Neko for sale (redo) [Inactive]

Tēru heard Nichole hissing, and changed into her cat form. The milk bottle landed on one of the pillows on the floor, and she had already eaten the brownie. She stepped out of the room, and noticed Nichole. She looked threatened, and was backed against a wall.

Tēru would have run over, and scratched Jason all up, if the collar would let her. Instead, she slowly walked over, staying low. She didn't want to startle Nichole, and have her attack her. She slowly inched nect to Nichole, and mewed in a calming tone. She hoped it would work, as she gave Jason a look that meant 'back off'.
Jason glared and picked Nichole up by the scruff of her neck. "Listen here. I can do anything I want with you so dont piss me off. I could've let you starve but I didnt. Consider yourself lucky. " dropping her.

Nichole cried out changing back and held her ankle. She coward pressing against the wall.
Tēru was more pissed than that human could ever be, and she rubbed against Nichole's leg, comfortingly. She stepped back, and shifted, glaring at Jason. She looked at Nichole's ankle, "Are you okay?" She asked.
Tēru frowned, and silently cursed Jason. She stood up, and helped Nichole up. She helped her to her room, and set her on her bed. "I'll be in my room." Tēru said, turning around.
Kumo laughed to himself, as he watched the neko catchers run under the tree he was in. After they passed, he hopped down, dusting himself off, and smiling widely. His tail swayed, and he ran to where he'd been living for a while. He grabbed an old cloak, and slipping it on, got ready to go to town. The cloak hid both his ears, and tail. He headed out of the woods, and toward the town. 
Tēru looked over at her dresser, and walked over to it. She opened the drawer, taking out a few sweets, she walked to Nichole's room. "I brought some sweets, if you want them." She said, holding them out.
Tēru set the sweets down, "It's no problem." She said. She began to walk off, and then stopped. "Oh, ring the bell on your collar if you need me." She smiled, and walked back to her room

Kumo snickered as he walked through the streets, and he stopped as he saw a mansian. 'I'd live like a king there. As long as they'd never find out I'm a neko.' He thought. 'I know! I'll go acting all poor, and lost. Then, stay with the people who live there for one or two day, and thn bust out.' He walked up to the door, and rang the doorbell.

((Kumo's at Jason's house.))
Kumo fell to his knees, careful not to have the hood slip off. "Please, please let me stay with you sir!" He begged. "I'm hungry, and lonely, and lost! I'll only be here for one or two days! Please!"
Charles said"I'll have to ask the young master." Leading him inside and asked him to stay in the front while he went to talk to jason.

Jason sighed and walked to the front. "Who are you?"
Kumo looked over at the man who spoke to him, "I-I'm Kumo, a-and I would like to know if I can stay here for one or two days! P-please sir!" He started begging again, he was desperate to stay at this house.
Jason said"you may. Charles show him to his room please. " running a hand through his blue hair.

Charles led kumo to his room and said"do you need anything? "

Nichole was now awake padding around in cat form. She gently hopped onto a window sil looking at the moon.
Kumo shook his head, slowly so that the hood stayed in place. "No, t-thank you." He said, as he walked further into the room. "Close the door when you leave, please."
Charles closed the door and walked to his room going to bed.

Nichole's black fur shone in the moonlight. She smiled softly always admiring the moon. She sighed and cganged back humming.
Kumo sighed in releif, "It worked." He said. He took off the cloak, and scratched his white ear. He yawned, plopping down on the bed.

Tēru smelt a new smell, a neko. But, it definintly wasn't Nichole. She stepped out of her room, and looked for Nichole. She figured she might want to check it out with her.
Tēru spotted Nichole, and whispered. "Hey, Nichole? Do you smell that?" She asked. "There's another neko here." She was angry about a neko intruding on their tarritory, and was planning on getting rid of him/her. (Him…e.e)

Kumo smiled, and began to relax. He didn't even notice the smells of the other nekos. He was just glad to be sleeping in a bed.
Tēru walked along, until Nichole stopped. "Do you think they're in here?" She whispered.

Kumo thought he heard whispering outside of his door, but brushed it off, and smiled. He was relaxed, and wasn't going to get up because of nothing.
Kumo jumped up, and slipped on his cloak. "It's probably the buttler." He mumbled. Before he opened the door, he made the goofy smile on his face vanish. But, it quickly returned as he opened the door. 'Nekos.' He thought. 'L-l-like me!' He looked both ways, and then slipped off the hood.

Tēru hissed at the male neko, "Why are you on our tarritory!?" She tried to stay quiet, but ended up speaking louder than she'd hoped.

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