Neko for sale (redo) [Inactive]

Kumo was still smiling widely, "I'm Kumo, and I didn't know this was anyone's tarratory." He said. He saw Nichole, and he just kind of forgot Tēru was there.

Tēru cleared her throat, snapping Kumo out of his 'trance'. "I'm Tēru, nice to meet you." She said. But, she was noticabley mad.
Kumo looked over at Nichole again, "It's cool." He said happily. "I don't mind." Infact he wished he had a cat form, but he could only talk to animals. It would be easier, and less awkward to play with other nekos in a cat form. He blushed which he found quite odd. "D-do you have a cat form?"

Tēru sighed, she wasn't sure if Kumo had a brain. She couldn't get through to him that's for sure.
Nichole nodded and went cat. She meowed and hopped onto teru's shoulder. The bow and bell on her tail moved with every gentle movement of her tail.
Kumo laughed, "Cool." Then, he sighed "I can't." He said. He was worried someone would walk down the hall, but maybe there was something specific you had to do to get that power, and Nichole might tell him. His tail swayed, excitedly. 
Tēru laughed as Nichole hopped onto her shoulder. Then, yawned, "I'm goin' to bed." She said, stretching.
Kumo almost frowned when, the other nekos were tired. "Is there a specific way to get a cat form?" He asked hopefuly.

Tēru sighed, and rolled her eyes. "Yeah, be born with it." She said as she walked to her room.

"Oh." Kumo said, disapointedly. But, just in case Tēru was just being mean, he waited for Nichole's answer.
Kumo thought about it, and smiled again. "Thanks. I'll try it." He said. "You can goto bed now, good night."

Tēru collasped on her bed, and closed her eyes. She quickly fell asleep, and started dreaming about sweets.
Kumo concentraited, as he sat on his bed. He closed his eyes, and sat criss-cross. "Comeoncomeoncomeon." He muttered. He opened his eyes quickly, but was disapointed. "I'm not a cat." He sighed, and decided to give it a rest for the night. He layed down, falling asleep.

((Time change?))
Tēru weoke up early, and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Yawning, she stretched, and stood up. She grabbed one of the extra sweets from her drawer, and took a bite.

Kumo woke up, the fur on his tail knotted. He groaned when, he looked at it. Pulling on his cloak, he exited his room, and looked around for a brush.
Nichole yawned and got up. She stretched and padded out of her room. She sighed bathing and went to fix jason hid breakfast.

Jason got up and dressed. He walked downstairs smelling coffee.
Kumo found a brush, and grabbing it, smothed the knots out of his tail. He also brushed his hair, and then messed it back up. He slipped the hood back on, and headed downstairs. He walked into the kitchen, and looked around.

Tēru finished eating the cinnomon bun, she had gotten, and headed downstairs for a glass of milk. She walked into the kitchen, and rolled her eyes when, she saw Kumo looking completely awestruck.
Nichole hummed being careful as she made crepes with some ricotta cheese and strawberries. She added the glaze and some puwdered sugar and whipcream. She made everyone one.

Jason sat at the table and Nichole gave him his coffee and crepe. He rose an eyebrow then took a sip of coffee. which he quickly spit out, and it hit Nichole's shirt. "TOO SWEET!" he yelled at her.

Nichole was running around in circles. "OW OW OW OWWWW! IT HURTS!!!!"
Kumo gasped as he stepped back, and his hood slipped off. He quickly pulled it back up, and his eyes grew wide. He hoped the human didn't see.

Tēru ran over to Nichole, bringing her some ice. "Here!" She shouted, holding it out.
Nichole said"thanks" turning away from everyone applying the ice. "Ow.." her ears droopped and tears brimmed her eyes.

Jason stood walking over and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Nichole? " he turned her around and saw her tears. And instantly felt bad.

Nichole hiccuped backing away shaking her head no.
Tēru glared at Jason, and walked over to the oven. "I'll finish making breakfast." She said. "Though, I've never used an oven before."

Kumo sighed releived, 'I don't think anyone saw.' He thought. Then, he heard what Tēru said. He quickly walked over to the oven, pushing Tēru out of the way.

Tēru gave an angry huff, and glared at Kumo, and then Jason again. She sat at the table, and growled.

Kumo got busy, making coffie, and oat meal. He had been in a human's house as a guest before, and had experience cooking. He brought the mug of coffie over to Jason. "Is this better?"
Jason sipped it and nodded. "Thank you." He sighed still worried about Nichole.

Nichole had bolted and hidden in the garden her food left untouched.
Kumo grabbed some food, and looked around for Nichole. "Nichole!?" He called. She should eat something, and he wanted to cheer her up.

Tēru was really pissed, she started eating, and still had a glare on her face.

Kumo stepped outside, into a beautiful garden, "Nichole!?" He called. "I uh, brought you some food!" He looked around, but didn't see her.
Nichole whimpered her ears showing behind a patch of tulips. She hiccuped rubbing at her tears. "W-why cant I do anything right?" She askef herself.

Jason finished breakfast and stood getting ready for school. He was driven by Charles leaving the three nekos alone.
Kumo sighed, and sat down. Then, he noticed to cat ears sticking out from a tulip patch. He picked the food back up, and walked over. "Uh, hi Nichole. I brought you some food." He said, smiling.

Tēru finished eating, and wondered where Kumo, and Nichole ran off to. She looked around the house, "Kumo!? Nichooooole!?" She called.

The wind blew Kumo's hood off, and his neko ears showed. His tail was still covered by the cloak, and he sat down.

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