were hiding instead of on the far left by the light, on the far right in the darkness, peering out of a stained window at the people gathering.


"Because they want in."

"Then... Umm... Should we let them in?"

Adam gave him a look, and Chris immediately knew the answer. Chris didn't trust people either, but he was more trusting than his father. He was still very dependent on his father, though, that was the problem. He didn't like to be away from him. I suppose you could say he had Separation Anxiety Disorder. He didn't like being in a different room to his father since this whole thing started, even if they were somewhere safe. They'd been safe here for a while, no trouble at all. But now it seemed like they were about to run into some trouble. Well, Chris hoped not, but in his mind, these people were about to come in and shoot him and his dad, take their stuff, and go about their night.

Would they really do that, though? Could they even get in here? Chris didn't even want to know, but, he asked, would you believe that? "Can they get in?" He asked. "The whole place is locked up, right?" He asked. He went pale when he saw Adam shake his head.

"Maybe an entry point upstairs."

"What?!" Chris asked in a loud whisper. "Jesus, dad, I'm--"

"Shhh..." He hushed gently, and then pulled the shotgun from his back. "The only way in is that window unless they kick the door down, but seeing as there's a light here, I doubt that they'll risk that. The windows downstairs would make too much noise if they broke in here." He said. Adam remembered seeing the window on the second floor. This place was falling to pieces, but he couldn't be sure. What if they came in through the door? - Attention to detail, and all. "Chris... Go wait in the bathroom under the stairs." He said.



"Fine." He sighed sadly. "You'll be okay, right? You'll come back?" He asked, his voice quavering a little bit. Adam sighed and turned to him, feeling some sympathy shooting through him.

"Yes. I promise." He said, and then pulled him into a brief hug with one arm before slowly sneaking out of the way of the window. This cabin was nothing special. It was small, a couple of couches, no individual rooms except the bathroom under the stairs. There as an open fire, unlit, and a bearskin rug. The walls were jammed with trophies of hunted game. Deer, elk, you name it. There were species from right over the country in this one room.

"Okay." He sniffled, and quietly snuck away with him to the stairs. "The shotgun isn't loaded, though." He said.

"Well, they don't know that, do they?" Adam said, and smirked a little. Chris gave a weak and barely-humored smile back before going into the bathroom and slowly closing the door over for what felt like an eternity. He didn't want it to squeak at all. Adam decided that he was going to sit halfway up the stairs. He didn't know if they'd go for an upstairs nor a downstairs entry. He needed to be ready for either. He was close enough to give them a fright by lurking in the darkness of the stairs, if they came in upstairs, of course, and he was close enough to dive down the stairs if they came in through the front door. The upstairs decor was the same. No individual rooms, just pelts, furs, rugs, a few bookcases, a coffee table, two armchairs, dirty windows, and one double bed. The room was in darkness. He went and hid behind the bed and waited.

I've said before. Adam was tactical. The only time you kicked a door down was when you knew no one was home, or everyone was asleep.

If not, you found a way in and got the drop on them. He'd done it a hundred times in the police force.

He just hoped his estimation was right here, because it could cost him and his son their lives.

(@ThatOneCrazyPerson, @Shimakage Thunder)
(Welp, I edited my earlier post to match yours. I guess you must've missed it. :P )

Though Luke had his bow aimed at the man, he quickly shot it at a runner that was about to feast upon the man, and used up another arrow at a second one to make an opening for the man. After seeing the man look back, Luke yelled "RUN GODDAMNIT!" to him, after Luke secured an opening. Wasted two goddamn arrows, these aren't easy to find.

Jackson pulled out from behind the tree, having his gun aimed at the man who would most likely run towards them.

Before he could bury his axe into the approaching zombie, an arrow caught it in the head, sending the corpse tumbling down. He followed the trajectory, seeing his helper and realizing that he wasn't alone. He watched another arrow whiz by, his cold stare still on the boy in the tree.

"RUN GODDAMMIT!" The boy shouted, Jack's eyes now travelling down to the much older man with a gun trained on him. They might help him. He didn't want it. Jack made a split second decision, digging his feet into the dirt and sprinting towards the two. Two screaming Runners chased behind him, Jack reaching a few feet away from the old man and ducking.
Noticing the man ducked, Jackson took this opportunity to get two clean shots on the runners behind him. Luke was ready to cover them from the Gas Station runners, but none of them seemed to come since they were occupied with the gas station lights and noise. He dropped down from his perch and aimed his bow at the man from behind.

Jackson also raised his gun at the man, "Who are you? Are you infected?"

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Dredging along the outskirts of the city, Mitchell let out a lackadaisical sigh and stopped, setting his duffel bag onto the ground and unbuttoning the top button of his light blue uniform shirt. He was about 2 hours into his journey now, and had been barely slipping by runners. He was about to crouch down to take a quick break when he heard a familiar yet displaced noise echoing in the distance. What was that sound? Music...but..wait, is that Christmas music, in March? Now obviously it wasn't someones intention of blaring Christmas music at this time a year, and to attract all of the infected combatants within a miles radius. If it had been set off by accident or on purpose, Mitchell had to find out. Anyway it was his safety he needed to take into account, what if there was a giant group of runners heading his way? Or heaven forbid a stampede of cows.

Mitchell pulled the over-crowded duffle bag over his head to rest on his left shoulder and dangle by his right hip. He quickly reached into the back of his pants and pulled out his service pistol,making haste towards the noise.

" Have yourself a merry little chris--" Mitchell sang along with the song under his breath before letting his words drift off. There was some man running from what he now knew was a gas station, with festive music blasting from its intercoms. No heard of cows, but a lot of runners.

" What in the world -?" He mumbled to himself. Mitchell got as close as he could without being noticed by the infected. It gave him full view of the man killing a few runners, and some mysterious god hand striking them down from...no, it was just some guy in the tree. Then a third guy coming into play. He took this opportunity to get even closer to the group hopefully without notice again. It was to no avail, a runner had spotted him and was..running at him with a speed far greater than Mitchell had anticipated. Without thought he reacted, shooting at the runner and only piercing its left thigh.

" Dammit!" he hissed.

The over obsessive emt was now running in the direction of the group with an unaffected runner chasing his tail. He took one more shot and missed completely, two bullets gone, 8 left in this magazine. He was getting closer to the group than he had wanted to be, laying low was sort of his skill of choice these last few days and it seems that he won't be needing it anymore.

Taking a deep breath, Mitchell made a screeching halt and turned towards the runner. He aimed the gun, let out the breath and fired, finally making contact with the runners forehead and dropping it to the ground like grandma's fruit cake.

Mitchell let out a choppy chuckle and bent over to collect himself. This was the second runner he's had to kill so far. He's been very lucky to be able to sneak by this whole time. It wasn't something he was proud of, in fact it made him sick to his stomach and his head dizzy. He dry heaved a few times then spit up a small collection of saliva and stood up straight again. The first time he couldn't stop throwing up. It's not a surprise he isn't able to vomit, he hasn't touched the food in his pack for a while.

( @ThatOneCrazyPerson @JackMonroe )
Luke, just able to hear the sound of a bullet over the blaring Christmas music, turned around. Reid and the kids must be freaking out right now.

What he gazed upon was a man running straight towards the group. In response, Luke took immediate aim at the man, though he noticed a runner behind him. He couldn't waste another arrow, though; he's only down to three. Luckily, the man was able to kill it, but the man was getting queasy. Well, I guess killing these things isn't for everyone. Luke approached the new man that appeared, bow aimed at his head, "Don't go any further. Who are you?"

Jackson still had his gun aimed at the previous man, still awaiting an answer. The kids were still out of sight from him at least, but now he had no back-up since Luke just left. Still, it was probably better that Luke had gone to check out the gunshot. Maybe he was with this guy over here, maybe he also heard the noise. It was impossible to tell unless Luke went over there.

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @JackMonroe
Group One - Gas Station

There was a man. And there were Infected. Add those two together, along with a group of kids and an old guy... equals a whole lot of trouble. The newest stranger was taking out Runners like he'd known how his entire life (or at least, that was the impression that Allie got), slamming an axe into their skulls. The sound of the Infected's screams were almost on the verge of deafening, no to mention the loud bang of his gun, which made all three of the Fields jump.

Reid couldn't help but think, 'The sound'll draw more; don't use the gun!' He was about to say it aloud, before a familiar voice rang out from a tree beside the already-formed group.

"Run, god damn it!" Luke screamed, before two arrows flew from where he was concealed in the branches. Two more Runners slammed into the dirt, and Allie squeaked in fright, trying to back further away, only to almost slip on the uneven ground. She steadied herself by her brother's hand, tears springing into her eyes as she buried her face into his shirt. Weston did the same.

Meanwhile, the guy ran. And he was running... straight for them! Reid's eyes flew to Jackson, not wanting to make the first move. The stranger ducked beside him as Jackson shot a couple more Infected. Reid wanted to yell at them for being so god damn loud, but decided it would be a bit contradictory. Besides, it looked like the things had lost interest in the humans (which fascinated said humans), and were trying to break into the Gas Station of Eternal Christmas.

"Who are you? Are you infected?" Jackson hissed suddenly, gun aimed at the newest stranger. Luke, too, was pointing his bow, and it was then that Reid realized he needed a weapon.

Suddenly, another loud bang rang out, and the two younger kids' heads snapped up. 'Was that... a gunshot?' Reid thought. 'But... if we're all over here...' Crap. There was someone else over there. And he was charging this way. 'Not again...' The guy was being chased by a lone Runner, and damn, this guy was having the hardest time taking him out. Then again, maybe it was just nerves. Reid figured he'd probably be just as good a shot in the same situation.

Luke's target had turned towards the even newer guy (dang, how many straggler people were out here?), who seemed to be... gagging. Well, at least it wasn't an unrealistic reaction. Come to think, Reid was surprised neither of his siblings (or himself, for that matter) had gotten sick up to this point. Then, maybe it had to do with actually killing the things.

"Don't go any further," Luke said, moving towards the queasy guy. "Who are you?" Jackson was still staring at the first guy, and Reid wasn't sure what to do. He really needed to find a weapon. Seriously.

(( @JackMonroe @Shimakage Thunder @DrTrollinski ))
Jack raised his hands lazily, staring at the old man with a stony look. He turned his head to see the newcomer, gagging at the sight of blood. Time was running out, and more were approaching.

"Four shots." Jack said in a gravelly voice, his throat still not adjusted to talking.

"The smell of a group of humans this big, four shots fired in the last five minutes, and still the gas station. More are coming and you and your friend don't have enough ammo to keep them away. So do you want to save your ammo and clear as much space in the limited time we have, or do you want to ask me stupid questions and get us all killed?" He barked.

(@ThatOneCrazyPerson @Shimakage Thunder @PopcornandCaramel )
"We can get away if need be," Jackson said, very calmly. "They're attracted to the Gas Station for now. You're the one making it worse by asking more questions. I asked two simple questions," at this point, Jackson took the safety off and aimed his revolver directly at Jack's head. "Who are you and are you infected?"

"Does it matter what my name is? If I'm infected or not, how can you trust me? I'm just some random guy. So why don't you do it? Blow my brains out and bring the Runners here. It'll be quicker than hearing me say who I am and if I'm infected or not, and never really knowing if I'm lying." Jack leaned in closer, the cold muzzle of the gun now pressed to his forehead.

"Do it, then."

@The Jest
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(Jackson would do it, since it would totally fit his personality, but since you're a player I cannot without your permission. Assuming you want to play since it only recently started, I'm assuming you'll say no. @JackMonroe )

(I figured I'd ask anyway, haha. Either way I can make it work.)
(Lol, please don't. An excuse would be that it'd attract more zombies.)

@The Jest

Jack watched the boy with the bow preoccupied with the retching survivor behind him. He made a split-second decision, his hands still raised and in close proximity with the gun jammed into his head. He grabbed the gun and pushed it into the air, his other hand going for the 9mm and pointing it in the old man's face.

"Drop the gun."

@The Jest
Jackson was extremely focused at this point.

He took a shot, and the man fell to the ground. Allie had screamed, Weston hit the ground crying, and Reid would never forgive Jackson for doing such an act in front of his siblings. However, that non-forgiveness wouldn't last long since the gunshot and scream attracted the runners. What unfolded was a slaughter. Luke and the man were feasted upon, the younger Field siblings ran away and Reid followed, and Jackson saw many runners come at him, hungry for his flesh.

These events transpired in his mind. However, it must've taken too long because before he knew it, his hand was in the air and a gun was on him. Though he still held up his gun to the man, even though he said "Drop the gun."

Jackson responded, "You wouldn't shoot me for the same reason I wouldn't shoot you, too much would go wrong."

Luke, though preoccupied, turned around to see how Jackson was doing with the guy. Noticing that he pulled a gun on Jackson, he thought: Shit! He grabbed the man he was with, and pulled him over to the original man he had saved. Luke figured he was too scared to try anything. After he put him into a position he could see both of them, Luke aimed it at Jack. "Put it down. Now."

@JackMonroe @ThatOneCrazyPerson @PopcornandCaramel

(... I'm on my phone, I couldn't open a new tab because my phone sucks, oops. And it won't let me go into the options to edit. Now it lets me do it, ugh this phone.

I wish you would've let me respond to yours first, though, before making a second post, but I made it work :P )
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Jack never took his eyes off of Jackson, carefully taking the revolver out of his hand with the 9mm still aimed directly at his face.

"Drop the bow or he dies. You can try to shoot me, but I don't think you want to risk the chance of me squeezing off a round into his face." He waited in silence, and his temper broke.


@The Jest
Jackson, still being in very close range with Jack, ducked rapidly and tackled him to the ground. He was struggling with with holding Jack on the ground, but eventually he sat on top of him, holding his arms on the ground.

Luke walked over, aiming the bow and arrow at his head, though far enough away that he couldn't grab him or anything. "We're trying to help you, goddamnit. You would've died if I hadn't saved you."

Wiping his mouth, his gaze fell on the arrow shoved into his face. Mitchell was about to react when the man turned his arrow towards the other new comer. This was his chance to slip away.

Mitchell, gripping his pistol, started to non-nonchalantly walk away from the group, but still listening in on their conversation. This situation had gone to hell in a hand-basket quicker than powder and milk turns to pudding.

The men had guns and arrows pointed at each other, and yelling for each to drop the weapon. It made Mitchell's heart beat into his throat, because the gravity of the situation was being ignored.

" Look!" He belched out " We obviously don't have time for this, lets just get moving and then we get back to this circle jerk later. If introductions are so damn important, I'm Mitchell, been walking since god knows how long and I don't want to die today, so please?" He trailed off, just as the one man was tackled to the ground, and just stared at the three other males. He was always rubbish at getting a group census but time was-a tickin' and the runners were starting to lose interest in the gas station party, what with all the yelling.

" Either way, I'm not sticking around much longer. Toodles!" he stuck the gun into the back of his pants again, grabbed onto the strap of his bag and made haste away from the group, passing by the boy and the two children.

( @JackMonroe @ThatOneCrazyPerson )
Group 1 - Gas Station

The first guy stared at Jackson, raising his arms in surrender ever-so-slowly. The unfamiliar head moved slightly, to get a glimpse of the queasy guy. "Four shots," the first guy said, and Reid's head snapped back to look at him.

"What?" he heard himself mutter. The guy wasn't answering either of Jackson's questions, and that made him uneasy. What if this guy was a bandit? His voice had been scratchy, almost as if he had a sore throat or hadn't spoken in a while. And it only added to the teenager's unease. He wondered idly if Luke or Jackson were as suspicious as he was.

"The smell of a group of humans this big, four shots fired in the last five minutes, and still the gas station," the guy continued. "More are coming and you and your friend" --he almost seemed to hiss that word-- "don't have enough ammo to keep them away." Allie's eyes went wide, and she quickly turned to Reid for confirmation. He wished he could deny the statement. "So do you want to save your ammo and clear as much space in the limited time we have, or do you want to ask me stupid questions and get us all killed?"

'Stupid questions?' Reid thought, frowning. 'How is confirming if you're a maniacal monster a stupid question?' He paused. 'Okay, so maybe in normal terms it would be stupid, but...' Things had changed, and not at all for the better.

"We can get away if need be," Jackson said, almost way too calm. "They're attracted to the gas station for now. You're the one making it worse by asking more questions. I asked two simple questions." Reid couldn't argue there. What was this new guy's problem? Meanwhile, Jackson clicked something on the gun (Reid assumed was the safety), and aimed the it at the guy's head. "Who are you and are you infected?" he asked again.

Reid really hoped there would be no blowing-out of brains today. Or at least, no more than there needed to be. His poor siblings were probably already traumatized as it was; there was really no need to let them watch flat-out murder. "Jackson..." he heard himself say lowly, almost a warning to take it easy.

"Does it matter what my name is?" the stranger guy asked, seemingly undeterred by the weapon at his temple. "If I'm infected or not, how can you trust me? I'm just some random guy. So why don't you do it? Blow my brains out and bring the Runners here. It'll be quicker than hearing me say who I am and if I'm infected or not, and never really knowing if I'm lying." The guy leaned closer to the weapon, resting his forehead against the muzzle. "Do it, then," he repeated, and Reid gave Jackson a warning look.

"Jackson..." he said again, louder. As much of a pain in the butt this guy was being, he didn't seem Infected. Then again, he didn't seem to worried about dying. Maybe he knew his time was up and figured he'd go early. Either way, he still didn't want to live with having watched an innocent guy's insides splattered. And frankly, neither did Allie or Weston.

Suddenly, the stranger guy's hands flew to the gun in Jackson's hand, smacking it away from his face before producing one of his own. Reid pushed both of his siblings behind him, standing in a defensive position. 'Jesus, this guy is crazy...!' he thought, eyes flicking back and forth between Jackson and the guy, who now also had his gun at the ready. "Drop the gun," he said.

Jackson was unfazed, or so it seemed. "You wouldn't shoot me for the same reason I wouldn't shoot you," he replied calmly. "Too much would go wrong."

Meanwhile, Luke seemed to have noticed their predicament, and dragged the queasy guy over, before aiming his bow at the annoying guy. "Put it down. Now," he demanded. 'Thank God,' Reid thought idly. He really, really needed to get a weapon. He felt so useless, and it really sucked.

"Drop the bow or he dies," the annoying guy retorted, almost a snarl. "You can try to shoot me, but I don't think you want to risk the chance of me squeezing off a round into his face." After a moment of intense silence, he repeated himself, louder. "Drop it!"

Reid was about to intervene, when suddenly, the queasy guy spoke up. "Look!" he cried. "We obviously don't have time for this; let's just get moving, and then we get back to this circle jerk later. If introductions are so damn important-- I'm Mitchell, been walking since god-knows-how-long and I don't want to die today. So please?"

Before anyone could respond, Jackson slammed headfirst into the annoying guy, pinning him to the ground. Allie let out a muffled cry, and both the kids' arms flew around their older brother. Finally, the tussle ended, with Jackson sitting victoriously on top and pinning down the annoying guy's arms. Luke moved closer, bow still aimed at the head. "We're trying to help you, god damn it," the younger man sighed irritably. "You would've died if I hadn't saved you."

"...Either way," Mitchell trailed quietly, "I'm not sticking around much longer... Toodles!" He pocketed his own gun (seriously, how did everyone have a weapon except for Reid? He found it maddening), before shouldering his bag and moving away from the group, past the Fields.

"Hey, wait!" Reid started, reaching for Mitchell's arm. "Where do you think you're going? You just appeared from nowhere and almost brought those creeps back over to us! No way you're leaving without some kind of explanation!"

(( @JackMonroe @Shimakage Thunder Sorry for the wait! ^^; So @Corgi has officially been booted; if they want to come back someday, they can, but I figured I'd waited long enough... hopefully y'all are still up for this...? =P ))
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Jack paused at Luke's words. He did save him, after all. Jack lowered the gun, pushing it back into his belt. He handed the revolver back to Jackson, sighing and looking down.

"Sorry." He simply said.
Inside the Cabin...

It's not like the prying of wooden boards was silent. It wasn't hard to miss, but if you had been downstairs, chances are you would have passed it off as a mere creak of the floorboard, or something like that. Right now, though, Adam could see the figure climb in, but they didn't seem armed with anything than some sort of tool. The light from downstairs was offering enough light for him to be seen, and the moonlight was offering a little bit of sight of the intruder. What did he do? He saw him or her approaching, and when they did approach, he could begin to identify this person as a woman. Okay. He had to do something here, for Chris, whom of which was sat on the closed lid of the toilet under the stairs with his knees hugged to his chest.

He was listening for a gunshot. He knew that if there was a gunshot, his dad was injured, scared, missed by inches, or dead. Any of the former were preferable to the latter, to be honest. Still, what was going on? He could hear the creaking of floorboards upstairs. Vaguely, of course, but he was worried. He was shaking, in fact. He buried his eyes which were now drowned in tears in his knees and sniffled once, being as quiet as he could once again. He was still only a kid, and he was sitting on a toilet in the pitch black waiting for his father to live or die. He just hoped Adam knew what he was doing.

And he did.

As soon as they were close, he slowly cocked the shotgun, resulting in a long and tension-filled click-clack as the fore end of the shotgun slid back and forth in his hand, pretty much flawlessly. And once he knew she'd been alerted to the fact that he had a 'loaded' gun pointed right at her, he softly spoke out, his tone rough and emotionless, although, if she was attentive enough, there was a small spot of anger behind the dryness.

"Right now, you're looking down the barrel of a fully-loaded pump-action shotgun." He said. "I suggest you put down any weapons, be it guns, tools, screwdrivers... Whatever it may be, or I'm gonna' blast you right back out of that window." He threatened, slowly rising to his feet and walking up the stairs to the top, but not taking the aim of the gun off of her. "Make any sudden movements and you get a fuckin' hole in your chest. A big one. Let's not do anything worth getting shot over, you hear? Let's take this nice and easy." He said.

"Now... I would have preferred if you'd knocked..." He said, simply. "But I've got my son downstairs. He's scared. I'm all he's got, and he's all I've got." He said. "I ain't lookin' to traumatize him - I'm not a murderer. That's something you have my word on. I'm just an old washed up ex-cop who's got one thing left in life, and that's that kid downstairs. I'll do anything to protect him, even if I don't want to." He said, then blinked once as some sweat rolled down his forehead and went just past his eye. He was inhaling the dust, and that was none too pleasant, either. "If you slide everything you've got over to me, and let me pat you down to make sure you're not armed, I give you my word that the shotgun goes away." He proposed.

"And maybe then we can have a little chat to find out why you decided to break in, hm?" He asked, shrugging once, but not moving the shotgun away from her face. He wasn't right in front of her, but he could blow a hole in her.

If he had ammo, of course, but she didn't know that.

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Ivy smiled slightly at her and nodded her head, but before she could say anything else to her, Archie (who had gravitated towards where Amelia was and then heard something he didn't wish to) had marched back over and pulled her to the side so that they could have a very quiet discussion, or, at least, Archie was the one who was speaking.

"There are people in the house." He started. "There's a light on, and I heard someone speak, a man, it's not Carrie. What do we do? You can't expect for me to just let us stay here when whoever is in that house could butcher us in our sleep, can you? Heck, it probably won't be in our sleep, it'll probably be right now, he's got a shotgun from what I heard. He's probably going to shoot Carrie and leave us for dead, and we'll become the next meal for those damn infected things."

"Surely he's not going to be that cruel. He can probably see that we need help..."

"Ivy, stop with the bullshit, okay? This isn't last year, people aren't willing to help others quite as much as they used to when people weren't growing fucking mushrooms out of their body." He hissed at her, and Ivy sighed and looked down at the floor, linking her fingers together. "This is every man for himself, this is life or death, and everyone seems to know that except you. The likelihood is that that man wants to save his own skin more than he wants to save two kids he's never met, along with a pregnant woman and a bunch of others. Do you think he wants to take on that responsibility?"

"What do you want us to do then?" She mumbled, and Archie didn't hesitate.

"Leave. I want us to leave and carry on walking, right now."

"You're forgetting something, though, Arch." Ivy finally had a thought, and looked up at him again. "It's going to be dark soon, and it's going to be colder, and we need to be inside at dark, you know that. We need rest, both of us, without having to look out if one of those things are coming. I understand if you want to leave, just... Let's at least wait until there's not the threat of night looming over us, okay?"

Archie couldn't argue with that, but he tried to. "But what if they kill us?"

"I would rather they shot us than be turned into one of those."

He opened and closed his mouth as he tried to formulate a response, but couldn't.

She was right.

(( @Shimakage Thunder @ThatOneCrazyPerson @DrTrollinski ))
Luke and Jackson, both shocked at the actions of the man, eased up. Jackson took his revolver back, "Thanks." Luke still had his bow trained on the man, just in case.

As though peace had seemed to made, at least it was better than before, the music of the gas station seemed to be skipping; as if the music was going to stop soon.

"We should high-tail it outta here. It's now almost dark, the music is going to shut off soon, and we have no shelter," Luke suggested.

He looked around to get a group consensus. Jackson nodded in agreement.

@JackMonroe @ThatOneCrazyPerson

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