Neko for sale (redo) [Inactive]

Kumo shrugged slightly, and smiled. "Suit yourself." He said. He took a bite of food, "Mmm."

Tēru hardly heard Nichole's voice, "Coming!" She called. She ran out to the tulip patch, and looked down at the two. "What are y'all doing?"

Kumo looked up at Tēru, and blushed. "I-I was just bringing her breakfast." He said.
Tēru shoved Kumo over, with spilt the oat meal. She sat next to Nichole, "It's okay." She said. "Jason's just a picky jerk. I'm sure the coffie was delicious." She loved sweet things, and wanted to cheer Nichole up.

Kumo fell, and the fur on his tail poofed up. He looked over at the two girls, and wiped oat meal off of his face. "Ouch." He said.
Kumo felt like he was being ignored, and stood up. "I'll be inside." He said. He walked to the house, and found a towel. He cleaned off the oat meal all over his face, and sighed.

Tēru hugged Nichole, "Well, just tell me or Kumo if you get hungry." She said. She stood up, grabbing the dishes on the ground, and stumbled, dropping a few.
Kumo took off his cloak, and smoothed the fur on his tail. He sighed, noticing milk, and oats in the fur. He found the bathroom, and took a shower.

Tēru made her way to the house, and started washing the dirt, oat meal, milk, an whipped cream off of the dishes.
Nichole soon cried herself to sleep in the garden. She slept til noon and stirred stahgering into the house. Nichole ran into the door amd slid down grass on her cheeks. "Ow."
Kumo finished his shower, and headed to his room. He curled up in his blanket, and took a nap.

Tēru decided to go check on Nichole, and found her in cat form, laying on the ground. She bent down, "It's lunch time. Are you hungry?" She said.
Tēru got a pot, and placed it on the stove. "Okay, what do we have here?" She wondered, as she looked around. She grabbed a can of beans, and sniffed at it. "Ew." She grabbed some chocolate syrup, and sniffed it too. "Mmm."

Kumo slowly opened his eys, and sat up. He walked down the stairs, cloak in hand. He inched toward the kitchen.

Tēru sqeezed the whole bottle of syrup into the pot, and added tons of marshmallows. She stuck in lots of other sweet things, and turning on the stove, stirred it.

Kumo made it to the kitchen, "What are you doing!?" He asked when, he saw Tēru. He walked over, and started making actual food.
Kumo walked over to Nichole, and sat down next to her. "Was it because of the coffie? Or do you think it was something else?" He asked.

Tēru looked over at the two other nekos, "If your stomach hurts, you might not want to eat my chocolate pudding stuff." She said. She figured it would probably be kind of hard on Nichole's belly.
Kumo nodded, "Okay, I'll hurry, and make a soup, that's easy on the stomach." He said. Just in case not eating wasn't Nichole's problem. He put the broth on the stove, and added chicken, and a few veggies.

Tēru continued making her evil chocolate concoctain, and smiled. "I think the food will be done soon." She said.

Kumo added noddles to the broth, and stirred. He looked at Tēru's "pudding", and got a disguessed look on his face.
Tēru looked at the chocolate goop, "How can you tell?" She asked. But, then she smelt it, "I think you're right!" She removed it from the stove eye, and set it on the counter.

Kumo ran over to the pot, and lifted it up, putting an oven mitt under it. He sighed, and got back to his soup, adding salt, and pepper.

Tēru glared at Kumo, it was like he thought he knew everything. She scooped up some pudding stuff, and put it in a bowl. "Who wants some?" She asked.

"I don't." Kumo said, with a smile. He finished the soup, and turned off the stove. "Who wants some soup?"

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