Neko for sale (redo) [Inactive]

Kumo jumped when, Nichole fell, "D-Do you need help? Is there anything I can do? Should I get someone?" He spoke fast, and took a deep breath when, he was finished.
Kumo whimpered, "M-maybe I should take a walk." He said. "I-I'll go now." He quickly walked out of the cabin.

Tēru woke up, and stretched. She was still in her cat form, but at least her fur wasn't wet. She stood up, and headed back toward the cabin.
Tēru entered the cabin, and yawned. She mewed, and layed down under a chair.

Kumo walked through the woods, nerviously. His ears twitched, and his tail made an odd swishing movement.
Nichole walked outside and sighed sitting by a lake. Her ears drooped and a few tears escaped her eyes. She had found the lake by scent now and her vision still bad.
Kumo sat on a log, "What am I going to do?" He asked himself. "I have no way to help Nichole." He picked up a rock, and threw it. Then he saw something a little bit away, and noticed it was a neko catcher. He had to think fast, picking up a rock, he threw it in the opisite direction, and ran. He got to the cabin, and put on his cloak. He closed the door, crawling underneath the table.
Kumo whimpered, as he peered out from under the table.

Tēru looked over at Kumo, "What's wrong?" She asked.

Kumo turned, "N-n-neko catchers." He whispered.

Tēru's eyes widened, she was safe because, she was owned. But, Kumo was in trouble if they found their way to the cabin.
Kumo peered out the window, one of the catchers was nearby. He whimpered, and crawled back under the table. He heard someone knock on the door.

Tēru shifted, and walked over to the door. She opened it, a catcher was right there. "Hello." He said.

"Hello." Tēru replied. "What do you want?"

The catcher looked closely at Tēru's collar, "Where's your owner?" He asked.
Jason walked up and said"I am her owner. What is it?" Glaring. Nichole sneaked up behind one of them with a growl. No one was taking kumo away from her. Even when he was hopeless at the time.
The catcher looked over at Jason, "Y-you live here sir?" He asked. It was a little odd, since nekos cost so much.

Tēru glared at the catcher, and stepped back inside. She glanced over at Kumo for a moment, and then back at the catcher.

Kumo's ears flattened underneath the hood of his cloak. But, his fluffy tail had slipped out from under the coat, and was pretty close to a lose peice of wood on the table.
Kumo's tail got caught on the lose peice of wood, and he whimpered. It hurt, and he tried to get it untangled.

The catcher shouted, and tried to stan up. Knocking Nichole off of himself, he growled.
Nichole stood and hissed at him. Nichole turned cat and attacked. Her eyes going red again. Charles helped kumo while the catcher was distracted.
The tangles in Kumo's tail wouldn't let up, even when, Charles started helping. Kumo tried to just pull away, but it didn't help, just hurt. He yowled, and stopped pulling, deciding to work at the knots.

The catcher screamed, as Nichole attacked him. His friends came trying to help him, and grabbed Nichole's tail.
The catchers screamed in fear, and pain. Most began to run off, abandoning the others. Some even pushed eachother over, as they tried to get them eaten.

Kumo finally got his tail unstuck, and hid in a different spot, under the bed.
The catchers ran off like the cowards they were, and headed back toward the town. But, that wasn't good, they'd probably get better equipment, and people. They'd come back, and maybe even catch Kumo.

Tēru gave Kumo a signal, that meant it was safe. She was still freaked out at the scene she just saw, but at least Nichole hadn't killed the people.

Kumo slipped out from under the bed, and ran over to Nichole. "Are you feeling okay? You didn't hurt yourself, did you?" He asked.


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