Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

Wane grinned, "Alright then, lets get started. First we'll get some food, then we'll raid some place for a few supplies or whatever it is that we need". He waved for everyone to follow him as he shifted into cat form and went to the direction of the city. "Don't let any human go unharmed, dead or alive" he said. He flicked his ears and looked back at the others, "You guys got your powers ready?" he looked around cautiously, Vince could be watching them from somewhere. "Here's the thing, we could be being watched at all times, so lets not use our powers all at once. We probably should take use our powers at different times, so it's harder to track who does what. Agreed?" They'd have to play it smart, since they were being followed, he wondered if this Vince had any idea where their base was. He sincerely hoped not.
Rekka nodded and looked to Adrianna and Nii, blinking silently to see if they were ready. He purred and went to Wane, also clutching his own pendant. Rekka wavered his tail a little in the air. Then he thought where they could go, then remembered something," Rekka remembers... Big man have lunch... Lunch," he stammered. He had noted that a 'big man' meaning a man of high authority was going to have a lunch somewhere, but the place would have alot of security. He held his hand to his chin then snapped his fingers," Ah! West Building!" He purred, flicking his ears forward.
"Agreed," Nii said to Wane, then replied to Rekka, "Big man huh? Any idea of his position of Nekos? I can only assume he is against considering you are keeping tabs on him." Nii shifted to lynx form and stretched, she was still very tired and was not a morning person in the least. "Security may cause an issue, but it could be fun. What if the big man has crazy Vince as a hired gun though? Is it worth the risk?" Nii shook her head, "I'm just being paranoid... sorry."
Adrianna looks at Rekka and then smirks. She leans her arm on Rekka's shoulder with a smirk. "I can get you in there no problem." She said and then laughed a little. She showed her nails. "Cut a few wires and the camra's go down." She said and then looked at Wane. "Oh and Vince already knows my power so I can use mine when ever I want. Besides I've been learning a new" she said and then waved her hand in front of her, she bent the light around her and soon turned invisible. She reappeared seconds later panting. "But it....takes work...." She said and then brushed her blond hair out of her face. "It's not perfect but it can get me passed almost anything."
Rekka clapped softly at Adrianna's new trick, and he looked at Wane for further instructions. His leader was rather flashy, so Rekka comcluded he liked to have a big opening. Whichever way, he knew that this would be very fun.
Wane looked at Adrianna and grinned "Impressive, it's interesting when you can find multiple uses for powers" he purred, he shifted into human form as he arrived close to the place Recca had indicated. He looked to see they were waiting for his command. Man did he love being in charge!, "Okay, big security, no big deal. I'll just blow in there with one of you as backup and demand entrance. If things get too hairy than we'll end up being the diversion and the other two sneak in and grab some food" He beamed with pride. He looked at Adrianna, "Your camera slicing and invisibility trick would work perfectly for sneaking back there, do you think you could do it for another neko as well?"

He thought of something else "Oh yeah, we'll also need a signal so we know when your done, since we can't see you either" He flicked his tail, man this was going to be fun, he was already anticipating it.
Adrianna looks at him. "Unless you want to knock me out I don't think I can." she said and then sighed. "It drains me so fast I can only do it for a few minutes." she said and then rubs her head. "although I might be able to sneek in without using it.....I can make the other person disappear for a bit." She said and then looks at all of them. "As for a, orange, yellow, green, blue indigo, or violet light?" She said creating a light ball.
Rekka looked away, then turning back with a happy smile," Rainbow~" he snickered, indicating with his hands the shape of a rainbow like on Spangebob. He giggled a bit and instantly reverted to being serious, and shrugged his shoulders, looking at the others for their color preferences.
Nii looked at the others a little concerned, she seemed to be the only one who was worried. 'Eh, if you can't beat 'em join them,' she thought, shaking off her worries. "What you can do, it's really cool, even though you can only do it for a short while it is extremely useful. As for color, I like the rainbow idea." Nii giggled a bit, "But if not, a bright blue color is hard to miss." Nii turned to Wane, "Who's going to go with you? And who's going with Adrianna?"
Wane grinned "I'd prefer Blue or Violet myself, but lets go with rainbow. Gay pride!" He snickered.He looked at Nii and Adrianna. "Alright, me and Rekka are going in. Get ready!" he meowed. He walked over to the door, then kicked them open SWAT style. Tons of faces turned to look at him then jumped in shock upon seeing the nekos. "For those of you who don't know I'm Wane Moonscar and this is my associate Rekka" he laughed maniacally, stepping into the center of the room. He crossed his arms and flicked his tail menacingly. "You are all about to die! Enjoy your moments basking in my amazing presence.
Rekka followed.quietly behind Wane, saying a quiet," Yeah!" after he spoke. Rekka flicked up his necklace, but decided not to use his power until he needed. Rekka ran over and jumped on one man's face, knocking him over. Rekka giggled and kicked another, pulling on the.collar of his shirt, and slammed him against the wall. He giggled and motioned to Wane, letting him conjure some sort of flashy magic attack to the remaining men.
He grinned as a few of the men raised their guns at him. He looked over at Rekka who met his gaze, time to get his psycho magic going. With his left palm raised he swipes it in an arc, the power sends a blue energy slicing through their arms. The arms fall limp to their sides and they drop their weapons, their faces suddenly grow shocked with the sudden absence of use in their arms. He then flies at them and in one swift kick knocks them all to the floor. Purple energy from his right palm turned them all to charcoal dust. This was much too easy. He scanned the area looking for a challenge, and just then he saw a burly man with a knife sneak behind Rekka "Rekka, behind you!" he shouted.
Adrianna stayed quiet as she blasted light at the man behind rekka blinding him for a moment. She grabbed Nii's arm and then pulled her towards the back door. Adrianna moved past guards. She snuck into a room and knocked out two guards. She cut a few wires and the camra's were down. Adrianna looks at Nii. "go get the food I'll make you disappear for a bit then we can signal the guys." She said with a smirk.
Nii followed Adrianna into the back and nodded at her. She moved into the room with the food with the aid of Adrianna's invisibility trick. She took as many plates from the food prep room as her arms allowed, taking a few more via her telekinesis as well, and headed back to Adrianna.
Name: Hyla[High-La]


Species:[obviously] Neko[ xD ] Kinda brown ish colored cat


Powers?:You'll find out. :)


Appearance:Regular human sized, light brown hair, light blue eyes. Wears short denim shorts, short sleeved [awesome looking] colorful shirt. hair hides tail and ears, and falls around the.....well around her hips i guess.

Cat appearance: Leopard-ish. Eyes light blue, leopard patterened coat.

Hyla was no memory. Of anything. Accept since she was 10. She remembers waking up in an 'orphanage' everyone looked at her funny. They all looked at EACH OTHER funny. Because all of them were different. No one liked her. Kids triped her and pushed her. Sometimes she had cried herself to sleep. At 12, she ran away, but was caught. They brought her back, and locked her up in the basement. She met her bestfriend and at age 13, they got out and ran away. he was a year older, black hair, had wings and bright green eyes. but when they ran away, they ran into a road, and as a truck was about to hit Hyla, he pushed her out of the way.....but died himself.His name was Hitsu. She kept running, for his sake. And she ended up here!

Hyla looked around. Her ears fliked as she glared at every person she passed. She wasn't a soft cat like she used to be. Since Hitsu had died, she changed.She walked into an alley way and leaped up a building onto it's roof, and looked over the town.
([MENTION=3713]going*going*gone[/MENTION] Welcome neko :3 I think the strangest thing about you is your use of brackets instead of the traditional parentheses. Anyways, I'm surprised you came given the 22 accumulated pages. No matter, thanks for joining 'NAL' a.k.a Neko Anarchy League :P . Hop into the conspiracy anytime LULz xD )
Adrianna was sitting down panting. She was tired from consealing Nii. She looked around and then got up walking down about to sneak out. She stopped as she hear a gun **** behind her. She turned and saw Vince with two hand guns, one pointed at her and the other at Nii. Adrianna glared at him and then quickly did a sweeping move on him. As he fell he shot the ceiling. Adrianna blasted out a color of blue were the two boys could see and then blasted out red hoping they would figure Nii and her were indanger. (I think we need more guys. Should I make one?)

She looked at Nii and then pointed down the steps. "Run now." She said and then pulled out her knife as Vince got back up. She looks at him an then glares. He was toying with her....and she knew it. His intent was not to kill but to study and Adrianna didn't want Nii to use her powers, she hide the food floating by Nii with her light power, they were smaller so it was easier but the strain was clear on her.
(I assume you meant gun'shot' xD . I think the gender proportion is okay. Two guys, 3 girls, that's not too bad. I was actually thinking of making a guy and a girl character later, with permission from the VP of course :P )

Wane punched the guy behind Rekka in the face. In the corner of his eyes he saw a blue light, then in succesion a red light. Wane, being Wane, his first thought was 'What no rainbow? Oh well, at least she used blue but whats up with the red?' It was then that he noticed the erratic firing of light was odd, irregular even. There must be something wrong. His ears shot straight up and looked behind him to his companion. "Rekka, we have to go, it's bad" He ran to the area where the light was "Remember, don't use your powers unless necessary." It was obvious they'd be fighting old school for the time being. Dodging, kicking, and punching.

They both arrived and he saw a guy with double guns "This your friend Vince right?" he looked at the guy and gave a wicked grin "I only caught a glimpse of him at the forest. Pretty failed attempt if you ask me" he taunted, trying to get a rise out of him "If it were the other way around you'd be dead by now. You call yourself a hunter?" he flashed a grin and laughed maniacally, his muscles were taught ready to jump at will if bullets were to fly.

It was possible this guy knew him, Wane was already well known and he probably already knew his powers. But he didn't know for sure, so he'd keep that away for now. He cast a glance to Adrianna, she looked weak from the effort. Stupid! How did he not think of this? Of course they might have ran into Vince, and now they did. She was a strong fighter though, so he believed she could handle it despite the handicap.
Nii dropped the plates she had and didn't run, but went next to Wane and hissed at Vince. 'Crap..' she thought, 'I can't use my abilities. And I am nearly useless without telekinesis...' Nii looked at Wane and Adrianna, she was right to have been paranoid. Vince was here, and we are handicapped.
(Wow....I didn't even notice that.....I was tired this morning.)

Adrianna looks at Vince who glarecd at Adrianna. "You're going to take that out on me right?" She said and then ducted as he tried to hit her with his gun. She looked at Vince and then grabbed his arm with the gun. She glared at him with fire in her eyes. " b4eg for mercy and I run away with my group." She said and then Vince smirked. Her eyes widen and she jumped back right before he could knife her. She stummbled back into Wane and then looked at Vince. She glared and then blasted light at him which slammed him into the wall.

Vince got back up and then grabbed his guns and then ran over. He tripped Adrianna and then put a gun right at Wane. "Now you beg....and then I kill you." He said and then glared at her. "Either you give up or I bag my next target first." he looked at Wane and then to Adrianna who was angry now. "You've been using to much of your look tired." He looked at Wane. "Try your trick and I shoot you." he said and then looked at Adrianna.
Nii glared at Vince and decided, 'screw it, time to help.' She wrenched the gun out of his hand quickly with her mind and slammed the butt of it into his head. She made the gun hover between them, pointed at his head. She hoped he wouldn't figure out who it was that did that.
(That's up to the VP TheTruth, but I'd love to have you join :P )

Wane glared at Vince in the eye, putting out the facade that he wasn't one bit disturbed by the threat of a gun at his face. "You think I'll beg, clearly you don't know Wane Moonscar that well" he dashed to the side and just then an invisible force, Nii, butts him in the face with his own gun. Vince sneers at him and just as Wane gets cocky and goes for a kick. His leg is captured and he is flung across the room and breaks a table, glass shatters on the impact. Wane clenches his teeth "Nice move...but not nice enough" he jumps back on his feet.

"Kill me any day, but lay one hand on these nekos and whether I'm dead or alive I swear I"ll punish you hardcore" He hissed and throws a glass vase at his face.
Vince grabbed it and set it down. He smirked and then wipped the blood off his face. "I see now." He rushed out and pulled out a knife. He hit wane and then threw a knife at Nii. Adrianna blasted light at him and then jumped up. She kicked Vince while in the air and then landed like a cat. She hissed and he shot at her with his other hand gun but she had already gotten out of the way.

Vince changed his gun to a Tranquilizer and shot at Nii. "Alright so we got magic boy....tele girl and the walking sun." He said and then grabbed his hand gun again and pointed it at Adrianna. "So I wonder what that other one has." he said and then looked at Adrianna. "oh and look so similir to two Nekos on my looks just like you only much older. The pair did have a kid if I remember when my father killed them." He said and then smirked.

Adrianna looks at Vince and then clenched her fists. "How dare you treat my parents like a trophy!" She said and then blasted him with light yet again, she burned his arms and then grabbed him in the same light. "oh look...your trapped." She said glaring. Vince just smirked at her and Adrianna glared, what was it now? What was he going to do?!
Wane hissed at Vince when he'd mentioned killing off her parents. He knew he had magic so screw it, might as well use it. "We should get out of here, we need to run. NOW!!!" Wane aimed his left palm at the momentarily trapped hunter. He put the force of most of his energy into it and the crackling blue energy surged into his direction. It spread through his body, incapacitating him for a few minutes by numbing all the muscles in his body. Wane grew tired, but he'd regain his energy with time. "Let's run, Nii grab the food. We have time to escape and regain our power".

(I'm done today, I want SpiritWolf to catchup)

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