Neko for sale (redo) [Inactive]

Tēru looked around for the kitchen, then finally found it. She'd never made tea before, but because of the collar she had to bring Jason some.

Tēru grabbed the kettle, and filled it with water. She found a mug, and set it on a table. She looked around, and got a tea paket, sticking it in the mug. When the water boiled, she poured it in the cup. "But, I heard tea was good with honey." She said. She got some honey, and sqeezed a lot into the cup.

"I think I heard cinnomon is too." She sprinkled some in.

"And milk, and herbs." She added milk, and some random herbs.

She took the tea pack out, and stirred the tea. She put it on a platter, and carefuly took it to Jason. "Here it is!" She shouted as, she walked in the room.
Tēru tilted her head, confused. "Water, whatever they put in those tea packs, half the bottle of honey, a bit of cinomon, some milk, and random herbs I found in the cabnits." She said.
Tēru glared at Jason, and took the "tea", taking a sip. "Mm, yum." She said, as she wlked back to her room. She sat on her bed, and drank her breakfast.
Tēru finished the "tea", and set the mug on a desk. She looked around her room, suddenly in a bad mood, and growled. "Owners." She said with a huff. She shifted into a cat, and hurried under the bed.

Sakura looked at her collar, she wasn't sure if this owner would be mean if she didn't obey, and she wasn't sure if she would, or could. "N-no, leave it on." She whispered.
Nichole wondered around the mansion and sneaked into the kitchen smelling sweets. Nichole got a cinnamon bun and went to her room.

Jason felt something admiss and sighed. "NICHOLE!"
Tēru heard Jason being needy, and impatient again. She sighed, and rolled her eyes. "Stupid owners." She mumbled. She layed down, wishing she was free. She had as much rights as those owners.
Nichole walked to his study dull.

Jason walked up to her and said"did you ask me if you could have one?"

Nichole blinked her eyes they returned to normal and she said"n-no master Jason." Whimpering. SMACK!

Nichole fell holding her cheek.
Tēru lifted her head, it sounded like someone had been hit. She crept out from under the bed, and peeked out the door. She looked around, and her claws forced themselves out.
Nichole trembled tears going down her face and went cat.

"Now get out of my sight."said Jason. Nichole ran out,still in her cat form, crying and to her room.
Tēru saw a cat run by, 'Was that …Nichole?' She thought. Then, she shrugged. 'Oh, well.' She walked back into her room, and sighed.
Sakura stepped inside of the house, and looked around. It wasn't huge, but it was way bigger than the one room shack, Sakura was born in. She didn't know how to react to the wonderful home. Say thanks? Say nothing? Give her owner a hug? She didn't know, but she didn't mind being in the dark sometimes. She definitly wasn't scared of it.
DemonicAngel said:
DemonicAngel submitted a new role play:
Neko for sale (redo) - The market is open time to pick out your very own neko.

Read more about this role play... 
If your a neko you start here: The new load of neko slaves was set outside in the open air market, you sit in one of the cages upon cages were stacked out in the mid morning heat. Potential owners would soon flood in looking for slaves. All kinds of nekos sat in the cages some shy and sweet, some calm and uncaring, and some angry and hostile. And there would be just as many kinds of owners. Soon the gates were opened and the buyers came in pushing and shoving for the first pick of the best nekos.

If you are a potential owner you start here: You wake up early for the open air market, and head out after getting ready. For whatever your reasons you're going to buy a neko(s) today. But which one will you get and how will you treat your neko? What kind of relationship will you have?
The young Neko girl lay nearly motionless in her kennel at market. After years of being here, she was sure that her time would never come. As the Keeper walked by, throwing food into cages, Melody yelped. 

[QUOTE="Melody Frazier]The young Neko girl lay nearly motionless in her kennel at market. After years of being here, she was sure that her time would never come. As the Keeper walked by, throwing food into cages, Melody yelped.

No, I haven't
"One You are free to roam the house except my bedroom, two after 10:30 don't be to loud, three dom't disturb me while I'm reading." Sukuzī finished and began again "Your room is this one." Sukuzī walked to a room door just the slightest bit open.
Tēru could smell another neko nearby, and knew it was Nichole. After all, it was illegal for owners to have more than two nekos. She sighed, laying down on one of the pillows on the floor.
Tēru turned, and looked at Nichole. She felt bad for her, and shifted back. "Neither do I." She said. "If I could I WOULD scratch that guy's eyes out." She was proud of her opinion, and also wanted to comfort Nichole. That was how she knew to cheer other nekos up, threatening their problems.
[QUOTE="Melody Frazier]The young Neko girl lay nearly motionless in her kennel at market. After years of being here, she was sure that her time would never come. As the Keeper walked by, throwing food into cages, Melody yelped. 

No, I haven't


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