Neko for sale (redo) [Inactive]

Tēru smiled, and moved closer to Nichole. "No problem." She said. "He did insult my tea." She joked around, hoping to cheer her up even more. "That was my breakfast, and I'm very hungry… He isn't feeding us." She stretched, and leaned against the wall.
Tēru laughed, not at Nichole, but, at herself. "I always have a sweet tooth." She said. Then, she noticed something. "Wait, were you sneaky? Did you make it to your room?" She had to know, cause' a creepy feeling was creeping up her spine.
Tēru's eyes grew wide, were there camras covering the house. "How?" She wondered aloud. She was feeling really creeped out, and grabbed her legs. "N-nichole? A-are you f-feeling a little c-creeped out?" She usually didn't stutter at all, but it was to scary.
Nichole said"y-yes." Clinging to her then turned cat and ran under the bed.

Jason sighed and felt bad for what he did. He went to Nichole's room with some sweets but noticed she wasn't there.
Tēru also shifted, and slipped under the bed. She felt safe underneath it, and she layed down near the back. She was slightly shaking, and licked her paw to get her mind off of Jason.
Nichole sniffed and smelled sweets. She crept out and to her room.

Jason was looking around the mansion for her.

Nichole found the basket of sweets and picked up the basket in her jaws scampering back to teru's room.
Tēru saw Nichole coming back with a basket of sweets, and practicly forgot about her earlier creepy thought. She crept over to Nichole, helping her carry it the rest of the way. She looked at, and smelled all the treats, her stomach growling.
Tēru followed Nichole's lead, and changed back. She grabbed a sweet roll, and almost took a bite, but stopped. It would be polite to thank Nichole for sharing first. "Uh, thank for bringing these in here." She said.
Tēru bit into the sweet roll, and smiled widely. She hadn't eaten something sweet in such a long time. Her tail swayed in happy, excited movements. "Mmmmmmm." She said. She licked her lips, and took another bite.
Tēru quickly finished the roll, and grabbed a cookie, basicly shoving it into her mouth whole. She grabbed three brownies, and started eating one after the other. She was having one of the best times of her life, and was very happy.
Tēru finished all three brownies she grabbed, and sighed. She grabbed a bottle of milk, it was very convenent that there were two. She opened it, taking a drink. Then, she stopped for a second, she must have looked like a pig. She shrugged, not really caring, and took another drink.

(( I really do bet she looks like a pig. Lol. (O: ))
Tēru ate one more roll, and rubbed her belly. "Mmm." She sighed. She chugged some milk, and leaned against the wall. She grabbed another brownie, and this time just nibbled at it, with the ocacinal sip of milk.
Tēru laughed slightly as Nichole started napping. She continued eating her brownie, and stood up, picking up the basket of sweets. She hid them in the dresser, just in case someone wanted to take them. She layed on her bed, and continued eating.
Tēru felt agitated, annoyed, and just plain pissed when, Jason came in the room. She got even more uncomfortable as he picked Nichole up. She growled under her breath, and took a quick drink of milk. She didn't trust, or like that guy.

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