Neko for sale (redo) [Inactive]

Kumo brought some soup to Nichole, "H-here." He said. He blushed, as he walked away to get him some food.

Tēru took a bite of the goop, "Mm." She said. It was actually disguessting, but she wanted to prove Kumo wrong.

Kumo grabbed a bowl, and put soup in it. He walked over to the table, and sat down, taking a bite.
Nichole ate some soup and her tail wagged. She gobbled it down her ears perking up. She placed down her bowl with a content sigh and had a noodle mustache. Nichole hiccuped and blushed.
Kumo laughed, and also blushed. He got the strangest feeling around Nichole. It wasn't bad, but it was odd. "Do you want more?" He asked, with a big goofy grin on his face.

Tēru took another bite, and felt sick to her stomach. "I'll be right back!" She said, running to the bathroom.
Kumo stood up, and took Nichole's bowl. He carried it over to the soup, and filled it up, bringing it back to Nichole. "Uh, I-I can make a cake. If you'd l-like." He said.

Tēru wiped her mouth, "Ew." She mumbled. She walked out of the bathroom, and grabbed a new bowl, getting some soup, and sitting down.

Kumo laughed, "I see you changed your mind, Tēru." He said. Then, waited for Nichole's answer to cake.
Kumo smiled, "Okay, coming right up." He said, standing up. He got to work on the batter, and turned to Nichole. "Is there any icing around, or do I need to make it myself?" He asked.

Tēru growled at Kumo, and took a bite of soup. An, "Mmm." Escaped her mouth, and she ate the rest of the soup quickly.
Kumo nodded, and checked. "Yup, here it is." He said. He was sitting on the counter, and practicly his whole face was in the cabinet. His tail was swaying, excitedly. He hopped down, and continued making the cake.
Kumo's ears stood up straight, as he felt something grab his tail. He turned, and saw Nichole. Blushing, he cleared his throat, "I-uh, do you mind?" He asked.
Kumo tilted his head, he got playful sometimes, but that was sudden. He blushed, and got back to the cake.

Tēru noticed both Nichole, and Kumo blush. If this kept happening, she might need to have a girl to girl chat with Nichole about her 'love life'.
Tēru smiled, 'Or maybe we'll talk tonight.' She thought.

Kumo slid the cake layers into the oven, and smiled. "Make sure to be quiet." He whispered. "Or the cake will go flat."
Kumo shrugged, "Because, the cake'll go flat." He said. "I don't know why, but it will." He walked in a circle around the table, "So, N-Nichole? C-could you show m-me around the h-house?"
Kumo followed Nichole, and blushed. His tail swayed excitedly, as they walked down the halls.

Tēru secretly followed the two "love cats". She put her own spin on the saying, love birds. She crept around, and spied on them.
Nichole showed him the libary, ball room, her room, a few bedrooms and bathrooms, her room, teru's room and went outside showing him the garden again. She laid down on the grass letting the sun warm her. "Purrrr.." her tail swished as she smiled.

Jason was on his way home from his school day at college. He sighed and drank some champagne.
Kumo forgot about his cloak, which he left on the kitchen floor. He layed down next to Nichole in the grass, and purred. Nekos loved the sun, it was part of the 'cat in them'.
Kumo blushed, and purred louder. He scooted a little closer to Nichole, and looked at the clouds.

Tēru gasped, 'We're definately having that talk tonight.' She thought.
"I will call you whatever you wish. Would you prefer one over the other?" Joen asked cocking his head to the side. His hands folded respectfully behind his back. His tail swished back and forth brushing against the wall behind him.
Nichole's heart beated a bit faster. She looked up at kumo blushing.

Jason got out of the limo and decided to visit the garden. And those two were B-U-S-T-E-D! "WTH!" jason shouted.

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