Neko for sale (redo) [Inactive]

Kumo splashed the water onto his head, and started to think aloud. "How could Nichole like a bear more than me? What does that bear have that I don't? Does she like him because he's fluffy? Oh wait, I'm fluffy too." He said. "Maybe it's because I'm not all fluffy…" He stood up, and walked deeper into the forest near his cave. He hadn't gotten all the food, he couldn't by himself without several trips.

Tēru wondered where Nichole was, and got to work, cooking breakfast for herself.
Kumo stepped into his old home, and picked a bunch up. But, maybe to much, he couldn't really see where he was going. He got lost for a moment, and didn't know it, but walked right past Nichole. He dropped a bag of cookies, and they landed on Nichole's face. He kept walking, not noticing.
Nichole washed off her nose and looked in a mirror. It had a cut on it from the plastic. Nichole sighed and said"im over here..." her voice barely audible.
Kumo had to perk up his ears to hear Nichole, "Oh, okay." He said. "Well, goodbye. I'm going to be staying with my animal friends, and y-you can stay with your's." He turned around, and started to walk away.
Kumo stopped, "I-I like you." He said. "The problem is, you don't like me. Y-you're ditching me for the bear." He started to walk again, dropping things as he did.
Kumo stopped again, dropping everything he was holding. He turned around, "R-really?" He asked quietly. "Well, c-could you ask Kouji to stop insulting me?"
Kumo followed Nichole to the cave, "I'll have to go tell the animals I'm moving back into my hide out." He said. "And take all that food."
Kumo glared, and then also glommped Nichole. He was going to hug her until, the bear stopped. So, the hug might last a while, but it might not.

((Glomp is one of the best words/sound efects ever! Well, at least in ouran high. >.<))
Kumo let go of Nichole, "N-Nichole?" He sked. When she didn't answer, he started freaking out. He ran around, and his breathing sped up. Eventualy, he too, passed out. Because, of worrying so much.

((Happy happy joy joy! Not. >.>))

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