Neko for sale (redo) [Inactive]

Kumo looked over at Nichole, his face was still red from crying. But, he had a smile on his face, "Where?" He asked.

Tēru wandered into the room that Kumo used to be staying in. It still smelt like him, and she sighed. Now that he was gone, she missed him. She also felt bad for Nichole, she could tell the two liked each other.
Nichole had found this place when she was exploring. She held his hand and ran down a forest path into a clearing. A cabin was hidden in the forest. "M-maybe we can fix it up?"
Kumo looked it over, and smiled wider. Instead of his soft smile, his goofy grin was back. "We can definitly gix it up." He said. His tail was swaying excitedly, and popped out of the cloak, not hidden any more.
Kumo was surprised, but in a good way. He hugged Nichole, then had an idea. "I know!" He said. "Maybe my power to talk to animals will help with decorating!" He looked back and forth, "Do you see any animals we can ask for help?"
Joen was a bit taken aback. "Haven't I any duties, Master?" He asked deciding it best to stick with the formal title.
Kumo nodded, and slowly approached the deer, "Hi guys." He whispered. They turned to look at him, looking interested in conversation. "Y'all are very fast. Would you like to race?" The deer seemed to nod, and Kumo smiled.

Kumo pointed to one spot, "This is where we start." He said. He pointed to a further off spot, "That's the finish." Both him, and the deer got at the start. "Ready, set, go!" He ran off, and so did the deer.

The deer quickly beat him, and they came back. "Okay, now that we've raced, could you ladies, and gentlemen help us?" Kumo asked, and they gave a nod.

"Thank you." Kumo said. He walked over to Nichole. "They'll help. What should they do?"
Kumo told the deer what they should do, and they got busy. He walked over to the rabbits next, "Hi." He said cheerily. "Want to pick onions with me?" The fluffy bunnies nodded, and they got busy.

The rabbits, and Kumo finished, "Now that y'all have food, can you help us?" He asked, they nodded. "What can they do?"
Kumo told them, and walked over to the birds. "Hi." He said soothingly. The birds freaked out, and flew away. Kumo wondered why, as his cat tail swayed.
Kumo shrugged, and stepped over to the cabin. He started cleaning up, "Hey, Nichole?" H asked. "Where are we going to get new furnature, and more wood?"
The long fur on Kumo's tail got caught on a nearby bush, and he winced when, he took a step. He untangled it, getting back to work.
Kumo hummed while he worked, and his tail fur got stuck in a crack in the wood. He fell over, "Cursed tail!" He hissed. He got it unstuck, and angrily got back to work.
Kumo finished what he was doing, and looked down at his tail. There was twigs, and pieces of wood in the fur. He was going to need a brush for this job.

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