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Realistic or Modern Never Go Back [Zombie RP - Currently Not Accepting Any More Characters]

Still leaning against the wall, Vivian could only watch as Archie and Ivy started arguing. At first, she thought it was normal because she fought with her own siblings all the time. However, as the argument progressed, Vivian got increasingly worried. Her impression of Archie even got worse. He had a lot of trust issues and Ivy was on the opposite end of that. He was really unwilling to trust anyone. Sure, they may have been betrayed before, but what are the chances of her doing that? Vivian knew doing something like betrayal could be very risky and will more than likely endanger her child, something she did not wish to do. Still holding her stomach, she became worried as the argument progressed. At some point, Archie was going to have to accept that Ivy had a mind of her own. Finding someone who is wiling to help in a time like this was near impossible, there were just way too many people like Archie. At least Carrie wasn't like that when they first met. As the argument ended, Vivian decided to speak up, getting confrontational with Archie because she was about to have a mood swing, triggered by the argument itself as much as she didn't want it to happen. She sighed irritably before no longer holding her tongue. "Okay, your previous group ditched you. I get it, but not trusting anyone isn't going to help either. What are the chances of me stabbing you in the back if its going to endanger my daughter?"

Yup, she was about to have a mood swing. Too bad Archie was going to be the one getting the bad end of the stick. "Always thinking about the worst case scenario isn't going to help you either. You don't have to be so pessimistic. I have been traveling with Carrie for a little while now, and I'm still here. You just have to find the right people. And honestly, I think you have. But it really hurts to know that you don't trust us. In a time like this, putting others before yourself is rare and most likely taken for granted. A lot of people have become selfish. I haven't and neither has Ivy." She said, looking him in the eye.

As she did so, she grabbed one of the non-perishable food cans from her messenger bag and handed it to Ivy, stilling glaring at Archie. "Here, take this. I don't want you starving to death."

It would be difficult for him to accept help. But Jack knew that his supplies were low, and maybe this was for the best.

"There's a truck about two miles from here. No gas, but when I tried to start it up it shuttered. Which means it's still working. I was interrupted before I could get some gas. I suggest we book it back in there, get as much as we carry, and get to the truck."

Luke looks at Jack, still skeptical of him, "You actually want to go back into that hell hole?!"

It was understandable he was so upset. They just got out of a very heated situation with the man who suggested this crazy plan, but they needed to find shelter. Luke and Jackson, though they probably won't admit it and have different opinions, work rather well together in tense situations.

Jackson also looks at Jack, but differently than Luke had, "How would you plan on getting it with all of those runners around?"

"You're actually going to go along with the plan?!" Luke said towards Jackson, in shock.

"Well I don't see any other option at this point."

Luke remained silent for a while until he opened his mouth, "Fine." The reluctance in the way he said that one word was grand, and everyone could tell he hated this plan. They looked to Jack for the answer.

"We run through them. Runners can be distracted with enough noise. I left my gas carton inside. You and your friend will run in while I distract them.." He said to Jackson, turning to look at a stop sign a bit down the road.

"We don't have much time. Start running when I begin making noise." Jack walked over to the metal stop sign, pulling out his axe and nodding to them both. He started slamming the head of the axe against the pole, loud echoing metallic dings ringing louder than the music. The Runners off near the gas station began screeching, running towards Jack.


@The Jest
Archie looked over at Vivian when she spoke, his eyes narrowing slightly. Why was she butting into this? He didn't like the fact that she was, and he tightened his grip on the baseball bat that he was holding. No, he wasn't going to use it to hurt anyone, he was just upset. She didn't understand anything, it would seem.

"It stems a lot further back than just my previous group ditching me, woman." He started. "A lot, lot further back. You don't know shit about what we went through before this world went to hell, so don't act as if it's as simple as starting to trust people or stopping thinking about the worst case scenario, because it's not. If it was, do you think I'd still be as untrusting as I am? So the chances of you not stabbing me in the back might not be high, but what about the people in that house, huh? What about the woman, Carrie, you're with?"

"You don't seem to understand that I'm looking out for myself and my sister at the same damn time, I'm not being selfish. I'm looking after her, like I have done my entire life. Do you think I do all of this for me? Do you think I'd offer to go inside that house with no damn idea what is in there if it weren't for me trying to keep Ivy safe? I'm doing it all for her, and you've known us for, what? An hour, at the most? Why would I fucking trust you, when I don't know anything about you. I've made that mistake before." He hissed. "You know nothing about us, so before you make judgements on the fact that I'm untrusting, think about the fact that the world is hell now, people are hell now. Civilisation is gone, and I'm not just about to throw my life on the line for the next person who says that everything is fine and dandy."

Ivy put her hand on his arm and pulled him back. "Archie, stop!" She had the food in her hand, but she wasn't going to eat anything until she got inside.

He turned and glared at her, pulling his arm away. "She doesn't know anything."


"She needs to stop acting like she does." And, with that, he walked away from them. He walked until he was far enough away to get the point across that he didn't want to talk anymore, and sat down with the bat next to him, using it to make dents in the earth.

Ivy turned and looked at Vivian, biting her lip. "I'm sorry. You have to... You have to forgive him, he's a little... Well. Just... I'm sorry. Don't take it personally..."

@Shimakage Thunder
Son of a bitch! Give us a warning! Jackson thought, though while he did this, Luke was already ahead of him at the gas station.

Luke, while running past some of the runners, picked up his two arrows he thought were lost forever.
Well that worked out for me.

Luke ran in the station and got the gas can and threw it at Jackson who was a little ways behind him. "
Catch!" After catching it, he stumbled a bit at the sudden movement Luke made. The young one chuckled a bit, and the older one was too preoccupied with completing the task.

Seeing that it was a better plan if Jackson filled up the carton himself, he did so. Luke was able to get out of the gas station, but a few straggler runners stayed behind and surrounded Luke. In a split second decision, he hopped back over the counter of the gas station and picked them off behind the counter.

Jackson looked at him in subtle praise:
That was pretty damn smart, I'm impressed.

Jackson filled it up about halfway when he turned to see how Jack was managing. He managed to take down a decent amount of them all by himself, clearly he was skilled. Though he noticed a few from the forest coming to get Jack that he didn't notice, "
GUY, TURN AROUND!" He yelled. In order to stop him from dying, Jackson stopped filling it up and took a shot at the nearest one to Jack, hitting it in the head.

Noticing they were coming from the forest, Jackson looked towards Reid. Luckily none were there, but it didn't seem to safe. The trees were hindering his ability to shoot from where he was at.

Luke returned, ready to help where he could. He took a shot at a runner near Jack and hit it, but he was still impressed he managed to stay alive.
He owes me twice, now. But I need to get myself a close-handed weapon, at least.
"Hey, wait!" Reid started, reaching for Mitchell's arm. "Where do you think you're going? You just appeared from nowhere and almost brought those creeps back over to us! No way you're leaving without some kind of explanation!"

Mitchell stopped and looked at Reid with a concerned look on his face. " Brought them here...w-what? I did not! That lunatic with the axe did! Anyway they are preoccupied at the moment." Mitchell pointed towards Jack, gaze still set on Reid

I don't think I owe anyone an explanation. I'm just passing through trying to find shelter, I'm just an innocent by-standard in the wrong place at the wrong time" Mitchell dropped his arm, gripping onto his bag and letting his eyes look towards the two small children. How can they be put in this dangerous situation like him? They are so innocent and haven't been able to live life yet, it seems terribly unfair to Mitchell. Leaving the kids here with those crazy men seemed totally out of the question.

" Look I just..." Mitchell stopped when he overheard Jack, Luke and Jackson's conversation about going back to the festive gas station of doom. He turned his attention towards the men and tried to spit out his disagreement to the situation, because whether he liked it or not he was stuck with this group for the time being. It was getting dark and Mitchell didn't have the energy to fight with them about the politics of his being there. Before he could get anything to dance out of his mouth Jack had already started to distract the runners towards him and the other two shot off like a bat out of hell towards the station.

" Shit!" Was all he could whisper, heart beating in his throat. Was he scared? of course he was scared! He had only just killed his second runner and now he had to run into the middle of a hoard of them to help these people he had only just met ( they were probably were going to kill him while he slept). Even so, it was the right thing to do and despite his fear he had to do the right thing, it was his job after all.

The men were already at the gas station by the time Mitchell could react. He pulled out his pistol, ran a few feet forward to stay near Jack. A runner was closing in, but this time Mitchell was ready. He took aim and shot the runner in the neck. Not expected, but better than last time.

" It's a moving target Mitchell! it's not that hard!" He yelled out loud to himself. Another shot, made contact with the runners forehead this time. 5 bullets left in this magazine. Luke was coming back towards Reid and the children, taking out another runner near Jack. Seeing Luke put Mitchell a little bit at ease, he was a good shot and knew how to defend the others. That's more than Mitchell could say about himself.

" Did you get the can? A-and the gas? How much longer?" Mitchell called out towards Luke, he hadn't seen all the action at the station and the fear was still swelling in his throat and now his stomach.
((This took like an hour to finally crank out; I am so tired... (@V@)(B^D)))

Group 2.1 - Inside Cabin

An all-too-familiar click-clack of a shotgun being cocked filled Carrie's ears, and she froze. "Damn it," she hissed under her breath. On the bright side, if this guy at the intelligence to wield such a weapon, he definitely couldn't be infected. Then again, that meant he wasn't going to be predictable.

"Right now," said a deep, rough-sounding voice, "you're looking down the barrel of a fully-loaded pump-action shotgun." Carrie tensed. 'Damn it,' she thought to herself, 'What was I thinking, coming in here without backup? Rookie mistake.' "I suggest you put down any weapons," the voice continued, "be it guns, tools, screwdrivers... Whatever it may be, or I'm gonna' blast you right back out of that window."

The figure on the stairs rose to his feet, and Carrie took a step back instinctively. She took a few more as he ascended to the top of the staircase, eyes (nor gun) never leaving her. "Make any sudden movements," he threatened, "and you get a fuckin' hole in your chest. A big one. Let's not do anything worth getting shot over, you hear? Let's take this nice and easy."

Carrie raised her arms in surrender (slowly, of course), before leaning down and placing her crowbar on the wooden floor. Her eyes never left her opponent, either, and she stood again, before nudging the metal weapon away from her with her foot.

"Now..." the guy muttered. "I would have preferred if you'd knocked, but I've got my son downstairs. He's scared. I'm all he's got, and he's all I've got."

Carrie perked up slightly. 'This guy has a kid, then,' she thought. 'And according to this guy, he's scared. Which means he can't be too old. Maybe middle school at most?' She paused. Normally, she would assume he was alone, but in the apocalypse, you don't assume. There could be more guys down there, though she doubted it. The room hadn't been particularly large, judging by her sight through the window, leaving very few places to hide. There were obviously no other guys up here, and she hadn't seen anyone downstairs.The rest of the group outside would have seen people skulking around in the back. So this guy must have been alone with his son. Which meant he couldn't be out to kill anyone. Under normal circumstances, anyway.

"I ain't lookin' to traumatize him," the guy went on. "I'm not a murderer. That's something you have my word on." Well, there it was. The guy was looking out for his kid. And he wasn't a murderer. Then again, what if there wasn't any kid? What if this was just some crazy guy who lured little children in with candy before... She decided to stop there.

"I'm just an old washed up ex-cop who's got one thing left in life, and that's that kid downstairs," the man said. "I'll do anything to protect him, even if I don't want to." This guy seemed geniune. And Carrie had dealt with a lot of liars in her life. While she still wanted to see his little cop badge (and the kid, for that matter), she believed this guy. For now. "If you slide everything you've got over to me, and let me pat you down to make sure you're not armed," he repeated, "I give you my word that the shotgun goes away."

The guy paused. "And maybe then we can have a little chat to find out why you decided to break in, hm?" Jesus. This guy sure did like to ramble... He had to be a parent. Parents always ended up going on and on and on about... I don't know, whatever they talked about. Carrie rarely remembered listening much.

"I slid it over already, dumbass," she spat, accidentally letting the curse word slip. She realized after she said it that she probably shouldn't have been dancing with death. "And if you really want to know, I've got a bunch more kids and a pregnant lady out there that would prefer not to get eaten by god damn hellspawn."

(( @Shimakage Thunder @JackMonroe @The Jest @PopcornandCaramel ))

Group Three - In the City

Sam Willis trudged down the alleyway, backpack slung over one shoulder as she twirled the pistol in her other hand. Her hair was pulled back, something she very seldom did, but if she were to get into a... shall we call it, 'tussle'... she didn't want it to get in the way. Something made a cracking noise beneath her foot, and she froze, before glancing down. A few shards of glass, next to a broken-in-half glass bottle.

She sighed. What else should she have expected in a dirty alleyway? The girl moved almost silently until she reached the street. She paused again, peering around the corner. There seemed to have been a rather nasty car crash here to the right, just before the outbreak. Or maybe because of the outbreak. She shuddered to imagine. A group of perhaps four Clickers (of course, the nastiest sons-of-bitches to sneak by) were staggering around near it, while one or two Runners seemed to be feasting on an all-too-fresh corpse.

Sam felt her breath catch in her throat, and a hand moved to her mouth as she squeezed her eyes closed. She'd seen many a dead body on her trek to the east coast, but not one so... new. The thought that she could have saved them, had she been but a few minutes earlier, made her feel sick.

A sudden crash suddenly emanated from far off to the right, even farther than the wreckage. The Infected all perked up, as if on cue, before a loud famous clicking noise filled the silence. Now the creeps were on alert. Sam silently cursed at whatever had made that noise. Knowing past circumstances, it was probably a cat or something. But then...

She paused. What if it wasn't..? What if it was actually a person this time? She could help them...! But she didn't want to risk her life if it wasn't for the greater good, so she waited for any more signs of life, all the while as the Infected drew steadily nearer.

(( @PopcornandCaramel @DrTrollinski @The Jest ))

"Ask Jackson," he said to Mitchell. "Though I think he might be close."

Luke heard an innocent child's voice from behind him, calling his name. He jolted his body around at the thought she might be in danger, but thank God she wasn't. Until a runner appeared right behind them, almost seemingly about to get them. "NO!" Luke called out and readied his bow and arrow almost instantly, and shot an arrow. The only chance at saving all three of them, rather than only two.

The arrow flew through the air, creating a razor sharp wind current surrounding it. It flew right past Allie's head, though far enough that the chiseled wind current couldn't slice her, and crashed right between the runner's head, falling right at the feet of Reid and Weston. He ran over to all three of them, "Why the hell are you guys alone?! Gah, I'm so careless, I shouldn't have left you guys alone like that. I'm sorry," he said, aiming the last part of that thought at Reid.

Meanwhile, Jackson had successfully filled up the gas tank. "Guy, let's go!" he called out to Jack, who they still have yet to learn the name of. He had his revolver in one hand, shooting a bullet at a runner to create an opening for the guy.

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @JackMonroe


(I don't want Padrig to come in yet, only until after I've created the wife character or until someone else would like to :P @ThatOneCrazyPerson )
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"Rraaagh!" Jack shouted, diverting attention from the Runners to protect the kids Luke was shouting at. He took out one of the Runners going for them, splitting it's head open violently as blood sprayed his ragged face. He kicked the zombie off of his blade, shouting at Jackson and the boy to hurry up.

"Let's go! Now!"

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @PopcornandCaramel

Too many bodies. Too many kids. Jack had to protect them. Jackson, and 'Luke' from what he heard, were with these kids. He appreciated Luke's help, but he was confident he could hold them off by himself. He turned around by the scream of a Runner, one going for the young boy. He tackled the beast, not having enough time to reach for his axe. He wrestled with the snapping monster, on top of him and trying to get a bite in. He reached for his 9mm, screaming in primal rage and firing three shots through it's head, throwing the limp corpse to the side of the road and getting up.

"He's got the gas. Come on!"
Jackson ran over to the group with the gas carton, his revolver at the ready, but Luke seemed to handle it well, and Jack protected all of them when another one came by while Luke and them had reunited. Luke looked at Jack, "Thanks," though Jack didn't seem to care because he was more focused on getting out of there, which everyone probably should have been.

"He's got the gas. Come on!" he heard him say, and looked back to see Jackson close behind them, along with Mitchell. The runners were coming, Luke sheathed his bow and picked up Weston again like earlier to allow Reid not to worry about him falling behind, "You have to trust me by now, right?" Luke said to both Reid and Weston. He ran forward, and Jackson trailed behind Reid and Allie to make sure they would be safe.

@JackMonroe @ThatOneCrazyPerson @PopcornandCaramel
"To answer your question, my name...is Jack." He said simply, jogging in front of the group and strapping his axe onto his back.

"It's a ways up here. I'm sorry for the way I reacted. It's been a while since I've had contact with people. I started to think everyone was here to kill me, the zombies and the humans."

Group 2 - Inside the Cabin

At the curse word, he merely laughed. "Oh, boy, I'm in for a fuckin' treat, aren't I?" He asked, simply. He kept the gun on her and slowly walked around behind her, "Don't panic. I'd put my back out before I could do anything unlawful to you, I promise you that. You just hold nice and still for me, yeah? Maybe when I find if you're tellin' the truth or not, I'll trust you just that little bit more. Or less, depending." He said, simply, and then kept the shotgun pressed against her back as he reached forward with one hand and began to gently pat down her body, bit by bit, feeling for any abnormalities. He didn't grope her, or anything. He was literally patting her down with the back of his hand, so he was genuine. I believe that's actually a police protocol - If it's a person of the opposite sex, they have the right to request an officer of the same gender - If the person consults to a pat-down either way, the officer needs to use the back of their hand.

Don't quote me on that last part, but I'm sure that was a rule at one point or another.

Seeing as there wasn't a female officer sitting around here, he couldn't exactly offer her anything else. And he made cheap jokes, the whole 'put my back out' thing - All dads made cheap jokes, didn't they? Even in the most dire of situations. Seeing as he found nothing else on her (from what you've told me so far, I assume that to be the case), he slowly lowered the gun and took a deep breath. He walked in front of her and kicked the crowbar gently, sending it toppling down the stairs. A little reckless, but he wasn't taking chances.

"Okay, you didn't lie to me. That's a start. In that case, I better keep my end of the promise." He said, then slowly slung the shotgun over his shoulder and left it hanging there. He nodded backwards towards the stairs, and then turned and slowly walked down them, glancing over his shoulder at her occasionally. He picked up the crowbar that had tumbled to the bottom and sighed. "As much as I want to tell you that this place is secure, we came in from towards the coast - The build up of those freaks is getting worse over there. Some of them gave chase, some didn't, but, if I were you, I wouldn't stick around here for more than a few days." He said. "I know that we ain't. This place is falling to pieces. The woodwork is dampening in one corner upstairs, the wood around the window was falling apart... The dampness will make you sick, or, it'll let some asshole or a mutant break right in and flush you out like yesterday's oatmeal." He explained.

At the bottom of the stairs, it was true. No one else here, but no kid in sight, either. "You tell me you've got kids outside, well, if you'd knocked instead of trying to sneak up on me, maybe I woulda' let you in, eh?" He said, and then looked off towards the side of the stairs, where there was a room underneath them. The bathroom. "Hey, Chris!" He called out, half-quietly and half-loud. "Come on out... It's clear." He said.

Slowly the door did creak open, and sure as shit, there he was. The kid. No older than 13 or 14, either. Adam was no liar, as you can see. When this apparent Chris saw her, he flinched back a little bit, but then quickly made his way to his father's side and hugged him, and got an arm around his body in response. "I was worried." Chris choked out.

"What, think your old man's never dealt with break-ins before?" He asked, then smiled a little as he ruffled his hair. Chris pulled away and looked at the woman stood before them, then gulped once, his arms still around his father's body. "So, this is Chris, my son. I'm Adam." He said. "We'll go by first names. And Chris... This is... Jesus, I don't know. The person that broke in." He said.

"Hi..." Chris said, the nervousness showing in his voice.

Adam thought about what she'd said for a minute, and then gave a long sigh as he rubbed his forehead and looked down at the boy at his side. "Chris, go open the door." He said.

"What?" He asked. It sounded like Adam had just insulted him.

"Open the door." He said. "If anyone wanted to shoot us, they would have kicked the door in and done it by now. I don't mean trust them, but I mean open the door." He said, and Chris gulped and slowly walked over to the said door and unbolted it, slowly opening it up and sticking his head out to look at the people out there. He gulped as he opened the door fully, and then quickly took a few steps back. He went to his father again and wrapped his arms around his body again, hiding behind him.

Adam looked back to the woman stood before him and sighed, "So... You know us. A name would be a good start with you." He said, but then looked up at the door and shook his head. "Jesus, excuse me." He said, and then left Chris awkwardly standing with the woman as he went over to the door and stuck his head out. "Hey! Your friend, the one who broke in here, is absolutely fine. If you want to stand there all night, then be my guests - If not, door's wide open." He said, and then stepped away and walked over to the woman once again, but this time angled himself so that he could face the door. Once they saw she was fine, hopefully they wouldn't shoot him. If he saw a gun, he'd be straight behind her and holding her as a shield. Hopefully when they saw the kid, though, they wouldn't think of it.

"So, we were saying?" Adam asked her.

(I've left us in a spot where they can still RP coming in and all that, and we can continue the chat between our characters. I'm awesome like that ;) @ThatOneCrazyPerson, @Shimakage Thunder)


Group Three - In the City

As they crept out of the door, Stephen let out a sigh and took a long look around, his pathetic excuse for a pistol clutched tightly in his hands while his nephew remained under his free arm. Marco, or Mark, as they called him, seemed almost fearless like he usually did. He still found a way to slick his hair back, even if it was a little bit scruffy and not gelled down. He managed it somehow, but he never shared his secret. Not that anyone cared, but, it was more that they couldn't understand. Why would anyone give a shit about fashion in this state of the world? For some reason, Marco found a way to care about it, but he cared more about how his hair looked than he did the danger of being in this city. Stephen had known the guy for long enough to know that he was... Different. There was something that wasn't quite right about him, and Jack knew that, too.

They just didn't bother pissing him off. They'd seen what he was capable of, and getting on his bad side wasn't really something that he wanted to do. "So he's ready to go?" Marco asked.

"Yes." Stephen nodded, ruffling the youngest boy's hair and smiling down at him. They were speaking quietly, of course.

"I don't get why he had to go inside to go. It's not like the toilets in the city are functional." He said, a little bit of a sour tone to his voice.

"Mark. He's six, for Christ's sake. Don't get a shitty about it." He said. "He took thirty seconds. I doubt you're gonna' die of old age or starvation in that time." He said. He cared about the youngest, Lewis, he treated him and Jack like brothers. He was going to defend him.

"That thirty seconds could cost us."

"Well, I'm terribly sorry." He said, sarcastically.

"When you feel like you could do a better job, go ahead. I'd be happy to kick it back as much as you."

Stephen frowned in anger and shook his head. "Fuck you." He spat.

Lewis pulled away from Stephen and went up to Marco, folding his little hand around Marco's rough one. Marco looked down at him and his frown softened, and he took a saddened sigh as he squeezed the young boy's hand, but of course, the little one spoke up. "I'm sorry I took so long, Mark."

"You... You didn't." He said. "I'm just being stupid. Don't worry about it." He said, and then looked over his shoulder at Stephen, giving yet another sigh. "Come on, we best keep moving." He said, simply, and began to walk along the street. "I want to head further into the inner city. Less stuff is touched there." He said. "Now... I don't want to worry you, but.." He leaned over and swept the young boy off of the ground and put him on his back. "This place is full of those things, hence why less stuff is touched. I'm thinking that we can find something, some sort of vehicle, something that will get us out of this shithole." He snarled. He had a lot of resentment towards this place and the outbreak as a whole.

"Easier said than done." Stephen said.

It was a walk that needed to be taken in silence. This whole place was swarmed with those things, so, when they got a little bit closer to where they wanted to be, they did indeed fall quiet and they had to be a little bit more sneaky, but of course, there was the odd footstep that echoed and made everyone cringe. Lewis buried his face in Marco's back, waiting for it all to be over, and Jack was huddled right close to Stephen. No way in hell was he risking anything. He hadn't said much, but he had his reasons. He wasn't one to butt into conversations or anything.

And no, that crash wasn't a cat. It was a person this time.

As Marco stepped around the corner, he bumped into a trash can that had been left on the sidewalk, and that went down with a bang. He felt his heart sink, and the color washed from all their faces. Marco looked up, just to see the clickers and the runners distracted, and he instantly turned around as he saw them began to run. "Through the alley again, fuck!" He yelled, and of course, by now, Lewis was already bawling his eyes out on his back. They'd tried to go through the alley, but that hadn't worked out well. He could hear them clicking and screaming as they gave chase.

Jack was crying, too, and Stephen may as well have been.

"Go! Up the street, for Christ's sakes!" He yelled. As he looked over his shoulder, he caught a glimpse of a woman, a woman that wasn't infected, and she was obviously in the same ballgame as them. She was trying to be quiet.

Only she may have been trying to get out of the city. Not into it.

They ran as quick as their legs could carry them, and of course, it was straight around a corner and right into the double doors of a hotel - By then, they hadn't seen them, but they had to be quick. As soon as they were inside, Marco slammed the glass doors over and stuck a hat-stand through the pulling handles to therefore secure it in place. Immediately after, he lead the boys over behind the reception desk and dived down there, not moving at all, but harshly slapping a hand over Lewis' mouth to hush his cries.

Now it was the waiting game.

Live or die.

When the door creaked open, Ivy and Archie both turned to look at it in unison, the two of them having confused looks on their faces. Surely, if they had opened the door, it meant that the place was safe enough. Ivy of course believed that this was great news, and of course, Archie believed that this could possibly be a trap that they were walking into. Either way, he was going to be going first, and so he stood up from where he was sat and quickly made his way over to Ivy, ignoring Vivian and grabbed his sisters hand.

He pulled her to the side for a moment before pulling out the knife from her backpack, and handing that to her, which she held onto tightly. "If they try anything, then use that, alright?" He whispered to her, and when she nodded his head he told her to follow him, slowly leading her to the door. Before they reached it, though, they heard a mans voice, talking about how they should come in. They weren't looking at that point, so they didn't see his face, but still.

Archie led Ivy towards the door, his bat held in a defensive way, Ivy's knife held up in a similar fashion. The two of them were ready to strike if threatened, but... Once they got inside, and saw that Carrie was fine, and saw the kid, who was probably only a few years younger than them themselves... Well. Ivy lowered her knife, and she grabbed Archie's arm and made him lower his bat. He didn't want to, of course, but still.

Just because this kid was younger than them didn't mean he might not try something. In the group they had last been in, there had still been children. Archie didn't trust anyone unless they earned it. He didn't speak, instead he just grabbed Ivy's arm and pulled her to the side, away from the door so that Vivian could enter, and away from the older man and his son, well, Archie presumed he was his son. He didn't look happy, social, or remotely positive, but Ivy of course had a smile on her face.

(( @ThatOneCrazyPerson @Shimakage Thunder that's it from me for the night sadly guys!! Goodnight :3 ))
Luke kept his distance from Jack since he had Weston in his hand, but when he put away the axe he felt a bit more calm.

"To answer your question, my name...is Jack." Luke nodded at this, glad to finally know his name. "It's a ways up here. I'm sorry for the way I reacted," Luke rolled his eyes at this, unsure if it was true, but when he continued, "It's been a while since I've had contact with people. I started to think everyone was here to kill me, the zombies and the humans," he actually understood what he trying to say.

"We're all a little tense since it happened," he said. "It's natural to be suspicious of everyone, even now I'm not certain about you, but you did save us. And I appreciate that."

"No, I should be sorry, I just didn't like the way he was treating you, so I snapped." She replied.

Stupid kid, with an attitude like that, he won't get very far. But to drag his own little sister down with him. C'mon, give it a break. One thing was for sure, Vivian had her doubts about trusting him. Ivy on the other hand, she seemed trustworthy enough. When the door was opened, she was a little concerned, considering that someone else had already taken up residence. When Archie ignored her, she found it offensive, but didn't voice it. She didn't want to send herself into labor by arguing with him. However, she was happy that Carrie was okay. When she entered the home...Or at least what she thought was home, Vivian felt more relaxed. She smiled at the much older looking man and his son, to show a sign of good faith. Unlike Archie...She really wanted to call him out for being an 'Ungrateful Little Shit', but now was not the time to start a fight. She was tired...Exhausted. Setting her bag down, she wondered where she could sleep for the night.

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @Jupiter
((Wow... I always come back to so many messages and it always takes me years to reply... (BP)))

Group One - Gas Station

"No!" Luke yelled, before releasing an arrow... straight at them?! Allie screamed and ducked her head, the arrow only missing her by a fraction. Reid gasped and tried to move away, only to see a Runner fall to the ground, dead, at his feet, an arrow lodged in its skull. Luke suddenly appeared beside them, spouting words. "Why the hell are you guys alone?!" he cried. "Gah, I'm so careless, I shouldn't have left you guys alone like that." He looked to Reid, who was still shaken up by the almost-got-hit-by-my-friend's-arrow thing. "I'm sorry."

"I-it's okay," he managed to reply. "Just... give a warning next time, maybe?"

"Guy, let's go!" Jackson called from some ways off. It looked like he had finished with the gas tank, and a sudden yell from the nameless guy made Weston almost jump out of Reid's arms. The guy slammed his axe into some Runner's head, sending a spray of red liquid everywhere. Allie made a noise that sounded like stifling a sob, and Weston re-buried his face into Reid's shoulder, as the guy screamed, "Let's go! Now!" Luke gave a muttered thanks as Jackson approached the group again, followed by Mitchell.

One Runner charged straight for the Fields, and Allie screamed her older brother's name before the nameless guy tackled it to the ground. "He's got the gas," came his strained voice, "Come on!"

Luke quickly put away his bow, before taking Weston from Reid again. "You have to trust me by now, right?" the oldest boy asked, and both boys nodded, though Weston's came with a wet sniffle and a rubbing of eyes. With that, Luke took off, followed by the other two Fields, with Jackson bringing up the rear.

"...To answer your question, my name... is Jack," the once-nameless guy admitted, jogging to the front of the group and leading them to the truck. "It's a ways up here," he explained. "I'm sorry for the way I reacted. It's been a while since I've had contact with people. I started to think everyone was here to kill me... the zombies and the humans."

"Nice to meet you..." Reid breathed quietly, with the tiniest hint of sarcasm.

"We're all a little tense since it happened," Luke assured Jack. "It's natural to be suspicious of everyone; even now I'm not certain about you, but you did save us. And I appreciate that."

"Same here," Reid agreed, all three of the Fields nodding. As weird as this guy was, he had saved their lives.

"Good," Jack replied, nodding back. "Don't be certain. In a world like this, you shouldn't trust many. And you're welcome."

(( @JackMonroe Please see the rules... ))

Group 2.1 - Inside Cabin

"Oh, boy, I'm in for a fuckin' treat, aren't I?" the guy laughed, and Carrie couldn't help but see a shaky impression of a crazy person. He asked, simply. He kept the gun on her and slowly walked around behind her, "Don't panic," he said, keeping the gun on her (much to her disapproval) and walking behind her. She, too, turned slowly, trying to keep her eyes on him. Damn, she hated being the hunted, rather than the hunter. "I'd put my back out before I could do anything unlawful to you, I promise you that," the guy insisted, though it sure as hell did not appear that way. "You just hold nice and still for me, yeah? Maybe when I find if you're tellin' the truth or not, I'll trust you just that little bit more. Or less, depending."

God, this man sounded like a serial killer. If he really did have a kid, she damn well pitied him.

He pressed the shotgun to her back (which made her her flinch ever so slightly), before moving his hand to 'pat her down'. It didn't feel like he was feeling her up, but she was seriously considering trying to grab the shotgun and go out in a blaze of glory. Turned out, she didn't have to. The man slowly lowered the gun, and she even more slowly lowered her hands. "Happy?" she asked sarcastically.

"Okay, you didn't lie to me. That's a start," the guy replied. "In that case, I better keep my end of the promise." With that, he slung the weapon over his shoulder, rendering it not a threat, at least for now. Beckoning her with his head to follow, he headed back down the stairs, and though reluctant, she followed. At the foot of the stairs lay her discarded crowbar, which the guy retrieved, sighing. "As much as I want to tell you that this place is secure, we came in from towards the coast," he explained. "The build up of those freaks is getting worse over there. Some of them gave chase, some didn't, but, if I were you, I wouldn't stick around here for more than a few days."

Carrie nodded slowly, still unsure as to whether he was trustworthy. She had scanned the room, and had yet to see his supposed son. "I know that we ain't," he added. "This place is falling to pieces. The woodwork is dampening in one corner upstairs. The wood around the window was falling apart... The dampness will make you sick, or, it'll let some asshole or a mutant break right in and flush you out like yesterday's oatmeal."

It was a weird analogy, but at least she understood it.

"You tell me you've got kids outside," the man said, and Carrie didn't move. She regretted telling him that, but then again, that was when she hadn't envisioned him as a murderer. "Well, if you'd knocked instead of trying to sneak up on me, maybe I woulda' let you in, eh?"

"Didn't look like anyone was home," Carrie muttered. "Besides, I doubt if you were Infected, you wouldn't have been so welcoming. Gotta take precautions. Eh?" She finished with a bit of a mocking tone, mimicking his last words.

The guy didn't seem to have heard, for he turned towards a door under the stairs. "Hey, Chris!" he called. "Come on out... It's clear." The door slowly opened revealing a kid, as she predicted, perhaps middle school age. Well, at least this man wasn't a liar.

"I was worried," the kid said quietly, moving towards the man and hugging him.

"What, think your old man's never dealt with break-ins before?" he joked, ruffling the kid's hair. He then turned to look at Carrie again. "So, this is Chris, my son. I'm Adam. We'll go by first names." He looked back at Chris, gesturing towards Carrie. "And Chris, this is..." He paused, sudden realization washing over him. "Jesus, I don't know. The person that broke in."

"Hi..." Chris mumbled quietly, and Carrie shifted uncomfortably. She'd never been good with kids. They just seemed too... innocent. She wasn't comfortable around the feeling.

"Chris, go open the door," Adam said suddenly, and Chris gave him a shocked look mixed with horror.


"Open the door," Adam repeated. "If anyone wanted to shoot us, they would have kicked the door in and done it by now. I don't mean trust them, but I mean open the door." The boy hesitated, before moving to the entrance and opening the door. He poked his head out slightly, then brought it back in, swinging the door all the way open, then moved back to his father, hiding behind him. Adam turned to Carrie, who was just standing there in silence, eyes flicking from him to the door and back. "So..." he said. "You know us. A name would be a good start with you." He took a look at the entrance and shook his head. "Jesus, excuse me."

"Carrie," she muttered as he left, watching him move back to the open door.

"Hey!" Adam called, poking his head out the door. Carrie frowned. 'Being loud will only bring Infected,' she thought, 'and we've more than established how unsecure this place is.' Nonetheless, what was done was done. "Your friend, the one who broke in here, is absolutely fine. If you want to stand there all night, then be my guests. If not, door's wide open." He moved back to Carrie and Chris, then, and crossed his arms. "So, we were saying?"

"Carrie," she repeated simply. Archie and Ivy entered first, weapons at the ready, and Carrie's first instinct was, "Where's Vivian?" Sure, she was also worried for the Connor sisters, but Vivian had been her priority since they'd met. After all, the woman was pregnant, for God's sake. The two lowered their weapons upon seeing her safe, and luckily Vivian followed in, dropping her bag on the ground. "Where's Amelia and January?" Carrie asked then.

(( @Shimakage Thunder And @JPax42 we're currently all inside a cabin...?))

Group Three - In the City

Sam heard yelling. And screaming. And so did the Infected. They gave chase like dogs after a fox, and she was a bird, watching helplessly from her perch. She saw a group of maybe... four? There were two that were at least older, one looked like a kid, and the last.. well, a kid kid. She saw them race into an abandoned building (hotel, maybe?), but not before one met her eye. The doors slammed shut, much to the disappointment of the Runners, who were banging on them harshly. The Clickers were slower, but they, too, weren't about to give up on their meal.

"Crap..." Sam muttered to herself. She knew her father would tell her to get the hell out of there while the beasts were distracted, but screw what he said. What about her sister? Would she leave these people? She wasn't sure, but she hoped she wouldn't.

She rounded around to the other side of the street, across from the hotel, crouching and using old, abandoned cars as cover from the Infected. When she had finally secured a place directly across from the doors, behind a faded red pickup truck, she found that she could see inside. The doors were glass, or at least similar to it, and it looked like the survivors had managed to jam the door with something... was that a coat rack?

She stood up (after making sure there were no rogue Infected creeping around away from the hotel), and waved her arms, trying to signal the group inside. It was risky, she knew (after all, the Runners might see her reflection off of the doors), but she had to try. For all she knew, the people could have already left through a back door or something, and she was just being a brave little fool.

(( @DrTrollinski @PopcornandCaramel @The Jest ))
( Mitchell gets better with time I promise. It's all in a way for character development. )

Group 1:

"It's a ways up here. I'm sorry for the way I reacted. It's been a while since I've had contact with people. I started to think everyone was here to kill me, the zombies and the humans." he listened to Jack speak and watched everyone follow behind.

Mitchell let out a huff, hung his head and followed the group of survivors, at a distance but close enough to eavesdrop. He was impressed with the way Luke, Jackson and Jack had handled the close-call situation they had before. He almost wished he could more resilient and brave, but alas he wasn't. A coward seemed a more appropriate title.

"We're all a little tense since it happened," Luke said. "It's natural to be suspicious of everyone, even now I'm not certain about you, but you did save us. And I appreciate that." Mitchell perked up with the phrase ' suspicious of everyone' like the groups eyes were on him, of course they weren't. Sticking with this group of people was his only option now, his only chance of survival. It was amazing that he survived this long by himself, but how long would that luck last him? Mitchell assumed not long. Besides, Mitchell had a bag full of essential medical equipment. He had enough supplies to last a 12 hour shift with critical patients. That was about enough to keep someone badly injured alive for a couple days. It wasn't impressive but it would do this group some good to have him around. If they were even planning on keeping him alive. If only he could convey his importance without seeming like an awkward twat.

Mitchell drew in a breath, took a few long strides to get closer to the group and haphazardly spoke.

" I can help you. I-I mean.." he paused " I can be of use to this group. Help you survive." he talked as if trying to explain to his teacher why his homework wasn't finished.

Group 3:

Tap, tap, tap. The cadence repeated several times on her forehead. Tap, Tap, Tap. The hallway had been dark, the only light coming from the doorway. She could hear the screaming, the gurgling, the crushing sound of bones breaking. Then silence. She crept to the doorway, the only sound was her choppy breathing and drumming heart. Her heart was beating so hard she could feel the throbbing in her ears, deafening the world. Ripping and gnawing, the runners tore apart Ethan's body right in front of Yvette. She was almost ashamed to watch what seemed like a personal afrair unfolding. It wasn't personal though, they were snacking on his intestines there in that flat for the whole world to see. The gripping fear cemented her feet to the ground. "Run!" She told herself, but her body refused. "Run or you'll die too!" She kept pleading with herself. The blood smeared all over their distorted faces. The smell of iron penetrating her nose. His face permanently frozen in shock, lifeless. It was her fault, all her fault. She was hungry and needed food, how could she forget to close the door? How could she?

Reluctantly Yvette opened her stinging, crusted eyes to investigate the aggravating drilling on her forehead. A few drops of what she thought were sweat trailed down the sides of her temples matting the dark curly hair to her mocha skin. Another dream about Ethan was the real culprit for waking her. It had been a week since he was killed, it wasn't any easier to deal with, but the dreams were becoming less vivid each night. Tap, tap, tap. The drops of water from the ceiling persisted. Yvette squinted her eyes with each drop and eventually sat up from the hard ground, body aching. She reached up and wiped away the droplets onto her sweater sleeve; along with the dried tears from the night before. Crying herself to sleep was the only way she could sleep since this outbreak began.

If her memory served her, she had broken into a bakery a few blocks away from her old flat and this is where she was taking refuge. A bakery seemed like a good source of food at the time, but upon entrance she found that all of the bread was moldy and practically inedible. The same hunger pangs that motivated her to leave her flat, were insisting she find more food now. The only thing she had left in her pack for food was one can of spam. She hated spam, always had. Fucking spam. It was Gods way of punishing her for Ethan and all of the bad she had ever done in her life.

" Gotta eat..." She mumbled to herself, picking up her pack and the few table cloths she was using as a make-shift pallet. She folded the patterned table clothes and set them neatly on the dusty sales counter. Just because it was the apocalypse didn't mean she had to live like a slob. Her brown eyes drifted over the dark room. The place had seemed mostly untouched except for her presence. Yvette wondered who owned the bakery and if they were still alive. Maybe they had suffered the same fate as her dear Ethan.

Yvette jumped at the faint crashing noise outside of the building. It was subtle but with no other noise except her breathing, it was obvious. Then the sound of the clickers followed, putting a pit in Yvettes stomach. Was there someone outside? She couldn't help anyone, she could barely take care of herself right now. Besides, she'd probably cock up something and get them killed. Going outside was could not, and would not be a plan for her. She was going to take her chances on the moldy bread and canned spam.
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When Carrie asked where Amelia and January were, Vivian looked back at the now empty doorway...And fantastic, she was about to have another mood swing. Vivian was still angry at Archie because of the way he spoke to her. In an attempt to keep calm, Vivian just took a deep breath and held her back, placing her hands around where her hips used to be, her thumbs touching her stomach. She sighed. "I dunno. Me and Archie were arguing...And then they just...Disappeared." She said, not knowing what happened to them. "Well, wherever they are, I can only hope for the best." She approached the supposed owner of the Cabin. "I don't mean to be rude, but...You wouldn't happen to have a bed available, do you?" She asked nervously.

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @Jupiter @DrTrollinski
He didn't like being mocked. He had an opinion to voice. He'd been gracious enough to let them all in here and now he was still getting mocked? Jesus, you'd have thought that seeing as he didn't shoot her on sight, it would have been something to be a little bit thankful, wouldn't it? Instead, there was no thank you or anything like that, there was just a 'kiss my ass', and that was about it. He was pissed off with her now. He was going to be voicing something, but obviously there was more to take care of right now. He watched as the others came in, and then sighed. Someone took off? "I hate to sound inconsiderate, but if people took off on their own, that's their loss." He said. "Plus, I'm not sure if you haven't noticed, but this place ain't no five-star resort." He said, simply, then looked at Chris who was still huddled to his side.

"Why don't you go and sit down?" He asked, softly.

Chris just shook his head.

"I dunno. Me and Archie were arguing...And then they just... Disappeared."

"Great god... I just want to make it clear that I don't want a reenactment of an episode of Desperate Housewives here." He said. "No arguing." He added on, quickly, and of course, she asked for the bed. Oh, of course. Maybe you'd like me to get some caviar with that? Maybe some champagne, followed by breakfast in bed tomorrow morning?'

Okay. So he wanted to say that, but he didn't.

"Yeah, I'm Adam. Nice to meet you too."
He said. A greeting would have been nice, but she looked like she was about to pop. Honestly, a part of him wanted to tell her to leave. The last thing they needed was a screaming baby at night, and the last thing they needed was having to help deliver it. The fact that there was a baby made it a whole different ballgame. He just hoped that she didn't die during childbirth, if she was actually around for that long. If she didn't die during that, that meant that she could breastfeed, which meant no hunting for formula.

Adam hated to be harsh, but if he had to choose between saving a baby and saving a member of the group that was actually a help, he'd choose the member of the group. A baby wasn't going to put food on the table. Don't get me wrong, he wouldn't ever just... Not save it, he'd try, but if it was a choice between a helpful member of the group and a newborn, his priorities would shine through.

He loved kids, but the outbreak changed people.

He sighed. He was tired, he was hungry, and he needed something strong to drink.
"Look, sorry, I'm not trying to be an asshole." He said. "I assume you're Vivian. Adam." He said, then nodded to the boy beside him. "Chris, my son." He said. "I--.. Really feel for you, having to raise a kid in this world. I know it ain't easy." He said, patting Chris's head but also nodding down at her stomach. "Just--.. Fuck, the bed's upstairs." He said, simply. "I'm just not in a good mood right now. It'd--.. Probably be best if you got some rest. I'll be on lookout most the night, anyway." He said, and then turned back to Carrie.

"And you. Cut your sarcastic act - You're lucky I didn't blow a fucking hole in you the moment you got through that window - It was my choice to let you and your friends in here, not yours. If you had made a decision, and I was the one asking for help, then I'd understand your sarcasm and disregard and your 'I couldn't give a shit about you' tone, but right now, I think that if I was in your situation, I'd be showing a little gratitude." He said.

"In fact, Carrie..." He shoved the side of the crowbar into her chest, but not harshly, just hard enough to show that he wanted her to take it. "Something like 'Thank you, Adam, for not shooting my stupid ass' would be ideal, don't you think?" He said. "And on that note..." He slowly took a long deep breath to calm himself.

"Dad..." Chris said, tugging at his arm. "Can you guys... You know... Not fight?" He asked, the fear clear in his voice. Adam hugged him close with one arm and watched him as he scanned over everyone that had suddenly joined them. Chris was clearly a little fearful of all of them, and it was even more clear that he was extremely dependent on his father.

"I wasn't planning on it, son, and I hope that these fine people aren't planning on it, either." He said, then looked at Carrie and gave a half-smile. "Now... If you'd be so kind, I need to go and mingle with my guests. We'll catch up later, but in the meantime, welcome to our humble abode. Make yourself at home, but don't think that we'll be providing three-course meals or anything. We're starting to run low." He said, the last part was said pretty seriously, to be honest.

wasn't running low nowadays?

"So, so far, I've met Vivian, Carrie, and... You two are...?" He nodded to the twins. "Brother and sister, I assume." He said. No more arguments. He didn't have time for that right now.

(@ThatOneCrazyPerson, @Shimakage Thunder)


Group Three - In the Hotel

Marco peeked around the side, only to see the mutants trying to bash down the door. He was well aware that that wouldn't hold for long. He also saw something else. He saw a woman standing there and waving at them. Okay, this... Wasn't doing them many favors. What did she want them to do? Dive out of the window and run to her in a blaze of glory? It wasn't going to work that way. They had to get out of the back, and it was going to take more than that to get Marco to trust her. If he walked up to everyone that had waved at him, he'd probably be dead by now. He only had the thought of 'who the fuck are you?' going through his head the whole time. He was ignoring the flesh-eating creatures that were about to break in through the glass doors, but soon, when he heard the piercing crack of glass, he snapped back into it and let out an angered grunt as he used his free hand to rip his 13.5" bayonet from his belt, holding it with the blade pointing downwards. He could stab things a little bit easier with this, now.

"Fuck this!" Marco yelled, then harshly pulled Lewis to his feet. "Come on, we're sitting ducks here. Move!" He yelled at them all, and Stephen picked up a very upset Jack and helped him to his feet, waiting for Marco to lead. He heard the glass cracking more as they stood up. Now that they were visible, they were only more enraged by the fact that their dinner was right there. Why were they even trying to get through this city at night? That was a bad idea in itself, but they couldn't stop now. As Marco forced them all up, he began running, as did everyone else, right as they heard the glass shatter.

Well, partially, and one of the clickers managed to worm through the window, slicing itself open in the process. It was alive, though, and of course it was on its feet and chasing them, but they had the lead, and it was straight into one of the back rooms of the first floor. They could get out of the window without problem here if they needed to, but Marco could hear them coming. He heard the clicking of at least one of them, so instead of prying the window open, he shoved the boys down, including Stephen, behind the bed while he ran into the bathroom and began to root through the cabinet above the sink.

Deodorant and hairspray. Both were helpful, but he didn't want this for a reason to make himself look or smell nice. He grabbed both cans, shoved one into the pocket of his jacket, and held the other one in his hand as he wormed his free hand through the pocket of his pants, pulling out his Zippo lighter.

Stephen knew that the silenced sobbing of the two kids was still audible. Had Marco left them? No. Marco had tucked his knife away in an easy-to-reach place on his belt and was now doing something a little different.

As the clicker slowly walked around to investigate the crying, just when they thought they were going to get torn to pieces, a high-pitched whistle went off.

"Hey, asshole!" Marco called out, right after he'd whistled. The clicker's attention immediately went to him. Stephen peeked over the bed to see him holding a Zippo lighter, the flame burning and putting a gentle glow over the whole room. In his other hand, the can of deodorant, the body-spray, ready and waiting. Stephen knew that he'd killed a few of these things, but being face-to-face with a clicker was something that Mark always feared. He knew that they were dangerous. As the clicker came forward, he held the can behind the lighter, and his index finger pressed down on it.

Immediately there was a makeshift flamethrower that went a short distance through the air and lit up the whole room, stopping the clicker in its tracks as the flames began to fry its face. It was shrieking, it stopped running at him and instead started clawing at its head to try and put the flames out, but its hands got caught by it in the process. As the desperation shot through its body, it started to scream and panic even more, but Marco's eyes had a certain fire behind them themselves. He looked... Psychotic. It was almost as if he was taking out some sort of inner anger on this thing, because.. He could have finished the job a whole lot sooner.

But he kept on... Torturing the thing, almost.

Eventually, though, he got bored - He let the deodorant can fall into his pocket and quickly grabbed the handle of his bayonet from his belt, then lifted it up and drove it straight down on top of the things head, and then there was silence. He ripped the knife out, and Jack threw up. The smell of burning flesh and the sight of that made him vomit across the floor, but thankfully not on anyone else.

"No time. Move." Marco said, holding up a hand before Stephen could start to freak out over Jack. Of course, Marco kicked the room's door shut, and then walked to the window and took a brief second to look at his reflection - strands of hair were hanging down from the once slicked by style, and generally, he was looking more stressed than he was when he got up this morning.

He shoved one of the windows open, only to hear more screams from down the hallway. They knew they were here, so they had to move quick. As soon as he'd pried it open, he helped them all out. First Lewis, then Stephen, and then Jack. Finally, he dived out of it himself, and slammed the window back down once he was outside and on the ground. They had no time to spare. He patted Stephen's shoulder, breathless, and nodded across the street. They ran right through the customer entrance of the garage (the shutter doors were down, don't worry), and Marco immediately sat against the door.

He'd seen the woman on his way over here, the one that was waving. He was just wondering if she'd seem them.

Marco wouldn't let her in, but Stephen would. Marco was... Not very kindhearted, as you can probably tell.


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Archie and Ivy both stood there, watching. Ivy was smiling, like I said, but Archie looked like he was ready to hit something at a moments notice, so I would be careful what you say to him. When Vivian mentioned that they were arguing, he looked over at her and narrowed his eyes. "I was defending myself, that's different to arguing. You don't have to mention it, unless you're trying to turn people against me already." He hissed at her, but Ivy grabbed his arm and shook her head.

"Stop it. I know you're upset but just take a minute, okay? Both of you, stop. I don't want to hear anymore of it." She pointed at both him and Vivian, and raised her eyebrows, and then pulled him to the side of her, and then she grabbed his hand and squeezed it, and he looked at her for a moment before sighing. Ivy didn't like this guy, this Adam. She thought that he was being a little rude, but at the same time she understood, and by the sounds of things people were being rude all over the place. She didn't say anything, just stayed next to Archie, and pulled open her backpack, putting her knife back inside it.

Archie, however, liked the guy. He didn't trust him, don't get me wrong, and he still really wanted to leave this place at the first sign of light the next morning, but he liked how the guy just sort of... Didn't take any shit. He admired that.

They were silent through it all, until they were asked their names. He didn't speak, but Ivy did, again, she was always the one to speak. I suppose it gave you false impressions of Archie, made you think that he was quiet or something, but he really wasn't. I mean, he liked to speak his mind and all that.

"I'm Ivy, this is my twin brother, Archie." She gestured to him. No mention on which twin was the youngest, or the oldest, but when Vivian had presumed that she was the little sister, she was wrong. The thing was, with an attitude like Archie's, he could probably stay alive for a while longer because he wouldn't rely on other people, but I'm only saying. Just then, at the mention of food, Archie's stomach let out a loud growl, and he went bright red before looking away from everyone. He still had the bag of chips that Amelia had handed him, and Ivy had the food that Vivian gave her, but he didn't think that eating it quite yet was a good idea.

Some people could get hostile around food, now, he had learnt that.

(( @ThatOneCrazyPerson @Shimakage Thunder ))

The runners had trailed off by now, luckily, but they wanted to get to the truck as quickly as possible so they kept running, this time at a slower pace.

"I can help you. I-I mean.." Mitchell had said, catching up to the group, "I can be of use to this group. Help you survive."

Luke and Jackson weren't nervous of keeping the guy around because he was just scared of everything going on, he was too scared, you know, to the point of where if it came between him and Weston or Allie trying to get out of a shitty situation, he would choose himself. He would completely buckle under the pressure and make the easier decision, which almost always the worst out of the two nowadays.

"We'll see," Luke said. "You don't seem harmful to people, at least not in the most direct way. I'm not trusting you with this kid," he gestured towards Weston with his head, "or the other one behind me."

Jackson silently listened to entire conversation up ahead, though was among the first to spot the truck. "I see it," he had simply said.

@ThatOneCrazyPerson @JackMonroe @PopcornandCaramel

Three (Padrig):

Padrig had no idea what to do. He didn't know this city at all, and of course he missed his family back in Ireland. Of all the places and times he had to leave his family, he could never see them again, and that broke his heart.

Luckily, he was with his fiance at this point and at least knew someone, probably the only person in this entire country he knew, actually. They were huddled up inside a room together, hearing the noises of those thingamajigs outside getting closer and closer. He looked towards Sabrina, "How are ya' feelin'?" he asked in his thick, Irish accent.

He knew how to kill them, unlike before when they were in Sabrina's apartment. After grabbing hold of his knife, he stabbed it right in the heart, doing absolutely nothing to the beast. To say the least, he freaked out, but quickly stabbed it in the knife after his quick, sudden tantrum. Sabrina, despite all things that occurred, laughed at him.

But now the situation was much, much worse off for them. They couldn't escape the area, they could either fight through it or die.


Three (Johnny):

(Not bringing him in yet!)
"Here it is." Jack said, pointing a hand to the slightly beat-up pickup truck.

"Should fit us all. You said we have no shelter. This thing should take us somewhere if need be. Since we have from what I understand, limited supplies and ammo, maybe going somewhere we're most likely to find those would be the best course of action." He suggested, opening the hood of the car and looking in. He turned around, surveying the group of survivors.

"Four guys, three kids." He said, referencing Jackson, Luke, Mitchell, and himself. The three kids of course were the young boy, the younger girl, and the toddler he hadn't learned the names of yet.

"Two of the guys up front. Three kids in the backseat. Someone and myself in the back outside. We'll be exposed, so I want someone who knows how to kill. Sound good to you guys?"



Luke and Jackson listened intently, though when Jack mentioned "Four guys, three kids," and gestured towards Luke as one of the guys instead of the kids, Luke looked at Jackson and said "Hah, looks like we're equals now! We are just two peas if you ask me."

Jackson just looked at Luke, "Not even close," though you could tell he was forming the edge of a smile.

"Two of the guys up front. Three kids in the backseat. Someone and myself in the back outside," Jack proposed to the group. Luke had immediately thought: I'll stay in the back with Jack, Mitchell can't cover the kids. Well, maybe he could, I just don't trust him to and Jackson could easily take the front alone, if need be. The man continued, "We'll be exposed, so I want someone who knows how to kill. Sound good to you guys?"

Luke was the first to speak up, "I'll stay in the back with you. Mitchell gets uneasy when he has to kill something," he looks towards him, "no offense," then returns to Jack, "and Jackson could easily take the front."

Jackson gives Luke a cold, hard stare, as if that was definitely not the best option. Seeing what Jack did before, he didn't feel right leaving Luke alone with a mad man, but he knew he couldn't change Luke's mind when it was made up. At the very least, Jackson said "I'm opening the doors of the truck to use as a shield in case the runners get to close." He didn't wait for anyone's opinion on this, so he headed to the front of the truck, opened the door and waited. Along with this, he positioned the truck mirrors so that he could see the edge of Luke since he wasn't standing completely behind the truck.

@JackMonroe @ThatOneCrazyPerson

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