Nephilim Academy

Name:Taris Eden Clarevore

Nick Name: Eden (No one can pronounce her first name correctly)

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Personality: She tends to keep away from a crowd and tries not to get in to too much trouble. She tends to leave campus a lot to go to night clubs and has many connections to groups such as the mafia. She is moderately social, but tends not to have many friends.

History: Her mother and father are both separated and both are very wealthy. She lives a very posh life and has the most expensive wardrobe at the school. She tends to get whatever she wants with little to no argument.

Powers: She is very in tune with the mind, possibly from being the daughter of psychologist, so she has an ability to manipulate people, almost like mind control.

Dorm: Dorm 3

Crush: None at the moment


Her wings are white with a slight glow around them. They are shimmery and look as if there are specks od jewels embedded in them.

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