Nephilim Academy

Name: Seth Entwistle

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Personality: Seth is rather quiet much of the time, but when he does speak he tends to sound quite rude and harsh. However, he's really not a bad guy. It's just hard for Seth to let people into his life because he's afraid to become too attached to them. What most don't know is that on the inside, Seth is a really sweet guy and he'll be extremely caring and protective. Though he won't admit it, he's truly a hopeless romantic. He absolutely loves music and writing stories and poetry. He's able to get his emotions out through writing and the words in the music he listens to. He doesn't tell people that he writes though because he's actually embarrassed about it.

History: Seth's mother was a human, whereas his father was a Fallen Angel. Of course, it is forbidden for Fallen and Humans to have any sort of relationship. His parents were deeply in love with one another, so they were willing to do anything to be together. They secretly had a relationship with each other, which led to the birth of Seth. He was born a Nephilim, a human with a Fallen Angel gene. He loved his parents--they treated him well with respect. However, one day tragedy struck at his home. Finally, one day when Seth was at the age of six, he was upstairs in his room writing a poem when a loud noise was heard from downstairs. He jumped, the pencil falling right from his grasp. He heard these loud men yelling along with his mother screaming. His father then ran into Seth's room and told him to hide in the attic. Seth didn't know what was happening, but he was frightened. He followed his father's orders and quickly grabbed his poem and climbed up into the attic, closing the latch behind him. A little while later, he heard the sound of gun shots...all the screaming and yelling ended, along with a slam of the door. Seth ran down the stairs finally, only to find his parents lying on the kitchen floor in pools of blood.

He came to find that his parents were murdered by a few Fallen who had figured out about his parents affair. Ever since that day, he's been afraid to let others into his life because he's afraid to ever love someone again. He's afraid he won't be able to protect them the way he couldn't protect his parents.

Powers: Seth has wings that he can fly with, the ability to create dark portals for transportation, and he can create powerful balls of darkness.

Dorm: Boy Dorm 4

Crush: None.

Looks: Seth has fair skin and cold gray eyes. He has silky black hair that brushes against the back of his neck, along with razor sharp bangs that fall into his eyes. He almost always wears hoodies, dark washed skinny jeans, and black combat boots. He has large midnight black wings with razor sharp feathers.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bddb26707_sethentwistle.jpg.2f3d162e602852c8fc9f0d407a152c75.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3149" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bddb26707_sethentwistle.jpg.2f3d162e602852c8fc9f0d407a152c75.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

((Oh and also, the photo for his dorm doesn't show up, so I don't know what it looks like ahaha.))<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bddb1e42b_sethentwistle.jpg.b4379d230fa385827e88b9ba41d7b232.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3147" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bddb1e42b_sethentwistle.jpg.b4379d230fa385827e88b9ba41d7b232.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Seth is straight ^^ 
I saw that there were a number of gay guys in this, so I was like, well I should make a straight guy then xDD 
Oh, and would someone mind telling me what's going on in the roleplay? I'm not sure how to jump in hahaha xD
Well, everyone is currently getting ready to end the day and some are heading to the showers.

Now there are two straight guys.

I don't know if you noticed, Nami, but our characters are similar in some ways.
Sky's in the forest if you want to find her. It's pretty late at night so most people are sleeping.

Yeah. I really don't have a problem with the gay and bi guys but a straight guy would be nice. xD
Lucem, I just read Valdun's history and it's almost the same xDD I guess it happened to both of their families D':

And omg. Valdun and Seth can be besties. x'D

But Seth's secretly a hopeless romantic xDD But of course he'd never admit to such ||D

And hmmmm, lemme see where I'm gonna have Seth start off. I might have him be chillin out in the forest as well, so he can get some air and write poetry xD

Though, Idunno if I have to wait to be accepted...xDD
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The 'Besties' things sounds fun, since their personalities and histories are almost identical. I'm slowly revealing more stuff about him, since it would be boring if I put almost everything about him in his character sheet.

The first day is ending soon and I think classes are starting in the morning.

Depending on if I can make another character, I'm planning on having someone from his past enroll.
Hoorah! Besties 5ever. xD And yeah, I figured you were leaving out certain details in his character sheet xD

And in that case, I don't know where I'll have him start off xD Maybe I'll wait until the day ends and everyone's going to their classes, so he can jump in on the second day.
That's interesting, but it won't work out for two reasons. Twins have to be the same age and Seth is one year older than Valdun. Valdun lost his younger sibling. I won't go into more detail, but the second phone call is a pretty big reason why it won't work.
Or because of their pasts, they've ended up being similar in many ways, which could lead them to become good friends.

I can practically see the interaction.

Valdun: Hi

Seth: Hi

*Fast forward a week*

Valdun: Need help?

Seth: Sure

*Another week later*

Seth: Valdun!

Valdun: Seth!

*Epic high five*

The point of that was showing how akward the interracting is going to be. At first they're both dark and depressing, but before you now it they're best friends. It's kind of weird how that works.
Wow! My stomach hurts I laughed so hard at that. I don't even know why. xD

Yeah. I have a bit more to reveal about Sky as well but that's not going to work if she doesn't get any character interaction.
Depending on if I can make a second character, I will be able to reveal a lot more about Valdun. 
That's typically how it goes for solitary, but good characters. Once they manage to forge a good connection with someone, they are able to slowly bring out their happier personality once they are able to put their pasts behind them.
Hahahahah xD

But since they're so similar Seth will feel relieved, considering he finds really bubbly, happy people rather obnoxious.

He'll see Valdun and think, future bestie omg.

...Well, he probably won't think that but..they will be besties o -o

and well I guess Seth kind of shuts people's just hard for him to let people into his life so easily because he's afraid to get too attached to someone. He feels that if he does befriend someone, they'll die one day and he's going to have to suffer from a tragic death all over again. He's just scared :'c
I was gonna say,


but then I was like, wait no. Valdun's gonna have to save himself or drown...because that'd be terribly weird if Seth went to help him.
I just think it's a little weird how while you're waiting to write your next post, your character is technically still doing what you wrote in the last post. I had Valdun go take a shower before going to sleep and left it there. So technically, he is still in that shower. And yes that would be weird. Very weird....
I'm not sure how to start xD Well, I know how to start actually, but I'm not sure if it's morning yet orrrr...? So, I'm waiting 'til I know it's morning xD And wait--what is Seth currently doing then..?

Well, to clear things up he is NOT currently going to rescue Valdun. (He's straight, I promise. xD ) He's actually just chilling in his room eating cookies. o-o

I mean, I bet he is.. xD

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