Nephilim Academy

Maybe he just arrived late or something along those lines.

That cookie comment just reminded me of my friend Tony. He baked a cake when he got hungry while we were listing to J-Rock. He literally stood up looked me in eye and said "I'm gonna bake a cake", then he went into my kitchen. I would've been okay with it, if he had actually made a whole cake. He kept licking the batter off the spoon, so in the end we had a muffin-sized cake.
Well I was going to make it so he actually was there the first day, but no one noticed him because he wears a hood a lot and he didn't leave his room the majority of the time because he was writing poetry. xD

Hahahaha xD When I bake cupcakes/cakes I spend like 15 minutes licking the batter off the spoon xD It's just so good x'D 
I noticed your profile picture! xD I was like, omg it's a pony dressed up as a muffin. xD
Wait, so is it morning yet in the rp? xD And I'm just gonna assume she accepts my character so I can make a post xD

Hopefully she does accept..or that'd be awkward. xD
Right now it's late into the day. The guys, including Valdun, are going to the bathing area. There are only two people in there, so the only normal thing to do is give the other guy scalp burning shampoo.

Well, I'm anxious to post something xD Though I don't feel like making him shower right now hahah.

He'll just be in his room writing something, 'cause when is he not? xD
Name: Evrun Nexus


Gender: Male

Age: 15

Personality: Evrun is an overly happy person. He enjoys messing with his brother and laughing at his reactions. Since he can't really recall the dark times in his life, he is always smiling and carefree. He is attached to his brother and refuses to be separated from him, unless ordered to. He worries about his brother's well-being greatly and often forgets things when Valdun is in need.

History: Evrun was taken from his house and separated from his family on the night he was born. He can't recall much about where he went or what happened, since Valdun found him when he turned two. After being rescued, Valdun raised him and they moved to a small town. He sometimes got lonely when his brother left the house for hours, but it vanished when he walked through the door. It was during his fifth birthday, when some of Evrun's abilities started to appear. He began aging at an fast rate, but he managed to control it by the time he turned fifteen. He currently wants to use Nephilim Academy as an excuse to be with his older brother.

Powers: Evrun has the ability to increase his aging process, but doesn't use it, since he wants to stay the same age as his brother. He also has the ability to change the way people perceive things, almost like illusions. The rest of his powers have yet to be discovered.

Dorm: Boys Dorm 4



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.17ba6ed87cca9d97b26bf3def84cb9f9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3158" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.17ba6ed87cca9d97b26bf3def84cb9f9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Wings: Two large silver wings



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Yayy, Seth has a roommate now xD

..with an overly happy person..should be interesting xDD
I have an idea in my mind that connects the siblings and Seth together. Although, I don't plan on giving any
Seth likes music :>

..dark music xD  
Well, deep music..that people consider dark xD
I was not expecting what just happened in the actual thread, so I did what I always do in that situation. Flip somebody....
Poor Valdun. He's just like 'T^T //le sigh//' 
And judging from paipai's last post, you cannot win this battle xD

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