Neko for sale (redo) [Inactive]

Nichole woke the next morning and snuggled more into his plush fur. She smiled and stretched. The two went to the river, Nichole riding on his back. She petted him giggling.
Nichole laughed splashing water on the bear and they caught some fish. Nichole sat in the cool shaklow end and licked her lips as she ate the fish.
Kumo laughed, and jumped all the way into the stream. The water was calm, and cool. He sighed, "If there was a crab, and a waterfall, this would be almost just like the first time I went swimming." He said.
Nichole smiled walking back to kumo's cave leaving a basket of blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries." She and kouji walked to the mansion giving the other three baskets to jason, Charles, and teru.
Kumo hopped around in the water, and laughed. He was soaking wet, and cold. He climbed out, and heaed back to the cave, finding berries. He picked them up, "I wonder who left these." He said. He put them further in the cave, eating few. "I think I'll go visit Nichole, and them for breakfast." He slipped on his cloak, and headed out.

The sopping wet neko boy, rang the door bell. "Guys?" He whispered. "It's your old pal, Kumo. Open up."
Nichole blinked opening the door kouji next to her. "Hi kumo." Letting him inside. Kouji roared some following Nichole. He had bexame protective of her.
Kumo turned to the bear, "Hey!" He said. "I take offence to that!" He then looked at Nichole, and smiled. "You got any extra…boys clothes stored somewhere?" He was soaking wet, and dripping water on the nice floor of the mansain.
"Yeah, same to you, pal!" Kumo said to Kouji "You don't have to be so rude! Besides, I've known Nichole for-" He stopped to think. "Like four days!" He took the clothes, "I'll go change." He walked into the bathroom.

((How does Nichole know Kouji's name? She doesn't talk to animals…))
(She decided to name him -smiles-)

Nichole sweatdropped and tilted her head confused. Kouji followed Nichole to her room and laid on the floor. Nichole smiled petting the bear.
Kumo frowned, as he changed. "Stupid bear!" He grumbled. "He thinks he knows everything! How is it fair that he can keep me away from Nichole!? I met her first! I've known her longer! We're in love!" He finished, and opened the door.

Kumo walked into the kitchen, and began making waffles. "Stupidstupidbear!" He muttered, as he cooked.
Kumo finished the waffles, and decided to go see if Nichole wanted any. He stood in the doorway to her bedroom, and his face turned red with jelousy, and anger. "You stupid bear!" He screamed. "Fine! Whatever! I'll just move to the moon! It's not like anyone would care!" He stommped out of the room, and outside. He thought Nichole was ditching him for a rude bear, and that the bear was just rubbing it in.

Kumo ran into the forest, and started packing.

((He is so jelous! X3))
(Lmao its so funny!)

Kouji smirked and Nichole stirred. "Kumo?" Sitting up rubbing her eye. She smelt the waffles and ate. Then she and kouji set off to find kumo.
((Sorry, I got kinda wrapped up in something…))

Tēru woke up, and walked into the kitchen.

Kumo grabbed a bunch of stuff, and stepped out of the cave. He walked through the forest until, he found a different small space. He crawled in, and sighed, asking the animals if he could stay with them. They let him, and he shared breakfast with them.
Kumo told the animals he'd be back, and exited the little hidden clearing. He walked over to the stream, and scooped up some water in his hands.

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